《How to Survive in Black Butler (Black Butler x Reader)》Chapter 11


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

After my little flashback, I quickly got out of bed and got dressed. "(Y/N), may I come in?" said Sebastian before coming in. I covered my face because you could obviously tell my skin was paler than its usual skin tone.

"What if I said no, what if I was changing? Exactly you didn't think about that did you, because you only think about yourself" I said before sitting on my bed and putting on some flats. " Well, what do you want that you had to barge in my room?" I questioned.

" I was just going to tell you that the young master has told me to inform you that we are going out this evening" he said.

" Well, tell the 'young master' that I will be joining you guys tonight." I stated while standing up.

" I don't think that this is appropriate for a young lady" Sebastian said while trailing off.

" Sebastian. Fuck off will you. I mean you actually think I would be scared if I see you killing Jack the Ripper?", Sebastian's eyes widened before I continued, " I've seen far worse in my time".

"What do they show women in the future" Sebastian mumbled before speaking up " Very well then, I will inform the young master" he said with a small smirk " We are leaving in 15 minutes so please be on time" .The door shut and my eyes trailed to the clock. What if I save Angelina?No you can't that could probably mess up everything and then how could you fix it. Stop thinking (y/n). Wait 15 minutes?! I was in bed that long that it's already 6:45? I should go eat. I quickly put on some foundation and headed towards the door.

I swiftly opened the door and went downstairs to the kitchen. " BARDDDD" I said at the top of my lungs.

"(Y-YN)? Are you okay?!" he said while Bard-ging into the kitchen (A/N did you see what I did there. Alright I'll stop). His eyes scanned the room till he found me on top of the counter. He quickly ran over to m y side and started shaking me (Y/N)! ARE YOU OKAY?! DON'T GO INTO THE LIGHT!" He said whilst shaking me.

"n-need food" I said.

"Food? I'll make it for you just don't go into the light" he said before yelling " FINNY, MEY-RIN, I NEED HELP" Finny and Mey-Rin came into the room and gasped before Bard told them what I said. Bard started shouting instructions "Finny get me eggs,water, and milk" he said.


"Yes sir" Finny replied before scurrying off.

"Mey-Rin, get me flour, sugar, and butter"

" S-Sir yes Sir" she said before dashing out. "Now I gotta get me flamethrower to bake this fast" Bard said before going to find it.

I gulped. Was this really a good idea? I suddenly felt bad that they thought I was dying, but it sounded like Bard was going to make me a cake sooo, I guess I'll just wait and tell them that the food made me better. Soon they all rushed in the room and started preparing the cake. My stomach grumbled and I was starting to get anxious because of the time. Would they leave me here if I didn't get there on time? Nah. Soon Bard took the flamethrower and aimed it at the cake.

" Let's hope we don't burn anything" he said before putting on some goggles. Mey-Rin and Finny put me behind Bard just in case he did burn something. In a matter of seconds the cake was done and I was surprised that he didn't burn anything. Bard quickly cut a piece and took out a fork. He fed me a bit and a light blush decorated our features, even Finny was blushing and Mey-Rin was like "so cute, yes they are" with a small nosebleed.

I quickly stood up and grabbed the cake. " Wow that was so good guys but I have to go with the young master right so see ya'" I said before darting out of the room with an icepack on my forehead. I had a fever but if Ciel or Sebastian touched my head I would feel cold. Before I went in the carriage I finished the piece of cake and threw out the ice pack.

"You're a minute late (Y/N)" Ciel said with a sigh.

"So what are you gonna do? Write me up?" I said with a roll of my eyes.

Ciel just rolled his eye back at me and told Sebastian to start the carriage.


"He'll show if we stake out this place, right?" Ciel asked Sebastian.

"Yes" he replied.

"You know... I've realized the murdered prostitutes had other things in common besides their profession." Ciel stated.

"The most beautiful, glossy black hair.'" Sebastian said. I turned around to give him a 'wtf bro' face when I noticed he had a black cat. I reached out and started petting it along with Sebastian.

"But I still don't understand why he had to kill them all." Ciel pondered.

