《Zane the Mad :Part of the Legendary Interviews》8. I have slept sense getting powers so I know I didn't really sleep that day.
Imp stopped the story. "only 5 minutes until Lu is to wake up."
"right." I said drifting up off the couch and floating into the front door. Pulling the book out of my pocket space I moved the portal so that it was covering the doorway. As if the door opened to the beach.
I stepped out finding Lu floating up in the air a little further away then I thought he would be. I pulled him down to me, noticing that I couldn't see him because he was in an odd haze.
I set him up just above the sand then dispelled the blade aura I had put on him.
"what is with this? why cant I see what he looks like?" I asked Imp trying to focus on Lu's face through the haze.
"that's because right now he doesn't look like anything, hes still being transformed into whatever his new look is going to be." Imp said. "the haze is there cus the Gms thought it would be better then watching what is really happening."
"I s it really that bad?" I asked wondering if there was a way I could use ether the haze or the way people look when they change.
"For a sociopath like you, not really. Your wife mite vomit though" She said looking at Lu.
"show me." I said seeing that she could see what was happening under that haze
"nope hes waking up" Imp quickly said
Lu opened his eyes looking confused for a minute blinking then looked down to me, flinching he asked "what happened to your face?"
I grimaced reaching up to touch the bare spot in by beard "guy was immune to my powers and had a magic suit that gave him a nock off superman build. While I was being tazed with a lightning shark. My face exploded and I nearly died... Im still pissed about it."
Lu looked horrified and I took that time to really look over him, noticing that his teeth had ben fixed and his hair was now nearly white. Other then that his arms were more well muscled he looked much the same as he had ben.
I noticed by the open mouth fish look on his face he had questions and wasn't sure how to start. It was a look I saw on his face a lot. "My powers put together helped me stay alive and put my face mostly back into place, then heal me up. I was also wearing one of the super suits as well so that helped."
He looked a way to the ground closing his mouth eyes widened a little, the look that said to me 'not what I was going to ask but im not going to say'
"I didn't kill him or anything he was bing brain washed by a guy who could turn into a will o wisp and learned to mind wash the others, so I wiped there memory and busted that guys legs up before taking all his magic items off him and telling him I helped him escape a prison and he got hurt on the way out." I said seeing him smile at the part about busting the guys legs. "I guess i've got a lot of other stuff to tell you too... Look out im setting you down."
I slowly lowed him down all the way to the ground before just letting him go, he shifted for a moment from the awkward way he went down.
"so lets see... I found another world portal but with a fake New York, got magic items every where, and a quest to find 5 of them to get an inventory power." I said "also lots of things to kill, most of them human shaped, like orc cops, mobsters of some sort, ninja's that seam to be darkness based, and ghosts"
"all of them?" Lu looked almost disgusted.
"yep. the maker wanted to cram every movie about New York they could, along with magic items from those movies. So pay off is pretty great." I said thinking if there was anything else I mite want to add. "oh yeah Eva was nearly eaten by a slime and so I had to put her on the beach and was able to give her a few points so that she could get better... that being said Iv only got...."
I glanced at Imp who muttered "32"
"32 points left im going to give you 10 into getting more points so that every time you level up you get 10 instead of the normal one." I stated glancing at Lu and saw him do a face shrug. "yeah thats the cap of points you can get other wise I would have gotten a lot more."
"+3 points" Imp muttered.
I shot her a surprised glance then looked back at Lu "ready?"
He nodded and I used the blue pop up color arrows to Lu giving him the 10 points. I saw the pop up appear in front of him.
"put ten points into getting more points." Lu said confidently I saw him reading something then smile before the screen disappeared.
"cool." I said stepping aside and rasing an arm to the portal. "so I guess you should get dressed in something you don't really care about and get some shoes on."
Lu glanced at me "ok... are you going to close the portal or just watch me change?"
I frowned at him. "I thought I'd fly around for a minute or so and make sure that the bugs aren't coming back and the birds aren't being made yet."
"Ok?" He said confused again.
"so see you soon" I said then jumped up floating into the air. "imp keep an eye out for him."
"ok" she said floating down to the door, as I floated using my find power to try and find the bugs, birdmen, then bird men eggs.
The only bugs I found was the drones who were hiding out at the edge of the island, and there was no bird men at all.
'good' I thought. "so what was the 3 points from?"
"efficiency." Imp said. "also he seams to be done he looks like he's getting things out of his closet."
"good." I said then drifted down gently seeing the closet door that would block the fount door to open. "grabbing your cards?"
Lu seamed to jump a bit dropping the stack of cards he was holding. "damn it." He muttered looking down at the pile annoyed.
"dude." I gave him my your being dumb face. then lifted up the cards with my vectors. "use your powers."
"I forgot." he muttered before the cards tugged on my own power it was an odd feeling and I let go quickly to make sure they wouldn't rip apart.
"oh speaking of forgot I made you a couple things." I said pulling out the 2 metal cards. "one of these is a bird pixie thing that can make cards for you, the other is a mecha man suit so that you can put it on and use other cards at the same time to power up that suit."
Lu frond "you made it? how?"
"I got vector crafting from a quest to go and get the new york portal." I said "then I took the metal and copper wire off a boat in the new york portal."
He held them up to the light looking them over "so how is this thing supposed to work?"
"well im not sure how your power works or anything but the bird thing when you summon it will be able to draw anything you want and iv got some blank books so you can make the cards out of them. Honestly if you can just try and sommen it then tell it what cards you want... that way you don't have to worry about them getting destroyed." I said pulling out the blank book and floating it over to him.
"I mean I guess." he said pulling the book out of the air then holding out the bird card "I can only summon one living thing at a time, it only lasts for an hour before needing to be re-summoned and I can only use it once an hour per card, so I wanna wait until I know what I want it to make. But if you insist then I guess I can make it now."
"I mean... no your right it sounds better to get a list of cards you want before you do that." I said thinking. "but do you even know where you'd wanna start?"
"No. thats why I was looking though all my cards so I can see if any of them sound good." Lu said rolling his eyes.
I hate when people do that and I always thought he did it to much, as always I was tempted to hit him while he was looking away so he mite stop doing that shit. "ok... then let me get the other card games"
"ok" he said looking away but in a way I took to mean 'yeah fucking do that.'
I opened my mouth in a way that popped my jaw before closing it again. I used to clench my teeth a lot so now every time I want to do that I open my jaw instead it helped me notice my jaw muscles and make sure that they went clenched to soon be painful. The click happened one day and hurt a lot a first but ever seance then it just felt like popping a knuckle.
I headed to the bedroom pulling out a couple board games we hadn't played in a while, one of witch was a game about groups of things trying to take over areas together in odd groupings, the other was a game about witches trying to save there small town form things like sick pigs.
I floated them over to him then looked in the computer room seeing a game Lu used to like and I still did about superheros being and using money to buy more cards. We had nearly every one they made but Lu's ex boyfriend used to have them all as well and he had cronies help him cheat by ignoring rules, making them up, or just telling the other guys how to play the game so he could win.
Fucken hate that guy for a lot more then that but that one still stuck out to me.
I floated the games out into the living room noticing for the first time just how many cards we had in this place, that wasn't including normal playing cards or the tarot cards, we each had a set.
"il start going through this stack" I said he glanced up said ok then went back to looking through his stacks of trading card games.
I started with the witches game not remembering nearly anything about it but being hope-full it would give something good, but I stopped thinking another second.
"iv got an idea" I said then just "found" the cards worth giving a damn about in the massive pile we had started. There was depressingly few, glancing at a couple of the cards it was clear to see why. Most of the cards just did things for the game and had no other purpose. Hell the pictures and names had little to nothing to do with what they actually did.
Nodding to myself I opened a box then started pulling all the useful cards out of it and putting them into the lid, before moving on to the next boxes.
"+5 points" Imp muttered "same judge"
I nodded mostly to my self pulling card boxes open to grab more and more of them, Lu was looking annoyed sense I was pulling them from his pile as well letting him look at the trash ones to make sure thats all that they were.
It was a disappointingly small amount out of the piles and piles of cards we had there was only a large stack left of useful cards.
"try these out." I said floating them over to him he shot me a light glare then kept looking though his pile of crap cards "dude i've got a power to find things and I used it to find the good ones."
"you should have said some thing" he said setting down his stack and looking through the pile I had made nodding as he read each one of them.
"...I think were going about this in the wrong way." I said thinking "I mean I gave you a guy who can make cards so I guess the real questions are how do your powers work exactly? and what do you really want to do with them?"
He gave me a lost look "I don't know... thats why im looking at the cards."
I let out a breath for a moment. "ok yeah fair point... but still follow up questions on how your powers work."
Lu frowned then seamed to remember who he was talking to and smiled. "This is that part in all the rps we do were you break our powers and ruin the game?"
"yeah im trying" I say with a smile. "so you should be able to let me ask questions and your screens can answer them... hell should be no resin why we both cant see them"
"well i'm kinda in the way." Imp said
"I v got screens that are just in my head so you wont see me using them." I said to him while thinking about her showing them to me using my self perception control. "but il be able to read them."
she nodded "oh I get yeah... why aren't you just telling him about me?"
"Cool" Lu said at the same time. "go ahead whenever I gess."
"ok cool" I said thinking that its fucking crazy she exists and I'd tell him latter, shes not really important right now. "Ok. So il ask the screens directly. Is the one hour time limit for all the cards?"
Imp seamed like she was a little annoyed that I said she didn't matter right now but I still saw a blue screen appear right when Lu's did.
"The time limit is based on low level constructs, simple things such as animals or elemental with little to no power besides there shape, are seen as level 1 and take no penalty to duration getting the full 60 minutes.
