《Zane the Mad :Part of the Legendary Interviews》11 So technically the fist world I destroyed I used my wife to do it.
"Power received slime symbiote." Imp said "its got all the things you think it should and yeah it's kinda a slime dragon."
"Nice." I said "wait... the way you said that I thought it would turn me into a dragon too."
"No you gave it the power to use any powers the owner has not share any powers the slime has with the owner." Imp said.
"riiiight." I said sending the power to Eva who sighed and accepted, then I took it for my own. I felt yet another shift ripple through me as the power took hold.
I felt my body to see if there was any permanent changes and I did notice I felt less stiff like my body was more relaxed but it went deeper like my bones felt springier. Looking at my hand and a moment's focus changed it into a scaled claw still shaped like a human hand. Another moment and it grew larger before I put it back to normal.
It wasn't a bad feeling when it changed it was just a light strain but in all directions then it was like it just relaxed into the new shape.
Going back to normal was just a relaxing then a further relaxing.
"Nice" I said tempted to give wings and a tail a go. "Imp how long until new york reset?"
"9 hours." Imp said.
"why?" Eva said looking down at Lu a little impatient to get him back up to get his power too.
"Well with my power and your power combined you should be able to absorb all of the New York world before the reset." I said "if it works the way think it should then the vectors should be able to pull it into the slime, then the slime would eat it up like a black hole growing as it consumes."
Eva looked a little impressed smiling "So what would I have to do?"
I felt the slime inside my body and pulled it up a little getting about just a drop and floating it over to her. "use your slime to consume it then with the lock in power tell it to eat everything in new york but the portal then just wait."
She kept smiling pulling up her own slime to grab the droplet I held out for her. "So where is New York now?"
"should be back at the house" I said Imp above us nodded so we headed back to the apartment "Mite as well grab anything we want to keep from the house I don't really see why we should come back here."
Eva gave a look that was a little hard to read it seamed to be a mix of "oh yeah I guess we'll never be here again." and "oh well I never really liked this place it was the only place we could afford." "Il drop the slime in first then lets grab some things."
"Sounds good" I said looking into the new york portal moving it out from the ship and up into the sky to the top edge of the world again. A flash of paranoia took me and I tired to find any monsters or ghosts from the new York world in the area. I didn't find anything, so I figured it was fine but I would try and remember from now on. Who knows what shit even one Ork cop would do in the prime earth let alone even the weakest ghost.
'Got to think of something for that, a force field maybe? Wall of vectors?' I thought locking the portal into place but shrinking it down so that just a hand could fit though. "shame we cant see it eating up everything."
Eva got a look that said ("if you say so but then again I kinda get it that sounds cool-ish") "cinda" she said forming a hand full of slime thinking for a moment before dropping it into the portal.
After she did I pulled up my own slime directing it to form a sort of cap on the world portal floating out and then stretching out to cover both ends while using its vectors to float while also basically being invulnerable sliding away anything that comes near it or bouncing them off.
"I like the clear slime." I said "it gave me force fields... kinda."
"I'm glad." Eva said giving me a half hug then Looking around to find out what she wanted to keep and get rid of. "would absorbing it with the slime destroy it or just like store it?"
"I... think its Kinda like cut and paste." I said looking around thinking "It looks like it disappears but is like turned into a code that can be put back any time... so I guess more like a save file that you can open whenever."
"ok?" She said clearly not finding any of that very helpful.
I pulled open the cabinet seeing all the food that would go to waist wondering if there wasn't something better to do with it. I couldn't just go knock on doors asking if anyone wanted it.
Then I had a thought 'but if the slime can become and make the food then I could give food to anyone I meet at any time.' This logic seamed sound enough for me to start setting the slime to clean out the cabinets of everything they had.
"....I think I got everything." Eva said from the bedroom. "the game systems, a tv, all the games, books, and my phone... anything else?"
I tried to think for a moment we didn't really have any photo albums or anything. Nearly everything we had was more out of a necessity then just because we really wanted it. Of those things we had to settle for the cheaper things, so the new things would be worth more even for being the best quality. "...no, I guess not. I'll get my own phone and I guess the car..."
"is there any point? There's clearly cars in the new york and better cars."
"...yeah but I don't like to just leave it. Rather get it if nothing else to make the slime bigger." I said watching my clear slime grow as it oozed over the food in the cabinets growing with every can or box consumed.
"...oh. Hey how big do you think the slime is going to get once it eats a whole city?" Eva asked looking worried.
