《The Fisher King》X-III. The Suicide Squad


Mallary and Waylan look through the portal to see a party of seven fighting a lion beast. In the front are four buff men. The first man wields a giant hammer and has long, black, lustrous hair and dark skin. He wore a silver tunic, red tunic, and linen trousers with chain-mail armor that twinkled in the light. On his face, he wore a long black beard like obsidian that blew as he moved around. There are two men on his right had brown and blonde hair. The brown-haired one wore golden armor with a silver sword. And the blonde one only held a green shield with markings. The man on his right had green hair and drew his bow at the lion. He wore a green cape, a red shirt, and brown pants.

The party surrounded the beast in a circle, closing in. The lion roared as its horns dripped with blood. Its serpent tail flew around, snapping its fangs at the man with red hair. It roared again and charged at the hammer wielder. The archer tried shooting, but his arrows bounced off the lion-like flies. “My arrows won’t pierce this beast’s skin!!” the archer shouted. The hammer wielder raised his arm. “Fear not, I, Wolfbane, will slay the beast!” With a mighty swing, he creates a loud crack, clashing with the lion’s horns. Their collision made the air scream with sparks as it deafened his crew. They covered their ears, flinching and taking a few steps back. “Have at thee beast!” He shouted. The lion jumped back and charged again, this time stopping midway and swinging the serpent at him. Wolfbane raised his hammer and smacked the little shit. The lion rushed back and snarled. Wolfbane chuckled, “A worthy opponent indeed, but not as worthy as me, Wolfbane, who has slain the Mighty Dragon of The South!” He raised his hammer and started twirling it in the air.

The lion charged at Wolfbane, claws up, and slashes down. But, the lion doesn’t strike down on the hammer wielder, but the shield wielder. “What is thy doing, Smith?” The hammer wielder shouted. Smith grunts as the lion slowly crushes the shielder under his shield. Wolfbane throws his hammer and smacks the lion, causing it to jump back and yelp.

The lion gets back up and charges at the shielder, who dropped his shield. “Not so fast! Gold Rush!” A flash of yellow strikes down like a fan, cutting the wind. Within seconds, the lion’s horns clash with a golden sword. The golden knight grunts as the lion push back. He is slowly losing ground as the lion slowly overpowers him. “I can’t hold him! Assassin! Move!”

One of the black cloaks standing behind him dashes forwards. The assassin draws two daggers, one black and one pink. Assassin slides under the golden statue and slashes the neck of the lion. The lion roars as blood squirts everywhere. Assassin slides under and through the blood. “Fuck! It got in my mouth!” The assassin shouted. He stood up and took off his hood. Under the hood, the assassin had bright pink hair and crimson eyes. He rubbed his face and screamed. The Goldman scoffed, “Pathetic.” The Goldman had blood all over his armor and face.

The hammer circles around and flies back into Wolfbane’s hand. “None shall beat the mighty Wolf!” Smith jumps back onto his feet, picking up his shield. “That’s neat and all, but we need to go!” The shielder shouts at the golden man, “Miller! Get your shiny ass and move out!” He pointed towards the cliff.


“Alright, you heard them Assassin and Archer Junior,” Miller shouted. He ran over to the cliff and started descending first.

“We have names...” the assassin grumbled.

“I know. What an asshole. Right, Fetcher?” The other cloak said.

“Right, Fletcher.” The assassin said.

The two brothers dash towards the cliff and jump into the eternal abyss. The brothers jump off of rocks like acrobatics and pass Miller within seconds. Miller could only see two black streams passing by, zigging and zagging. When they reach the last part, they notice the paladin’s shiny armor waving at them. The twins make a sudden stop right in front of him. They created an air wall that blew his blue hair back, and he lost a bit of balance. “Careful! you’re going to make me fall!”

“Wow, you’re...” Fetcher started his sentence, and Fletcher finished it. “... such a coward! You left...” Fetcher takes over, “... us to die!”

“You know I hate when you do that!” The paladin rubs his head. “Just because I have a name like Lionheart doesn’t mean I have the heart of a lion. I didn’t even want to be here!”

“There you are, shining knight!” Shouted Miller. He was now halfway down to the ledge that they were standing on.

“Five coins says he falls,” Fletcher said, smiling.

“Double that if he survives!” Fetcher laughed.

Back up on top of the mountain, Smith, Wolfbane, Hammerfell, and the archer fought the lion. The archer stood next to Wolfbane and looked down at his hammer. “So if I were to shoot Fowldoor-“

“Foolsdoom,” Wolfbane corrected the archer.

“Whatever. So if I were to shoot it from my bow, would it go faster or just fall?” The archer continues to poke the hammer.

“Now!” The hammer wielder turned around to see that there was no one there.

“What the hell are you doing, you frax!? We’re leaving!” Smith shouted as he vanished down the cliff along with Hammerfell.

The hammer wielder looked around a bit before descending. He swore there was a seventh person here. Wolfbane dashes toward the cliff. The lion follows, and before it can slash. Wolfbane jumped out of reach to a nearby ledge. The lion circles around and lies down, licking its blood-ridden body.

On the descent down, Wolfbane drops his hammer. “Watch out!” Wolfbane shouts as he chases after it. “What?” Hammerfell said as he looked behind the hammer that hits him. Foolsdoom crashes right through Hammerfell’s head. It breaks Hammerfell’s head like a water balloon as it squirts around like a sprinkler. His body drops and rolls down the hill sideways. More blood squirts out in a trail as it follows the body heading towards Smith and Miller.