"So very lovable." I said before Sebastian interrupted "lt could almost be a sin..." he said while admiring the cat's face.


"And what's more, I..." Ciel said before he was interrupted by Sebastian and I "So soft... Ah, so soft..."

"Listen when I'm talking to you guys!" Ciel exclaimed

"Oh... I apologize, sir, but she's so beautiful. And soft..." he said. A scream interrupted him and we quickly stood up.

"How could someone have gotten past us?!" Ciel said before we started running.

"(Y/N), stay here" Sebastian said. "But I-" I started but Sebastian shot me a glare.

Ciel was getting close to the door and yelled "Ciel wait, don't lo-" but he froze at the spot. Sebastian quickly covered his eye and backed away.

"You've made quite a bloody mess of things in there, Jack the Ripper... or rather, Grell Sutcliff?" Sebastian said while Grell stepped out of the darkness.

"No... No, you're wrong! I...I-I heard the scream and rushed to help, but..." he stuttered with a frightened look on his face.

"You can drop the innocent act, Grell. It's over.You know, this is actually the first time I've met someone like you in the human world.You played the role of "helpless butler" well.Your act had almost everybody completely fooled." Sebastian said with a small smirk on his face.

"You... you think so?" Grel said before a psychotic grin spread on his face, "How kind.That's great to hear.After all, I am an actress.And quite a good one at that.Of course you're not really "Sebastian" either, are you?" Grell said as he finished his transformation.

"Sebastian is the name my master gave me, so that is who I am... for now." Sebastian replied.

"Ah, you're playing the "faithful dog."Well, you're handsome enough to get away with it.Anyway, here we are, Sebastian... No, I'll call you Bassy!Let me introduce myself: The Burnett butler, Grell Sutcliff.What do you say? Let's get along." he said before sending a kiss towards Sebastian. Sebastian shivered, I mean, who wouldn't? "Ah, it's so nice to talk to you in my true form!I admit I was surprised when I first met you, I've never seen a demon playing a butler." I stopped paying attention to the conversation and hid behind the wall. What could I do to stop Madam Red from dying, but not messing up the timeline? I suddenly got an idea. I climbed the building that was close enough to get a view. I had a rock in one hand and with the other I pulled myself up. When I was on the top which wasn't very tall maybe three stories high, I aimed at where Ciel and Madam Red were talking.

"I loved my sister... I loved her husband... I loved their child...I can't. I can't kill him. I can't kill their beloved son..." Madam Red said while trembling and tears in her eyes.

"Really? You're getting soft-hearted on me all of a sudden?After all those deaths?If you don't end him, he'll end you!" Grell growled out with obvious annoyance in his voice." I aimed the rock at Grell's head and prayed that my aim wasn't as terrible as it was in school.

"But... this dear boy...This child is my-"

I threw the rock at Grell's head and it hit him with a thunk. " Owie, what was that for- (Y/N)?My dear (Y/N), why are you up there, the party is down here" he exclaimed before shoving the chainsaw into Madam Red's chest.

"MADAM RED" I yelled before I jumped off the building. My legs felt as if they broke but I ran towards her body. I caught it before she fell. "Auntie, please stay, don't go" I said as I sobbed over her body. She caressed my face and smiled. Her body went limp in my arms. Her cinematic records flew out of her body and they all watched in wonder. I looked over at Grell with anger evident in my eyes. He talked as if he didn't just murder someone and was even smiling.

"Oh please, that's such a pedestrian term!It is so much more than that.This is the reaper's true power: the Cinematic Record!" he said joyfully.

I stood up even though my legs were burning and ran towards Grell. He looked over in surprise as I yelled "YOU FUCKING IDIOT DO YOU NOT HAVE FEELINGS" I said with angry tears in my face. I jumped on the wall and kicked his face. The look on his face was priceless as I kept beating him up. That's when he recovered from the shock and quickly stood up aiming his chainsaw at me.

"My dear (Y/N), I really did not want to do this, but it seems I don't have any other choice. DIE" he cackled as he ran towards me.

"(Y/N)!" Sebastian and Ciel yelled as they ran towards me. Before they could though, a blinding white light surrounded me.

And then there was darkness.

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