《Zane the Mad :Part of the Legendary Interviews》7. I know that look, thats the "oh brain damage thats why hes like that" look. Well f--k you buddy I


Even with the body bost Jerry's flying boosted fist had smashed the side of my head in like an egg I could half feel peaces of my skull and chunks of my flesh floating in the water as my internal vectors made it keep its shape and the blood flowing only losing some of it to the water I survived and started to heal. If I needed to breath I would have just drowned but not needing air I was able to hang on as the suit and a bit of my point enhanced training bost healed me.

It seamed like forever floating in the dark feeling the odd non pain of half my face being water and not. Feeling it slowly pull together and then nit back unto a soild shape.

I was not sure if it was the suit or the new rules of how body's worked that let me not bleed to death, but it turns out that the powers of not sleeping gave me the odd side effect that I was always doing the things my body would do in its sleep. Like making new blood cells and helping to repair itself.

Along with the not needing to eat to give my body unlimited nutrition my body went into over time making just as much blood as I lost until it could fully fix me.

Im sure they thought I was dead especially sense I didn't come back right away. Even after I was fixed and imp was back to assure me I was healed enough to move I waited until imp told me I was completely healed form that and the lightning shark's attack.

I realized I still had the portal to the beach on my wrist and that water was probably poring in form it. I used vectors to stop the flow of water into it and then sent imp through to see how bad the damage was.

Not as much as I would think, there was a line in the sand like a little river but I had moved Eva and Lu far and high enough away that they didn't even get touched. I used her to help move the portal to closer to the water before opening it up enough for me to go through as well.

I nearly closed the portal behind me expelling the water off of my body and took a breath to make sure my body didn't try and breath when I didn't notice.

I started screaming my whole body clenched in anger I felt my jaw pop and then my back and arms as I screamed. My thoughts felt distant like there was my body's me and me who was looking down on it.

'reminds me of dragon ball Z, execlp i'm already half monkey... Jeeze I sure am going on and on... with out needing to breath a scream can just keep fucking going and going and going.'

I felt myself screaming for a little longer starting to get bored with it noticing that my body was starting to hurt.

'allright enough is enough.' I thought getting myself under control noticing how much my throat hurt for the first time. I started to relax almost wanting to pant out of drama or a sense of normalcy, but I fought that off to just getting my body back into a cold calm state.

My heart raced in my chest jittering away and making my blood corse threw me in a way that was hard to ignore, but I soon just shut off the feeling.

"imp." I said my voice scratchy and harsh. "how much damage can a world take before it breaks?"


"depends on the world normally you'd really have to be trying to break it, and most have a sort of healing system in place so that after people blow up to many buildings or dig to deep, it starts to fix itself." she said

"and the new york?"

"its got a refresh system in place, any damage done resets at the end of the week... I think thats part of why the dragon is still down there and hasn't just clawed his way out yet."

"Fine." I snaped and exited everything from my storage space to drift up in a pile near Eva. "How much longer?"

"for Lu still a day, for Eva still 3 days." imp whispered.

I was very tempted to wake up Eva now anyway to use the new york portal to make time go by faster so I could hold her... But new york wasn't safe enough yet.

I drifted into the water, with out being told imp started back up the story

I moved deeper into the water pulling it into my inventory sucking it all in until my storage was full then pushing it all back out as fast as I could. Even using vectors to make it go faster and faster. I was at it for at least the rest of the day taking longer and longer but knowing I was going faster and faster so that by the end the water was shooting out at dangerous speeds.

I didn't stop until I was able to drain all of the water on the beach before I had to put it back. Then I did put it back popping my fingers floating up and out of the water pulling the book I had taken from the library back with me and putting it away but leaving everything els.

I opened the portal and slipped back into new york puting the portal on my wrist and found my way back to the island under water. finding a way through the sewers that were very clean having never really ben used but filled with mud and green slime to make it look dirty, until I was directly below the world gate that the dragon was in.

"I mp go up and help me gide the world gate down." I said looking up and using my power to find where the Fake new yorker's were seeing that the 3 of them were in the same building and the dragon was in a tunnel scratching away at a wall.

She flew up my perception control letting me see through her eyes as I moved the portal smaller then down to the floor I used my vectors to dig a hole just big enough to get it down to me.

I put the small portal in the book on the frist page if I had any ink I would write what it was, instead I just locked it in then fliped to the back and put the beach on it. I then pulled some pipes off the wall and used vector crafting to make an air tight metal egg then put them into the storage space.

