《The Fisher King》V. The Rest


Mallary traveled for two days with Opal riding on his back. They only stopped when Opal got hungry, needed to go to the bathroom, or if Mallary got really tired. Other than that he had potions that allowed him to stay awake for hours. On the third day they reached the outskirts of the town. He stopped to check up on Opal.

All of Opal's scars on her body disappeared. There were no signs that she had ever been attacked or scarred. "You've healed up pretty well. I wished I healed like that," said Mallary as inspected the wounds.

"No. You wouldn't." Replied Opal, "it's like a slow painful death, if you could die. It's like slowing being pulled apart and being put back together again over and over and over until it breaks something that can't ever be healed, not even by time." She started to cry.

Mallary stared at her, "That's... that's a lot..." He paused for a moment, then patted her head. "It's alright. I'm here... I'll make sure you never get hurt again."

"You promise?" Rubbing her tear filled eyes.

"Sure, it's a promise." Mallary said. "Now let's see your eye." He removed the eyepatch from her head. The damage had not disappeared like the other wounds. It was scarred, unlike the other wounds it left a mark. Her left eye shut tight. "Hmmm... What did the sword that did this look like?"

"It looked normal..." She paused and thought more for a moment, "Now that I think about it. It had three gems on the handle, black, white, and yellow. Why?"

"Well," he said, putting the eyepatch back over her eye. "You'll never be able to see out of the left eye of yours. The weapon that did this had the God Slayer ability. Its cut's can never be healed, not even the most powerful magic in the world can heal those wounds. You're lucky, if it was any deeper you would've bled to death by the time it healed, even with that potion I gave you. There's only one way to heal them."


"What's that?" Asked Opal with curiosity in her eyes... well eye.

Mallary looked dead into her eyes, then away. "It's nothing to be concerned about. Weapons that can slow down healing are already rare, but one that can stop healing are even rarer. I doubt you'll never lay eyes on one again... well eye." Opal touched her eyepatch after hearing that. "Sorry..." Mallary put his hand on his head, "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

"It's alright..." Replied Opal, "every time I look at it. I will always remember that you'll alway here to protect me."

"Yeah... of course." He said with a smile. "I wonder how much time she has, though she's young... who knows how long she'll live or if she's even human. She could live over a hundred years, or even thousands of years. I may be a few years older, but there's no way I can keep this problem," he thought to himself.

"Are you alright?" Asked Opal, looking concerned.

"Huh... oh yeah. I'm fine. Just think that it will be night soon." He got up and unpacked a blanket. "We are close by. We will entire town at night where there will be fewer people." He got real quiet, then with great enthusiasm haphazardly said, "NIGHT PARADE!!!!"

"What a strange person," thought Opal as she covered herself with her blanket and went to sleep

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