《How to Survive in Black Butler (Black Butler x Reader)》Chaper 14


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Now we must take a right and hell is right around the corner"I said with a creepy smile plastered on my face.

"I swear if you are lying (Y/N) I will kill you" Ciel said with a glare that could kill me and my future children. I gulped and nodded furiously . Why am I receiving death threats? Well....


"Hurry up guys, with that pace we're gonna miss the bus" I said while pulling them along.

"I am sorry but with all these new amazing things I did not expect you to try and make me just pretend it isn't here" Sebastian said while staring in awe at vending machine. It was kinda cute. Anyway...

"Well, we should hurry up and go to the mall so you can see more 'amazing things'" I said with a quick smack on the head which knocked Sebastian back to Earth.

"THE BUS IS RIGHT THERE RUNNNNNN" I said while leaving Sebastian and Ciel in my unicorn dust.They quickly ran after me and the three of us ran to the bus like our lives depended on it. Right when the door was closing I put my hand in between the doors and looked up at the driver. He sighed like it was work to open the doors and let us in. I payed our fare and started walking down the aisle to grab onto the tube since there weren't any seats left.

"What was that (Y/N)? You could've just gave us a hint that we should follow you," Ciel said with a huff.

"If my memory is right I do remember saying 'the bus is here run'.That should've been your cue to run" I said as I searched on my phone what stop we should get off so we could reach our destination. I looked up from my phone and noticed the people on the bus staring at Ciel and Sebastian. They noticed too because whenever someone stared at Ciel Sebastian would give a dangerous smile. Such a gentleman.


"Time to get off guys" I said while pulling them off the bus with me. That was when I saw a sign and a brilliant idea came to my head, "It's right there guys so close your eyes and get ready to take all of this in". I opened the door to the store and immediately Sebastian opened his eyes.

"So soft~" Sebastian said while holding three kittens in his hands. The cats all purred and rubbed against him. Ciel sneezed and opened his eyes. One cat jumped on Ciel's head and started to sleep.

"BLOODY HELL (Y/N)!!" Ciel said while trying to grab me. Thus the story of me running while Sebastian was cuddling with cats in the background.

~Flashback Over~

"HERE WE ARE" I said while pulling them for like the third time that day. That's when I saw a bunch of girls pointing and staring at Ciel and Sebastian. I pulled them closer to me and I saw some girls glare at me. I simply smirked and walked off with both of them to the main doors. "Okay guys I have some rules that you guys have to follow. 1. When someone asks if you are a cosplayer say yes. If they ask who made your costumes tell them you made it yourselves. 2. Do not wander off or I will leave you.Good luck finding a way home then. 3. We are going to eat at exactly 12 since I do not want to starve to death. Understood?" I said.

"Yes" they replied in unison.

"Let's go"

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