《How to Survive in Black Butler (Black Butler x Reader)》Chapter 20


I sighed and got in my bed without changing since I was going to have to go out anyways. I heard people yelling outside and stood up. "Guess that's my cue" I mumbled out as I opened the door. I followed the voices and saw everyone with confusion on their faces.

"What's goin' on here?!What's all the fuss about?!" Bard questioned with worry, and a pillow in his arms. Cute.

Angela had her arms over her heart in worry, "The demon hound is here." she said.

"Demon Hound?" Everyone else questioned. I stood next to Sebastian and Ciel and saw their faces. Both of them had that 'yeah sure okayyyy' face. I snickered under my breath and saw Ciel give me glance and maybe, I'm going to sound crazy, barely noticeable smile.

"It brings great catastrophe to the village.Anyone who dares to defy my master will be punished by the demon hound.That's the law here; there is no way to stop it." Angela fretted.

"Tragic." I grumbled out followed by another of my famous eye rolls. I turned to face Ciel and Sebastian before I spoke, "I'm going back to bed since this is bs".

"Alright then, I will speak to you tomorrow about something, (Y/N)" Sebastian stated before he walked away to follow the rest of the crowd.

I looked at Ciel and noticed something off about him. I saw he looked at me from the corner of his eye but was startled, he didn't know I was already looking at him. He turned around to face me and a light blush coated his cheeks.

"W-What are you staring at?" Ciel sputtered out in embarrassment. He crossed his arms defensively and took a step back.

I chuckled and took a step closer " What were you looking at? Oh and by the way, something's different about you and I can't put my finger on it." I mused out before staring some more.

Ciel's eyebrows knitted together, "Different? Have you gone mad? Nothing's different." Ciel was suddenly getting very defensive, like he was hiding something.

"Alright alright no need to get so defensive. I'll be off now. Bye " I said before patting his head. He swatted my hand and I just giggled before walking back inside. Welp now time to look for the room.


I lay on my nice, comfy , and warm bed. And I thought that the servant's room would be bad. Silly me. I felt someone shaking me and I opened one eye.

"Goodmorning (Y/N), nice of you to finally wake up," Sebastian said with that fake ass smile.

"I did not wake up to hear you be all sassy with me. What do you want?" I questioned, obviously I was irritated he woke me up, and with him being sassy, it didn't exactly help.

"As you may know, we are on vacation so we are going to be heading out for a picnic. I have gotten you a swimsuit. Please get ready." Sebastian said while he handed me a dress and what appeared to be a swimsuit.

I groaned and flopped on my bed, "Ughhh why? What if I want to spend my vacation sleeping?" I complained while covering myself with the blanket.

"Well, if you don't want to do it, I can always help." Sebastian whispered in my ear. I immediately sat up and a disgusted look crossed my face.


"Why do you have to be so perverted!?" I yelled as I threw a pillow at his face. With ease he caught it and placed it neatly on the bed again.

"It's the only way I can get you to do something. An maybe one day you will accept my offer, so that too. Now run along, we are leaving in fifteen minutes." And with that he left the room, leaving the bathing suit and dress on my bed. I got up and looked at the bathing suit. Was this thing 100 years old?!

Guess I have to semi-modernize it.

~And ANOTHER timeskip~

"Ah! I haven't been to a proper swimming hole in ages!The water is so nice and warm!" Bard exclaimed as he and Finny splashed in the water. We made it to the beach and Mey-Mey-Rin and I had to change. I let her go first and she was changing right now.

"Maybe it's warm because you peed in it Bard!" I snickered. Finny looked like he believed me and distanced himself from Bard.

"W-WHAT OF COURSE NOT! FINNY COME HERE SHE WAS KIDDIN' " Bard yelled as he chased after Finny. I chuckled at the sight and knocked on the changing room.

"Mey-Rin, you done in there?" I asked.

Mey-Rin's embarrassed face poked out and she shook her head violently, "No! I can't go out there. It's too embarrassing!".

"Ah come on, I'm sure you'll look fine" I coaxed before continuing, "And maybe you can show Sebastian what he's missing out on~".

"Oh, this is absolutely humiliating!" she said as she came out. Finny and Bard stopped running around and they just stared at Mey-Rin.

I pushed her towards them and loudly yelled "YOU GO GURL! WORK IT!". And with that I made my graceful disappearance into changing room. The old bathing suit was like from the prehistoric ages so I decided to tweak it a bit. After changing I put on a cover up (That I also made out of some spare fabric that Mey-Rin had) and walked out. think that I did a pretty good job on it.

"(Y-Y/N), that's a n-nice swimsuit" Bard sputtered out as he ogled my legs.

"Thanks I made it myself... and my face is up here" I said boredly while directing his attention away from my legs. I know that they aren't used to seeing a lot of leg so I don't blame them for staring.

"You look wonderful (Y/N)" Finy said with a sheepish smile. I gave him a nice smile and got into the water with Mey-Rin.

"Wow (Y/N) you look absolutely beautiful, yes you do!"Mey-Rin gushed out as she circled me like an eagle.

"You look good too! Sebastian is missing out," I said while a wild blush spread on her face.

"He looks so good just standing there I wish he could- ah never mind I shouldn't be thinking such naughty things." Mey-Rin said embarrassedly. I played around with the servants in the water for a good while but a commotion interrupted us. Villagers were running in one direction and I immediately got out. This was the part when they kill that dog! I have to help, (even though I didn't do anything to help the human).

