《Zane the Mad :Part of the Legendary Interviews》12 Yes I still find it upsetting, how could I not.
I looked around the apartment, with all the powers we had put together all the things inside it were simply junk.
But at the same time I imagined in the coming apocalypse that all the things I left behind now would be seen as a gold mine to the right people.
The extra stocks of toilet paper, the bottles of water, the body and hand soap we bought in bulk, the blankets we had gotten 3 of on sale so we wouldn't have to buy new ones again that soon. The 7 mattresses piled up high cus why bother getting rid of one when you got a new one. The sword, knife, and wooden practice sword collection in different corners of the room along with the throwing axes, knives, and sharpening tools made me think this place is one of those I'd love to find in any video game.
Imp looking around at the same things I was shook her head "were you always like this?"
"Yeah..." I said fully aware of how the place looked to an outsider. "Dad likes swords and things too and mom was a hoarder, not hard core but bad enough. Eva's mom too."
"right... so you going to grab up all this stuff or just leave it behind?" Imp asked.
I thought about it thinking about how happy a person mite be coming across this stuff, how valuable some of the stuff would be post world.
Then I thought about how a disaster would just turn it into garbage, one wrong move smashing it all, a small spark lighting the stuff on fire.
I looked around imagining dirty kids huddled on my couch sleeping together for warmth, A homeless person huddling under my blankets, some one ripping out pages from my books to use as fire starter or if they haven't been upgraded yet as a way to wipe there ass.
I could picture clearly one of my mattresses with a big blood stain on it from the vile things people used it for or some one trying to use one of the swords and it braking just as easy as the umbrella next to it, getting themselves killed by what ever it was they thought they were fighting.
Someone breaking then burning my book case, using my bedside table to put there feet up and clean there shoes, clothing torn up to use as torches or to bandage wounds.
The thought made me twitch, if I came across someone using one of these my instinct would be to clam it as my own. But of corse if I just left it all now non of these would be mine.
'Is that a good enough reason to take everything?' I wondered to myself seeing that there was in fact some things I would want to keep. I put those things inside the storage space. The treasurer chest I had gotten as a gift, the octagon bedside table, the swords that my dad had given me, and the staff with crystals tied to it with copper wire I had gotten from a couple travelers when I worked in the Halloween store one year.
The rest of it I planed on my slime consuming, the books would still be readable and all the other things could be remade better once consumed.
I heard a thump and a clatter from the apartment next door, the older lady who lived there was probably making something to eat.
She wasn't a bad person a little to religious to be able to talk to very long and the only other person in the building. The other, in the 3 apartments having bad luck keeping people in it for some reason or another.
Imp floated through the wall for a moment then came back. "your neighbor would get the power of multitasking. If she lived long enough."
I frowned "shes not that old is she?"
"no but shes certainly old enough to not be able to out run anything that tired to attack her, or fight them off for that matter."
"you'v got a point." I said thinking through for a moment what I was about to do I pulled out the neuralizer I had in my 4 absorbed items slot and had my slime go ahead and consume it. Then I made a small slime gave it the power combo to put her in the pocket world and that after she got her power to wipe her memory of Tutorial before copying her power and coming back to my inventory.
Then I sent it though the thin dry wall to her, there was a startled cry and then a clatter of things falling to the ground.
I took out the book of worlds I had made putting new York and the beach away noticing nothing changed yet from what I could see of new york.
I considered having the slime eat the Mib suit I was in now getting any powers out of it I could then using the new clothing making power to get something else on.
But I needed to explore the cavern world and go sneak in and take the power from that old man. Any outfits I could think of to replace it with where ether far too impractical or just slightly lesser then the suit I already had on.
Disappointed I pulled out the Mib laser gun, the ninja suit and matrix suit I had in the other slots of the magic item slots.
I fed them to my slime focusing on it eating quickly trying to get the slime to the point it could eat nearly instantly.
"Did Lu get the upgrades I told him to?" I asked Imp thinking of card constructs I would consume next.
"nope he got distracted when he got his new pet in fact he only leveled up once then when the quest got completed he took it to the park to play with before coming back here."
"Figures." I said shaking my head. "so that still leaves one really powerful summon right?"
"Yeah but only for minute, but one magic item that is permanent if that's what you mean." Imp said
"Damn" I said trying to think of the one magic item most useful right now Glancing in the hallway I saw the big plastic shield Lu had gotten me about a year ago. It was from a game we both enjoyed and had cast him as much as a small metal shield would but it was tick and large enough to act like a wall decoration, witch it had been made for.
I sent the slime to eat it quickly I liked the shield and once my slimes had it I could try and use it for real. But that was a distraction, it didn't help me with what I had been doing at that moment.