As the level of the summon gets higher the time gets smaller, in increments of 10min per level. If the level exides the time it will not be summoned but the time can hit 60 with a summon time of 1 minute.
It is possible to summon a creature with less power then it should have to reduce its level."
"ok..." I said "how many points to reduce the minute cost or to increase the limit?"
I glanced at Lu who seamed like he was still reading through the first pop up I noticed mine popped up instead of the old one but his popped up under neath the one he was reading.
"I t is 3 points per minute reduction stopping at 1 to 1.
It is 20 points to make a permanent summon that fits in the limit system.
To increase the time limit it is a 1p to 5m caping at 100."
"So to get the max level 100 summon takes... math amount of points?" I said reaching for my phone to get the calculator to do the math, but Imp saved me the time the next blue box appearing.
"30 points for one minute per level then 8 points for a max of 100 minutes to get a 1 minute level 100 summon. Then just 20 points to make it permanent. But its cool down time is increased by one minute per level to the max of 10,000 minutes, or 16.67 hours."
"Fuck cool down? no one said cool down." I said thinking that the price to get a level 100 summon permanent wasn't that bad at all, but a fucken cool down could really mess shit up. "how many points to reduce the cool down? and how many points to get more summons at one time?"
"Cool downs start at 60 minutes and are increased 1 minute per level increase. Starting at 1 level 6 summon lasting 1 minute with a cool down of 66 minutes. The cool down is 1 point per 10 minutes reduced. For the level 100 summon it would be 1,000 points.
It is 5 points per active summon creature, iteam, and long term single spell type.
It is 10 per building, field, or large area spell effect."
"wait... the way that's stated that means each of those card types would have a different cool down and cost system in place." I said disgusted at all these rules. "why dose he have so many fucking rules, my shit was just go do it power up?"
"His power is more complicated and requires more attention to use." imp said. "Yours is just a magic sling shot, his is making small parts of a whole new world, and its not like he can just do it all himself. His power has to have its own mind just to work at all, so upgrading and changing that so that it can make more powerful things or things that last longer takes a lot of work."
I thought about that for a minute picking apart everything I could about it. "so would it be cheaper if he was able to make permanent large simple things like a big ass wall?"
"I n a way yeah, but it still takes energy in order to make the wall witch is where the cool down comes in. If he over rides it the wrong way it will start to eat into him making him starve and pass out." Imp stated.
"so if I give him my no need for that shit it would reduce the point cost because it wouldn't be a problem anymore?" I hoped.
"yes, If he had your limitless energy then making large simple things should be much easier, but that dose not help with the summons, spells, or magic items."
"ah... but it would help with just normal items right? Like hammers or knives?"
"yes." Imp said.
"who are you talking to?" Lu asked looking up at me "I v read everything that's popped up so far and your not even reading."
I let out an indecisive hhhh sound. "I ts another power I got from a quest. My stat screens got turned into an Imp familiar and she's got some extra powers because of it. Like being able to see what powers people get or being able to go scout for me. But because I bout another thing so I wouldn't have to read these screens no one can see her but me."
"oookaayyy....." Lu said looking confused. "if that works for you I gess."
"jury's still out." I said "but it is helping so far in things like this were I take the rules apart. so give me a few more minutes n il get back to you."
"ok?" he said looking away and down again I frowned at that realizing him bing here at all right now was kinda pointless and boring for him. "you ...hungry?"
He seamed to think for a minute then said "yeah but what time is it?"
I glanced at my phone seeing it was 6:20 pm. "just 6pm, also I guess you should go and quit your job so you can get your last pay check."
"yeah I was wanting to never go back there again." Lu said.
"yeah I know I mean its up to you you could just go get food for now iv got ways of making money but itl be a little bit before we can really get to them." I said "il pull your power apart and see what we cant do with it so just act mortal for a while ok?"
Lu looked like he didn't quite like that but nodded getting up and grabbing his wallet, I put the portal to beach back into the book before putting it away.
"you wanna take the car?"
"naw il just walk."
"Ok il see you in a minute then." I said with a little wave of the hand as he headed out.
I was half blinded by the sunlight as he left noticing half the cards blew around in the wind of the door closing. I used the vectors to clean them up making sure to keep the box of the good cards close by putting the rest back into the closet before turning back on imp.
"ok so why bother having the buildings and things disappear after a while in the first place then?" I asked her.
"because his power isn't building making its card constructs, he started out just moving them around he was able to use his time in the 4 days to get to the point were he could make summons at all. There more like holograms made soild, any powers they would have is just spells being used over and over." Imp said.
I thought about it that way for a moment. "so what he really needs then is a power that lets him make objects. Even just raw elements to start and mixing that with the power he already has would boost him a lot. How many points?"
"50 just to start off with making a foot sized cube of "stone". Raw creation is one of the hardest things to do." imp said.
"fuuuuck.... what about multiplication? or just making more of what already is?" I asked trying to think if any of the powers I had seen so far disproved what she was saying.
"thats easier if you just want to grow or spread what already exists then thats 20 points and it would act more like your Vectors it would grow along the ways you think of it." Imp said.
"so can that be mixed with his constructs to make buildings as long as he has a starting point?"
"yes but only if he has the power mixing power. witch is 50 points."
"FUUUCK. ok ok... so it seams like his power relay is more for getting pets and casting spells then building city's." I said with a sigh.
"I don't see why your even bothering with this. You only have to keep him alive long enough for Eva to eat that dragon then you can just kill him and get all the powers you want."
"I fucking said it before im not fucking killing him even if it gives me all powers I want." I said getting annoyed at all this.
"I v looked through your memories he doesn't seam that important. Hell it seams like you barely get along half the time." imp said with a half shrug.
"oh fuck off I said im not killing him and even if I did im sure that wouldn't be the end of it your mana would just say to kill Eva too just to see how far I'd go for power."
I heard the door open behind me and I let out a sigh turning to see Lu holding a bag of food and a drink in one hand giving me a loud an clear what the fuck face.
"hey..." I sighed again. "fuck.... yeah I got this quest to kill you to get the power to give myself any powers I want, and if I don't il be cut off from a lot of other powers that are really strong."
"ok...." he said coming in and sitting down at the couch
"it didn't seam worth mentioning." I said glaring up at imp. "she's just getting bored with this talk about how to get you strong."
"okay." he said but he smiled and seamed pleased pulling out his food and started munching it down.
"ok. so moving on..." I said thinking. "it sounds like he needs to get more points as soon as possible, to get that super strong summon to then get more points... Imp how long until the reset of the fake new york?"
"3 hours outside 3 days inside." imp said
"and he can cast big field effects right?" I asked.
"yeah there about 10' wide and can last for 10 minutes with the cool down of 1 hour."
"ok so is there a way to make it more powerful but last less like with the summoned?"
"yes same point and cool down set up."
"good..." I said thinking "so it would put the hologram of a building say and move things around the building instead of say turning it into the new building?"
"yes... but it only has so much durability, so if you made that building it could only take so much before it shattered." imp said teeth showing.
"about how much?"
"how do I put it... about as tough as a brick wall." imp said watching me.
"so if it wouldn't last as long it could be much stronger right?"
"and how well can he change the shape of it?"
"For now the only thing he can do is make the shape and mild changes to it, like if he made the building then he could change where the doors or windows are but not tern it into a tower."
"ok ok..." I thought about that then thought about the storage space power a while. My mind doing the fire works of thoughts. "gooooood. Send Lu a transcript of the back and forth we had."
"what makes you think I can do that?" imp asked frowning.
I gave her my don't bullshit me look. She tried to stair me down but in the end she waved a hand at Lu pop ups appearing in front of him nearly nocking the cheeseburger into his face.
"thats what me and her have ben saying this whole time so your all caught up." I said plotting and planing like I like to do, grinning mind flickering through the thoughts.
"as soon as your done eating and reading that then il get you a rush on getting your inventory power, and picking up some good shit then we'll start racking up the place and getting you power leveled as fuck." I said grinning exited to try out my ideas. "I think I found a few game breakers and a couple different ways to do it."
"thats good." Lu said reading over a bit of the transcript burger forgotten in one hand. "do I really need to read all this?"
"I guess not. Its just about things you can and cant do yet and how many points things cost. So if you just trust me then the only thing you really need to know is it takes a fucking lot of points and im working on getting them to you" I said.
"ok" he said dismissing the screen and eating his burger while watching the thing he had brought up on his phone.
I wanted to witch a moment wanting him to hurry but I understood he wanted to relax and eat for a moment. So I used my find power to check the box of cards for what I was looking for. It wasn't surprising to find that he didn't have any of them. I was looking for things that normally was a part of a game we didn't play so it made sense.
I went into the kitchen to pull out the card making metals. I got to work making the field cards I had ben thinking of.
A tree, a mountain, lava pit, an ice burg, and a large cave.
It didn't take that long at all and I still had plenty of metal left over so I asked lu "anything you want made of metal? instead of just week ass paper?"
"Fire ball. of corse" he said "allso daggers I gess... and the eevees."
"ok..." I said then had a thought and smiled looking up all the eevee evolution then put on the back of them an elemental attack spell for each one.
Now that used up most of the coloring metals I had in the coper wire and the steel pipe. I had enough for a couple more cards I'd grab more from the boat, if I even needed to make them.
I looked back into the living room seeing that Lu was watching the video on his phone food forgotten in his lap.
"Dude." I said annoyed with him for taking so long and a little bit for doing the same stuff he did every day when there was a magic portal and powers to get.
Lu looked up at me then seamed whiny "what?"
"we got shit to do what are you doing man?"