I changed quickly and ran in the direction everyone else was running to. Ciel, Mey-Rin, Finny and Bard were all right behind me. I quickly stopped as I looked at the angry crowd while they yelled mean things I tried looking over but all I could see were heads. I heard dogs barking and a dog whimpering in pain and I pushed my way through the crowd.


"(Y/N)! Where are you going?!" Ciel yelled as I weaved my way through the crowd. I made my way to the front with Finny right behind me. He grabbed a wooden pole and shoved the dogs off. I made my way to injured dog and started to pet it. People yelled in anger and were demanding that we be punished while Ciel, Mey-Rin, and Bard looked at them in disbelief. I kept my eyes on the dog and continued to try to comfort it with Finny.

"It's okay boy, you were good, I know that your owner is so proud. Don't give up, come on boy" I whispered. The dog nuzzled into my hand and let out a whine, next thing you know Ciel and I were being chained while the servants were being tied to a stake.

"Master, I beg you, show mercy this one time!These people don't deserve the punishment!" Angela pleaded with Lord Barrymore. I rolled my eyes again, even if we are in a dire situation like this I can not put up with her bs.

"You have a point. This little Pomeranian is the Queen's guard dog after all.If he can be made to see reason, perhaps I'll decide to let him go. Leave this village immediately, and advise Her Majesty never to send her minions near it again!" he yelled.

"You're so pathetic. You rely on lowly tricks to retain your meager power.If there's a stubborn dog here, I'd say I'm looking at him." Ciel said nonchalantly. I loudly gasped as I looked in between the two.

"Roasted and toasted like a marshmallow! Savage of the year goes to Ciel!" I exclaimed as I looked at Ciel in astonishment. Ciel simply scoffed but I sensed pride when I complimented him. I think he should have picked up that word when we were back in my world.

"Shut up you bitch!" He yelled. I was going to say something but he decided to interrupt, "Is that your final choice?

You can learn what happens to dogs that challenges me!Get them!" Lord Barrymore yelled as snarling dogs were released. They were starting to get a little to close for my liking and I got nervous. Wasn't Sebastian supposed to save us now?

Just as the dogs were seconds from killing us, Sebastian finally decided to show up.

"You cut that close." Ciel stated while motioning the dogs nearly three feet away from us.

"Yeah like wtf Sebastian we could've been mauled to death and you would only find our bones!" I yelled.

"It won't happen again, trust me." Sebastian sad as he looked at the both of us. I just sighed and tried to cross my arm... but you know, they were chained.

"Your pitiful farce ends here, Barrymore!Listen, there is no demon hound!It's all a lie!There's just him, an old man obsessed with power, determined to keep it no matter what!" Ciel roared out to the crowd.

"What?! What evidence do you have?" Barrymore asked with nervousness lacing his voice. Caught him.

"There's this.We found it in your mansion.I took the liberty of confirming that the teeth marks on James matched the teeth in this skull.Do you see it now? The truth behind the demon hound.Its shadow is nothing but a projection. Just a transparent trick.The glowing is phosphorescent dust sprinkled on a normal dog." Sebastian started while showing the dust he then let Ciel take over, "The demon dog is merely an illusion, a story made up by an evil man.

The man you let rule your village. This man, Henry Barrymore!"

"EXPOSED" I yelled in the background. I started to look at the dog and somber feeling took over. I should've come sooner. I stopped paying attention to the exposing session and looked up at the crowd. Anger, confusion, and betrayal in all of their faces.

They finished talking and Lord Barrymore was taken under arrest. Before we left though Finny crouched down to the dead dog.

"You were one amazing pup. A loyal dog defending his master to the very end...You were a good boy... Such a good boy..." Finny murmured as he put the dog on his lap. Oh shit the feels. I put my arm on Finny's shoulder and he looked up at me.

"It's okay Finny. The dog is in a better place now. Let's go get some rest." I said softly. Finny stood up and we went towards the manor.


When we went to the manor I quickly dismissed myself and went to bed. Well, not exactly. I went outside (not before stealing some snacks) and let the rain cool me down. I sat on the steps and started to eat my yummy snacks. That's when I heard someone shuffling around.

"Ohhh scary, I'm so frightened I hope nothing comes out to kill me" I say in a overly high pitched voice. I observe for a while and I see no movement so I decide to go back inside. But before I went inside, I heard a twig snap. Stading there was a naked, silver-haired man. Oh did I mention naked? Like butt naked? A very familiar butt-naked man.

The male sniffed the air and stared at my hand. Oh shit. It wants my cookie. He started to growl and come near me.

"Woah there boy. Let's calm down okay? Pluto right? Yeah, I know you, well never met you, but hey it still counts." I said as I inched back, cookie still in hand. He began to growl and fully sprinted towards me. Sebastian tamed this thing right? I have to do it if I don't want to get mauled. As he got closer, I decided to stay in my spot.

He barreled towards me and right before he crashed into me I said in a very firm voice, "Sit Pluto." Pluto sat, in my amazement, and stared at the cookie. "I'm not going to tolerate you growling at me. You've been very disobedient and I don't want to harm you. Go back from where you came from."

Pluto whimpered and started walking away, but I couldn't stand the sight of him like that. "Pluto." I said and he turned around. I threw him the cookie and he jumped in the air to catch it. He barked happily and ran away.

I sighed in exhaustion and went back inside. Tomorrow's going to be a long day.

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