《How to Survive in Black Butler (Black Butler x Reader)》Chapter 2


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

When I woke up I notice immediately that something was different. Everything seemed so... animated. Though it was sort of familiar. As I was trying to remember I noticed that my phone was about to fall out of my bra. I checked for any cracks and sighed when I saw none.

5:26 it's not that late, but why do I feel so tired?

I looked around and thought how stupid I was for not checking earlier. I was in the woods but I saw a path leading somewhere. I decided to follow it because I had no other plan and went on with my journey.

" Where the fuck could I be?" I asked as I went down the path. I started singing " Follow the Yellow Brick Road"to try and make me feel less nervous.I heard people talking from a distance and stopped singing . I slowed down and hid behind a tree like a ninja. The people wouldn't be able to see me from here but I could see them.( YOU CAN'T SEE ME).Then I noticed that they had clothes from the Victorian era and they looked like nobles. The ladies had elegant dresses and the men were wearing tailored suits, and lemme tell you some of them looked very good.

This is not the time or place to be thinking that (Y/N) . You need to know what's going on. Okay what to do. Should I ask the people for help? What if these people are dangerous? What if they can help me? UGH what do I do?

As I was doing my inner monologue I didn't notice a carriage stopping right next to me and someone getting off.

"Do you require assistance Miss?" asked a really familiar voice.

I froze in my spot and didn't move an inch. I guess behind the trees was not such a good idea. I realized that it was really stupid to think someone wouldn't spot me here but you can't blame me , I make mistakes here and there. I mean, I am wearing some and and my favorite shirt, and from what I noticed all the women are wearing dresses.


"Miss, are you alright?", asked the voice again.

I did a double take and realized who it was. Who wouldn't remember that angelic voice (a/n you see what I did there?) There is no way it could be him. I turned around slowly and faced this person and it was no other then...


How could I not remember!? My brain isn't functioning today. Well, to be honest, when does it? Wait a second, am I in Black Butler? WHAT? HOW DID I GET HERE? I guess I looked pretty confused because Sebastian asked me another question.

" Miss is something wrong?'' Sebastian asked again.

" Um... yeah I need some help... do you mind telling what century we are in right now?'' I said.

Sebastian look at me like I was crazy (which I am not) and answered "Well Miss we're in the 19th century" he replied hesitantly. He definitely thought I was crazy by now and my jaw dropping wasn't helping. Well if Sebastian is here where is Cie-

"Sebastian! Why did the carriage stop?" I heard a voice yell from the carriage.

Well there's my answer

"My Lord I am sorry for the wait but it seems like a young Lady requires help" Sebastian responded.

"Well then, bring the young Lady to manor with us and we'll see what we can do" Ciel said.

" I realized I hadn't said anything until Sebastian came really close to my face and asked me to get please get in the carriage.

" Ya' know there's this thing called personal space , maybe you should try it" I said as I pushed his face away.

" Oh, I apologize Lady (?)''

" I forgot to introduce myself. I'm (Y/N) (L/N)" It's a pleasure to meet you" I said trying to be polite.


" Oh well then Lady (Y/N), if you can please step into the carriage" Sebastian said with a smirk.

I got into the carriage ignoring his hand. I could do this by myself, it wasn't that hard. I entered and saw Ciel Phantomhive sitting casually in the seat and also smirking, probably because I rejected his butler's help.

" Thank you very much for helping me Lord Phantomhive'' I said trying very hard not to let my inner fangirl out and attack him with hugs.

" How do you know my name?'' Ciel questioned.

''Uhm..well..I ..ah. The..situation I am in right now is...hard to explain you se--"

"It's fine for now, when we get back to the manor you may explain" he said.

" Okay" was all I could muster because now I had to find a way to tell them what happened without sounding crazy.

This is going to be harder than I thought.

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