《Worlds: The Beginning!》Chapter 16: Choosing the last martial skill and a house!


“There are four barehanded skills: the palm of the white tiger, the whirling dragon punch, the wolf’s penetrating fist and the monkey god’s destructive punch,” Xiao Feng thought. “Which one do I choose? I want to choose the strongest one. But how do I determine which one of these four is?” He looked over the four manuals containing the four barehanded skills: the palm of the white tiger, the whirling dragon punch, the wolf’s penetrating fist and the monkey god’s destructive punch and opened the first one, the palm of the white tiger.

[The palm of the white tiger is a martial skill of an A-rank.]

[This martial skill’s rank was determined by the elders of the ninth peak: Bai Qin, Zan Hua, Ni Yu]

[Elder Bai Qin claimed that the martial skill, the palm of the white tiger is of an A-rank.]

[Elder Zan Hua claimed that the martial skill, palm of the white tiger is of an A-rank.]

[Elder Ni Yu claimed that the martial skill, palm of the white tiger is of an A-rank.]

[Author: Zan Ma]


[Ever since I can remember, I had but two dreams. The first, to create the strongest martial skill. And the second, to become the strongest using that martial skill and no other.]

[I was a cultivator for many years before I fulfilled my first dream.]

[I fought the strongest magical beast, the white tiger and created the strongest martial skill, the palm of the white tiger.]

[But I won’t be able to fulfil my second dream.]

[I won’t be able to become the strongest using the strongest martial skill, the palm of the white tiger as the injuries that I suffered from fighting the white tiger were far too great.]

[And so, I have decided to pass on my second dream to you. Become the strongest by only using my created martial skill, the palm of the white tiger.]


“Zan Ma,” Xiao Feng thought. “Just like you, I want to be the strongest. But I can’t be the strongest by only using a martial skill that is only of an A-rank. If I want to be the strongest by only using one martial skill, then that martial skill has to be of the same rank as my cultivation technique which is of an SSS-rank.” He closed the manual of the palm of the white tiger and opened the manual of the whirling dragon punch.

[The whirling dragon punch is a martial skill of an A-rank.]

[This martial skill’s rank was determined by elders: Zan Yi, Ni Yun, Xi Ren.]

[Elder Zan Yi claimed that the martial skill, the whirling dragon punch is of an A-rank.]

[Elder Ni Yun claimed that the martial skill, the whirling dragon punch is of an S-rank.]

[Elder Xi Ren claimed that the martial skill, the whirling dragon punch is of an A-rank.]

[Author: Xi Ra]


[I am the elder of the ninth peak, Xi Ra and this is the first martial skill that I created.]

[The whirling dragon punch is the strongest A-rank martial skill that you will find. But it’s not only a martial skill, but also a test.]

[If you manage to unleash a true whirling dragon punch, then come and find me. I will make you my disciple.]

[Good luck.]

“S-rank,” Xiao Feng thought. “Elder Ni Yun determined that the whirling dragon punch is a martial skill of an S-rank. What about the other two?” He closed the manual of the whirling dragon punch and opened the manual of the wolf’s penetrating fist.

[The wolf’s penetrating fist is a martial skill of an A-rank.]

[This martial skill’s rank was determined by elders: Xi Far, Ni Jun, Zan Hu.]


[Elder Xi Far claimed that the martial skill, the wolf’s penetrating fist is of an A-rank.]

[Elder Ni Jun claimed that the martial skill, the wolf’s penetrating fist is of an A-rank.]

[Elder Zan Hu claimed that the martial skill, the wolf’s penetrating fist is of an A-rank.]

[Author: Bai Hao]


[What do you think is the strongest magical beast?]

[If your answer wasn’t the black wolf emperor, then you were wrong.]

[I created this skill by observing the said magical beast.]

Xiao Feng tilted his head in confusion. “I thought that the strongest magical beast was the white tiger,” he thought. He closed the manual of the wolf’s penetrating fist and opened the manual of the monkey god’s destructive punch.

[The monkey god’s destructive punch is a martial skill of an A-rank.]

[This martial skill’s rank was determined by elders: Zan Yi, Xi Ren, Xi Far.]

[Elder Zan Yi claimed that the martial skill, the monkey god’s destructive punch is of an A-rank.]

[Elder Xi Ren claimed that the martial skill, the monkey god’s destructive punch is of an A-rank.]

[Elder Xi Far claimed that the martial skill, the monkey god’s destructive punch is of an A-rank.]

[Author: Ni Qin]

“There is no introduction,” Xiao Feng thought. He flipped a page and saw a series of images showing a figure throwing the monkey god’s destructive punch. He closed the manual of the monkey god’s destructive punch and put it and the manual of the palm of the white tiger and the wolf’s penetrating fist back onto the bookshelf. He looked at Bai Su and said, “I will take the manual of the martial skill, the whirling dragon punch.”

Bai Su nodded her head. “A very good choice, senior brother Xiao Feng. Please follow me.” She led him out of the core disciple’s library and out of the core disciple’s third peak. She led him to the outer disciple’s first peak.

“This is the peak in which you will be staying, senior brother Xiao Feng,” Bai Su said. “Let’s go find you an unoccupied house and I will show you how to claim it.”

Xiao Feng nodded his head in agreement. He and Bai Su walked around the peak, searching for an unoccupied house and before long they found it. It was a small, one storey high house.

“Senior brother Xiao Feng, take out your green jade slip and touch the door with it,” Bai Su said.

Xiao Feng pulled out the green jade slip from his robe, walked up to the unoccupied house’s door and touched it with it. The door opened.

“This house is now yours, senior brother Xiao Feng,” Bai Su said. “Your green jade slip is the key.”

Xiao Feng looked at Bai Su. “I understand.”

“I will see you later, senior brother Xiao Feng.”

“Until later, Bai Su,” Xiao Feng said.

Bai Su nodded her head and left.

“Now then,” Xiao Feng said. He walked into the house and the door closed and locked behind him. He looked around. There were three doors, leading into three rooms. A room with a bed and a bookshelf or a bedroom. A room with a table or a living room. And a room with a toilet or a restroom. He walked into the bedroom and sat down on the bed cross-legged and closed his eyes.

Xiao Feng was going to cultivate for the first time since his life began.

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