《How to Survive in Black Butler (Black Butler x Reader)》Chapter 13


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

My mouth was hung open and no noise filled the air. Sebastian and Ciel were actually here. They were here.I quickly closed my mouth and calmly walked over to them. Right when I was about 2 feet away from I couldn't hold my excitement any longer and I ran towards them.

"You idiots" I managed to choke out as I brought them down to my level and hugged them like they were my lifeline.

"Now now, I don't think it's appropriate for a lady to be sobbing" Sebastian said with a smile.

"Lady? You know she's far from that Sebastian" Ciel chuckled out.

"What?!Here I thought we were going to have a nice moment" I said with a grin on my face while wiping the remnants of tears and was about to pull away from our group hug. Ciel chuckled, but surprisingly held me tighter.

"Master I think it's time to explain what happened so (Y/N) isn't confused" Sebastian said as he cleared his throat ruining the moment.

"Ah yes, about that. (Y/N), remember that Grell was heading towards you with a chainsaw and then a blinding white light appeared?" Ciel questioned as he paused and waited for my response. I nodded my head and motioned for him to continue. "Well, after that me and Sebastian were transported to a white room. Suddenly the Undertaker appeared and told us that he had managed to save you from a certain death" Ciel said as he finished and told Sebastian to continue.

"The Undertaker told us that in order for everything to calm down we must take you back to the future and stay there for a while. We agreed and the Undertaker said that he had already sent you and that we must hurry before the portal he opened closed again" Sebastian said before continuing, " When we made it here you were on the floor with bloody clothes so I had to change yo-" Sebastian said before a pillow fell from the sky and hit him right in the groin.


"YOU CHANGED ME?! COULDN'T YOU WAIT FOR ME TO WAKE UP SO I COULD DO IT ON MY OWN!" I yelled as more pillows "fell from the sky".

"Don't worry (Y/N),I put a piece of cloth over my eyes before I changed you" he said while motioning to a thin shirt on the ground.


"Well (Y/N), I never said that I didn't see anything did I? By the way, it took an especially long time with that contraption covering your chest" Sebastian said with a small smirk at the end of his sentence. A very heavy book that came from you the sky hit Sebastian in the face. I blushed profusely and grumbled ways to murder the butler at night.

"Well, now that you two are one playing I will finish explaining" Ciel scoffed and started the story once again, "After that, we slept in the guest room for the night and woke up. We were going to wake you up, but Sebastian wanted to make breakfast. Seeing that you had run out of proper food, we ate 'cereal' and we took some money out of your purse and went to go buy groceries. We did have some encounters with women wearing very revealing clothing"Ciel said with a blush. I laughed and Ciel did a cute pout.

Did you just call him cute? Yes, but like in friend way, yep a friend way totally. Not you like him or anything.

I shook my head and continued listening.

"-we came back and and put the groceries in the kitchen. We went to go check on you and we find you gone . We panicked and then we heard the door open. I think you know what happened from there" Ciel said as I nodded.

"Well guys, I am just glad you're here with me." I said with a giant grin "But now that you are here, there are some things you have to learn" I said while I grabbed a whiteboard and prepared my lesson.


"First of all, we are in the year 2017. You guys know that we are in the 21st century and things have changed, a lot. The most important thing we have in our hands is technology. I have shown you before my phone, but there is so much more. The laptop is like my phone but I usually leave it at home. The T.V is where you watch a bunch of shows and waste your time" I said while turning on the t.v. Sebastian and Ciel's one eye widened and they went closer to the t.v and put their hands on the screen expecting it to go through. "Guys this is a t.v. not a portal" I said while chuckling. Their faces turned a light shade of red in embarrassment.

"Well what are shows" Ciel asked

"Uhm. How do I explain this? It's like moving colored pictures that tell a story. Some are actually people that are being recorded and they put the show on t.v. For example you can watch the news on t.v. rather than physically getting the paper. Barely anyone reads the newspaper anymore" I concluded.

"Next we have the microwave. It heats food up in an instant. Me and the microwave are best friends since it helps me warm up my ramen noodles and yummy pizza" I said as I lovingly patted the microwave. Sebastian and Ciel looked at me and then at each other.

"Young master, (Y/N) is staring at the microwave the same way that reaper looks at me" Sebastian said while visibly shivering.

"I agree and I am getting quite uncomfortable. Sebastian stop her" Ciel said in a scared tone. I just hissed when Sebastian got near me and continued to love the only real friend who has been with me since day 1.

"Anyway, guys we have to buy you clothes that are more... this century? You guys looked like you just stepped out of my history textbook" I said but they both just stared at me in confusion. I grabbed my wallet and motioned them to come closer.

"It's time." I said in an emotionless voice as I stared deep into their souls, well if Sebastian had one but you know what I mean.

"F-for what?" Ciel questioned before slowly hiding behind Sebastian.

"For the most painful thing you have to experience while in this modern world.....SHOPPING! " I said while visibly shivering.

"(Y/N), that doesn't seem so bad. I think you exaggerating how bad this situation is." Sebastian said with an eye roll.

"Sebastian, I thought you were 'one hell of a butler' not one hell of an idiot. Maybe I expected you more from you and know I am disappointed. Sebastian the amount of people who go there is like asking for a stampede of people to run over you. The long checkout lines. messy stores, people fighting over items, and not to mention some people might recognize you. This is why shopping is like literally hell. " I said while Sebastian just gulped with a tiny piece of fear flashed in his eyes. "We are going today, but we will be prepared for everything that is to come."

"Mall, here we come"

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