《The Fisher King》VIII-II. The Tavern's Guest


Mallary walked towards the crowd of people chanting and cheering. Their noise dwarfed the sound of everyone else in the tavern. “Sounds like a party,” He muttered as he pushed through some people.

“Hey! Watch it!” A large man yelled as Mallary pushed by.

“Watch what you eat, whale!” Mallary replied to the man. He pushed the man aside as he walked by. The large man grabbed Mallary by the shoulder and pulled him back.

“What did thee say?” The large man shouted.

“Well, yaldson. I said, release your fat sausage fingers from me. Thank you very much.” Mallary said, making direct eye contact with the large man. The large man tightened his grip and started yelling at him.

“How dare you speak of my mother like that! I ought to show thee thy place.”

Mallary chuckled, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He said, poking the large man.

This remark infuriated the man more, and the man started raising his fist. Mallary started counting down, “3...” The man grabbed a bottle and smashed it, “2...” He raised the broken bottle above his head and started swinging. “1... Goodbye.”

At the moment, someone was cleaning their crossbow and forgot to disarm it. The black-haired girl wearing a matching black assassin attire sat across from the fight between Mallary and the large man. “Almost done...” She said. She then heard a snap, and the crossbow fired across the room. The arrow pierced through the large man’s neck and flung him against the wall and table, where he bled out. The entire tavern went silent.

His blood ran down the wall and table like a red river, pouring on the table and into the resident’s drink. Before the man died, he said his last words, “HACK!!” He opens his mouth and started coughing up blood violently, splattering around like a sprinkler and into the resident’s mouth. He twitched around like a fish out of water before finally stopping. His jaw went limp, and a waterfall of blood flew out.


“What the fuck!!” Shouted the resident finally responded after watching. Blood from the large man covered his face. The resident then picked up his drink, which was now the bottom of blood waterfall, and started drinking it. The entire tavern then looked at Mallary, who was lying on the floor.

“Huh...” Mallary said, “... That’s a first...” Mallary got back up on his feet when he heard Sid yelling at him.

“What the hell! Mallary!? Haven’t I told you to stay out of trouble?” Sid shouted from across the room.

“I didn’t start it!” Mallary shouted back, “At least it was just one person this time. And besides, that man over there doesn’t seem to mind.”

“I’m not letting it go to waste!” The resident hollered as he continued to drink the blood-riddled beverage.

“Keep drink that, you disgusting little freak,” Mallary said as he turned around back towards the crowd. He looked at the group of people, and they looked back. “Did I interrupt you?” He said with a smile and started walking towards the crowd. The crowd moved out of the way as he passed by. “Don’t mind me, pretend I’m nobody.” Mallary finally got to the center of the crowd to see a silver-haired girl sitting at a table.

The silver-haired girl stared at Mallary, not saying a word, and went back to her meal. As she started eating, the crowd dissipated. “So... What’s a nice looking girl like you doing in a place like this?” Mallary said with a flirting yet mocking tone.

“What’s a god follower doing here?” The silver-haired girl replied as she continued to eat.

“I don’t follow any gods,” Mallary sharply responded. “I happen to not believe in gods.”


“Then why are they following you? I can smell their scent all over you.” The silver-haired girl had finished her meal.

“Whatever. So what’s your name?” He said, changing the subject. Mallary then leaned in closer toward the silver-haired girl.

“None of your business.” She uncouthly remarked.

“Hello, none of your business. I’m Mallary.” He snarked back.

“Shut up,” The silver-haired girl said as she got up and started to leave.

Mallary got up as well and followed her. He then grabbed her hand, pulling the girl back towards her. Making eye contact with her, he said, “I heard that there was an excellent blacksmith around here that could create some of the finest swords. And I heard you know where to find them.”

As Mallary looked into her eyes, she looked away and said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Her fingers twitched.

“Oh, really?” He replied sarcastically, “Then why are you lying?” At that moment, the bar broke out into utter chaos around them. Mallary looked around, then back at the girl. “Would you believe me if I said this wasn’t my doing?” He asked her.

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