《Pixie Dust {ManxBoy}》Chapter 12



When we made it to the pack center, I gasped at how huge it was and how it was all owned by the person whose lap I was sitting on.

We all made it out of the car and my mom led us to the medical center. It was big, and fancy. All updated and sleek.

She scanned her card and let us all in. Damian sat outside with Isabella to help with the triplets and my parents led my mate and I to the ultrasound machine. My mom said hi to the night nurses who worked for overnight patients, and let herself in.

She laid me down on a table and had me pull my pants down a bit and lift my shirt. I did as I was told and she poured, thankfully, heated jelly on my tummy and looked around on the screen. She stopped at something and I gulped.

"Is that what I think it is?"

I asked. She nodded and looked at my father who looked like he wanted to murder Vlad. Vlad gave me a sheepish smile and I laughed and grabbed him and pulled him down to a quick kiss.

"Well, you're a daddy now."

I said and he could not look any happier. He turned to my father.

"Sir, I know your son is young, has school to finish, and has dreams. I promise this will not stop any of that, just a new addition to the family. Even if I must retire from being principle, put hold on my business, and be a stay-at-home dad so Leon can go to school and work I will. I want to make sure your son is as happy as he can be- I have more than enough to support our family and money is not a worry. Your son will be taken more than enough care of, as well as your grandchild. I want this to be a happy moment, do you think we can do that?"


He said putting out his hand at my dad. My dad sighed and looked at me who was smiling at him expectantly. He shook my mate's hand.

"As long as you can take care of them properly and my son gets to live life the way he wants, I am willing to be more than supportive. You did this to my son so I expect you care for him and his needs and make sure he can still go to school and finish his dreams. He wants to be a doctor you know."

Said my dad. My mate's eyes widened, and he looked at me. I nodded my head and held my now clean stomach. I fixed myself and stood up. My mom cleared her throat and looked at me.

"Well, we're going to start you on some vitamins and prescribe you nausea medication. Your pregnancy should be 7-8 months since your mate and our bloodline. 7 months means he's an Alpha child, 8 months will mean he's submissive."

Said my mom nodding at me and my mate. She wrote us the prescriptions and let us go and she hugged my dad and sighed. I immediately launched into Vincent's arms and smiled. He hugged me tight and my brother and sister walked in with the triplets.


Said my brother and my mom just nodded making him frown. He muttered something and all a sudden, my mate flew the floor hard. He groaned and looked at my brother who crossed his arms.

"Damian! This is going to be a happy moment!"

I said crossing my arms. He rolled his eyes.

"Hey everyone got their hit. Let me enjoy mine and I'll lay off."

He said making me frown and go and help my aching mate up.


"At least he didn't break any of the equipment."

Said my mom. I turned around and gasped at her.


She just chuckled and pulled me into a hug.

"How does Japanese sound? On me?"

Said Vlad. Everyone nodded and we all gathered into the family car. Vlad gave my dad the directions and soon we were on our way.

When we pulled to the restaurant it was an extremely high class one. Vlad pulled out his phone and sent a text. He opened the door for all my family, and I know my family was in shock at how nice the place was. We were all extremely underdressed. The waiting lady stared at us with her mouth open when she saw how we were dressed. Vlad walked up to her and her expression immediately changed.

"Mr. Wolfe! Nice to see you! Reservation?"

She asked. Bowing a bit. I know she was not a wolf, but she respected my mate.

"No reservation, can I buy out a private room please."

She nodded.

"With no reservation it's going to cost a bit extra."

She spoke. Vlad shook his head as if saying no problem.

"Okay for just the private room it will be $430.00"

She said looking at Vlad. My mouth hung open and so did my parents. Vlad handed her his credit card and smiled.

She swiped and then led us to the private room. It was not too crowded, but everyone was dressed very nicely. We got stares but were led away from the people and threw a set of doors. It was a nice table, and everyone sat around it. There were two TVs on either side of the walls so no matter where you sat you could see the tv. We put on cartoons for the triplets to let them be distracted.

"Vladimir! You didn't have to spend so much!"

Said my mom hitting him lightly. I know she was embarrassed at his lifestyle compared to how we were struggling.

"Nonsense. I have more than enough, and sorry if it sounds like I am bragging but this is a night for celebration! I owe a lot to you guys and I want the best for you all. This is a night that's going to be remembered to why not end it off nicely?"

Said Vlad as the waiter came in after knocking. He poured everyone but the triplets' wine- which Vlad immediately took mine and moved it aside. He gave us all menus and silverware before asking if we needed anything else. He left and we quickly got back to our conversation.

"Order whatever you want, price isn't a problem again. Enjoy yourselves, let loose. This is all on me and I know you are all hard-working people. You deserve a day to yourself and to not worry about prices."

Said Vlad as he opened his menu. Everyone nodded but I could see my parents gasp at the prices. I wanted to laugh but I let them be. Soon we all ordered and were laughing and enjoying time as a family. It felt good and I was happy to be with my mate and my soon to be baby.

I held my stomach and held Vlad's hand at the same time. Life was great. I had an amazing mate, a baby, and a loving and supporting family.

There was nothing more I could ever ask for.

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