《Pixie Dust {ManxBoy}》Chapter 19



God knows how long I was in this place for. I was going crazy.

Samuel and I had been trapped here for the longest time. Our eyes were all messed up from not seeing sunlight.

Something was seriously off with Amethyst though. She would come in everyday to tell me how her plan was going. Anytime Vlad would reject her, she had come in here, slap me around, curse me out, then cry in the corner.

She was a mess. One minuet she was okay and the next she was angry at the world. I felt bad for her really.

I still could not contact Vlad, she made sure I was injected every couple of days with that magic blocker or whatever.

I felt lonely without constantly feeling the security he gave me.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Samuel asked me from his bed. I turned to look at him and sighed. Being away from his mate was hard. He cried all the time and was in pain. Since I had not had the mating ceremony our bond was not all the way complete, making me unable to feel the pain of the distance.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm more worried about you."

I spoke. He sighed and shook his greasy head.

"I'll be fine. My wolf is just in pain and very weak. We need to get out of here soon, I feel like I'm going crazy."

He spoke. I nodded and agreed with him. I had no idea what was happening on the outside. There could be war going on for all I know.

We were spooked when our usual guard came down to give us our meal.

"What's up Conway?"

I asked him. He was a nice guy, enslaved to Amethyst's tribe for life. She created a debt system to keep workers. She did them a favor in anyway using magic, her money, or such and they would owe her until she deemed fit. Like Ursula, this girl was a sea witch.


A black set of tattoos bounded by magic laid on his arms. These tattoos kept him stuck on this property until Amethyst removed them or she died. Until then he was stuck to her and she had control of his whole body.

"Nothing much, the baby okay? You look like you are about to pop."

He said worriedly. Conway had once told me most of Amethyst tribe was created of people like him. Bound to her for life and there was nothing they could do.

"I am okay, I just need to get out of here soon. I do not want to give birth here."

I said worried. I did not know what she would do to my baby. He sighed and slide our food in. He made sure to give me as much as he could so I would not be malnourished.

"Can you tell us what is going on out there?"

I asked him again. I asked him this question every day, but he always told me he could not give information away.

"You know I-"

I cut him short and grabbed his shirt from behind the bars.

"Please, I have been here for god knows how long. I just need to get out or know what is going on."

I spoke. He sighed.

"Your pack is fighting back hard. Three fights have been taken place in the last few months you have been here. Each one, no one being the winner. Both sides have allies, Amethyst of course users of dark magic who want a new age to come. It is more than just a fight for Vladimir now. It is turned into something much bigger and I do not know when it is going to end. Rumors here are going around that there is going to be an attack tonight. Amethyst has been training the warriors and they are getting prepared as we speak. "

He spoke. I nodded and thanked him and let him leave. This war has blown up a lot.


"Hey, it will be okay dude, we will get out of here..."

Said Samuel. I sighed.

"I hope so. I just do not want to give birth in here."

He nodded.

"Of course, who wants to. I promise we will get out of here before that ever happens."

He spoke. I know he was just trying to cheer me up, but it did not help. I felt like we were going to be stuck here forever.

I sighed and laid down on my dirty bed, I will sleep this off like always.

"Get up! Get up!"

A voice yelled. I heard Let us rattle and sat up.

"What? What is happening?"

I said into the darkness.

"Hurry! The spell has been broken! We need to get out of here before she gets back!"

Said the voice of Conway. I groaned and jumped when I felt hands pulling me up. Samuel sat up and jumped when he saw what was happening.

"Hurry! Follow me!"

We followed Conway out the door when a horrible pain ripped through my stomach. My heart dropped when I knew what it was.


I said panting and wincing as the contraction got worse before stopping.

"What is happening?"

Said both Conway and Samuel.


Was all I could get out as I huffed and started to follow the two again.

"Just hold on for a bit. You will not be giving birth anytime soon, but we need to leave now!"

I nodded and Samuel helped me follow Conway throughout multiple hallways. We made it to a back-emergency door before it opened to lead outside. We were in a giant house by the sea. It was creepy and spooky house, laced with black magic everywhere.

Outside many people were running as fast as they could in all directions, everyone was trying to escape.

"What is happening?!"

I said in panic. Conway looked at me and lead me into the forest. There a dragon shifter sat on a log and ran up to Conway when she saw him.


The shifter growled and kissed Conway's lips. She was obviously an Alpha. She shifted into a large dragon and Conway muttered something and a magic seating saddle was on her back. Conway and Samuel pushed my pregnant ass up and on.

"The spell was broken somehow. Word got back she was alive by those who were mated to someone on the battlefield. No one is bound to her anymore. This changes the whole game. A small portion of the army is going to be lost now."

He said as the dragon up and started to fly. I gasped as another contraction hit me.

This was going to be a long night.

"You guys do not understand how big this war is. Your pack is the leading pack in this world now. This is a battle against good and evil, this turned into a silly game of love and heartbreak, to who is going to be left standing."

He said looking back at a shocked Samuel and me.

"When she saw she could not get love she took the next best thing, power...."

I gulped and looked at Samuel who was pale and a little green. I knew he feared heights. I tapped into my powers when I remembered I never received my shot. My powers were very weak, but I recited a simple healing spell and calmed Samuels belly.

"Thank you, god I am so happy right now."

He said leaning into my back. I tried to smile, but the pain of my contractions was too much.

"Me too, me too..."

Was all I could get out. I sighed and closed my eyes.

I am coming Vlad.

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