My mind started to flash a little bit going though the thoughts of how big it mite be and ways to deal with it. "Point.... Youuuu should be able to put it in your bag of holding power, maybe even make it get its own so that it stores itself?" I glanced up at Imp as she did a half shrug.
"kinda, if you have the power and your slime have the power then that means you get 2 inventory spaces but if you try to chop up the slime to give each of them there own inventory space then that wont work out. The space would still just be the slime's space." Imp said Eva coming out of the bedroom to listen in.
"Make sense." Eva said glancing at me. "not everything runs on cheat logic."
"Yeah I guess... but that dose mean sense You can make more slimes that still have to obey you then you can get out of it by just making them another color." I said. "otherwise we'd have to share a space among all of us with a slime."
Eva rolled her eyes a little "I think i'll be fine."
"yeah, I mean you can just make it bigger anyway." I said "i guess you can get your slime to level up making its inventory space bigger until it gets big enough to hold all of its self."
"yeah that sounds much better." she said
"all though, if you could make it even bigger then that mite be a way to get items to each other. Like if there was a way our slimes could connect to the other's inventory to trade things." I said. "Maybe some sort of mix with what a cell phone can do?"
"Well good luck with that." she said "im going back to check on Lu."
"Hold up." I said "give me a little bit of your slime now you'v eaten the stuff, got my own saves on there you know."
She sent a little bit of her bright slime right into the the clear one that was just about finishing off the food, with little finger gun.
"Thanks." I said watching the glowing blue mix then dissipate into the clear jell "The trading thing would help with the power swapping as well, all so if he's not up then you could just copy him anyway."
"hmm... wouldn't that mean I get all his memories and things too though?"
"Fuck you got a point..." I said thinking how bad that would have been "well if he's not up then I guess we can go to your world and you can make a lot of water then tell your slime to train up on the bigger inventory thing while waiting on the beach."
I pulled my cell out of the inventory space pulling the slime back to me and letting it eat the phone as it sank back into me.
But Lu was already awake coming out of the beach portal.
"That really hurt." he said glaring at us a little.
"Well I didn't know it would." Eva said.
"and I forgot it mite, but iv fixed it now." I said. "doesn't hurt at all."
"Good for you." He snapped with a sneer. "so we trading powers now or what?"
"Me and Eva just did so just give us a little bit of yours then i'll give you mine and you get the set." I said
"Ok..." He said holding up his hands the blood red slime welling up then dripping off them.
With my vector power I pulled 2 drops one to me and one to Eva. "Don’t need all that much."
"Well I didn't know." He said with a half shrug pulling back the rest of the slime.
Me and Eva were already absorbing the slime from him, Eva then looking pleased opened the door to her own world. "Well looks like we got everything all set up so I'm going to go, let me know when that slime eats everything."
"oh you'll know." Imp said above us.
We frowned up at her Eva giving me a questioning look and I just shrugged.
"Well?" Lu said looking between us. "when do I get my bit of your slime?"
"Oh yeah..." I said pulling out a little of my clear slime. "I... had an idea actually. I think you mite like it better."
He frowned his face saying "you fucker I knew you'd try and fuck me over what are you planning?" Eva hopped into her portal to leave us to work it out.
"Well, I thought of a mix of powers, Perception manipulation, Story telling, pocket world, and the lack of needs thing. If I mix it right then you should be able to go to into the pocket world where the story power runs it giving you, your own paradise."
His eyebrows raised at that and he started smiling. "But you could just give me the power and I could do it myself right?"
"Maybe? but iv also got a power to give people brand new powers and for some reason that one is locked. I can not by any way give it to others. Like Imp, otherwise Eva's screens would have changed into some sort of familiar as well. That power should help add in anything I don't already have to get you to your perfect world."
"OK..." He said then gave a half shrug the little Eevee jumping up into his arms. "Do it then."
"ok... but let me try something." I said then tried to put those powers into a mix and then give them to the slime with the power to make people go weather they wanted to or not.
Imp grinned down at me and gave a little nod.
"OK... here goes." I said then sent the bit of slime at him it splattered on his chest then quickly seeped into him. He looked annoyed for a moment then vanished.
"So?" I looked up at Imp.
"yep he's in a pocket world that's about as big as a closet but asleep so he doesn't notice the story power giving him dreams of his own world." Imp said a wide grin on her mouth her eyes distant as if she just won an argument with someone.
