《How to Survive in Black Butler (Black Butler x Reader)》Chapter 18


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

As soon as I was out of view, I bolted up the stairs and jumped on Sebastian's back.

"Was it necessary for you to jump on me without warning?" Sebastian said while rolling his eyes. Nonetheless, he continued to walk and his arms locked around my legs.

"Yes. Yes it was," I said with a smirk on my face, "But you aren't doing anything about it are you?"

"Alright let's focus on what's important" Ciel interrupted while shaking his head. We reached the study and opened the door. I jumped on a seat and made myself comfortable

I looked at my nails and gave my opinion on this problem. "Ciel, we are sooo fucked. What are we going to say? That we were transported to different dimension? They don't even know Sebastian's a fucking demon. Like hell they would believe what we say."

"Young Master I would also like to say that we keep this a secret. By telling them, we may endanger their lives" Sebastian added.

Ciel just sighed and rubbed his temples. "I want to have the trust of my servants, but by telling them this they would most likely think I am crazy. Even worse, they could be in danger. I will not allow this," Ciel stood up and looked at us with an authoritative stare, "As the Head of the Phantomhive Household, it is my duty to protect anyone within its walls. Sebastian, come up with something that will prevent them from knowing anything that happened and prepare the carriage. That is an order."

"As you wish, M'Lord" Sebastian mused with a bow. He then stood up and walked out the room.

My mouth was slightly opened as this all happened. I never saw Ciel say something with such demand. He must really care for everyone here, even though he doesn't show it. Ciel sat back down and stared off into the distance.


"You know, you don't always have to act like taking care of the people here is your duty. It's okay to show that you genuinely care for them" I stated while walking to the door.

Ciel simply raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms. "Sometimes doing things this way makes it easier for them to let go when I am gone. After all, I can't take care of them when I am dead, now can I?"

I simply shook my head and left the room. When will he learn to put down his walls?


After changing into more "suitable" clothes we were in front of the Undertaker's shop to finally get some answers. I opened the door and the smell of death engulfed me. Perfect.

"UNDERTAKER. ADRI-I MEAN UNDERTAKER COME OUTTTT" I shouted as entered the shop with Sebastian and Ciel trailing behind me. I heard a creak and the Undertaker came out of a coffin.

"Ah dearie, you have finally come back. Now tell me how was your trip back home" the Undertaker said casually while leaning on a coffin.

"It would have been better if I wasn't DRAGGED into another ominous portal,", I barked out while slamming my hands on a coffin, "I thought I was going to die!" . Did he really think I enjoyed that??!

"What she is trying to say is: Why so suddenly?" Sebastian stated. Ciel was going to say something but Sebastian beat him to it, "My Master would also like to know what the danger was in the first place".

The Undertaker just grinned like a cheshire cat and spoke. "Well, lets sit down and have a chat". I took a seat next to the Undertaker and waved for him to tell us. Ciel sat across from us with Sebastian stood behind him.


"The reason I sent you all there on a whim was because I sensed (Y/N) was in danger."

"No shit I was about to get sliced by Grell. That little shit I swear next time I see him I'll-" I growled out, but Ciel shot me a glare and shut my mouth. I don't want him getting mad and sending Sebastian to kill me.

"As I was saying, Grell was certainly going to kill you if I didn't get you out of there and I wouldn't want my sweet getting hurt, now would I?" Undertaker cooed out. I simply just sighed and asked him another question.

"But why did you literally drag me back here. Couldn't you be, let's say, a little bit more gentle?" I questioned while showing him the new scratch I acquired while being dragged here.

"Am I not allowed to have my own fun too? After all the faces you made were quite hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing for twenty minutes!" the Undertaker cackled out while wiping a tear from his eye. I smacked him across the head and huffed.

"Is that all?" Ciel asked. Though, it seemed he was expecting more from the man.

The Undertaker scratched the back of his neck, nodded and then stood up . "As good it was to have company, I do have much work to do so if you can lead yourselves out". We stood up hesitantly and headed towards the door. I turned around to give the Undertaker a smile, but what I saw wasn't normal. The flash of a frown was present on his face, but was replaced with a smile as I turned around.

Sebastian opened the carriage and Ciel and I got in. When I looked at Ciel, he looked troubled and confused. The carriage started to move and the scenery was beautiful. A cough interrupted my thoughts and I looked at Ciel. A barely noticeable blush adorned his handsome features.

"I received a letter from the Queen about a case in Houndsworth," Ciel started but he seemed hesitant to ask "We are going to be there for a couple of days so I want to ask... will you be able to accompany us on this case?". I stared at Ciel in shock before a smile took over my features.

"Since when did the almighty Ciel ask if I would go? Even if i did say no, you would make me go anyway" I said before putting my hands behind my head.

"I suppose you are right. That was very stupid of me to ask." Ciel murmured before turning to look out the window.

"But, I do appreciate you asking." I blurted out. I quickly turned around to look the other way, but I could still feel Ciel look at me.

Why am I blushing now?

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