It terns out that when you can move vectors however you want metal can move a bit like clay.

I double checked that the portals were now in the storage space with the book and the egg.

I started to head back to the water keeping a finder's eye on the 3 new yorkers.

I had ben neglecting a key part of vectors, speed. Speed is what made cars dangerous and bullets deadly. It would also tern anything into a deadly force.


I went through the maze of sewers and subway tunnels heading for the 3 men now standing in. I used the finding power in odder and odder ways trying to find what they were looking at, what they were talking about, what they were standing next to, and finally the nearest entrance to there building from underground.

Lucky for me there building was next to the docks, but not in a place with windows so they could see what I was about to do.

I moved into the water and started draining it using my vectors to pull it in quickly I didn't need to fill up my storage space but I wanted plenty of water. Soon I saw a noticeable dip in the large lake worth of water then flew over the building.

I had imp go in and watch the men. The building they where in was a boat repair shop of some sort and the men were eating in the break room away from the windows.

I let the water cover it locking it in and making a large dome of water blocking all exits, entrances, and ways air might go in or out except for the tunnel.

I then rushed down into that tunnel and locked in water all around me leaving a cone of air leading up into the building just big enough for my hands.

Then I started to drain the air out of it.

I didn't want to go so fast that they exploded or so slow that they figured it out and the will of the wisp guy just ghosted and ran. I drained the air out of my water bubble starting with the top and working down.

Through the imp view I saw the men go still noticing something but not sure what then they started to breath a little harder noticing but not sure what to do about it.

I increased the speed sucking the air from the room they were in now. There eyes bugged in there heads as there ears started to bleed and they couldn't even gasp. Seaming to try and struggle I started to make will of the wisp guy spin to make him lose concentration even more.

Soon Ray and Jerry were collapsing onto the break room tables I kept draining the air until I saw there eyes close and made wisp spin even faster for a moment before just letting him go he dropped to the ground and I let go of the air I was pulling and started to slowly add back the air as I blasted up and into the building leaving the water dome on it as I made my way to the break room.

If I didn't have the quest to help them I would probably have just killed them all right here, I tried to remember what the quest was even for.

"I mp what was the quest rewards for not killing these 3 again?" I asked kicking open the door to the break room and wondering if I would have a better shot at wisp or if they would talk when they woke up.

"...a way to get a lot of points quickly ignoring the level ups and exp, so that any thing you do could grant you points instead of just killing things so easily and endlessly." imp said. "failure means that your exp is capped at 1 per kill."

"Why do they need to live so fucking bad?" I asked not expecting an answer and not getting one from imp. I glared down at them and pulled my egged book from my storage and opened it to the first page pulling up the world gate back to earth. I brought it up and out, I noticed wisp was twitching and starting to get back up.

"is he awake enough to hear me?" I asked imp who shrugged then winced a little. "new quest wipe there memories of there time in the fake new york, rewards ability to absorb 4 magic items powers at a time, failure these guys hate you and you wont be able to use more then 2 magic items at a time ever again."

"You know one of these days im going to just say fuck these quests and then do what ever the hell I want instead." I snarled pulling the portal back and slamming the book closed before putting it back in the egg inside storage.

Making and changing the egg had ben easier then I expected, but when you can control where things are you can apparently shape anything like clay.

"Fucking do it then. quests are a choice and if you just kill Lu then you can just get any powers you want and skip all this exp and points shit anyway." imp spat seaming to catch some of my anger. "fuck I keep telling you that points don't really matter once you really get powerfull."

I glanced at her and then back at the men laying on the ground. It was tempting but I wasn't killing Lu not if there was no way even the gods could bring him back, if for no other reason then Eva may never forgive me for it.

I sat and waited for the men to wake up. "no killing a best friend for power would just be another step on the road to be a final boss in some one else's story."

imp nearly scoffed at me and started telling more of the story as I waited for wisp to wake up.

It only took him a few minutes he gasped for breath and coughed clearly in pain and trying to recover.

"you know in most video games there is a lot more healing items then this." I said to imp as she stopped the story for me to listen to the man.

"but in real life healing is one of the hardest things to do." she said. "its so complicated to try and put people back together."

I nodded at that looking down at wisp. "would he even be able to hear me if I talked to him right now?"

"not for a little while no."

I sighed and moved to help him up not gently dropping him back into the chair I had nocked him out of.