I had the slime grab up the trash pile of cards that I had left on Lu's couch getting the ink and paper off of them I had a small bit of the slime come back to me taking the shape of a card.
'Clock stoppers watch.' it read 'the person wearing this watch and 3 others when activated will go into "hyper-time" were the world moves so slow it seams to be still.'
"really? You're going to be getting something even better then that as soon as you go get it and you still make one now?" Imp said shaking her head.
"Yes." I said making the watch and having my slime consume it. "So that way I can get the things I want faster."
Right after the slime consumed the watch I headed outside finding north pointing a finger to it I activated the new "hyper-time" before setting a spike of slime to fly to the city I needed to go to take the power from the guy then find an out of the way spot and form the magic symbol needed to open the door to the cavern.
Then I shot 2 more spikes of slime one at my car and the other to the old lady's car telling them to consume both, before consuming the entire apartment building.
"Got to tell Eva to come to the beach when she starts coming out of her own world portal." I said watching the slimes soak into the cars before exiting the 'hyper-time' but leaving the slimes in it so they moved so much faster.
"Style and Efficiency are giving you 3 points each and brutality is giving you 1." Imp said. "all of them are saying you've been so boring lately they almost didn't give you anything even now."
"Well I didn't ask to be judged all the time or only get points when people who are watching me think I did a good job, like a trained animal." I said darkly a little annoyed at the 1 brutality point guessing it was from how I put the old lady into stasis.
It was kinda fun to watch the cars melt away the sped up slime going through them like warm water pored onto an ice sculpture.
There was a groan and a crash as the front of the cars dissolved to much to hold up the middle or back half. A few birds scattered from where they where perched in the trees.
I reached into my suit jacket and pulled out the sunglasses it came with putting them on and looking at the cars in a stoic way.
"what are you doing now?" Imp asked.
'That made a lot of nose and if anyone is watching I want them to see a man in black watching the apartment melt away into nothing before disappearing into thin air.' I thought at Imp watching the last of the cars get consumed by the slime.
"Do you hate your land lord or something?" Imp asked.
'Got a letter telling me the bank took it back from the guy who had it and there looking for a new one.' I thought to Imp. 'the guy I txted about vacation was a guy from the bank who was prob hopping I wouldn't pay so they could kick me out and try and jack up the price for the next person.'
"so why txt them at all then?"
'well I wasn't sure I wouldn't come back and pay them or even offer to buy the place calming that I won the lottery on vacation or some such.' I thought to her. 'also sense I'm "out of town." this craziness can't be my falt.'
"if you say so." Imp said shaking her head
I watched the slime shoot out and above the building starting at the top washing it away. I was glad that I could see the increase in speed as the building was consumed quicker and quicker.
I started to get board with my stoic look telling Imp to start the story as I watched my old home melt like a candle.
I let it eat the building down to the foundations then let it keep going a little more, I wanted to leave behind a little pit like a sink hole but was growing far to board with standing still.
I activated hyper-time hoping to be moving fast enough that anyone watching wouldn't be able to see me I pulled off the sunglasses putting them back in my pocket telling the slime to come back to me trying to find out just how much I could take before I would need to put it into storage.
It turns out that the mass of an apartment and 2 cars adds up to a lot. The slime moved over and into me my body feeling full almost instantly while the rest of the clear slime surrounded me like an aura.
I thought about just keeping it that way walking around in a large bubble all the time, but knew that would just cause more problems than anything else.
So I put the excess slime into the slimes own storage space so that I could get to it at any time or make it seam like it was just growing when really it was being pulled out.
So many ways to use the slime and now that it had absorbed so many things I had even more I could do with it.
I opened the portal to my beach wondering how long it would take Eva to get finished building our new home.
I made sure to step though and close it before coming out of 'hyper-time' along with all my slime.
I let a drop out to eat some of the sand at my feet letting the color of the slime change from clear to black for a moment before reabsorbing it.
I pointed myself at the cliff of stone and bones that I had seen what felt like long ago and ran.
I had been flying a lot and it couldn't be that far, in fact I nearly ran past it enjoying running for a few moments. Liking how the suit was clearly made to not get in the way or feel heavy or uncomfortable in combat.
It was only knowing that I was about to enter a cavern dedicated to physical training that made me stop.
"So exp boost in this place or no?" I asked Imp using my slime to smooth out a part of the cliff that hadn't fallen that was still mostly just black stone.
After Imp modified my vision to show me where the markings needed to go I used the slime to carve them out into the stone.
The symbol looked much more like a classic magic than anything else I had come across so far. Though the symbols where clearly things I had never seen before they looked familiar like the symbols I had known in magic terms where bad copies of these.
