《How to Survive in Black Butler (Black Butler x Reader)》Chapter 9


(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Life was perfect right now. Everything was falling into place, and all because Ciel Phantomhive, is in a dress. Right now he was pouting and he looked so adorable with that pink hat and puffy dress. I smile at the memories.


Sounds of pain were heard throughout the manor. The time to strike was now. I went up the stairs and headed to Ciel's bedroom. The sounds were getting louder and louder. I quickly took out my phone and pressed record.

"S-Sebastian" someone moaned out.

" Please hold on a little longer, sir. You can do it." Sebastian murmurs.Ciel groans loudly and arches his back. At that I stop the recording or my video won't serve its purpose for later.

"That's it, you're going to kill me!" Ciel exclaims with a tick mark on his head.

"I doubt any woman has ever been killed by a corset alone." Sebastian states knowingly. With that I barge in the room and start my rant.

"Now Ciel you know how the women in this time period feel with device that may cause their lungs to be squished out, and yet women wear them just so men can show off their beautiful properties in the street and at home treat them like trash. I am so glad that I wasn't born in this time period, but if a man ever does treat me like that, I swear I will rip his fucking balls off myself and feed them to the dogs." I said very calmly. Sebastian and Ciel shivered imagining the whole thing in detail. "Well, I gotta go get ready guys see ya in a few".

"She is very interesting isn't she Young Master" Sebastian said dumbfounded.

"She sure is. Sebastian hurry up want to get this over with" Ciel stated with a small sigh escaping his lips.

~End of Flashback~

I smiled like an idiot the entire ride remembering everything that happened the last 24 hours. Madam Red took me dress shopping and bought me a beautiful, expensive . Despite my protests, she bought the dress and told Sebastian, "Make sure (Y/N) wears this tonight", and as promised Sebastian locked me in the room until I put my dress on. I banged on the door until he got all weird and asked if I needed help "putting the gown on" and with that I quickly put it on.

We got off the carriage and I felt bad-ass at that moment. My thoughts were interrupted when Madam Red told us the plan."(Y/N) and Ciel will be my nieces visiting from the country, and Sebastian will be Ciel's personal tutor."

"Roger that" I said with a salute. Though things weren't as peachy with Ciel.

"And just why do I have to act like your niece?!" Ciel exclaimed loudly.

"Because, dear, I've always wanted girls. (Y/N) is also acting like my niece and she isn't complaining, right?" Madam Red replied.

"Ciel you have to learn how to go with the flow" I said while making wave motions. Madam Red and Ciel just stared at me in confusion.Dang it that's a reference in the future. I quickly put my hands down and coughed awkwardly. "Uh, it's getting cold, maybe we should head inside" I said before dashing in. I always make things so awkward.


When I walked inside, I was mesmerized by the decorations and people. Women with beautiful gowns danced gracefully across the floor. I suddenly felt self-conscious, I never gave one fuck about how people thought about me, but the idea of messing up in front of nobles frightened me. I turned around to see if Sebastian or Ciel followed me, and of course, they weren't behind me. I sighed and went off to the side because with this many people I wouldn't be able to find them. I got really bored and decided to go outside on the balcony. I weaved my way through the crowd and when I finally reached it I sat down on one of the chairs. I dozed off till I felt someone poke me. I quickly turned around and was met by a pair of bright red eyes.

"May I sit here?" the guy asked.

"Uh-yeah go ahead."I said quickly before turning around, though through the corner of my eye, I could still see . He had red eyes with ash blonde hair. He seemed like a troublemaker and a flirt but he hasn't said anything so far.

"H-Hi I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet y-you."I stuttered. Hey don't blame me, I've never talked to a person this attractive before well, Sebastian doesn't count since he's a douche.

"My name's Antonio, phew I thought I was going to have to talk first since it was so awkward," he said with a smile before continuing "Can I ask you a quick question?"

"Sure" I replied.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" There it was, the flirting vibe I got from him the moment he sat down.

"No, but I did get a pretty big scar on my leg when I crawled out from hell." I said with a smile.

Antonio chuckled with amusement on his face. "And here I was scared that you were going to be a stuck up lady." he said with relief in his voice.

"Oh are you disappointed? " I said with a small grin on my face, 'Oh how you wound me" I said while pretending my heart was hurting.

"Of course not, Lady (Y/N)." he said with a tiny bow. "Anyway, what is a young lady like you, doing outside when the party is not here?" he asked

"Well, if you must know, I lost the people I came here with, and since I'm not the party type I came out here to get some fresh air.And you?"I said while looking up at the sky.

" I simply do not like parties at all. People dancing and bumping into each other, the hot air, it's not my thing. I am only here because my family thinks I should go out and socialize. Besides that, who could resist accompanying a beautiful lady such as yourself?"