Smith looks back to see a tumble body charge at him. He jumps to the left and watches the body roll by. Following the body was Wolfbane as he runs by, following the trail of blood. “What the f-” Smith stutters. He tries to comprehend what the actual fuck he just saw.

Miller wasn’t as lucky. He didn’t hear the noise happening behind him as the body trips him. He falls and knocks a few rocks over. Miller slides across the ground with the body until he grabs onto a rock. As he gets back up, Wolfbane steps on him and grabs his hammer. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to keep his balance and fell with the hammer.


Wolfbane flies past everyone, faster and faster. The surroundings blur as he goes faster and faster. Without even seeing, he crashed into the ground, breaking several bones. He lies there, bones sticking out of his knees. He couldn’t feel his legs. “Thank thee for breaking my fall, Miller.” Wolfbane coughed. He heard a growl behind him. Wolfbane had fallen near a wolf den. “Have at-” Before he could reach his hammer, the wolves charge at him. The wolves sank their teeth into him, ripping him apart like a toy. “ARGH!!” He shouted as they ripped his hand off. CRACK!! Wolfbane went silent.

Miller stands back up and looks down. “Well...” CRACK!! His armor couldn’t withstand the weight of the rock and started bending. He tried to push up. Grunting and screaming, he could lift part of the rock before his arms gave out. SPLAT! The rock crushes Miller. Under the rock, a river of blood rolls down. He gasped as he crawled away from the rock. A trail of blood followed him as he crawled away. Some of his guts were visible and dragged across the ground.

Up higher, Smith looks down. He hears some rocks move and draws his shield. A rock tumbled down and rolled over Smith’s shield. Smith stays under his shield until the rocks settle. He peeks out and sees Miller and his guts crawling. He sees as the rock that just hit him rolls over Miller and crushing the Goldman like a bug. The rock continues down to the ground. It passes over the three on the ledge and falls straight towards the ground. The rock crushed the wolves that started eating Wolfbane.

Smith looks up the mountain to see the hammer lying there. “How did the hammer get up there? I thought I saw it go down... No! It can’t be!” Just then, the rocks fall, and a bright green stone catches his eyes. Smith loses focus of the falling boulders and focuses on the green stone. “That’s a Destiny Stone! This is Illusion Mount-” The Destiny Stone hits his head. The stone causes him to stumble into the path of the hammer that strikes him in the side of his head. The hammer cuts his head in half vertically. Smith’s body tumbles down into the ground, and the rockslide buries him.

The rockslide causes the lion to fall as the top of the hill breaks apart. The lion slides down on a rock toward the last three survivors. “Ah!!” Lionheart screams. “Lions riding rock!!” He closes his eyes and points his sword at the lion. “Purify the dark and annihilate my fears!” His sword lights up, and a white beam shoots out. The white wave goes straight through the lion’s heart. The lion falls toward the paladin, who still had his eyes closed. Lionheart’s head slides through the hole in the lion’s chest. The weight of the lion snaps Lionheart’s neck as he tumbles down. As he tries to remove the lion’s head, a rib bone stabs his neck. The bodies reach the ground after the rocks settle.

After the rocks settle, Fetcher and Fletcher push themselves out of the rubble. They look around to see the blood trails, crushed bodies, and chunks of bodies all over the mountain. Fletcher looks over at Fetcher and fiddles with his dagger, “So... does that mean I win?”

“Forget about that. We need a new party.” Fetcher looks around and picks up the paladin’s sword. “But first, we should clean up. It would be a waste if we left their equipment here. Give the most valuables ones to their family and sell the rest.”

“NO!” Fletcher shouted. “We should leave.”

“We’ll be fine,” Fetcher reassures him by patting his back. “Think of it like this. The sooner we get this stuff. The sooner we can leave. I think one of them has a Teleporting Crystal.”

Fletcher sighs, “Fine. If we’re looking for the crystal. Either, Smith or the coward has them.”

Fetcher dashes up towards the remains of Smith. They were much closer now. He frisked Smith, searching every pocket but only found salt. “I knew he had some kind of salt kink. Fetcher grabs the shield and dashes back towards Fletcher. “Nothing. Hop on.” Both of them get on the shield and slide down the hill. It wasn’t faster than them running, but it saved energy.

They slide down next to the lion. Fetcher looks at the lion and notices an arrow through its tail. “It looks like one of your arrows wasn’t completely useless.”

“Whatever, just hurry up, and let’s get out of here.” Fletcher’s voice broke.

“Fine.” Fetcher scoffed. He dragged the body of Lionheart out of the lion. Fetcher started pulling out rocks. “Where is it?” Fetcher heard some noises but continued to work. A giant wolf dashes by and snatches Fetcher. The abnormally large wolf crushed Fetcher in half before he could even react. His borthers blood flew into the air and became rain. The wolf swallowed Fetcher whole and started walking toward Fletcher.

Fletcher, being the only survivor, panicked. He raised his bow and fired two arrows at the wolf. Both arrows hit its eyes and it screeches. The wolf stumbles around as it shrieks. Fletcher panics and walks back. He trips over a rock and falls into the arrow. The arrow pierces his neck.

Mallary and Waylan watch as the supposed team Urielle pick die before their eyes. Mallary had his hands covering Opal’s eye the entire time. They sit in quiet until Mallary talks. “So... You chose a suicide squad?”

Urielle looked into the hole. “Well... I was referring to the archer, but I didn’t expect... well, that.”

“What archer?” Waylan asked. She rolled her eyes and scoffed.

Mallary sighed, “Well, whatever, let’s just go into town. I know of a few people.” Urielle closed the portal. Mallary took his hands off Opal’s eye. “Are you ready to go into town?” He said in a baby voice. Opal raised her hands and laughed.

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