"the fuck I thought you were dead." he said to loudly then winced putting a hand to his ear, he started to change terning back into his wisp form but didn't get half way before changing back and looking up at me. "thats better."

"you healed yourself?"

"more like reset but yeah."

"good. I wasn't sure how I would be able to talk with you."

He looked at me for a long moment. "why you bothering to talk with me at all? I nearly killed ya and you could have easily finished us off."

"iv got a quest." I said coldly.

"no shit?" he shook his head "crazy thing right after we thought you died we got quests to stop hurting yeah and try 'n talk to you."

"well that could have fucking happened sooner." I muttered.

"your telling me." he said glancing down at the 2 still unconscious men.

"I just came here to get you guys out of here and back home. why in the hell do you keep trying to fucking kill me?" I asked in a growl

"well no offense but you don't seam to human, and showing up outta nowhere on the street with strange new powers and not talking seamed like some kinda new mook"

"you didn't even give me a chance to talk." I snarled.

"yeah thats how iv stayed alive" he answered calmly.

"point" I said "...now iv got the world gate and can let you all go home, but iv got a new quest to make you all forget about ur time here."

he looked at me and nodded slowly. "good I don't want to remember any of this shit."

"good. you'll still have your powers and the dream of tutorial but you’ll just wake up in your beds." I said "now how do we wipe your memories?"

"men in black." the guy said. "iv ben trying to get into there headquarters but it ant easy you know."

"ok... well lets go then and leave these guys behind for now." I said "oh and don't try any mind control shit iv got ways around it. also if I have to track you down again im going to put you in that box from ghost busters and keep you there until I forget about you."

the guy's eyes narrowed but he nodded. "fair enough but give me a little bit of time to get back to you before you get going for that box. Im not exactly superman over here. got to live somehow"

I nodded back getting up and heading for the door. We both seamed calm but both of us were seething, both were just waiting for a chance at a show of weakness or an opportunity to get a bit of revenge on the other.

I moved aside the water so that we could get out noticing the gray skies growing darker lightning flashing. wisp glared up at the sky.

"cant wait to be out of this fucking place rains way to much." he muttered.

"I like the rain." I said "how fast can you fly, fire ball?"

"Frank" he stated glaring "...and not as fast as you, but don't expect a hug"

"wouldn't bother I can just lift you with my power." I said


"no" I nodded looking around seeing a few cars in the street.

"none of them have keys. you took the only one that I could drive." frank said.

"no I didn't you ran like a bitch I just left it there." I said hearing a syren and using my find power to see that the car chase that always seams to be nearby was going to come down the street. I waited for them mustered yellow car to drive by then most of the cop cars and snatched the last one into the air with my power. I set it back down just in time for the cops to jump out grunting and yelling a bit.

I popped there heads off being sure to grab both the guns they were trying to pull out and point at me as there bodys dissapated into the blue smoke. the cop car was clearly still running lights still flashing.

"Get in and drive." I said floating up above the car finding where we were going and what rute he would take.

He glared up at me for a second then shouted. "its going to rain soon dick" but he got inside and seamed a little exited to be driving the cop's car for the frist time, he gunned it as soon as he closed the door.

I flew after him feeling like I was just drifting along after all the rushing iv ben doing. He was wrong and it didn't seam to want to start raining. He was clearly having fun going fast and even hitting a few trash cans on his way. Or he was just that shity of a driver.

The wind in my hair felt a little odd and I noticed bare patches where the wind hit raw skin. Lifting my hand to feel it I felt scars spider webbing from the left side of my face going out and across my scalp and my chin.

"imp. mirror" I said. Imp knowing what I meant looked at me and my perception switched to her vew of me. A large bare patch of white scar tissue was just above my ear witch itself was fine but a long line moved from the ear down to my chin and another went across my eyebrow to my forehead. More smaller scars criss crossed along my nose and scalp as if trying to connect the larger lines. I was amazed that I could still see out of my left eye at all but the scaring didn't seam to be on the eyeball its self.

"Jesus Christ." I muttered "so healing powers still leave scars?"

the mirror shut off and imp was in front of me looking at me for a moment before flying away. I couldn't read the look on her face, it seamed half interested half grossed out.

"no real healing powers wouldn't leave scars, but the suit just boosted your body's own healing and thats the best your body could do with the powers you had. Honestly you look great for a dead man with most of his face blown off." Imp said I noticed I couldn't see her so I expected a smile on her face.

"I really need that cosmetic change now." I muttered "how crazy can I go with that anyway? horns? feathers? are people going to be walking around as half animals?"

