《Journal of an Adventurer》Meeting my heroes


Now I think I have pushed Malik as far as I can. Judging by his beetroot face, maybe a little too far. I look all of them in the eye and try to act tough; try not to soil myself too. Everyone gives me daggers as I stride away.

But now I am off to the Hall for ale and food, and then some more ale! Ignoring the gang and now walking, this is really a lovely evening.

Saving that girl, what was I thinking? I do not stick my neck out for anyone or endanger myself. I forgot my first rule: ‘You cannot spend money if you are dead!’ And being a hero, you will end up dead sooner or later. Need to get booze into me right now, as I am overthinking.

Ah, the Hall again. Starting to feel more familiar every day, and such a great place to drink, especially now that I have registered. Drinks are so much cheaper now. Oh, there is Bertude.

“Hey there, you lovely woman, how about a drink for a man who saved a child’s life today?”

“Laying it on a bit thick, aren't you? If you think I’m about to shout you drinks because you did a heroic deed, stop and look where you are! I could throw a peanut and hit twelve heroes before it hits the ground.” She still passes me a drink.

“I know, but it was my first ever save! I think that entitles me to at least one free drink.”

“Well, it’s a packed house tonight, so why don't I ask a few of your colleagues to shout you?” Bertude offers.

Well, that is more free drinks coming my way! “Sure, why not?”

“Attention, everyone! This Adventurer, Lone Solo, is a bona fide hero!” That will make my party even more famous. “Solo here ran into a burning building and saved a young child’s life today!”

People are clapping for me, for my achievement. This is so fantastic! Members of so many parties come over and congratulate me or slap me on my back. Even Althanis Silverleaf, from Travellers of the Road, comes over! I mean, he is one of the most famous Elves in all of Favinonia! His hair is starting to turn orange and brown from the summer green colour. Soon he will be going through the Time. Wondering how he stays married? I mean, wow! He nods his head at Bertude. “I’d like to buy this man a drink. What’s he having?”

Bertude replies, “Just the cheap ale.”

“Well, I’d like a bottle of your best red wine. Do you have 990 FK vintage from the Ivory Dale?” Althanis asks. He is so calm and handsome! I wish he were my dad.

“Sure, but it’ll cost you five hundred slips. You sure you want to waste it on this 'hero'?”

He nods. Wow, I feel so special! I have to drink in this moment and remember all of their faces.

“Okay, it’s your money.” Bertude shakes her head and goes to fetch it.

“Two glasses as well, please.” I am having a drink bought for me by Althanis! “Well done. Saving an innocent life is one of the greatest deeds you can do.”

His handsome, angular face makes me think that is what my mother would have looked like. Staring at him, my tongue is so tied up now. I splutter, “Um, yes, um, thank you! But it is nothing compared to you saving the town of Stonemill. I mean, you and the Travellers, you saved the whole town. I mean, wow! All those bandits—were there not almost a thousand of them? You vanquished nearly five hundred!”


He laughs. “It's up to a thousand now, eh? I would have liked to see that battle. What about you, Bertude?”

Bertude is back and sets the bottle and two glasses on the bar. “You personally slaying five hundred? Definitely. With one hand tied behind your back, too, I suppose.”

I interrupt. “Really? That is even more impressive! I never heard about you giving them that sort of advantage. You are more of a hero than I thought, and being an Elf too. Wow!”

He laughs so hard he falls off his seat. “Hey, Laura, you need to hear this!” he calls out to his wife, the famous Laura the Twelve—able to shoot twelve arrows in the air at the same time, with her flaming hair just as much a signature as her bow. “Come over to our table, Lone, so we can all talk and drink.”

You do not have to ask me twice. I jump up. “Sure thing! Could you tell me about the time you found the Ruins of Argus?” I did not run. I just very briskly walked over. And there are the Travellers. “Oh my Trinity, you are Seth Silverleaf! These are the famous swords of yours, Nightfire and Sunchill. That victory over the Nightmare—how could you defeat that dark monster from the depths of the Abyssus?”

I am so jealous of Seth, having both of his parents. Inherited his mum’s hair and his father’s calm blue eyes. But he is so young, barely sixteen years old. How could he be so skilled with those blades? I joined the army at sixteen from the orphanage.

“And you are Olive Sweetsong! Your ballads and songs, I have memorised all of them! And who can forget Belgrim the Fist—knocked out twenty men with one swing!”

Seth laughs, and his grin fills his face. Such a joyful fellow. “Twenty? Grim, you’re slipping. At Einion, it was thirty.”

“Fear Nightfire, evil-doers, the wrath of Seth will bring you to your death!” Belgrim takes another swig from his bottle. Not a typical Dwarf—dirty, shaven head and a braided beard. His nose was broken so many times that it resembles mush on his face. His knuckles look like massive growths. “Seth will save everyone!” Then he falls off his chair. Is he drunk?

Laura says, “Welcome, Solo. Please sit.” She smiles at me. “It’s good to meet another heroic Adventurer. I hear you saved a young girl today?”

“Yes, I did, but that is nothing like what the Travellers have done. Your deeds are legendary!” Okay, I am a fan. Nothing wrong with that!

Althanis says, “Well, I’m sorry to say it, but we never faced a thousand bandits—”

I interrupt, “That is not what it says in the ballad.”

