《How to Survive in Black Butler (Black Butler x Reader)》Chapter 17


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Do you ever get that feeling in your stomach and you feel like something is going to happen. Well that's me right now. It has been two weeks since Sebastian and Ciel came and everything was going pretty good. Both of them knew pretty much the basics now of technology. Well, except that time when Ciel was trying to use the computer and had the mouse disconnected, but that's not the point.

"Guysss I'm back!" I yelled as I set the pizza on the counter. Sebastian swiftly came down the stairs with Ciel trailing behind him.

"Finally, I was getting quite hungry. Maybe next time you should speed it up a little." Ciel said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed two slices. Sebastian served Ciel a slice and he grabbed a knife and fork and began to eat. This boy still hasn't learned how to eat pizza properly.

"If I do recall correctly Young Master, you were getting quite worried that (Y/N) wasn't back yet" Sebastian said with a smirk on face.

"W-Well of course I was. How else was I going to get food?" Ciel said quickly. He bowed his head and began to eat more quickly. He then excused himself to the bathroom.

"Sebastian can you use your demon powers to get me upstairs" I said as I put my face in front of the AC. The summer heat was beginning to take a toll on my body.

"And why would I do that?" Sebastian asked as he flipped through the T.V's channels.

"Because you adore me and you can't bare the sight of me going up those dreadful stairs and into my room" I said as I laid my hand on top of my head to add more to my drama.

"I think you are capable of doing that yourself (Y/N), but if you want..." Sebastian trailed with a creepy smile.


"If I want what?" I asked suspiciously.

Sebastian got really close to my face. My face got really red and I wanted to move but I felt like I was paralyzed. Sebastian leaned over and put his lips to my ear. "We can have some fun while we are upstairs" he whispered while his breath fanned my ear.

"NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE" I yelled with a red face as I ran upstairs.

"I just wanted to play that board game in your room" Sebastian yelled after me, but I sensed a smirk in that statement. That sly demon.

I went into my room and shut the door quickly. I slapped my face and jumped on my bed so I could cool down a little. Then a bright light came from my closet door and I let out a quick yelp in surprise.

"GUYS COME UPSTAIRS QUICK" I yelled. I heard the pounding of footsteps come up the stairs and the door open.

"What happened?" Ciel asked. I pointed at my closet door and both of their eyes opened. The bright light hasn't ceased and shone even brighter. The three of us cautiously approached the door and stopped right in front. My hand (which btw was shaking like crazy) reached for the knob. I quickly opened the closet door and saw a bright white circle where my clothes were supposed to be.

"What is that?" Ciel asked

"That seems like a portal Young Master I advise we stay back. They can suck things in very e-" but Sebastian couldn't finish before he was pulled in.

"Oh shit grab something quick!" I said as it began to pull both Ciel and I in. I reached for my bed but it was too far away and Ciel tried to grab the nightstand. Our results were futile, because we were sucked in too.


"Ughhhh my head is killing me" I said as I opened my eyes. Familiar blue skies and trees surrounded me. How did I get here? Suddenly, all my memories flooded back in and I sat up quickly. A few feet away, a passed out Ciel and Sebastian laid. I quickly scrambled over to them and checked their pulse. They were alive. Sebastian groaned and began to wake up.

"Oh my, what happened?" Sebastian asked before his eyes got wide.

"Sebastian where are we?" I asked and Ciel began to wake up too. Sebastian scanned the area and let out a quick gasp.

"We are back home" Sebastian said as he got up. "These are the woods behind the manor, maybe a ten minute trip."

"(Y/N)?Sebastian?" Ciel asked.

"Young Master, it seems like we are back home" Sebastian said. Ciel quickly shook off his dazed look and got up. He scanned the area and turned to look at Sebastian.

"It seems we are. Let's hurry back and we can discuss what just happened. I think we should also pay a visit back to the Undertaker." Ciel stated as he started to walk.

"Young Master, that is not the direction of the manor" Sebastian said as he pointed in the opposite direction "It's that way".

"O-Of course. I knew that" Ciel said as his ears turned red in embarrassment.

"What the fuck just happened?" I said still confused at the current events. Ciel shrugged and I just sighed. I checked to see if I had my phone and I didn't. Just my luck. I saw the manor and me being the impatient person I am ran to the door. Sebastian and Ciel quickly followed behind me. Sebastian outstretched his hand to knock but was beaten to it as the door was opened quickly.

"YOU ARE FINALLY BACK" Mey-Rin, Bard, and FInny yelled as they attacked us in a group hug.

"I MISSED YOU" Finny said with sobs as snot ran down his nose.

"Aww I missed you too guys" I said as I brought him closer for the hug. After a couple of minutes we finally let go and headed inside.

"It seems that the place is still in order" Sebastian mused.

"Well of course we wouldn't have messed it up in two days" Bard said.

"Wait, two days?!" I exclaimed. Sebastian and Ciel and Sebastian looked at each other in shock. In the 21st century two weeks went by but only two days here!?? Either time really goes slow here or maybe time stopped completely. I went with the latter.

"Not trying to pry young Master but where were you?" Mey-Rin asked with concern in her voice. Ciel, Sebastian, and I looked at each other until Sebastian spoke up.

"We will talk about this later but the Young Master must go catch up on work." I nodded.

"Another question sir, but what are you all wearing?" Finny said while looking at both of them and turned to me with a small blush that then spread to the the other two servants faces when they saw my exposed legs.

"As I said, all will be explained later. Now why don't you finish your duties, it seems that everything is not done properly"Sebastian said as a dark aura started to appear. The servants scrambled off to go fix their mistakes.

"Well, isn't it good to be home" Ciel said with a sigh as he headed to his study. Sebastian and I followed him, but one question remained.

What we were gonna tell them now?

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