"yep. if they really want and think of it. Im sure it will not work out how they want though. fur can get dirty really easily if not washed right and nearly constantly." imp said as if remembering something.

"...ok?" I said wondering if she was a beast person before she was imp. "with Eva's slime powers im sure shapeshifting will soon be mine. So for now il just use that cosmetic boost to just make myself better looking human then anything crazy."

"shame you'd look good with horns." she said and it sounded like she meant it.

I shook my head noticing that Frank had parked and was waiting on me. I flew down to him finding any enemies or dangers nearby. Unsurprisingly Frank was counted among them. Besides him there was 2 suited men by the doors to the large cubed building. Another 2 were in the streets in parked cars, I saw 2 more on the roof, and a ninja hiding across the street half way up a sky scraper.

"Ninjas normally bother people?" I asked him

"Not unless you admit you see them or try to attack them first." Frank said with a blank face.

"Don't play poker, what els?" I said with a snarl.

He stayed blank for a few moments more "...what? its like I said."

"shut the fuck up. Your clearly lying about what part I don't know, but clearly you are." I said glaring at him.

He tried to blank face me some more but eventually broke. "ok fine or if you use the ninja suit in front of them. Makes them know you killed one of there own."

"lucky me." I said as the first drops of rain started to fall. "tell me why didn't you just mind control your way in?"

"There sunglasses make them immune and there guns hurt even when im ghosted. Its how I had to learn that going back and forth could heal me." He said glaring up at the rain as it soon started to pore. "fucking rain lasts all damn day."

I lifted my face to the rain letting it wash over me, shutting off the feeling of it going on my eyes and nose. "I like the rain."

"good for you." Frank spat. "il just stay in the car then?"

"sure this wont take long." I said and then had a fire work of thoughts feeling the water running down my body. "il show you one of the reasons why a man like me likes the rain."

I lifted my arms gathering water along it to my knuckles and had them start pooling there then lifted them and pointed to the 2 guarding the door. I pushed away at the water using both my aura and my arrows, also using the arrows to try and compress the water as they flew. They gathered all the rain drops along the way becoming bigger and heavier by the time they hit they impacted like bowling balls making a the MIB men splat with a green goo.

I turned to the 2 getting out of there car and used arrows to send the rain drops through them like blades. I was finding the path the ones on the roof would fire there guns at and dodged a green ball of fire. Trying to grab it with arrows and send it back I learned that it ignored my powers all together. It was a good thing I was using my find power on where the men were pointing there guns rather then where the shots were. I quickly flew up and found the men again pulling the rain through them like the ones below.

Landing a little smugly I glanced back at Frank, but he wasn't in the car anymore.

"He ran inside as soon as you started attacking, hes not as fast as you but hes still pretty quick as a fireball." imp said "and its a good thing to that first line made me cringe."

I sighed flying over to the doors and tried to find any one inside, the only one I found was Frank in the elevator coming up. I waited by the doors and had a thought, so I made it so that I couldn't see any bright lights if they tried to flash in my face.

Before the elevator doors where fully open I saw Frank shades on holding up a tube that let turned black briefly before I riped it out of his hands with my vectors and pulled the sunglasses off his face roughly.

"I fucking told you that shit dosn't work on me." I said glancing at the tube in my hand to see that he had set the memory wipe for 10 years.

"you fucking peice of shit." I hissed looking up to see him half smerking as he drew out his new plasma gun.

I rushed at him moving my body sideways and slamming into him one hand on his wrist and the other braced against his chest nocking the wind out of him before he could think I put the suit he was wearing into my inventory then grabbed the gun and put it there to. While pulling the air out of the room with vectors.

He gasped and started to fade into wisp form so I pulled out the gun I just stole from him and pressed it into his bare chest. "GHOST AND I SHOOT!" I shouted in his face as he solidified again. Trying to breath but not getting any air.

I let the air come back into the room slowly watching him cough keeping the gun pressed against him.

He coughed hevly not bothering to tern away from me as he did. "Fucking fag. Why'd you take my clothes?"

"didn't know what powers it gave you if any and didn't want to risk it." I said jamming the gun into his gut painfully. "and watch your mouth shit bag."

He glared at me and looked like he was about to try and spit so I took the air from him again. If I could trust the movies that I could nock this guy out with a quick blow to the head I would have done it. Instead I knew not breathing would stop him for a little bit at least.