"Yes there is a boost but only for physical powers, some of the areas in there shut off all other powers." Imp said
"Even for dragons?" I asked with a half smirk as the last part of the magic circle was set the whole thing turning into a portal leading to a small room candles burning in holders set around the stone walls, a black ornate chair with a matching table holding a single book set in a stand was the only other things in the room.
I glanced at Imp who was smiling "you'll have to see."
"hmm..." I hmmmed looking into the portal I used vectors to try and pull the book to me. After a moment of nothing happening I narrowed my eyes. I could feel the power pulling at something, so the book was real it just wasn't coming back to me.
I added more vectors to the book using the same amount it took to send the shipping crate flying before it moved slowly to the doorway.
"Some sort of gravity fuckery?" I asked Imp waiting for the book but as soon as it hit the edge of the doorway it appeared back on the table.
"You cant take the book out." Imp said. "and not quite... Its only on the book and not the world itself."
"OK? So what is in the book then?"
"The way out." Imp said with a giggle "The people were supposed to solve a puzzle see a magic room with a magic book go in try and read it then the door would slam closed the doorway opening to the caverns and they get the quest to read the book to get home. But the book ways hundreds of pounds per page. So they have to stay and get fit enough to read the page in order to go back."
"and there's a way to get food in this cave?" I asked shaking my head at the assholery.
Imp laughed out loud a moment more "NO! the damned fool forgot to put it in!"
I shook my head wondering if the guy who made this world could hear Imp laughing at him and that's why she was enjoying her self so much.
"and what happens if some one else opens the portal while the first person is sitting at the table?"
"the door would open and they could get out." Imp said shaking her head.
"and what if a lot of people open the portal all at once?"
"It just lets them all in but it wouldn't let people out due to portal jumble." Imp said
"hmmm way to fix that? also when you read the book were dose the portal go out?" I asked finally stepping into the portal the candles all flared then the portal snapped shut with a loud boom like thunder.
I frowned 'that'll get annoying every time.'
"The book has more magic symbols inside it letting you have more control over the portals." Imp said. "Once you read it you'll be able to make the portal back to your earth and change where it goes. it'll be difficult though you'll need to really know the symbols to know what and how to change them in order to move the portal around."
I pulled out my slime sending it out to copy the book instead of eat it outright.
"Cheater." Imp said
"yep." I said waiting on the slime to finish copying the super heavy book I turned to look back at the caverns seeing crystals glowing and cracks in the tops of the cavern lighting up the raw stone walls. I could smell water and even hear some dripping possibly a natural explanation for why the floor was so smooth nearly polished.
"Weather?" I asked glancing up into one of the cracks.
"Sometimes, and don't bother worrying about the cracks to much. There kinda just lights and facets that make it seam like weather."
"sounds like this place should have mushrooms or mold at the least." I said sniffing not smelling anything but the wet stone and fresh water. Witch made me frown a little taking another deep sniff. "Is my perception filter on right now?"
"Not at the moment." Imp said.
"My body dosen't have a smell." I said holding up my sleeve to smell it noticing it didn't have a smell ether.
Imp sighed "you would be the one to notice wouldn't you."
"My body is constantly cleaning itself? So that's why there is no smell from it... no bacteria build up to make the smell." I said guessing frowning in thought. "But the cloth should have some sort of smell from the thread or dyes used to make it... even if there wasn't thread or dye used to make it it should have something... right?"
"yes, and no." Imp said "-"
"oh is it because its an MIB suit one of there things was being unnoticed and undetectable, smell would be one of the ways to track especially with the aliens they work with." I interrupted her thinking I figured it out.
"Yeah..." Imp said looking a little annoyed
"Good." I said as the slime came back to me. "good now lets look into this."
I made the slime turn into a scroll trying to glance over the book to learn how to open the portal back to earth and maybe even how to place it where I wanted.
The book was more like a Chinese dictionary but one symbol took up multiple pages depending on where in the cycle it was put and in what order with the others.
I sighed my eyes already going a little blurry being over whelmed by the letters. I frowned trying to focus better on the words but again they started to move a little, trying to make shapes out of the letters instead of trying to make words.
"IMP. What the fuck is this." I said glaring at the scroll.
"what?" Imp asked
I started to feel angry then felt the power of emotion control leveling me back out to my new normal. "Why is my reading still broken?"
"What the fuck dose that even mean?" Imp asked annoyed.
"I mean..." I scowled making the scroll go blank and making a pen with another part of it. I started to try and write 'this is a sentence. I will right words now with grammar and spellign and naot ffufkd it up.' my hand started to shake a little looking at the blurry mess I was making before dropping them both.
I felt the power working hard to keep me calm and stop the break down that was trying to work its way into my head.
