《How to Survive in Black Butler (Black Butler x Reader)》Special Chapter 2!


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I gasped for air as I went faster. "Gimme more" I moaned out.

"Are you sure (Y/N)?" Sebastian asked.

"Yep. Just gimme me more cake I'll eat it all" I said as I shoved more pieces of the angelic cake in my mouth.

"That's what I was worried about" Sebastian said as he cut another piece of cake and put it on my plate. I finished the piece and drank a glass of milk. My belly felt like it was gonna explode but my taste buds were in pure bliss. I sighed in content and laid back on the couch.

"If I knew you could make food this good I would've bought the ingredients sooner" I said while pointing at the cake. Well, what was left of it.

"If you had known sooner, you would have died from eating too much" Ciel said as he looked at wonder at the t.v. He tried to change the channel but the remote was facing him. "You are correct" I said whilst pointing the control at the right direction.

"Why is this lady so....busty" Ciel asked with a red face as he nearly saw Kim K's boobs fall out of her dress

"Plastic surgery. Hey, change this to some quality shit" I said while changing it to Spongebob. I stood up to get my phone and scroll through Instagram. Time to stalk some people. I scrolled through and could not believe what I saw. THE AMUSEMENT PARK WAS OPEN AND MY FRIENDS "WENT WITHOUT ME.

Eh they're fake anyway.

"Guys we are heading out." grabbed my keys and headed towards the door. Ciel and Sebastian scrambled to get their shoes on and stumbled out the door.

"Where are we going?" Sebastian asked irritated because of my sudden decision.

"The amusement park." I said while heading towards the bus stop.

"Would you care to explain what that is?" Ciel said well more like commanded.

"Nope" I said while popping the p. Ciel grew an irk mark and I just smirked. Let's see how long this big boy facade can last for.



We got off the bus and pulled the two 'men' to the line. Screams of excitement and fear were heard in all directions and giant roller coasters towered above us. Ciel and Sebastian looked at each other in fear and gulped.

"What is this place" Ciel asked as we neared the front of the line.

"An amusement park. it's in the name. This place decides if you are brave or not. I love it here." I said as I spotted attractions I would totally get on.

"But what is that" Sebastian asked while pointing at a roller coaster.

"You'll find out" I said while purchasing the tickets and leading the guys toward our first destination.

"Please keep your hands in feet inside the ride at all times..." The operator on the roller coaster said but I didn't pay attention. What I did pay attention to though was the confused faces of Ciel and Sebastian as the listened to the operator's instructions. I didn't tell them what was happening but did tell them to listen to the instructions. The two sat in front while I sat behind them with no one next to me. Tragic.

"...Enjoy your ride" the operator said before the ride began to move slowly.

"W-What's h-happening (Y/N)?" Ciel said with worry lacing his voice. He held on to the bar tighter until his knuckles turned white. Before I could answer Sebastian interrupted me.

"From my observations Young Master, it seems that this metal cart will be on those tracks and will be going at an inhumane speed. I do suggest holding on" Sebastian said.

"You are correct Sebby, nice job. Maybe you are one hell of a butler" I said as we drew closer to the top. Sebastian smirked and a look of pride swept his face.

"It's about time you recognize my-" Sebastian said but was cut off because we were going barreling down the tracks.

"HAHAHA~" I screamed at the top of my lungs as my hands went up.

"AGHHHHH GET ME OFFFFF" Ciel screamed as he held on tighter to the bar. I laughed like a maniac while enjoying the wind in my face


"IT'S GOING TO DO A LOOP YOUNG MASTER HOLD ON" Sebastian yelled as we did a loop. My stomach dropped and I laughed even more.

"YOUNG MASTER HOLD ON TO ME" Sebastian yelled as Ciel's hands gripped on to Sebastian's arms like his life depended on it.

"(Y/NNNNNNNN) I AM GOING TO KILL YOU WHEN WE GET OFF" Ciel bellowed as his face lost color. Soon his head fell to the side as he passed out. What a wuss. I heard a camera click and I knew it had caught the moment. The ride slowed down and Ciel began to wake up. The bars were lifted and Ciel scrambled to get out. I fixed my crazy hair and headed towards the booth. I found our picture and purchased it.

Ciel stomped over to me with Sebastian following closely behind. "WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL WAS THAT (Y/N)?!" Ciel yelled.

"I told you a test of courage. Though it seems you failed" I said with a smirk etched on my features whilst taking out the picture. Sebastian and Ciel were sitting upfront with me in the back. I had a laughing face with glee spread all over. Ciel's passed out face was leaning on Sebastian's shoulder and Sebastian's worried eyes looked at Ciel. But a tinge of a smirk was evident in his face.

Ciel's face turned red and literally pouted. Cute.

"Alright you can redeem yourself on the next ride" I said while dragging the two to their dooms.


Evening was approaching and the park had about 30 minuted till closing time. After torturing the two with fast paced rides it was time to slow down a bit. The iconic Ferris Wheel was last. The line was super quick but we were delayed by some girls bothering Sebastian. I did not want to deal with that so I left him and got on the ride with Ciel.

"Have a nice ride" The person said before the closing the cart. Ciel looked worried but I offered him a reassuring look. He relaxed a bit and looked out the cart.

" So... did you have fun?" I asked trying to initiate a conversation.

"Fun? You are really asking me if I had fun? After being dragged to countless rides and almost puking you think that was fun?" Ciel stated with a huff. My smile dropped and I felt guilty. Did he really have no fun? Ciel glanced over at me before quickly adding.

"I did have a bit of fun though..." Ciel said with a light pink blush covering his cheeks.

"Aw you really are considerate of my feelings" I cooed out before reaching out for a hug.

"W-What n-no I am simply just stating the facts" Ciel stuttered out while trying to escape my hug. That's when the ride abruptly stopped and I fell on top of Ciel. And our lips touched.

"OH S-shit! Sorry I didn't mean to Ciel" I said with a burning feeling on my cheeks. I scrambled off and sat down in the opposite seat. Ciel's face turned like a tomato and he quickly stood up.

"N-No it's alright. It was an accident" Ciel said with his head slightly lowered. I quickly shifted my gaze when he caught me staring, but from the corner of my eye I saw a small smile form on his face. Then an uncontrollable grin found its way on my face. When it finished, we got off the ride with burning faces and averted gazes.

"Why are you two so red? Did you catch a fever?" Sebastian asked with fake concern and a small smirk. Something else was there too but it was too quick for me to find out.

"N-Nothing you idiot" I sputtered out defensively with Ciel nodding behind me, "Come on let's get going or we are going to miss our bus" I said before I scurried off.Sebastian simply followed.

What I didn't notice was the face of bliss Ciel had after I left. Someone else did though

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