He panicked and tried to breath, I started bouncing him off the wall to keep him distracted so he wouldn't wisp and get away. When he finally passed out I kept the wind away from him for a little bit longer not sure if he had just learned to fake it.

Then I lifted him and started him spinning again, It should slow him down just enough for me to grab him again if I let him breath. I let him have the air back and rushed out of the building grabbing the neuralizer I had dropped on my way keeping Frank a few feet behind me I found the Ghost busters hide out and flew us there as fast as I could noticing that the rain was hitting Frank pretty hard as we went.

'good fuck him' I thought blasting opean the doors and flying in, using my vectors to pull the box they used to capture ghosts to me. I set Frank just above it and let him stop spinning before holding up the Neralizer.

"watch him Imp" I said putting her sight just above my own as I adjusted the settings on the Neralizer. "how long has this dick known me?"

"with your time spent outside the new york 2 weeks" Imp said not taking her eyes off of Frank.

"fuck" I muttered putting the settings for 2 weeks ago I looked up foot on the trigger for the box if he ghosted, holding the Neralizer up while holding his arms and legs out with my vectors.

Eventually I grew tired of waiting and forced his eyes open with my vectors. He tried to flinch crying out, proving to me he had ben faking being passed out for that last little bit.

I hit him with the flash of light erasing his memory then setting the neralizer to 30 seconds.

He blinked and I remembered this was my favorite part of this item, the person who's memory you wiped waited for you to tell them what happened.

"you tried to hit me with your cab I stopped you and you ran, back here where I caught you and held you up with my power." I said then snaped his arm with my power gritting my teeth He cried out in pain watching it bleed I waited a moment then used the neralizer again. "you also broke your arm in the fight."

I let him drop as he angrily looked up at me then went wisp shape to heal his arm I stepped on the pad under my foot watching him get sucked into the box with bright lights and loud whooshing sounds.

"Tell me. Did the person who made this world ever watch the Ghost busters cartoons?" I asked imp looking at the bouncing box.

"...Noo.... I don't think so. Why?" Imp asked looking at me curiously.

"shame. In the cartoons the inside of the box was basically hell with all the other ghosts in there fighting." I said puting the box in my inventory along with the neralizer.

I took a breath. "finally time to get those fuckers out of my city. For real this time."

Seeing the dome of water in the rain was an odd thing watching the rain drops fall onto it making ripples across it, and with as hard as the rain was the ripples made the surface a never ending dance.

"remind me to play around with something like this latter." I said to imp watching it for a moment more before walking up and through it into the building.

I expected some sort of sound inside but it was just silice as I found the 2 still in the break room talking as fish floated around them. I opened the door glaring at them.

"Hey boys. Id say sorry about nocking you out but I had to be sure." I said then turned my head so they could see the scars. "and as you can see im a little short on sympathy."

"hOly fuck" Ray said wide eyed at my face.

"oh man I fucked you up." Jerry said looking both horrified and a little proud.

"watch it." I snarled at him and he looked ashamed again. "now iv got Frank in a ghostbusters box, so he wont be at the table when we talk about what to do next."

I sat down at the table then found it immediately uncomfortable and started floating just above the bench instead.

"What's there to talk about?" Ray asked looking annoyed.

"I v got a quest to wipe your memories of this place, and iv got the flashy thing to do it." I said pulling out the Neralizer and setting it on the table.

They both looked at it for a moment before Ray asked. "what in the hell is that?"

Jerry sighed loudly "Ray you told me you watched Men in Black, We even talked about it."

Ray looked annoyed. "I did watch it just forgot about them things. AND they looked different."

He had a point they normally looked like a blue light on a stick but this was something like a silver pen with a green part on top.

"Now Ray I promised you a boat, and Jerry I said I'd help you learn to use your powers better, plus theres all those items that you guys erned. We need to figure out some sort of cover story for when you guys wake up from your mind wipes." I said

Ray looked a little pleased when I told him I was still giving him the boat but frowned in thought trying to figure out what I should tell him.

Jerry looked equally confused but just said. "what if you say it was like 100 years instead of just the few weeks? that we wanted you to do it cus we wouldn't be able to come back after so long away?"

I liked that idea but saw at least one problem "But your quest logs and levels would show that was impossible."

"damn..." jerry said.

"we should just write ourselves letters saying we chose to forget and that it wasn't worth it to remember and just write down anything worth knowing about." Ray said

Me and Jerry looked at each other. "would that work for you?" I asked him.

He thought for a minute then nodded "yeah that would work."