“Yes, well, that was written by Olive here. She has a creative way of stretching the real story,” Althanis states.

“Well, it would be pretty boring if I didn't add my flare to it.” By Jara’s hammer, Olive's voice is so sexy—I mean, musical. I can tell, even if she is small, that she is a Halfling. Strawberry blonde hair, green eyes—beautiful! Cannot tell if Pela also comes from this stock.

“Who wants to hear about you fighting off twenty bandits in a backwater village that you just happened to be in? Give me some leeway with your story, and I will paint a picture so vivid that people will talk about it throughout the ages.”


She cannot be telling the truth. No, it cannot be true.

Laura looks at me and says, “That’s why we think what you have done is even more impressive, as there is no 'artistic' touch to the story. It’s just pure truth. You did a brave thing and should be proud.”

It cannot be true. They have done so many deeds over the years, and now they admit that it was all balderdash! I say, “I have been following you and some others for a while, and you are telling me that it is all lies?”

Seth replies, “We still did the deeds, but one needs to build a reputation in a world where 'heroes' are commonplace, so you need a little flair. Let me ask you this, why did you join the Hall and become an Adventurer?”

All of them are looking at me. What can I say? Money, fame, women? All my reasons seem so superficial compared to the Travellers. “I am no hero. I did my stint in the military, and besides being a citizen, I have almost nothing to show for it. So, yes, I admit, I joined up for the money.”

Now it is either pity or sadness on their faces. I cannot really tell. Althanis pats my shoulder before pouring us another drink. “You are one of the most honest people we have met in here. Salute!” He raises his glass, and I return the favour. “Being an Adventurer or being in a party, you have to be honest with yourself. Being a 'hero', 'mercenary', 'worker', or anything, it doesn't matter as long as you are content with that understanding of yourself. But never think that you can't be a hero. What you did today was the definition of a hero.”

Everyone is nodding. I have no idea what he is talking about, but they have been in the game for the last fifteen years, so they should know.

Laura asks, “So what’s it like being on the Watch? We considered picking up that job, but—” Everyone just became very serious. This is getting very uncomfortable. “—other jobs needed our attention.” They all nod in agreement with her statement.

I reply, “It is not what I thought it would be like. You know, with the Commander being poisoned—”

Althanis interrupts, almost choking on his drink, “The Commander was poisoned? When did that happen?”

“I assumed you knew. I thought it was common knowledge by now. It happened yesterday, around lunchtime. It seemed to be something in his food, but I am not too sure about the details. When I was at the Shrine's medical section, he seemed to be recovering. Yesterday afternoon, I happened to go to the mess hall, and some Paladin was investigating.” Pause for dramatic effect. “And this guy turned into goo, right in front of my eyes! Weirdest thing ever!”

Confused must be the Travellers' face of the day.

Belgrim asks, “Goo? A full-grown man turned into goo?” Seth is turning a little green, but he is still young. “Laura, why haven't we heard anything about this?”

“I guess we’re not on the ‘need to know’ list. Either way, from what Solo has said, it is being investigated. Love, should we involve ourselves?” Laura asks Althanis.

Althanis has a really cool thinking wrinkle. I wish I had something like that. It would make me look very important.

It is strange seeing your heroes in a different light. The deeds they have accomplished sounded amazing, but hearing they were all blown out of proportion makes it very wrong for some reason. It is not like they did not really help people, but they lied to further their careers. But is that any worse than being an Adventurer just for the money? I feel like there is a point to all this, some point that I am missing.

I wonder what Pela is making for dinner. Could be something nice. One sec, I need to ask if there are any job openings here.

Stupid Gunnar, always giving me a hard time. That is why I am drinking. Well, at least it is one of the reasons. Zlata is a black-hearted fiend too. And wanting to have sex with me—gross. Oh no, I told her my dick was diseased! I will never hear the end of that ...

Fingers snap in my face. Blink, focus, blink. “Huh?”

Laura asks, “Are you alright? You’ve been staring off into the distance for the last ten minutes ... Maybe you should go see a doctor or a cleric about that.”

“Sorry, I have a lot on my mind at the moment. You were saying you are going to get involved in this case? I really do not understand.”

Laura turns to Althanis and smiles. “Why shouldn’t we get involved? If this other party is not investigating thoroughly, then we will investigate this mystery in the hope that it will serve the greater good.”

Althanis nods. “That is what we do. There is always a reason for us to be involved.”

I cannot believe my ears! These people are just throwing themselves into the fray for no more than my word on these events. They must be crazy! Who thinks like that? Even Stillwater and the Rejects have a reason. They joined the Watch because it is their duty or honour or something.

Look at them, planning stuff. Plots and reasons. This is making me sick to watch. Bile is rising up my throat. I need to leave.

Althanis looks at me. “Are you alright?”

I can see the concern on Laura's and Olive's faces. Belgrim smiles. “Looking a little green in the gills there, matey.”

Even with these things in the air, they still care about a nobody like me. They really make me feel like a piece of filth.

“No, no, I am fine. I guess the wine has gone to my head. I think it is time for me to head home. You seem to have Charter business to discuss anyway. Goodnight, it was great to meet you all.”

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