"no your not your just sitting there like its a normal fucken Tuesday not like we'v got a magic portal to get to." I said not sure how he could be acting like this. I mean it didn't make sense we talked about magic and powers all the fucking time. I mean he always jumped around in a way that made it sound like he got board easily and hated rules as much as I did, with his powers there seamed to be a lot of rules. But acting like we were just going to work was bullshit.
I started to feel my head buzz in the back of my neck I opened my jaw and the portal to the fake new york. "we've only got 2 hours until the shit resets, cards are on the table hurry up."
I walked onto the boat taking a deep breath and once again thinking about punching something with super powerful fist.
"what the fuck is his problem?" I asked imp reviewing what I had in my inventory noticing I still had a lot of water.
"I ts the mental conditioning, it makes a lot of the surprise and horror of whats going on seam normal." Imp said floating around above me.
"is that part of the rebuild?" I asked wondering if I should go ahead and get rid of it. I chose to keep it thinking of a few things to test with the bag of holding power.
"yeah, its to help keep people from losing there minds during the shift, it would have helped you too." she said looking down on me her eyebrows raised.
"How so?" I asked seeing if I could lift one of the solid iron shipping containers it moved a little but clearly it was just that much heaver then my max.
"it would prevent all that imbalance in your brain so you would quit raging so much, it also tones down your obsession with new powers and getting stronger." Imp said.
I focused a bit more on lifting the storage container. "How far dose that change go? I mean how much of me would be left?" I dropped the container pulling open the beach portal. "what the fuck is it doing to Eva?"
"I ts helping her." imp said quickly flying in-fount of the portal "I t just fixes things that need fixed. Like your rages, depression, and memory problems."
"and make it so that I don't care about magic and powers?" I demanded. "making MAGIC just a new normal? Making me see my power as just another everyday thing? Forcing me to stay a loser in the magic world just like I was in the old earth? Just a loser with a "magic sling shot?" FUCK WHAT WOULD IT DO TO EVA?"
I still don't know if its possible for me to hurt Imp but the way she flinched made me think it is. "I ts just getting rid of her depression, PTSD, and self loathing... also protecting her from any future PTSD, from the horrors that this wold mite become."
I growled trying to breath but it came out wrong I could feel my face twitching I just couldn't stop the anger from boiling, I was afraid Eva was dead and some stranger would be walking around with her memory and that maybe that same thing had already happened to Lu.
Either way it would be my falt, killing them by not understanding the power and magic around me or what its effects were. For Eva it would be doubly my falt because I tracked in the slime in the first place nearly killing her and the only option was to have the portal fix her.
When I get anger like that I start to feel like an animal honestly wanting to bite and claw at anything that moves. I heard a noise behind me and turned seeing a guy in a workmen overalls with a baseball bat in his hand swinging it at me.
I felt myself let go and things began to blur knowing he wasn't real I finally gave in hoping that the gross reality would help me not want to bite people anymore.
I grabbed the bat putting it into the inventory then lept tackling him then started biting he took my wait for a moment then fell back my teeth sinking into his neck I was half surprised by the blood that gushed into my mouth I was thinking the fake people wouldn't have it. I drove a thumb into the guys eye scratching at his scalp, the eye moved aside with a wet jelly building up under my thumb.
I nearly choked on the blood spitting it out I took another bite ripping the eyeball out and taking a chunk of his adam's apple. I nearly gaged at the textures, it was the worst part of gristle and tough. A moment latter the body disappeared beneath me the blood vanishing from my mouth.
I was breathing hard trying to get myself under control when I felt a vibration in the deck of the boat beneath me, glancing to the side it came from I saw a pair of feet in a stance to attack.
I rolled coming up grabbing on of his legs and punching the knee to the side the suit I had forgotten I had absorbed giving me the strength to shatter it. The guy fell back dropping his large wrench, I slammed a fist into his chest I felt a crunch.
His body dissipated as I was slammed by a third one I pulled him into the roll ending up on top of him I grabbed him by the throat squeezing, knees on his arms.
His face started turning red blood vessels popping out on his forehead something about the shape of his face and what was happening to him pissed me off.
I started slamming his head into the deck the weird way we were positioned making it hard for me to lift his head up, I kept going starting to yell. His head detached from his shoulders with a wet ripping sound. I screamed into its face squeezing as hard as I could and felt a crack before it crumbled like a large egg.
The body dissolved and I sat there face twitching for a moment feeling glad that I didn't need to breath so I wasn't panting.
My eyes started to water and I started to cry glad again I didn't have to breath because I would be panting and sobbing loudly but instead I could quietly feel like I was dying.
I wanted Imp to tell me how Eva wasn't going to be that changed and she was still going to be her, but I couldn't trust her right now the floating thing that admitted she was here to help keep me under control.
Im not sure how long I stayed there quietly not sobbing feeling like I killed Eva twice over.
After a few moments I let some water out of the inventory and used a vector to make the water bubble around me.
I closed my eyes and let my legs give out just layed there in the water. After what felt like a life time Imp finally said "do you really think getting rid of ...all that is a bad thing."
I didn't bother to answer laying in the water trying to calm down and remember that Eva was supposed to be fine that she was healing just fine.
I put the water back in the inventory floating up to my feet taking a long deep breath then started stretching feeling my joints pop as I tried to relax.
"Hidden quest complete reward self emotional modifier accept?" Imp said looking at me a little skittishly.
I took another breath. "yeah... better do that."
I felt the cool water wash through my head calming down the fizzing and boiling feeling in my brain.
A blue box appeared before me with a list of emotions with a slid bar underneath them. The setting for anger was already set high so I turned it down. After only a moment of hesitation I just shut it off.
Im sure I really wouldn't need it I knew what things normally made me mad, nearly everything. But now I could act based more on the logic of a situation instead of the fucked up chemical bath I used.
I changed the rest so that I was feeling mildly amused I thought about going full on laughing mad just to see what it would be like to enjoy myself all the time, but I thought that would be to much.
"I want you not to lock them in, keep them near this level but when it seams relevant change them, but make sure to keep anger down as low as you can." I said taking another deep breath and let myself feel good for a moment before dismissing the screen.
"now iv got some questions about my inventory power." I said.
"ok... I'd like to also tell you, that you got another 20 points." Imp said "10 from brutality and 10 from tension... also, those guys were not real I used the perception control to give you something to unleash onto"
I noticed the open beach portal and put it back. "good good... so is there ways to get more points out of that?"
"...No? they only reward genuine emotion and events." Imp said
I nodded "why tension?"
"tension is about being under pressure or being pulled by strong emotions." Imp said
I nodded at that to. "Now when I take things out of the inventory can I fuse it to other objects?"
"No its not a teleportation its more like a portal shaped like the object going in or out." Imp said.
"Ok next question" I said leaping up onto a shipping crate so I could get a good view of the others trying to lift one as we talked. It wasn't going well so far I wanted to drop one off at the beach and do this there but with the time dilation I was worried I'd be leaving Lu alone on this boat for who knows how long. I also wondered what he saw on the other side of that portal a moment ago. "what happens if I try to put a big thing inside a little thing? like a whole shipping crate inside a car?"
"The crate would tear the car apart." Imp said "the way the portal works it moves the whole thing at once."
"good goood." I said still focusing on lifting the crate while thinking.
A moment latter LU walked out of the portal a bag I knew him to cary cards in on his shoulder and paused looking confused.
"I m up here" I said as the crate started to float. I let it drop and jumped down next to him and smiled. "so you get the cards and all the ones you want?"
"yeah... well I just grabbed the whole box." he said looking around as the blue pop up box for the inventory quest appeared.
"cool" he said accepting it.
"yeah so im not sure how you want to do this but its best if I fly us around and grab those Easter eggs so we can get started on my plan." I said.
"no offense but I don't think ether of us wants to hold etch other while flying over the city." he said smiling but looking just a little grossed out.
"nope not talking about that at all." I said. "I can just lift you with my power and fly us to the Phone booth that will let you get the matix suit that'll give you the power to fly."
"cool... is it far?" He asked.
I thought for a moment then shook my head feeling a little stupid. "man I forgot I had portal power and sense i've ben there before we can just take that."
I had imp remind me of what the Phone booth looked like and then I opened the portal to it.
Lu just watched it for a minute "is that safe? I mean all those weird bubble things..."
"yeah its fine man" I said struggling a little bit to keep it open the edges of the portal forming more bubbles as I lost focus.
He looked a little unsure but jumped over the edge of the portal to the phone booth. I just walked in letting it drop behind me.
"cool now you just pick up the phone put it to your ear then you'll be transported to an underground train station wearing the suit. Find a red button hit that and a train comes by to take you back. ...you'd better give me your bag im not so sure what happens to stuff you take down with you." I said.
Lu gave me a confused look then took of the bag handing it out to me I put it into my own inventory space.
"I 'll meet you where the train lets out." I said
He gave the phone a worried glance then gave me one too before putting the phone to his ear I heard a sound like a dial up tone then he vanished the phone falling then when it got to the end of the line it bounced landing back in the cradle.
"that's kinda cool" I said before finding where Lu would come out at and double checking where the dragon was to be sure it wasn't the same place. I was glad to see that the dragon was quite far away from that station.
"how meany points am I up to now?" I asked imp deciding to bound to the station as it wasn't far and down.
"damn.... didn't expect to be getting that much." I said "what are the chances it keeps up like this?"
"not sure, I don't think we have had this system in place before."
"yes but a lot of this system stuff has ben trial and error, they've done a few experiments over the years garbing some, giving them a power or magic item and seeing what would happen. A lot of them just fumbled about at first not really knowing what to do, so we left notes but that didn't seam to help them really grow. We tried making it a blood line thing and that didn't end well.