"wouldn't for me but iv got shit hand wrighting" I said pulling some pens to us and pulling 2 pages from the book in my inventory. "here you go."

they took the pages and pens then seamed to hesitate unsure of what to write down or what to say to them selves. It took nearly 20 minutes and 3 more sheets of paper before they finally where satisfied by what they had written.

"Good. Now is there anything you guys want to leave behind? Or items you saw some one else with that you'd want?" I asked looking between them.

"I want my sword back." Jerry muttered.

Ray took off his fur coat and the elf hat slamming it down on the table. "Fuckin hated that thing, but it was the closest thing to coffee this damned place had."

I pulled the sword out of the beach and handed it to Jerry. "try and use it on me again and you lose it."

He nodded taking it and putting it into his inventory "about my power?"

I let out a breath "I don't know... Your either way too powerful or kinda useless."

He glared at me "whats that mean?"

"well usually channeling is something priests and paladins do. Taking energy from a god and using it. Warlocks, demon tamers, and some others can do it to. Then there's people who can channel there own energy like Dragon Ball. But you need a lot of energy to start with." I said thinking "and then theres the people who channel energy from the world or other worlds through themselves. So to start with I guess just try and channel anything and everything. The only thing I know for sure your power can do is channel the things from your own body like punches back at a guy or heat through you. I'm pretty sure if you did it right you could make a laser in the daylight by taking all the heat hitting your body and putting it into a single point like your finger."

Jerry looked at me secptickly then nodded obvusly trying to figure out how to wright that down, in the end he just wrote. 'try to channel everything.'

"ok so we good?" I asked and everyone nodded I let the dome of water fall away from the building and then flew the guys out and back onto Ray's boat they complained a bit about the bing flown with out being asked but I didn't want to wait on them to walk.

I doped them off then looked at imp. "how long do I set the wipe?"

"3 weeks 4 days 17 hours." Imp said

"wow" I said setting the dials then pulling out the world portal back to earth from here and used imp to move the portal out of the basement and out over the nearest dock that I could find. Then far enough out so no one would notice a boat dropping in. Pulling the portals bigger I set them up just above the water then lifted the boat and moved it forward setting it down gently. I fell back into the boat pulling out the ghost box.

"You guys ready?" I asked they nodded and I opened the box Frank dropping out in a heap looking around angrily. I hit the button wiping the memories of all of them from when they woke up in the Fake New York.

"Gentlemen you are back from another world you have notes telling you what you need to know, except you Frank, you fucked up and were in a dungeon until I rescued you." I said then waited for them to start to actually wake up and become aware of what was going on.

They blinked then frowned Ray and Jerry finding the notes in there hands and started to read them but Frank just looked down at his underwear confused. I thought for a moment then just shrugged.

"well Il see you guys latter, Iv got shit to do and I know how to find you... Though I might look different so my name is Zane try and remember it." I said then jumped back through the portal to the Fake New York and nearly closed the gate then used imp to move the portal. I wasn't sure exactly were I wanted it so I just moved it to under the dock where no one could see it or bother it.

I turned back and flew to the city looking for the larger docks and the storage containers. Hoping to find building materials in them, wood, metal, or concrete.

I found one large ship full of them at least on the surface but there was a shoot out happening on the docks connecting it. I shook my head landing at the far edge of the ship I popped open one of them and found a blank wall of metal on the other side.

"the fuck?" I asked trying another one and finding the same thing.

"Seems like the maker didn't know what... or that there was an inside to these things and just made them soild metal." Imp said looking at the containers. "surprised she bothered to make the doors even open."

I looked at the stacks and stacks of containers piled all around us. "holy hell... what metal is it?"

"Iron. Basic simple iron the prime metal" imp said "oh... and quest completed..." she flinched reading some thing only she can see. "you got that magic item absorption... 4 items to start with."

"good. can they be the same ones?" I asked she blinked and then seamed to check. "yes but depending on what it is it might not do anything to add them together. Like the clothes your wearing x4 wouldn't do anything, but 4 guns would let you fire out 4 times the bullets or in 4 different directions." Imp said looking a little hopeful.

"Cool... and about how to get extra points?" I asked seeing her face fall.

"you leveled up killing those agents so you've got 32 points now." she said trying to change the subject.

"imp!" I snaped

she sighed. "the "reward" was now you have a panel of judges watching you and they will give you points when you do things. Itl seam like random but will definitely happen after fights or if you do something big."

I blinked at that. "I don't like it."

