《How to Survive in Black Butler (Black Butler x Reader)》Chapter 12


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I woke up to the comforting smell of my apartment.

Wait apartment?

I sat up immediately and looked around at my surroundings. My room was exactly the way I left it before I left. How did I get back here? Where is everyone? Was it all a dream? I looked down at my clothes and saw that was dressed in some pajamas. When I looked at my nightstand my phone was already there and I checked what day it was. Sunday. Only a day passed.

Maybe...it was all a dream.

Tears blurred my vision as I went to my bathroom. Did I seriously dream that I was transported to Black Butler? Was I that lonely? I looked at myself in the mirror. Tears threatened to fall out of a small ,pathetic ,lonely girl. That girl was me. A small sob escaped my lips and I covered my mouth to muffle the sounds.

You are better than this (y/n). Pull yourself together.

I wiped my eyes and turned on the shower. The hot steam fogged up the mirror to the point where I could no longer see myself. I got in and let the hot water relax my body. The tears had disappeared and instead a fuzziness racked my brain. Was anything real anymore? I stepped out of the shower and changed into some clothes.

I went into the living room and saw my laptop on the floor. I was probably so tired that I dropped my laptop on the floor, changed into pajamas, and stumbled into bed. That's what happened because being transported into Black Butler, a fucking anime, is impossible.

When I entered the kitchen, I noticed that some cereal was out and bowls were in the sink. I quickly cleaned the bowls and put away the cereal. I was in the mood for some pancakes so I looked in the pantry and took out the mix. I opened the fridge and noticed I ran out off the milk.Ugh now to do some grocery shopping.


I quickly put on some that did not make me look like a bum and got my wallet that was on top of my nightstand. I had about $150 in cash and some more in my debit card. I thought I had $180? I swear I'm going crazy. I decided to walk to the grocery store which was like a block away and I was thankful. The weather was hot and I enjoyed the scenery. I started to remember how beautiful the world was in my dream. The garden that Finny had was beautiful (when he didn't mess it up) and I would compliment him how it turned out. He would blush every time I said that. Tears were starting to well up in my eyes and I quickly wiped them. Why did everything seem so real?

When I made it the store, I quickly headed to the dairy aisle and grabbed the milk. I quickly paid for it and walked back home. I took out my keys but I noticed that the door was unlocked. I froze in my spot. Someone was in my small apartment. I was about to take out my phone and call 911 when I realized I left my phone on my bed, so I walked in, in and out. I passed the kitchen and saw there was a black bag on the counter. I need something to protect myself with just in case it was robbers. I grabbed a knife and heard some shuffling in my bedroom. I put my ear on the door but only heard some muffled voices. I put my hand on the knob and raised the kitchen knife.

I quickly opened the door and ran in. "AHHHHHHHHH GET OUT" I yelled as my eyes were closed. I did not want to see the person's f face before I stabbed them.

"STOP" said a male voice.

I opened my eyes and dropped my knife. Tears welled in my eyes and I covered my mouth in shock. This is not happening. This is not real. They are not here,

Ciel and Sebastian are not actually in my room

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