《How to Survive in Black Butler (Black Butler x Reader)》Chapter 6


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Have you ever been so frustrated that you just wanted to break down and cry? Me either. When I get frustrated I would usually find things to take my anger out on. For example, right now. The poor table and vase I had passed by earlier were victims to my wrath and will be remembered. I was stomping around and trying to find Ciel's office.

I hope he doesn't fire me because I'm "bloody useless". This is all thanks to Sebastian. I totally have to get him later for this.

Finally reaching my destination, I grabbed the handle and tried opening the door to realize it was locked.

"CIEELLLLLL, IT'S ME (Y/N) OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR,. ...PLEASEE" I said as leaned on the door and banged. Suddenly I was "greeting"the floor. "Well hello there how've you been Mr.Floor" I said .Then a pair of feet entered my vision. As I looked up I noticed Ciel looking down on me (plus an annoyed look on his face) with his hand out. I grabbed his hand and hauled myself up with all my strength (which wasn't much) and shot a smile at Ciel. "Reporting for duty Sir, what can do for ya'" I said while trying to do a salute.

" Well (Y/N) I have some matters to discuss with you regarding about the place you come from" he said while taking a seat at his desk.

"Huh?" I questioned until it dawned on me,"Wait, so basically you want to know how the time period from where I'm from is like?" I questioned with a shot of inquisitiveness in my voice.

"Yes" he said with an authoritative tone.

"K' . So where should I start... Ah yes! Technology. You remember how I said that you can use a phone to make phone calls and take pictures? Well it can do so much more than that. For example the internet. The internet helps you get information in a matter of seconds. You don't have to take hours to go through many books and find information, you just search it up in the internet and it gives you the answer almost instantaneously." I took out my phone that I kept in my pant's pocket and looked up "when was the first car made" and hit go. For some odd reason it actually gave me the answer even though I had no Wi-fi . I'll have to look into that later...


"Hmm quite impressive, but what is a car?" Ciel said

I then looked up a picture of a car. "This is one of the many ways of transportation, it's a car. It's like horseless carriage that can take you almost anywhere, well as long as you have gasoline" I said

'Horseless carriage? But how does it move if it has no horses?" Ciel asked

"Well there is a motor that helps drive the car and the steering wheel helps you steer in the direction you want to go in. The four wheels on the bottom help move the car around by rolling and moving the car with it. The person who created the first affordable car was Henry Ford in 1908 and after that it just evolved into the cars that we have now in the 21st century."

"If I live that long I may be able to work with him and my company will be a major success" Ciel mumbled to himself. I smiled and brought a picture of a lane on my phone.

"This is an airplane. It's a big...piece of metal that carries people inside. It flies in the air and takes people to farther destinations. You can go to different countries and arrive there in a matter of hours instead of months, " I said while Ciel looked confused, " Think of it as a really big bird that is instead made out of metal and has people inside" I said. Ciel nodded in understanding and told me to continue.

"Okay, uh-m , you know that everyone can get an education now, even women?" I asked

"WHAT? Women go to school?!"

"Yeah everyone can go to school and grow up to be whatever they want. I mean if you didn't notice, when I first got here I was wearing something pretty different from what women wear right now. ."I said. "Science has already gone so far and we discovered many things. You are going to marry your cousin Elizabeth soon right?


"No wonder you were wearing that...outfit." Ciel mumbled before continuing, "Back to Elizabeth, yes I will marry her, but what does that have to do with anything?" he asked

" Well in school we learned that when you marry within your family and have children, they will most probably have some kind of illness. There is not enough genetic variation and if you both are carriers for some kind of disease it can cause the child to have problems". I said while I looked at Ciel. He looked very surprised at the information given to him, as if someone just told him Santa wasn't real. "Medicine in the modern days has also improved. May of the illnesses that people are dying of today, can be cured in the future with medicine. Surgeries are far more successful and and safe."

"Life is much more better in the future then right? Though to every good thing, there is also a cruel side." Ciel said to himself, "You are dismissed." he said while ushering me out the door.

"WHAT?? WHY?" I said while trying to grab onto anything that'll stop me from going through the door.

" Because... I said so. Must you always be this loud?"

"I'M NOT LOUD" I yelled before covering my mouth and then putting them back at my sides, "I sometimes do that , it's just part of my personality"

Ciel just hummed and closed the door in my face. I didn't even realize I was out here, I should really just pay attention to my surroundings. I turned on my heels and headed in a random direction, since no one told me what to do. As I was wandering I looked out some random window. A carriage stopped in front of the Manor and some people stepped out. A lady who wore red dress and a meek looking butler following right behind her.


"(Y/N), we have some guests coming over, do put some appropriate clothing on before you come downstairs" Sebastian (who just fuckng appeared out of nowhere) said while handing me a beautiful red dress.

"What's wrong with my outfit? I think this is pretty decent" I said whilst gesturing to my black pants and loose shirt.

" It is not appropriate for ladies to be wearing trousers"

"It is not appropriate for ladies to be wearing trousers" I said, trying to mimic Sebastian

Sebastian shot me a deadly glare that made me gulp loudly. He lead me to my room and gave me directions to the room they were going to be in. He closed the door and I just sat on my bed.

Is this going to be my life from now on? Well I shouldn't be complaining, it could've been much worse. Sebastian could have slit my throat with his knives in my sleep.Well, I guess I should get changed and go greet the guests before Sebastian starts bitching.

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