Then video games started to get so popular they wondered if you wouldn't respond well to doing that and so far there tests showed much better results."
"...your not saying the greek gods and things were because of them?" I asked thinking that I really wouldn't be that surprised.
"yep, and a few of the other stories. Aladdin is a good example, so was Excalibur."
"you know" I said leaping down into the subway "I think you would realize that maybe people aren't worth all that trouble after the first few tests. Hell the gods thing alone would prove you shouldn't give people to much power."
"its not like we really have a choice, soon the mana flows will come and change things ether way. So it's ether help the best we can or watch your world mostly die out and rebuild." imp said with a shrug.
"hmm.... but do you really get anything out of it?" I noticed we both talked like we weren't sure if imp was one of them or not.
Imp shrugged again. "I think its just something to do, a project to pass the time."
"if you say so." I said then heard the train approaching I started finding nearby items and Easter eggs, noticing that we went too far from the empire state building and its 4 items.
"damn I feel like I got cheat codes" I said with a grin pulling out the portal to the beach moving it out into the ocean then started poring out the water I had in my storage.
The subway train stopped the doors opening to show Lu in the long tailed black suit he had tossed the sunglasses aside just as I had. I thought he would look more like the character from the movie that it was based on, but his white curly hair really ruined it.
I kept poring out the water using my vectors to help move the water faster and out of the way the time dilation making the water want to build up and just stay there.
"were close to getting the last 4 items you need for the storage space then we can do my plan but I need to empty out the bulk of my storage space." I told him when he was with in ear shot, he was also giving me a confused look.
"okay." He said looking at the ground and glaring.
I glared at him directly the fuck is this guy's problem? "I think he wanted to fly around a use his new magic suit instead of waiting on you." Imp said
Well fuck him for now my plan will get him a fuck ton of points then he can play around with the items. I thought 'im trying to make sure he stays the fuck alive first.'
Il admit it was taking longer then I wanted for the water to fully get out of my inventory I had absorbed a lot to help grow the space I could store things.
"nearly done." I said figuring that I didn't need absolutely all of it out.
"ok..." he said still glaring at the ground looking impatient.
"Fuck this guy" imp said "just fucking kill him"
I didn't bother to answer her closing the portal and putting it away. "ok follow me"
I floated just a little then started flying out of the subway. I was was down the street and about to turn a corner when imp said "hes still in the subway, he seams like hes having a hard time trying to fly."
"what? how its so fucking easy." I said but turned back for him.
Lu was standing about where I had left him a frown on his face then he tried jumping, nearly hitting the roof of the subway station.
"dude don't use your legs... just focus on your center then have it move up." I said
"what dose that even mean?" he asked glaring a little below me. "and can you get down to talk to me you rubbing it in my face isn't going to help"
I landed next to him 'imp keep me from getting annoyed or angry with him while im trying to show him how to do this.' I thought to her. "ok first of all just stop trying to do anything and just take a minute."
He glared and seamed to flex his chest and arms as if that would help him fly.
I was reminded of the time he tried to use a screw driver. He had gone in at the wrong detection kept his wrist limp and kinda just flopped it around instead of achly putting pressure and screwing the thing in. And no matter how meany times I tried to show him how to do it right he kept doing it wrong, clearly at one point he was doing it wrong just because I was telling him the right way to do it.
'hes such a fucking child.' I thought taking a deep breath watching him hold his breath, lift his shoulders and stand on the tips of his feet trying to fly.
I watched him coldly as he basically just kept doing the same things over and over again clearly getting frustrated.
"I said to take a minute to calm down, and your body doesn't really have much to do with flying." I said
he scoffed at me then just gave up glaring at the ground crossing his arms. "I give up just carry me again."
"come on man its not that hard." I said
"well I cant do it and you standing there getting mad at me for not doing it isn't helping." he said pouting "so you just carry me and I just wont fly."
"no" I said eyes narrowing at him.
"well I cant do it so if you want me to level up then you've got to do it" he said with a shrug
"this fucking guy" Imp said getting angry for me.
I smiled slowly at him and saw him look confused and a little scared before I lifted him up with my vectors and flew us both out of the subway and straight up into the air I went all the way to the top of the world.
"what magic items are so far up?" Lu asked looking around
"none" I said then let him go.
He looked at me horrified for a moment before he started to fall.
Imp on my shoulder started laughing hard.
I calmly watched him drop using my find power to find out exactly where he would land.
I saw him fall into a small black shape then get faster before angling and then moving sideways before falling up briefly. After just a moment of that he started to fall again.
I kept finding him and where he would hit if he dropped.
It seamed like he was getting the hang of it. I was almost surprised I half expected him to just let himself die, he had gone through a faze of telling people how he would just kill himself if any more bad things happened to him.
I got him out of it by yelling at him that he wasn't that fucking stupid to keep that shit up.
But I was half convinced that he really did want to die. Between his abusive dad and then sister making his life hell then his mom running off to a boyfriend 4 states away leaving him behind with the dad after being divorced from his dad for 4 years and raised him alone. Then his dad making him lose the best boyfriend he ever had and the next ones treating him like a sex toy and ditching him, the one he thought he loved also having sex with a 14 year old girl and clearly using them both. That lasted 4 years until I convinced both of them to dump the guy and he moved on to new prey.
I wish we lived in a world wear cops would do anything to stop that sort of shit but unless her parents called or she did or bring solid proof (witch would be child porn) to them I would be told to stop wasting there time.
I shook the thoughts from my head finding him floating above a building clearly going to land. I opened a portal under him to right in front of me I saw his surprised annoyed look as he fell again as he glared at me.
"You got this man just come up here so I can show you where to go next." I yelled to him as he started to fly again.
I saw him tumble then get orientated before floating down to another building. I portalled him back again before he bothered to land.
"FUCKING STOP" He yelled at me floating in the air in front of me.
"good looks like you got it." I said "now follow me and we can get all 4 items to complete your quest. I don't think your going to want any of them though."
I found then flew toward the empire state building Imp keeping an eye on him "he really dose have it now... How did you know it would work?"
'works for birds' I thought 'also I didn't I was going to put a portal under him then make him fall forever until he finally learned to fly or I failed and he died letting me complete that quest.'
Imp started laughing again as I stopped at the top of the lightning rod and had him grab the jar of peaches, then had us float down to the fur coat.
"what is this crap?" he asked holding up the jar.
"James in the giant peach reference, lets you tame monsters or grow a pet bug." I said then pointed to the coat. "fur coat from king Kong."
He picked it up looking at it then read the pop up screen and then slipping on the large fur coat with a smile.
"huh wasn't sure you'd want that." I said
"free fur coat what are you dumb?" he said rubbing the coats arms.
"yeah you got a point." I said heading to the door opening the lock before we got there.
"now there's a hat in the elevator and in the lobby gift shop is a pez dispenser that makes mogwai" I said heading inside.
Once inside the elevator Lu picked up the dump elf hat then just tossed it outside before I hit the button to go down. "I m not wearing that."
"I mean I think its kinda useful." I said
We waited and I wondered if I could just make the elevator drop to make it go faster. The lights flickered and the elevator lurched to a stop.
"what the hell?" Lu said looking around.
I searched the area for for spirits and found one of the mid level ones attached to the top of the elevator. I used a few vectors to rip it apart the ectoplasm started to dribble into the elevator.
I looked up at it finding it a interesting shade of green before it dispersed.
"what was that?" Lu asked.
"ghost" I said as the elevator started back up.
"+5" imp said. "2 for b 2 for e 1 for s but T wants to take points back he cant but wants to."
'good' I thought 'these points are rolling in just in time to give them all away.'
"oh fuck im being dumb" I said 'imp give me a vew of the gift shop.'
She did and I opened a portal to the gift shop stepping though glancing back I saw Lu looking unsure
"come on man" I said focusing to keep it open. He hopped off looking worried that he mite trip but he didn't know the portal was attached to the elevator so no matter where it was it would move too. Witch clicked with an idea I'd ben having in the back of my mind.
I smiled as Lu picked up the furry doll shaped pezz then put it in his pocket.
I nodded approvingly as his pop up screen went off to give him the personal inventory.
"sweet now take these cards back and il explain the plan" I said pulling out his bag from my own inventory and handed it over before making a portal back to the boat full of shipping containers.
"now I found out that at the top of a building is the hide out for the mob type monsters so im going to cut up these iron crates into slabs so that we can block off all the ways out of the building. Then your going to drop either your large area cards like lava to burn them all to death or drop things like the mini mountain and trees and things, along with as much of these iron crates that you can put into your storage space." I said slicing up the crate next to me into foot long sections. I glanced over and saw him smiling. "lava and fire?" I asked
"FIRE" he said grinning in a sinister way.
'good maybe he'll achly see how fire isn't as fun as that fucking show made it look, its horrible and slow and smelly. Imp make sure to not make me smell any of that.' I thought putting away each slice as soon as it was made. "you think one is enough?" I asked out loud having 16 slices of crate.
"no idea." lu said
"il get 3 just in case." I said slicing them up and putting them away "you should go ahead and grab as many normal crates as you can."
I was just curious to see how meany he could put away.
For some reason he thought he should say store before each thing he put into his storage space and he managed 4 before a red box appears.
"it said I don't have enough room to take the whole thing." he called out to me.
"Ok" I said then dropped some of the chopped up ones. "see how many of these you can take."
He managed to put away a half of a container in 1 foot sections before the red box popped up again.
I frowned at that putting away the other slices then glanced up at imp suspiciously, noting she was the same red color as the error boxes.