I chuckled.I know that what was blossoming was the start of a new friendship. We talked for about 30 minutes before I heard someone call my name. I looked up and saw Ciel and Sebastian coming out onto the balcony. I got up quickly and looked back at Antonio "Well my fair lady, it seems that it's my time to part, I do hope we meet again" I said with a small handshake.


"Definitely. Until then, my lord" Antonio said with a grin. I walked off to Ciel and hooked arms with him or her? We walked away but, not before seeing Sebastian send a small glare at Antonio.

"Who was he?"Ciel asked.

"Oh, that's Antonio, I think he might be my new friend" I said. Ciel scoffed and rolled his eyes. I sent a quick, but painful jab to his side, "Rude" I said with a huff and kept walking, until Ciel pulled me back.

"HEY WHAT'S YO-" I exclaimed but was cut off by Ciel making a 'shush' motion. I looked at where he was looking and saw the pervert, Viscount Druitt. Sebastian took Ciel by the hand and began to dance with him. Someone took my hand and started dancing. I just followed whatever they were doing until I was switched off to another man. I kept my sight on Ciel and Sebastian so I wouldn't lose them. The song went on for about 2 minutes before it ended and then I dashed across to where Ciel and Sebastian were standing. That's when pervert Druitt waltzed right up and began talking.

"Your dancing is exquisite like lovely little robins, my sweet ladies."I internally rolled my eyes at this statement but smiled on the outside. Sebastian left to 'fetch us a drink' and I badly wanted to leave with him, if I did though, Ciel would yell at me later for not following the plan.

"Uh, good evening, my Lord Druitt." Ciel and I said in sync.

"I do hope you're enjoying the party... dear robins." he said while coming closer.

Don't cringe, don't cringe, don't cringe.

Ciel started his next line "Oh, yes, certainly. It's a wonderful party, but..." he said while trailing off.

"My lord, we've been waiting to speak with you all evening." I finished. A smirk grew on his face and he made an 'oh' sound.

"We're bored to death of dancing and eating."Ciel said while batting his lashes.

"What spoiled princesses you are, little robins," Druitt said while pulling us closer, "Looking for something more entertaining?" Viscount's hands encircled our waists while going further and further down south...

I can't... I just want to punch this guy..must..hold..back...

"You know of other amusements? We'd be most interested." I said with a purr.

"Of course. I'd be happy to show them to you, my robins" he said while smirking.

" You might be a bit young yet." he said teasingly.

Yeah we are too young, you fucking pedophile.

"Now don't tease us, my lord, we're ladies, not little girls" Ciel said with a fake whine.

"Can we go please?"Ciel and I said at the same time. I guess we are both getting annoyed.

"Yes, anything for you, my sweets," he said while leading us away from the crowd, "Right this way, dears". With that we went up the stairs and to some hallways. We stopped in front of some doors and Viscount opened them before leading us in. I knew that right now we were going to pass out from the chemical, but I was not going down without at least a small fight.

"See, aren't you enjoying yourself... little robins?" Ciel passed out on the floor at that statement.

"I'm having the time of my life, you fucking pedophile" I said whilst swiftly kicking him where the sun don't shine. And with that, I passed out on the floor.

~Time skip~

I woke up at the sound of people talking. I opened my eyes but saw nothing but darkness. I must have a blindfold on, so I'm guessing my arms are tied. "Ciel.Cielll. Ciiieeelll" I said in a hushed whisper

"(Y/N)? Be quiet I am trying to listen." Ciel said

"Isn't it obvious? We're being sold Ciel. Aren't you supposed to be the smart one here?" I said teasingly. All I heard was a huff coming from him. That's when Pervert Van Druitt began talking.

"And now, what you've all been waiting for: tonight's crown jewels." I heard a curtain move so I am guessing they presented us."The one in the left would make a lovely decoration, or sweet little pet.You can keep her whole and healthy.Or sell her for parts, if you'd like to.Her eyes are two different colors, but for the discerning collector, that will add to her a unique attraction." he said Then I heard someone open my cage and they removed my blindfold, "This one here is feisty. Don't worry though, she would be fun to break. As you can see she has beautiful big (E/C) eyes. Her hair is nice and shiny and her body seems to be developing well for her age" With that statement I fidgeted before interrupting.

"You guys are fucking disgusting. Buying lives as if they were livestock. You are the real animals" I spat but not before being gagged.

"I told you she was feisty"Viscount said. "We'll start at a thousand guineas." People started bidding left and right until I heard Ciel's voice.

"Sebastian, come get us now." The lights turned off and we heard people's bodies drop like flies. The lights turned on again and there stood Sebastian.

"Really, ...Are you guys good for nothing but getting yourselves captured?How sad. Oh, it seems (Y/N) has been gagged. I wonder what you said this time" Sebastian unlocked the cages and took off my gag.

"Oh shut up you demon." I said with a huff "Oh and by the way, did you know that Druitt wasn't the killer after all?" I said with a small smirk.


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