'right on time.' I thought 'it had been what a few days of me going out and doing things sense the last one.'
I stared at the cavern wall for a moment waiting for it to pass. 'the point of all these powers is to make gods, but I'm mostly still just me. Crazy, angry, violent.' I took a deep breath letting it out long and slowly, like I used to do to get my heart rate down even though I didn't need to breath.
Imp was watching me as if unsure what was going on with me it seamed.
"So I was never going to be a god of wisdom or even helpful. I was always going to be a god of madness." I muttered trying to let it settle in. "Zane the Mad... always."
- In Serial96 Chapters
God of Eyes
Speaking heresy on my deathbed led me to meet god. Maybe it was a curse, or a blessing, but he decided I would work it off--as one of many gods on another world of magic and sorcery. It wasn't something I intended or was prepared for, but I am willing to work to make the world a better place. Isn't that what a god SHOULD do? Part of the Demonsword Project universe (First Age).
8 176 - In Serial7 Chapters
Sentenced to Troll 3
Book One available on Amazon Patreon- For advanced chapters and bonus content SLRowland.com Discord- Have questions? Want to chat? Stop on by Punished for his toxic online behavior, Chad faces a thirty-day sentence of full-immersion rehabilitative therapy designed to improve his anger issues. For all his trolling in real life, he's forced to play the most hated race in Isle of Mythos so that he can finally experience what it's like to be on the other side. To make matters worse, the heroes sent to rid the world of evil aren't heroes at all—they're violent felons on their own twisted paths to redemption. Now, Chad must survive his one-month sentence in a world where anything goes.
8 102 - In Serial12 Chapters
The One Born from Stars
Death. The end to the story of a man’s pained journey. A journey of pain and suffering. Of sights no man should’ve seen or experienced. A life he wished to have taken no part of. But if he were given a chance to relive another life. Would he? Would he mould the future to what he sees fit? Or escape it’s grasp before it could do anymore harm to him or those he loves? What would he do? What will he do? Cover is found here and all credit goes to the origninal producer of the artwork: https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/847732329833010318/ Note: There is not set release schedule and there likely won't be one. There may be a month's between releases which are only 1000 ish words in size. So I highly reccomend coming back when there is a decent amount of reading material present. There is also no set plan for this fiction and it'll be used to release some stress, improve my writing, and to list down concept ideas possibly.
8 108 - In Serial14 Chapters
My bio, Face reveal & handcrafted poetry by yours truly. #5 in Poetry for 6 days 1# in Biography for 2 weeks
8 166 - In Serial21 Chapters
Crimson Gloom
Crimson Gloom. The time when the moon turns crimson, illuminating the landscape with its crimson glow. The time when the ‘doors’ to the Crimson Abyss open. One shall gaze into the abyss and gain its secrets and powers. Concurrently, the abyss also gazes into oneself, gaining one’s sanity and humanity. Dimensional rifts appeared spontaneously on Earth, bringing otherworldly demons along with the Crimson Gloom. Bloody battles were fought, noble sacrifices were made. Humans eventually sealed the rifts and successfully defended their homeworld. Alas, the seals were not perfect. The Crimson Abyss continued to exist, slowly influencing Earth and its inhabitants. Half a century of relatively uneventful years passed… humanity slowly descended into corruption, and the majority of them knew nothing of the effects of the Crimson Abyss. Is there only the dreadful gloom left to the world? Can one find brightness in the increasingly gloomy world? The youth who had gazed into the Crimson Abyss had no answer, nor did he care. He only wanted the Crimson Gloom to end, to forever seal the Crimson Abyss. A mistake and a twist of fate led the youth into a seemingly totally different direction. Will he forget his lifelong goal? Will he instead step back onto his initial path that he fervently pursued? Disclaimer: I do not own the image on the cover. Image edited on canva.com. This piece of work, after all, is only a first draft and by no means an end product by an amateur (beginner) writer. Mistakes are bound to happen. With that said, I will strive to improve as I write. Feel free to point out errors and inconsistencies as you read. I thank you for your time. Finally, I pledge to not rewrite this novel until the first draft is completed.
8 141 - In Serial11 Chapters
Semblance of Brutality
After he'd slain the Spider Mastermind, Doomguy was betrayed by Dr. Samuel Hayden. The Crucible was taken from him, and the doctor had believed he'd sent Doomguy back to Hell. Instead, Doomguy has been sent to the world of Remnant. Now, stripped of his power, Doomguy must accustom himself to life on Remnant, while also contending with life with four new, quirky allies.I do not own any of the characters in this story. Respective rights go to Rooster Teeth for RWBY and Bethesda Softworks & id Software for DOOM. Enjoy!
8 121