《Thellarion Conquest》Chapter 6: War


Sebastian started to increase the amount of training for Koren. Before school he made him run for 2 hours, and after school, he trained with him on axe combat and archery.

"No, No… You're doing it all wrong." Sebastian cried

"Put it behind your ear, not in front of it."

"Block with the blade!"

"Pull back harder on the bowstring, WAIT don't snap it."

Sebastian got more frustrated, but soon Koren started showing results.

"Next time try and not hold it so tight."

"Good, now your starting to listen."

After 1 month passed Sebastian proudly called Koren his student.

"Hahaha, I knew you had talent," Sebastian yelled joyfully

Koren smiled dryly remembering the countless lectures Sebastian gave him on how extraordinarily bad he was at using a bow and arrow. However, he knew that Sebastian was trying to help him and that he is strict for a reason.

Sebastian stared anxiously at Koren

"I think you're ready."

"Ready for what?"



"Yes, it is now time for you to kill some monsters."

Koren looked up at Sebastian with a giant grin.


"Yes, but it's getting late so tomorrow."

While they were walking Koren studied Sebastian and decided to ask him a question he has been holding off on asking.

"Master, why didn't you ask me to reveal you to my parents, Aunt Eril, or Uncle Ricio?"

Sebastian looked up at the sky.

"Before I answer that question lookup,"

Koren looked up to see dazzling bright stars in the sky.

"Well Koren, when I was stuck in the bow I was unaware of my existence. I was not dead, but I was not alive either so seeing these stars really feels surreal. All I was aware of in there were my horrible thoughts and regrets."

Sebastian paused his footsteps and stood in front of Koren's house.


"When I saw everyone alive and well, I wanted to include myself in their lives. But I realized that they have all settled down and are now old..."


"Now, we have to hunt some monsters in the morning so go eat dinner and get some sleep."

Koren stepped into his house but then stepped back and looked at Sebastian seriously.

"Master, did you enjoy training me?"

Sebastian stepped back startled but then smiled.

"Yes, I enjoyed it."

"Ok, that's all that mattered."

Koren smiled and walked back into his house

The next day came and because it was a Saturday, Koren did not have any school. Sebastian however was taking Koren somewhere different.

"Master, aren't we going to the wrong place?"

Sebastian shook his head

"No, didn't I tell you that we were going to fight some monsters?"

"Yeah, but not in THIS Forest."

Koren yelled in frustration.

Sebastian took Koren back to where they met, the Corrupt Forest.

"What's so bad about it?"

"My parents said there was some evil magic and some strong monsters here."

"Well, I can ward off evil magic, and arent we here so that you fight strong monsters?"

Koren shrugged and continued to follow Sebastian. An hour passed and Sebastian abruptly stopped.

"Stop" Sebastian yelled suddenly

Since Sebastian is, well a spirit, monsters can't see or hear him, however they can see Koren.

Koren stopped walking and lowered himself, he then started looking where Sebastian was facing. There was a Goblin crouching down eating a deer.

Koren faced Sebastian who was nodding indicating Koren could take a shot. Koren took out Sebastian's old bow which he got fixed up and an arrow. He set the arrow onto the bow and started to pull onto the string. The Goblin was about 50 meters away from Koren, however luckily for Koren he had a clear shot from where he was. Koren pulled on the bowstring waiting for the perfect time to shoot.



Koren let go of the bowstring and the arrow raced in the air, the arrow went passed dozens of trees before piercing through the Goblin's skull.

Sebastian who was watching was impressed by how quickly Koren got ready for the shot. For most new hunters it would take about 30 seconds to get ready for a shot, but it only took Koren 10. However, those hunters did not have Sebastian as their teacher.

"Good, my teaching paid off."

While Sebastian was laughing to himself, Koren walked over to the Goblins corpse. It did not have any armor, but it did have a dagger. If a goblin had any sort of weaponry it meant It got it from a human which sent shivers down Koren's back.

After taking the arrow out of the Goblin's skull he continued to start walking with Sebastian. Hours passed with no sign of any monsters, but right when Koren let his guard down a group of 3 goblins ambushed him.

'SHIT…. Calm down, there are 3 of them. One on my right, one on my left, and one in front. I can walk back and kill the one in front of me with my bow and then fight the one on my left and throw my axe at the one on my right.'

The goblins started to inch forward, all three of them had swords. Koren started to walk back before pulling out his bow and shooting at the one in front, It pierced the goblins torso but it was not dead.

The 2 other goblins started running at him, Koren dropped his bow and took out his axe. He ran to the goblin on his left with his axe in his hand, the goblin slashed at Koren with his sword but missed, Koren took this opportunity and decapitated it in one slash.

He turned to the goblin who was on his left and threw his axe which split the goblins head open. The goblin who was shot by the arrow was still struggling, Koren took this opportunity to slit its throat with a dagger.

"Ohoho, you did well"

Koren was so focused he forgot that Sebastian even existed.

"Why didn't you tell me they were surrounding me?" Koren yelled angrily

"Do you think you will learn if I tell you everything."

Koren sighed knowing his master was correct. Koren started to pick up his spoils of war, He picked up the goblins swords and put them away into his bag.

"Let's go back now, it's getting late," Sebastian noted

Koren nodded and started to walk back to the entrance of the Forest. Koren and Sebastian continued to walk and walk. However, Koren seemed to notice that it was turning night time.

"Umm, Master.."

Koren faced Sebastian with a face of dread.

"I think we are lost.."

"What? We are walking the right way-" Sebastian said confidently

"Master we crossed this tree 5 times."

Koren pointed at an obscure tree that had a marking on it.

"Fuck.." Sebastian muttered

"Master, can't you float up and find the way out?"

Sebastian started jumping up and down for a few minutes before screaming


Koren would have never thought that Sebastian would be the one to freak out if he ever got lost. Sebastian always stayed calm, but that Sebastian was long gone.

"Master, no one can hear you, also what are you scared of, I'm the one who can actually die."

Sebastian looked at Koren nervously

"Well... I forgot to mention something earlier."

Koren started frowning

"If I am exposed to evil mana, I can disappear."

Koren's heart sank

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