Knowing I wouldn't get an answer I liked I set it aside turning to Lu. "ok you ready to go?"
"Yeah as soon as you tell me where to go" he said.
I nodded finding the location of the mob's hide out, it was on top of a large building right on the edge of central park, that had a mansion with a lawn on-top of it. Seeing it I couldn't see how I could think it would be anything else but the Mob's boss area.
"ok follow me" I said flying up looking back to see him flying after me. I kept finding enemies along the way remembering that snipers existed and so did ninjas.
I flew up to the top of the building hovering over it so we would be out of reach of the guys below. "Ok so il go down and make sure to keep the exits sealed then il pop back up here to let you know to get started."
Lu seamed a little impatient to get started. "ok... I mean I could just get started dropping things."
"yeah but then they would just leave the building my way they get locked in and even if you don't kill them all from the drops the building its self would kill the rest." I said looking at him trying to judge weather he was really going to wait or would just start dropping things as soon as I left.
"well hurry up" he said
"yeah just finding the best way to get in there" I said and then actually did that finding that there was a corner of the building with an office window and no one around. "got it be back in a minute"
I flew away then came in sideways heading to the window finding the monster men inside the building to me sure using a portal to slip in before tracking there movements and keeping stealthy putting up the foot thick slabs in the stairwells then sideways inside the elevator shafts.
I was honestly amazed how smooth it was going as I said I was never good at sneaking even in video games but today I was acing this.
I double checked that all exits were sealed and that they didn't have any helicopter's, jet packs, planes, or parishoots. Then just found anyway that the could get out and for the first time got no answer.
'cool' I thought hiding in a storage closet 'anything I missed?'
"that's not really my job." imp said.
"annoying" I said out loud before portaling back up to Lu. "Go ahead fire away"
He smiled pulling out a card from his own inventory space "fire ball" he called out and the card glowed for a moment before a fire ball the size of a baseball flew out falling toward the distant lawn. There was a splash of flame then the lawn was ignited burning slowly.
"well... that didn't completely fail" I muttered. "you've also got iceberg, bolder, lava, and big ass tree."
"I got more then that" he said pulling out more cards "fire bolt"
A small arrow of fire flew out and hit a guy near the grass fire he yelled as he burned a dark smoke lifting up from him.
"heat vision." Lu said the card glowed shooting out a red laser that cut though another 2 mobster types and also left a large scorch marks on the grass.
They started trying to fire at us the bullets missing by a large amount and shadow clones of ninjas started appearing and throwing knives, and stars at us that had no hope of hitting.
I put up a vector shield around us pushing away all there attacks just in case I also grabbed the throwing starts and knives letting them just hang in the air around us.
"flaming lance" Lu said a bright red lance appeared then flew down cutting and swiping at the ninjas for a few moments before going out.
I layed back watching him go and noticing the fire on the lawn was slowly spreading and it seamed like the monsters weren't programmed to notice or stop it.
"bizzaro breath." Lu said and a large flame thrower blast washed over the now raging monsters and ninja shapes below us the grass fire lighting up as there clothes did as well.
"that was a good one." I said glancing at him seeing him with a sour look on his face. "something wrong?"
"the smell." he said glaring down at the burning monsters. A blue box appeared in fount of him and he grinned when a shadow washed over him seaming to focus more on his hands. After he raised his hands a fire ball forming just above each then started throwing them down one after the other.
I frond noticing he was no longer talking or using cards just tossing down fireballs.
"damn... new power?" I asked
"yep got a quest while you were down there locking up the place." Lu said excitedly tossing down the fire balls as fast as he could make them
I wanted to tell him to drop something big heavy and more fun down on them but it was working and his fire balls were similar to my jumping around power so it would be wrong of me to stop him.
"Maybe try and make them bigger or faster?" I suggested to him.
Lu gave me a dirty glance "why, am I taking to long?"
"I mean yeah but also if your going to be spamming them then mite as well let them level up." I said
He glared down at the gathering crowd of Mobsters, ninjas, and even a few cops, more fire forming on his hands and he through it down at them as more of the stray bullets and throwing weapons whizzed below us.
I did notice after a moment that the fire balls were getting a little bigger and hitting with a wider area.
I focused on one of the gunmen shooting up at us and used a vector to pull in a single bullet curious to see what it actually was considering it only worked like movies thought it should.
It turned out to look like bullets do in the slow motion shots in movies. tried to cut it in half to see if it looked weird on the inside when it exploded instead.
'you get that before it popped?' I thought to imp who nodded showing me a slow down of the bullet showing that it was just a thin shell with a ball of light inside it.
'wild' I thought wondering if there was anything I could do with that information then started thinking of ways to twist it and reshape that bullet into something like an egg and use it like a grenade.
I saw from the corner of my eye that Lu had slowed down his fireballs seaming bored with them as below us most of the top of the building was on fire and the mob was running for cover best it could into the main building.
Strangely the throwing weapons I had gathered dissipated and faded like they where made of smoke.
'what? why are they gone?' I thought at imp frowning.
"they were just made using a power of the shadow clones of a ninja prime so once they died and the ninja prime die they fade with it... though if you kill a ninja prime its outfit gives you that power." Imp said
I used the find power to see if there was any left over magic items after the body's burned and I was pleasantly surprised to find the large pile of weapons being left behind, along with a few other items I didn't recognize.
"Give me a minute, found some magic items down there" I said then pulled them up seeing most of them were rings, a few were badges and a black bundle of cloth. 'imp?'
"the rings make the mob think your one of them, the badges are the same for the cops, along with making bullets miss you, and that bundle is a ninja prime suit. full list of powers, lets you make shadow weapons, shadow clones that don't have your powers, gives you the fighting skills, and a level 2 body boost." Imp said
"Nice." I said putting them away into my storage space, I always wanted to be able to learn to be skilled in ...well nearly anything but ninja arts was a good one. So I absorbed that one as well.
"what?" Lu asked glancing at me seaming annoyed.
"oh the magic items were pretty good." I said. "now lets drop the storage creates down on them and see if we cant take this whole place down."
"I guess" he said raising his hands and dropping one of the solid iron crates where we hovered.
It dropped with more force then I was expecting crashing into the fancy building knocking apart the entry way and crashing further into the next level of the building.
"cool" I said with a smile and Lu dropped another one this one landing where the first had, the extra impact causing the side of the building to crack. "for this one lets get even higher. Should make it do more damage to the building."
Instead of answering Lu dropped both of the other 2 storage containers out at the same time not bothering to move from where he already was, then gave me a half smug 'ha fuck you' look he did some times.
I opened a portal beneath one of them for far above us. 'will this still count as his?' I thought asked imp.
"...yes itl count as if he dropped it but it just fell very far, but only because your off the kill system." she said.
'good good.' I thought thinking of how to use that for Eva as well.
"you need to stop this shit right now." I said to Lu not quite glaring at him. "im not sure exactly why your being such a raging fucking cunt right now but if you don't stop I will..." I trailed off thinking of ways to end that sentience. fuck you up sounded best, take your power had a ring to it, complete the quest also sounded good, I finally settled on. "leave you here for a week in real time."
He looked down and away again seaming to deflate a little. "...so."
"so time moves differently you'd be stuck here alone for months, with nothing to do but try and kill these guys." I said finding the shipping crate and seeing it was just about to get to us.
He gave a half shrug and a smile. "sounds good."
"fuck you" I said then hit him in the chest knocking him out of the way of the falling iron that roared passed us crashing down into the center of the building.
I saw a brief look of rage on his face before he saw the iron and the building smashing behind me I turned to look and saw that last piece keep going taking the other 3 crates with it as they bounced off the crumbling floors and each other causing a cascade of falling rubble and disappearing monster bodys.
The flaming grass fell catching anything else that would burn on fire as the iron crates knocked the path clear. It took a lot longer then I thought it would for the rubble to stop falling and by then the building was burning, a thick smoke moving around us deflected by the same vectors I was using to keep us safe before.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw blue boxes appear rapidly, he seamed to just glance at them when he started to fade then flicker a deep black it seamed to go on for some time before he finally stopped looking pleased.
"what was that?" I asked.
"I got 20 levels" he said
"nice. Now you can spend your points into..." I trailed off again thinking of the best path, was it to level up and make a very powerful summon, if so what? Or would a magic item be better? and if so what then? seeing that it was one I had already made, I knew the path. "leveling up your magic item constructs and make one at a time permanent."
He waited for me to finish the thought before asking "why? why not just make a summon like you said before?"
"because the suit lets you have 6 cards worth of power at the same time, no cool downs and with the right cards you mite not need any others." I said thinking of the card games we had and knowing that in the box of worth it cards there had to be at least 6 game breakers.
"...ok." Lu looked like he wanted to argue or think of a better way then sighed and spent the points.
I opened a portal to the ship "lets land just in case you need to actually put it on."
We floated onto the deck and I closed the portal seeing the burning building off in the distance.
"Mecha-man armor on" He summoned the mecha-man suit and the scale-male armor with plate gantlets and boots appeared over his body the other clothes disappearing.
'where are his clothes?' I asked imp
"under the construct, its mostly just an illusion." imp said
"Now bring out the card maker card then put it into your weapon slot." I said and brought out the laser gun I had absorbed.
"ok" he said pulling out the card and putting it into the chest slot for attack power.
I floated the gun in-between us. "Now shoot at this if im right-" the blast from his gantlet gun cut me off as the gun flashed turning into a card that was still floating in-front of me. "then itl turn into a card, that you can put into your accessory slot. That should let you ignore other people's powers when you use the gun to turn them into cards."
He smiled at that putting the card in the slot. "so were going to start taking other people's powers now?"