"Ok... good." I said thinking "and he can come out any time he wants? Its not like a death trap or anything?"
"he literally can't be hurt in there, and if he wanted to he would leave. But I don't think that'll ever come up." She said laughing.
"good... good." I said thinking. 'i was wondering what to do about some of the people I wanted to keep safe and help with out them needing to see the world end. and it looks like the test worked, he didn't accept the power I just put it on him.'
"yep it'll work on anyone and if they didn't have a power they'll get the Tutorial but then be dropped off in the pocket world. No change to there power and the story telling part starts there, changing there world much more subtly then Lu got. In fact they shouldn't know they were put in there at all."
It was always a sign that I was doing some thing morally wrong when Imp seamed so happy, but I really couldn't tell what it was this time.
"...and no change to there powers? Not like Eva?" I asked taking a stab in the dark.
"Nope not like Eva, she was only changed so that she would be able to survive but you fixed that." Imp giggled "riiiiiiiiiiiigggggght?"
I narrowed my eyes a little. "I mean, from what I can tell... I did it to myself and everything."
"So go on whats stopping you?" Imp leered at me as if about to get a prize.
I grimaced. "how do I get a copy of there powers if there in there own little world?"
She took a few moments to laugh at me, me who now had the power to make summons then consume there powers. Who could maybe pump powers into an object then consume that, but was still asking how to get other people's power.
"You nearly salved it already with the slime shifting system." Imp finally stated still grinning. "figure out how to get a little of there slimes after they go away."
I thought of that for a moment the easiest way seamed to be the auto activate power once the person got done with Tutorial to send the slime back to me so I could consume it. The only question left was how to send it to me.
"How dose the magic symbol door work exactly?" I asked thinking of the world I still had yet to even go in. Knowing the symbol would let one into the world no matter where they drew it.
"Complicated." Imp said nodding as if I was on the right track "best to think of it like a web sight address, its there where it is and your telling a little bit of space to go find it."
"okay... so how do I tell little bits of space to go find my inventory?" I asked.
"How do you do it already?"
"wait, no that's the wrong question isn't it? If I use my slime to put them into the little world with the powers then that slime I sent them with is still my slime, so it should just go to my slime's pocket space when its done." I said.
Imp seamed to think for a moment before nodding "If you don't tell your slime to bond then yes that is true, but remember the memory issue form a moment ago?"
"yes, but no because my slime will just use my power of copy the power... giving me only the smaller version of the power." I said having seen the pit fall there. "but... wouldn't that mean I'm just leveling that power nearly all the time? so at some point I would have it be able to give me even stronger powers then they got to start with?"
"That would take aaa llloooooooot of people" Imp said watching me closely again.
"yeah..." I said thinking of how I mite go about it. "but I mean its a start."
"true" She muttered But my mind was still racing.
"could.... could I program my slime to show up some where else if say if some one stepped on something?" I asked Imp.
"I mean it was meant to be a trap power after all." She said.
"and then grab it then come back?"
"then I could do the same with a symbol?" I asked.
"once you complete the quest you can." She said reading. "Quest find and copy the power of David E. Fitzgerald-rewards, his power in full and the power to make magic symbols to summon your slime."
I frowned confused for a moment "hang on I think I know that name?" I had a blind spot for names nearly all my life so it must be some one special who could stick in my head even a little.
"He was a very famous magician." Imp said "He was one of the first to be given a power on this world. At least in this new round of magic."
"Oh... Damn so all those tricks where real?" I asked impressed thinking of the master escape artist who used to be able to get out of anything, Who also used to catch bullets and things with his teeth. He was still trying to do tricks into his 70s but finally had to admit he had gotten to old when he fell and broke a hip trying to grab an arrow shot at him by an audience volunteer.
"Damn... well where is he?" I asked already trying to think of the best way to fly all the way to California on the other side of the country.
"he lives in a home just outside Chicago." Imp said.
"Wow... thats, the same distance as the last quest." I said a little suspicious.
"Don't worry your next quest is all the way in California. Its to steal a light bulb from a church" Imp said.
"Ok? whats the reward?"
"oh, no real reward you get to absorb the power from the light bulb."
"Ok... so light bulbs have powers now?"
"this one dose." she said floating around the room looking a little board again. "It was made by a god, its light gives off powerful magic to upgrade anyone it touches. It dose that by projecting a time dilation field giving anyone hit by it 4 days worth of time in 4 minutes."
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