"no I know... but theres 5 categories and the minimum is 0 points but the max is 10 for each category so you could get 50 points at a time if you do it right..." Imp weedled

"so what are the categories?"

"Style, Efficiency, Tension, Humor, and Brutality.... So I guess it would be pretty hard to get all 50 points." she said.

"tension?" I asked unsure of that one.

"it seems like its how close a fight is or how likely it is you'll lose... Outside of fights its how much drama is going on" Imp said

"Fuck... fuuuuck. what about my points into getting more points?" I whined.

"apparently thats why the limit is 10 per judge it would have just ben a 1 or nothing other wise." she said.

"FUUUUUUuuuuuck" I whined then tried to think of it more as I could now get up to 50 points at any time for nearly anything instead of slowly not being able to get points at all from how much exp I would need and then there was my power copying coming up soon.

"can I put any more points into training boosts? or to getting good at things faster?" I asked her but she shook her head

"x40 boost in that other world is a lot most people cant even get a x10 boost as it is your kinda broken." Imp said.

I nodded at that sighing. "I just wanted to be able to give out points of my own to help people out you know? how am I supposed to help Eva live in this kinda world if she cant kill and I cant kill for her?"

Imp just shrugged. "most non killers seam to get by. Some get quests for crafting or not killing, others seam to get exp other ways."

I blinked feeling dumb. "shit. Fighting and killing aren't everything."

"yeah." Imp said smirking at me. "I think I told you that."

"yeah I think you did... Do me a favor and maybe not tell me who is giving me points when. Just tell me if I get some, OK?"

"can do" she said

"good. Now lets make a few cards for Lu" I said pulling the doors off the hinges then setting them on top of the stack of shipping containers I pulled off all the extra piping used for the door, flattened it then cut it into card blanks 4 inches wide and 6 inches tall. From each door I ended up with 140 cards so in total I made 280 blank iron cards.

I stacked them up then put most of them into my inventory except one. That one I looked at trying to figure out the best way to put a picture on it or to paint it. I thought about just embossing it like a coin but with how dark the iron was it would be hard to see unless I cut through the card. That would just make it weeker when actually used in combat.

Paint was an option but I was sure that it would just rub off the same way, unless his power had a way to keep the cards from being damaged. If that was the case then he didn't even need metal cards normal paper ones would do just as good if not better.

Witch meant I was probably waisting my time but if I wasn't it would give him a leg up and if not then I would just use the damned things. So that still had the question of how to mark them. If moving metals were so easy then I guess i'll just use another one. Gold would look so good but expensive and its a week metal. not only that but where the hell would I get some?

I tried to find gold in the town and was surprised to find a lot of it nearly everywhere, in statues, sines, watches, coins, and tucked into walls. It seams like whoever made the world didn't know about gold leaf and just made anything that looked gold out of soild gold.

"well damn. i'm rich" I muttered noticing a lot of gold in the top of one of the newer sky scrapers. "what is that?"

Imp looked at it frowning "I think its where the mob boss lives."

"makes sense." I said wondering if it was worth going into yet. "il save that for when Lu and Eva wake. Mite be a fun time."

I took my mind off of gold for now and started trying to find copper again it was damn near everywhere even on the boat I was standing on.

"does not know about gold leaf but gets it right about wiring?" I shook my head. "either shoddy education or just more power and pride then they know what to do with."

"good thing for you." imp said.

I nodded "tell them thanks if you can. ...speaking of witch it sounded like you got a list of other worlds that people want me to come pick up?"

Imp grinned at me "not even done with this one and your looking for more? Like I said greeedyyy."

I shook my head again putting the last card away and drifting down to a door on the ship using my power to open the door and walk in before starting to rip the wires out of some of the pipes running along the walls.

'so what do I want to make lu? what would he want me to make?' I wondered spooling up the copper.

"will Lu have the power to actually make the cards come to life and use them that way? or just make them fly around?" I asked Imp walking deeper to get more wire out of a different hallway.

"it looks like he can make just one spirt at a time to start and also move the cards but not well." imp said eyes distant again.

"ok one is a good start." I said thinking 'what would be a good first summon? ...one that can make other cards. or one that could use the power of other cards at once. But what would that look like?' The idea that came first was of the one who could make cards, a hunched hedge hog person using one of there quills to draw something, tung out to dab on the quill using there magic spit as ink.

That idea flashed to the same pose but this time it was a bird like person instead feathers green holding a peacock fether for its quill.