"not quite, besides only you would be able to keep the powers. And im not sure how long it rely lasts, But its part of our quests that you capture the dragon." I said with a smile. "with this you'll be able to turn that dragon into a card long enough for me to put it into my inventory space until Eva is able to absorb it, completing all our quests."
"Cool" he said then his eyes narrowed for a moment as he smiled then glanced at me then scowled looking away.
'that mother fucker totally just thought about using that gun on me to turn me into a card didn't he?' I thought to Imp my eyes narrowing at him.
"100%" imp said looking a little disgusted at Lu.
"im going to open the portal to the dragon, you blast him as soon as you see him or hel blast us." I said to lu
He nodded holding up his arm at the ready, I opened the portal the dick head dragon was clawing at the subway steps and seaming to be making some progress. Lu blasted him his blaster turning into green fire before it hit the dragon who didn't even get a surprised roar before the flames engulfed him leaving behind a card that drifted in the wind before I snatched it.
It seamed to be made of a large red dragon scale, the image of him engraved on one side with the words Gerry the Dragon of New York above his head. I put it into the pocket space.
"sweet. Now to get you fully geared up." I said to lu letting the portal drop. "you can keep the gun if you want im going to go get a full suit and a new gun here in a minute."
"ok" He said pulling the laser gun card out "do I still need it?"
"no I don't think so not for a while at least." I said "pull out John Constantine for the looks slot, bat man for skill, superman for mobility, doomsday for defense, and clay-face for accessory. Iv ben right so far and if im right about this then you should get all the best powers from those guys and clay face should let you use any card you got with out needing to worry about cool-downs." I said getting a little exited to see if I would be right.
"OK." he said seaming exited too slotting the cards into the armor, when there was a popping sound and 2 of the cards flew out, Clay-face and doomsday. "what the hell?" he asked just as a red pop up window appeared. "it says that the cards put in go over the 100 level limit."
"damn... too good a combo... put clayface back and then put... super girl, into the defense slot." I said
He did so and after a moment the suit flickered black and then he wasn't him anymore he was a rugged hansom blond in a trench coat. "it worked." he said with a big smile then he saw my face. "oh... but the change took to far and I don't look like me at all now do i?"
"nope." I said glad I didn't have to.
"ok..." he said thinking for a moment before taking out the John Constantine and replacing it with another, now he looked like himself just wearing the same outfit.
"nice but what did you use?" I asked trying to think over the cards.
"signature trench coat." he said with a smile posing a little with his arms out.
"good one." I said "im a little surprised that was in the use-full pile. Now thats out of the way my next move is to sit and think a while about what to do next, I think I know what I want to do next but iv got a few other ideas bubbling away at me."
"ok." he said then thought for a moment. "i... think thats a good idea I wanna think too..."
I smiled just a little at him hoping my secret plan worked, to give him bat man's smarts to making him smarter a better fighter along with batman's bullshit powers of getting out of anything and winning.
"I kinda think best when im underwater..." I said
"thats fine ...i think im going to go dance..." he said as if unsure himself. "if this place is like I think it is then il have a club to myself."
"cool... you think you'd want the portal out?" I asked wondering where the best place to put it in the house would be.
"No... I think il be fine. I don't think il take long and im sure il be able to find you." he said then lifted off the ground and disappeared with a boom that lightly shook the boat and made my chest hurt, im sure if I didn't have the suit and vector aura I would have ben knocked on my ass and struggling to breath.
"I don't think that one was on purpose." imp said as the sonic boom traveled along the streets bursting windows and the glass on cars as it went.
"He should be smart enough now to know better." I said shaking my head "...how long dose Eva have left?"
"you do know its technically been only about 2 minutes sense you asked last?" Imp asked me with a look that clearly said she was getting tired of answering it.
"You know I once again am reminded of how your less a reward then a drawback." I quipped
"hurtful" she stated coldly
"yet your the same red as the error screens and are able to snark, lie, and just not tell me things when you want to." I said thinking about next moves letting my mouth run with little attention payed to it.
"what iv never lied to you." imp said smirking.
"I don't believe you at all." I said looking around at all the iron. "I want more details on the power shard taking. Like if I took Lu's power now what would I get?"
"seance he leveled up his item summoning to be able to get level 100 items and make one permanent, you'll be able to summon 1 item up to level 10 that lasts one day, with a cool down of 10 minutes." imp said
"lots of tens, good for me I guess... is there a way to change those rules? Like Lu did?" I asked
"yeah of coarse." she said.
"good... the way you say that I wouldn't be able to summon any creatures or large objects."
"no of coarse you'd summon creatures but just 1 level 1 for 1 minute with a cool down of 10 minutes, and for the large things not yet. once he levels that up though then yes you would be able to from the start until then you'd have to figure out how to level it up yourself." Imp said.
"yeah about that you said before that I could get any power by leveling up and focus but how the hell is anyone expected to grow powers from the start?" I ask
Imp was quiet for a long enough moment for me to glance at her. Her face was blank and she seamed to be doing that glitching thing again. I watched her for a time she finally said. "quest not available yet, information not available until quest complete. Conversation stunted but continues...." after a moment she twitched then came back for real "I mean you've got your perception control and crazy asshole power so you could just pretend until it happens."
I stared at her for a long time "That is a plot hook and I say no fuck you and fuck all of that, and fuck you for doing that shit at all."
I noticed I was still calm while saying all that to her, I knew I could get angry by logic alone.
I turned my thoughts back to what I was thinking about, witch was about what to do next. How do I get people to get powers then take the copy of them? I could do the demon route going to people and telling them I can give them powers for a price, then make up some shit but that screams that someone should try and kill me as soon as possible. Also Tutorial would say how that was bullshit right away... unless I did such a good job at playing the devil that they would think she was a lying demon working for me.
That sounded like unnecessary mind fuckery, in a way that would full on make me a villain who wanted to get killed.
I could just grab people who will get powers I like then just let them go...
I realized I was standing on the deck not moving instead of floating in the water so I walked to the near by edge and fell in. The fall lasted longer then I thought it would, I normally felt a gut clench when I saw the wrong type of zoom shots in a movie so I enjoyed the lack of fear a lot as I hit the water.
After the bubbles faded and I was making sure to stay in place with vectors I returned to my thoughts.
So I had a way to skip ahead so that they could be taken changed and put back in just 4 hours. Was that wrong enough for people to get pissed, yeah. Depending on when and how I took them, I mite be able to get away with it. I mean im giving them free powers and then il give them the holo-deck powers.
Hell im just doing what the world makers were doing and it seamed like almost that this was something they wanted me to do. If it wasn't I would get a quest not to.
The other thing I was thinking of that I knew people I would like to live through all this magic monster coming back that was going to happen. They of coarse would have people they would want to bring with them and then they would as well, witch turned into a lot of fucking people real quick.
X-men showed that people just getting power while no one else did caused problems for everyone and then there was the government problem. If movies were half right then the government would snatch up people with powers or at least try to pressure them into working for them.
Witch some of them would fucking do unless I could some how set up some way to stop them by saying they wouldn't get powers if they give into the government.
Im sure a lot of the people would think that would be the right thing to do, they would be wrong. Then if people did have powers and lived in the USA then they would get the bullshit we own you cus you live here shit and im not having that.
Magneto tells us that moving to a island and declaring yourself a nation is the best way and possible, but then a latter comic book shows us that the rest of the world would just fucking nuke you cus fuck you if you got powers.
So going to some place only people with powers can go and then building the country there is such a better idea. Like this fake new york but with out all the fucking monster guys crashing into everything, and trying to kill everyone.
Another portal would be nice one were I could make portals into and out of it attached to items that my people could use and no one else could.
'imp is there a world gate that is attached to an item that would let me open portals to it and keep them open?' I thought to imp.
"yeah a couple of them..." she seamed to be thinking again, or getting orders from some one. "...but the ring is locked out to you, the book's maker dosn't trust you with it, the Slider needs it more then you, that leaves the magic symbol gate-way. The owner of that portal is willing to let you know where it is and take it because it hasn't worked out like he wanted."
'oh?' I asked interested. 'what happened there?'
"he put the symbols half finished carved into stone in an ancient temple wall, he was using it as a sort of intelligence test." imp said with a light smirk.
'and no one has been smart enough?' I asked a little exited to see if I would be.
"No he put it in a temple on an island cliff that sank to the bottom of the ocean, right after he put it there." imp said. "he even made sure to put it there 50 years ago cus he thought it was going to take everyone a long time to solve."
If I wasn't underwater I would have laughed at that. 'that guy has no luck. So where is it?'
"you don't need to go there once you learn the symbol you can draw or carve it into anything to open a doorway." Imp said flashing me an image of the stone doorway with a carved pentacle with faded parts cutting through it after a moment the faded parts filled in showing what looked like scratches on the top left and in the center before flashing purple. "The scratches in the corner are like controls, setting a time limit for the portal to be open, how big it is, and how many things are aloud through."
'now that is wildly convenient.' I thought half not believing it but on the other hand I was floating under a ship full of raw iron that could be used to build anything that reset every 7 hours in real time. 'time dilation?'
"nope real world one to one." she said.
'what's in it?'
"A set of caverns and caves."
"how big?"
"over all about the size of the beach but if you mean the tunnels them selves are different sizes from needing to crawl though to about 10' tall, with rooms inside that are up to 100'" Imp stated.
'good good... whats its theme? besides underground?' I asked starting to float up and out of the water.
"what do you mean?"
'well it seams like the beach was made for relaxing and low level people and new york was made for mid-level people to get powerful quickly while having movie fantasy moments, so it makes me wonder if they all do and what this one is.' I thought back, speeding up a little finding where Lu went.
