《The Fisher King》IV. The Stranger



Some time passed, before she awoke to sound of chatter. She lied still, curious of what was going on but not wanting to be noticed by the stranger. The stranger was about two thirds of Mallary size. He had black spiky hair that looked like a hedgehog's back. His brown eyes were squinted a little like he couldn't see that well, but his eyebrows made him look like he was glaring at them. The rest of his face was covered in black bandages. He dressed strange, his clothes were something she had never seen before. He wore a mix of pink and black clothes that were designed in a fancy way, but he wore them sagging with the sleeves covering most of his hands. His clothes looked like they were a size too big. "So you want to know where you are?" He said in a meek voice.

"For the last time. I asked where is the nearest now." Mallary said, his voice started to losing control.

"But to know where the nearest town is you first need to know where you're at." He replied in with an earnest smile.

Mallary sighed and with a sarcastic tone, "then were am I!?"

"Where are you? That's a good question!" The boy said enthusiastically. "I don't know where you are." The boy pointed his fingers at Mallary, "Only you know where you are."

"That doesn't even make sense!"

"It does... it doesn't. It can it won't. Does it really matter where you are?"

"YES!!!" Shouted Mallary.

"SHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" He responded with a finger over his lips. "You don't want to wake her up do you?" Pointing at Opal.

"Just tell me what I want to know." Scoffed Mallary.

"Whatever..." He said scratching his head and kicking the dirt. "I was trying to help... Anyways first you need to go over the hill through the river..." He placed his fingers around his chin. "No wait... I'm thinking about something else... was it north or south... east or west. north-east or south-west..." He mumbled to himself for a few minutes before giving his answer. "Ah yes. See where you're standing? If you turn slightly right and keep going forward for two days you'll reach a town, in that town you find a tavern. From there you will know where to go." The boy stared at Opal when finishing his directions.


"Thank you."

"Sure..." The boy stared walking away but stopped next to Mallary. "I know you're awake..." he paused for a moment and made eye contact with Opal. "Have we met before?"

She shook her head no.

"...Sorry." He said rubbing his head, "you look like someone... I've met before..."

Both of them then continued to walk in the opposite direction. "Oh! I forgot to mention this, but if you run across him! Tell him I said this! They wanna rip you apart, who is in control?"

"Who?" Mallary turned around but he wasn't there any more. "What a strange boy..."

Opal made a confused stare, "who are you talking to?"

"Never mind. We will be stopping soon to help make you better."

"I'm fine... you don't need to stop." She closed her eye and fell asleep again.

Mallary started walking towards the town. The wind picked up speed sending a breeze of cold at him. "Sigh... This is going to be a long trip."

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