I kinda liked the hedge hog more but figured Lu mite like the bird.

Looking at the bundle of wire I had I figured it was good enough for what I was wanting to do. I also grabbed one of the steel pipes that the wire was in wanting a 3rd color to work with.

I made my way to a table in what looked like a small break room I set down the pipe and wire then got out an iron blank. I tried to form the image in my mind of the colorful bird with a scroll in there hand holding the feather quill tung out. I did my best to try and take most of those colors away and just see it in black, sliver and copper.

That part was much harder but I had a thing for coins so I tried to image it as a coin. the iron back ground, coper paper, steel feathers with some of the black peaking through with a little dustings of the copper to give it some more shape.

I thought of that while willing the metals to shape. It was beautiful to me how the gray steel floated up as a dust, while the coper chopped its self into short spikes, and then it all pressed into the card as the backing rose or fell to help form the shape.

I polished it off looking over the little work of art. It felt good to achly make something, something that looked how I wanted not some shit that looked nearly nothing at all like what I was wanting it to.

"almost a shame to give this to Lu." I said putting words on the bottom of the card calling it a Quillen scribe and artist to the fae nobles, using its magic feathers and spit of many colors. can make other cards if given paper. "I m sure he wont really like it, but I cant think of anything better."

I looked over the card for a little bit Imp stayed quiet. There wasn't really anything to say. I tried to think of something Lu mite like better thinking of the things I knew he liked and didn't. But considering everything it was hard to think of something that could make cards that he would like for sure.

"I fucking hate giving gifts." I said. "I just cant stop seeing all the ways a person would hate what I give them."

I let out a long sigh and just let the air keep going distracting myself a little and wondering just how long I could keep going. 'forever I bet'

I let the air out in a long whistle thinking about the other thing I should make a thing that could use other cards and a thought popped into my head a thing that I knew Lu liked and that it was a main point of who he was to use other peoples powers after he beats them, and it was something I had wanted to put into a dnd game for a while based on some art from the internet.

Mega-Man but magic mid evil armor, if I did it right then Lu would be able to summon it to fight for him or wear it like armor for himself. Cards did have 2 sides after all.

I tried to think of what to call the guy 'Atomo-Tom? Mecha-man?' ...Mecha-Man was the best I could come up with and the name didn't really mater I guess.

I imagined a sort of golem that was mostly a suit of metal, smooth and simple with gun barrels coming out just above his knuckles on both hands and a half open pannel on his chest.

This one was a lot easier to make using the metals, in the blank spot at the bottom for its description I put Mecha-man magic attack golem able to use 6 cards at a time in slots in the pannel on his chest the slots are looks, defense, attack, movement, skill, and accessory.

I fliped it over and made the same image but left the face blank and had the pannel open to show the slots on it. This time I put "suit of the Mecha-man" just like the golem but fits to be worn by anyone feels weightless and grants powers and abilities to the user when cards are slotted.

"I think hel like this one at least, and he can still use the other one with it to make any other cards he wants." I said putting them away and then putting away the other crafting metals. "time to go home."

I opened the portal back to earth first moving it to just above the docks then putting it back in the book before making my own portal back home startling the hell out of some birds on the lawn.

Looking at the apartment after being gone for what felt like weeks it looked small and dirty, little things jumping out at me that I hadn't noticed before. I used my power instead of my key to go in not bothering to get it out of the pile on the beach.

"time?" I asked imp

"just less then an hour, 56 minutes." Imp said.

I nodded looking around then going into my bedroom absorbing the matrix suit I was wearing along with the Neralizer, and the laser gun. I wasn't sure yet what I wanted the 4th to be but those seamed good for now. I noticed how wet I was and pulled the water off to put down the sink in the bathroom before getting dressed in clean clothes. Baggy t-shirt and mesh basketball shorts I didn't bother with shoes floating over to sit on the couch for the first time in a long time.

I looked around wondering how much of this I would want to leave behind and how much I would want to take. With the powers I had and was planing on getting. I wondered if I shouldn't just leave it all behind start new buy new. Hell I could make new things if I just got my hands on the raw materials.

I decided to wait and find out what Eva wanted. Lu's things where his business and I'd have to talk with him about what he would want to do once I got a copy of his powers.

I had Imp start the story back up closing my eyes for a few moments and just relaxing in real time waiting for imp to give the alarm that Lu was waking up we had a lot to talk about.

If I didn't know I didn't sleep anymore I would have sworn I did just for a little bit.

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