"...its for physical training mostly. The one who made it thought it would be funny to put an amazing gym behind an intelligence test, as if telling them if they could solve his riddle there minds are sharp as they can be and should get started on there body's."
'sounds more like hes just saying "get strong nerds." I thought zooming into a part of town seemingly made for the party section.
Seams like he learned he needed to slow down around now sense the windows were in tact here. He was in the night club in-between the 50's depressing bar and across from the 30s big band swing club.
It was strange seeing just one guy dancing in a big club with all the lights and everything going on. I winced at the how loud the music was and that it was techno. I turned it off in my own mind at least and waited for him to notice me. With all the powers he was using I was sure it wouldn't take long.
Unfortunately it took an uncomfortably long time and he didn't seam to be able to hear my yelling. It was tempting to explode a speaker or just throw a knife at him, instead I found a glass on the bar top, then moved it to tap him on the shoulder.
His turning to see what it was made the glass explode from his lack of self control or knowledge of his new bodly powers. Witch made me feel lucky that I didn't like touching people so that it wasn't my arm he shattered.
I gestured that he should follow me out side so he could hear what I wanted to say. He nodded and we headed out side for a moment.
"I mp just told me about another world gate that you can open at any time with a magic symbol and its got no time dilation like this place has. So if I didn't stop here to show you the symbol or to give you a door our you'd be stuck here for maybe days until I got back. So im going to put the portal on the boat to come out in the apartment." I said noticing that Lu looked board like I was just wasting his time talking with him when he could be dancing.
"you also didn't change into that suit you said you wanted." Lu added glancing at my tshirt and shorts.
"yeah you got a point." I said looking at the nearest wall then putting the shape onto it but with out the top point of the star. "I m not sure if your batman-ness will let you memorize that shit or not but didn't seam worth pulling out the metal to make a card for it."
Lu looked at it for a moment then looked closer at the scratches in the center then the top corner. A pop up screen appeared before him and after reading it for a moment he dismissed it. "the screens say I got a quest to finish it to be able to get into the training grounds?"
"cool." I said thinking "so you come up with what you want to do yet?"
"not really, but I do think that im going to want to go home and just relax a little bit soon." Lu said looking a little tiered.
"ok man... if you want. Also you mite want to look around and see if you want any new furniture or beds or anything laying around. Considering that this is based on New York movies there should be some good fucking shit." I said kinda just realizing it myself. "maybe..." Lu said with a half shrug
"well up to you man, oh and take off the armor's upgrades before getting in the house so you don't rec the place." I said starting to float up when he nodded I waved and flew for the MIB building that was on the way back to the ship.
I used the weapon summoning powers of the ninja suit for the first time making a single throwing star then using the find power to get the angles right before my vectors shot the star out take out the 4 guards in one swift serpentine movement.
"5 from E" imp muttered as I landed and started walking into the elevator.
"Just 5? how could I possibly be more efficient than that?" I asked as a blue bar light shined at my feet then moved upward clearly scanning me.
"Your strong enough that killing them at all was pointless." imp said as the elevator flashed blue for a moment and I was then wearing the suit, shades, and fancy shoes. I blinked the light out of my eyes putting the shades in a pocket as she went on. "or if you did want to kill them you should have just popped there heads off."
"I guess you got a point." I said stretching in the suit to get a feel for it making sure it wouldn't bunch up or be as inconvenient as I thought it should, But it moved nicely clearly magicly so.
"if only it were blue" I said as the elevator doors opened and I flew out heading to the boat trying to find the best place to put the portal back to earth.
Knowing that it was supposed to snow and then reset soon I knew I should put it inside the question of where was salved by the find power showing me that the control room was filled with windows so that it was clearly visible but also able to be locked up meaning nothing could get out through it.
I made one of my bubble portals going into the room while it was still sealed before opening the world gate back home. I was glad to see that Lu moved all his cards back into a box before he left.
I moved the portal into the utility closet with the concrete floor and drain in the center just in case anything dripped out, but also because it was in a good place in the hallway to be out of the way.
After setting it up I glanced over at imp "how much longer dose Eva have?"
"...still 12 hours." imp said frowning at me.
I reached up to my face feeling the blank spot where the scars were. "how long to body mod? I mean the others take 4 days."
"its 4 days for a number of reasons, but for you and this body only change itl take as long as it takes you to pick what you want, and how extreme you make the change... you'd still look good with horns." she said with a smirk.
"tempting." I said with a sigh thinking about it. "sounds like it would take a while."
"not as long as you'd think." she said.
I walked over to my bedroom closing the door behind me I locked my body into a floating standing posse. "I don't think Eva would approve, I wish I waited on the suit now... spend the point."
She nodded and a in-between a blink I was standing on the beach Tutorial floating in front of me. "I was starting to wonder if you'd bother with a body change."
"Well I would have at the start if you offered." I said
"That wasn't my choice" she said "You weren't inside the world gate, and your shifting mind was problematic."
"was?" I asked a little warry that my mind had ben altered.
"yes, with emotion control, and that you are no longer asleep you are much more stable... It also helps that you chose to come here." She said
"good." I said looking at her closely noticing that when I tried to her age seamed to shift subtly, so did most of her facial features. "where you made a spirt or did you be come enlightened and chose this as your place in the world?"
Her eyes narrowed a little and her smile seamed a little smug. "I cant answer that, your here to modify your body I cant help you with anything els. There are Rules."
"how many points to break the rules?" I asked not quite glaring at her.
"I m not your familiar I don't have to answer questions." she said definitely smug. "but I will say... you already break rules and points don't have anything to do with it."
I suspected she was just trying to shut me up and I didn't like it. "fine lets get my changes done then."
"would you like me to scan your brain or make a body double to let you alter?" she asked.
I thought about it for a moment wondering if that wasn't the best option. "make the double and then scan my mind I'd like to be sure before I agree."
"Very well." she said and next to her appeared a copy of me in the same suit but with out the scar. After a brief moment it changed growing taller more muscular, so much so that the suit ripped away. The arms grew longer as did the fingers and finger nails, black tattoos grew in lines around the biceps and chest that seamed to go no where, the skin turning a bright blue, along with the hair witch then seamed to half turn into flames. Beard forming a long point, 2 inch pointed horns grew out of the forehead right where the hair stopped on the naturally formed blank spots.
I shot a disbelieving glance at Tutorial. "a little much don't you think?"
"im not here to judge." Tutorial stated simply "This is what your mind said would be how you would look given no restraint."
I looked it over frowning "im not saying your wrong... but the point is to have some restraint. So show me the one where I don't become a Jinn"
The double reset then grew a little taller, back straightening, then seamed to shrink in the chest, gut, and jowls, the arms still got a little longer as did the fingers and nails but they weren't the light claws of the Jinn. The hair grew a little and styled itself into a light flat top, only darkening to true black instead of the natural dark brown. My beard changing from slightly straggly to neatly trimmed but still with the chin going to the point.
After the Jinn it seamed so depressingly normal.
"teeth" I stated thinking maybe there was something weird with them
The double opened its mouth showing my teeth mostly as they were with the bottom running together, but the top looked a little sharper with the milk tooth I still had instead of my right Canine replaced with one of equal size to the other, witch I always thought was a little bit long.
"yeah that looks about right." I said "how long until im up and able to move."
"from your perspective. no time at all." she said as I already felt myself waking up.
"you know thats not what I meant" I said as I opened my eyes to see imp looking closely at me her gaze was soon disappointed.
"you look the same" she said folding her arms and shaking her head.
I felt my body for a moment noticing the wait off my chest and stomach and the slight feeling of stiffness in my arms and also saw that my suit surprisingly still fit. running a hand through my beard I said "only you would think that."
"I liked the Jinn better." she stated.
"yeah but I don't have illusion casting so people would lose there minds." I said "allso how much time passed?"
"half an hour, like I said you barely changed at all."
"right..." I noticed a sound from the other room. "Lu come back?"
"yeah almost as soon as you dropped off."
I opened the door to go see him it took only a step to be able to see the living room and the large new bed taking most of it up.
Lu was laying on it eating pop corn in a large fluffy robe and watching a you-tube video. "hey."
"...not a bad bed" I said looking at the 3' tall pile of mattress. "ganna have to start taking the back door to get out."
"I can turn it back into a card anytime you know that" he said pausing the show.
"yes, I guess I do... so you figure out what you wanna do?" I asked him
He looked annoyed and raised his hands before flopping them back down in defeat. "NO. My power is to good for you to just let me go, and I know iv got the skills of batman but you'd just be joker.
And there's the fact that what I to do is burn blow things up and burn down super-shop, and you wouldn't let me do that."
"of corse I wouldn't let you burn down the place you work for no fucking resin and youv got a whole big ass fake city to smash up that not good enough for you?" I demanded a little pissed at him also thinking that he was fucking lieing.
"no..." he said looking down glaring at his feet on the bed.
"fuck you dude theres no way what you really want is to go be a child and throw fire around then fucking get killed by cops showing up" I yelled at him. "also after Eva wakes up im going to be able to take a weeker copy of your powers so fuck you about that, and even if I didn't you think I really NEED your power? Its good yeah but I can fucking do with out."
I noticed him start to look like he was almost smiling when I yelled I didn't believe him then exited when I said I could get a copy of his power by the end he was practically grinning.
This had happened before and im not sure if it was because of his abusive child hood or just that he liked to see me angry.
"Now iv asked you like 5 fucking times what you wanna do so now im just going to get bossy and tell you what the plan is." I said eyes narrowing at him. "you can finish this video if you really want, but then you need to spend points into summoning creatures and max it out, then buy the power to make matter grow and wait for me to get the power to give powers to give you the power to mix powers and then we'll be able to make your buildings both permanent and able to grow more like seeds."
"ok..." he said seaming confused by that part.
"yeah and to help with that your going to use the turn things to card gun to turn all the iron crates on the ship into cards and in your inventory then put them back into your inventory. So when you want to make things with the spread power you pull out one of them to make from it." I said "then after you've made all the iron into cards go level up some more so you can get more summons in monsters, 3 should be enough-no make it 5, 3 throw aways, one eevee and one other guy."
"Ok" he said starting to get up turning off the tv and the ps4.
"I v got more plans for latter... but for now getting that power and the summons is key." I said mind sparking a little as I saw Lu make the bed into a card again before heading into the portal.
I thought for a moment looking into the deck of the ship and the area behind it, and gave up on waiting for Eva to just wake up on the beach. I pulled out then opened the world gate to the beach moving on the inside so I could see Eva then moved the outside into the new york, before pulling Eva into the new york portal.
"tell me just before she wakes up" I said to imp. "im still not sure at the time fuckery that goes on with these."
"ok... it'll be about 30 minutes." imp said.
"like I said let me know just before she wakes." I said thinking then portaled to the beach though the open world gates, not wanting to enter the time warp.
Stepping onto the beach I jumped inland enough to drop the 4 steel crates I had stored up before trying to lift one again, it floated just above the sands as if waitless.
I frowned thinking that I was doing this wrong that maybe with vector creation wait didn't need to matter at all.
I locked in the vectors I already made then did it again making more vectors as the thing actively rose up, I cut the vectors. watching the sand get kicked up from the dropped iron. "imp how much to make powers act like traps? To have a timed delay or a remote activation?"
"5 points." imp said floating around lazily.
"good. do it. Also what is the limit on my portals?" I asked
"well for now of corse you can only have one open, also the distance limit changes based on how well you know the area, you where able to portal back home from the swamp town but if you tried to go back you wouldn't be able to even with an image to guide you."
"that seams a little pointless." I said frowning. "iv noticed that powers and point costs seamed to be controlled, as if its not how useful a power is that makes it more expensive but how little some one out there wants me to have it."
"yeah.... and?" Imp said
"And it would be nice to know what all they didn't want me to have-" I cut myself off thinking of the quest to kill lu and how so meny of the fail was powers I wasn't able to buy.
"exactly" imp said clearly reading my mind. "well... so far they haven't really gotten in your way."
I still didn't like it but she had a point, I wasn't exactly being stopped from doing what I was planing on, but then again maybe my plans were being shaped by what I was able to do.
I felt a light feeling of water swirling inside me for a moment and was confused both by how long it took and that it felt a little different then I had thought the power to time things would feel.
"hidden quest complete get 10 different powers reward power mixing." imp said shaking her head a little. "we were expecting it to take longer for you to get this power."
That made me smile I wasn't sure if she was bullshiting me or not but eater way I had just gotten 2 very powerful abilities. "good."
I looked at the iron crate then put vectors that were on a activation delay before locking them in then doing the same thing 4 more times. Until the max I could make at one time was locked in x5.
I leaped back from it giving imp the mental command to watch it closely then activated all of them at once. With a cloud of sand the iron crate raced upwards to fast for my eyes to follow, looking up I saw it fade into a dot before I couldn't see it at all.
"wow the celling on this place is much higher then I thought it would be." I said shutting off the vectors for the crate keeping an eye out for it so it would crush me when it finally landed. Seeing the lump of metal coming back at me I nearly portaled out but then I saw it wasn't falling straight down but tumbling at an angle. I watched as it fell into the water with a large splash water rushing up into the air, a wave rocking up and coming toward me.
I used vectors to move it aside of corse keeping myself and the world gate safe and dry, before moving the iron back onto the beach blasting the water off of it to prevent rust.
"ok next question. If I lock a Portal into place onto an object then send it out dose that have a range?" I asked pulling out one of the slices I made to block the exits inside the skyscraper.
"of coarse" imp said "but that range is set not dependent on you, so it would be easier to grow."
"that helps." I said looking up at the moon "my goal is to build a city on the moon... not this one the other one on earth."
"I know... it'll take time." she said.
"yes I can see that... but it sounds so much easier then ever before, maybe one day we can get to build worlds and explore all of the universe." I said
"what do you think you'll find out there?" imp asked.
"Life, I guess... I'd like to know if there was life on other worlds even before mana really started coming into the world." I said taking off my shoes and socks before walking out into the surf, I checked to be sure I didn't have anything else but water inside my inventory and the iron egg. Then I used the power mixing to set up a vector path pulling water to my left foot, then locked my inventory to absorb from there, putting a vector to push water on my right foot off into the ocean, before putting a "trap" of expel all the water when the inventory space got full. It should essentially automate my training to increase the size of my storage space.
After that I moved the the sheet of iron cutting it into 4ths and locking a portal open onto one of them with the exit portal being next to me I used vectors to fling the iron square away the portal flying away with it.
I tryed to angle it so the portal would fly across the island before reappearing to come back to me, so that I could automate the portal reopening. Essentially automating the growth of my portal distance.
I had imp start telling a story as I lifted another of the 1/4th sections out over the water, before using the Ninja suit to make a bow and arrow before trying to hit the floating iron.
I always liked the feel of pulling back and taking aim with a recurve bow, the Compound ones with the wheels snapping always threw me off. I knew they were "better" but I didn't like them.
Trying to line up the arrow to where I thought it would fly felt a lot better with all the extra strength I had from the super suit, and it let me not have to worry about the snapping of the string against my forearm when I released.
The arrow flew falling far short of the target, uncaring I let the arrow dissipate making a new one to fire. I spent the next 25 minutes that way leveling up the storage space, my portal distance, and archery skill.
I missed most of the shots with the arrows seaming to only get lucky every once in a while before really hitting my stride and seaming to get better by the end.
"5 minutes left." Imp said right after I losed an arrow that hit the floating iron.
"good." I said checking to see how full my inventory was, and seeing it was on the exit part of the cycle. Shutting off all the locked in vectors just let the water that remained inside the inventory. Then turned to look for the flying metal square not seeing it near by I just shut that down as well I'd find it latter to keep up this portal extension set up.
Pulling the world gate to me I hoped across and onto the boat, seeing Eva's new body.
She had gotten taller, her back seaming straighter, what I could see of her legs and arms were toned and more a dancer's shape, her gut gone, her breasts were smaller, her skin had gotten a few shades darker as if she had ben spending time outside in the sun, and the spot where her hair had started thinning was gone her hair now hung to her shoulders not a single strand was out of place.
I steeled myself to hide the disappointment that she was no longer the wife I married but was now something out of a perfume add. When her eyes opened glowing the same blue of the slimes that had started to eat her for a moment before it faded to a faint blue sclera with bright brown irises.
- In Serial35 Chapters
On the Edge of Eureka
Currently on hiatus because college is hard. I promise it's not abandoned! Eleutheria, the crown gem of the Solar System, has stood tall for nearly two dozen centuries. Forged in a plague-stricken, war-torn wasteland and tested by fire for hundreds of bloody years, Eleutheria has learned how to survive calamities that would have decimated lesser nations. Its power waxes and wanes, but the empire itself is as steadfast as the Moon; it's an inscrutable, indestructible force of nature no human being could ever hope to stop. But under its glimmering exterior lies a tangled web of secrets and lies, a deadly and decadent court, and corruption that runs from the kings to the kingpins. As its leader loses her grip and opposing forces grow ever stronger, the threat of civil war looms closer and closer to home. The whole country is a chemical reaction waiting to happen, and all it needs is a catalyst. Acidalia Cipher is that catalyst. Cover designed on Canva, images are Creative Commons stock photos from Pexels and Unsplash.
8 188 - In Serial18 Chapters
A Life's Journey
A Life's Journey is a novel written by a amateur author trying to write his first work, english is not his first language, It is about the journey of a boy through the world, the foreign planes and his own life, learning new things and doing different things.
8 165 - In Serial32 Chapters
Apocalypse Boy
While excavating ancient ruins, Ahv finds an egg with strange inscriptions written on it. Upon getting the inscriptions translated, he discovers that the egg contains Zahac, the Dark Lord who destroyed the Ancients. Shortly thereafter, the egg hatches, revealing a baby boy inside. Despite the old stories and the prophecies about Zahac being a world-destroying evil, Ahv takes in the child and raises him as his own son, hoping that he can turn him away from his dark destiny.
8 97 - In Serial11 Chapters
World Conqueror
Imagine there is a world other then the world we know. Imagine in this world things happen which you wouldn´t understand in our world. Imagine in this world there is no daily danger because the USA and Russia might start a atomic war. And now imagine in this world there exists magic, what would you do? would you go insane and slaughter everybody on your way to power or would you remain silent and start training and in seclusion to get the power you want to slaughter everybody that harassed in that time with your newly gained power? Maybe you want to create a family and life happy until you die and let nobody know that you are a powerful being. In this world a baby is born into a happy and easy life, his family thinks he is a genuis after he gets 3 years old but why and why does he need to leave his family at age of 6? **************************************************************************************** In this story may be gore,sex,slavery and torture ~Dropped~
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Obsessed! Hoodie x Reader - Alive (ON HOLD)
A college student's life flips upside down when she meets a certain bunch of people. Her main focus is staying alive instead of finishing college, if she even had the choice.Picture: (Credit to the orginal artist)
8 96 - In Serial32 Chapters
I don't love
This will pretty much be a story about Steve and Natasha and their relationship. This is my second story and I hope you'll enjoy it. I'll do my best.
8 190