《Threads》Thread Slayer


The night drew by, several small animals walked near the campsite, but were quiet in their approach. Shortly past midnight, three figures wearing black cloaks approached The three travelers that lay asleep on the ground. They each pulled a small dagger from their side, walking quietly to not wake them.

One of the figures approached Haile, and whispered to the other two, “We can dispose of the other two, this one shall come with us.”

“Very well, get ready to cut the Threads when they appear.” Whispered another, standing over Dante.

The third took position over Hudson. They each placed their dagger to the throat of their target, the first stood between the three sleeping figures.

The hood of a green cloak appeared next to Dante’s sleeping head, it whispered in his ear, “Wake, your Threads are in peril.”

The dark figures failed to notice this, even as it drifted to Hudson then Haile to repeat the message.

Dante’s eyes shot open, he grabbed the hand that held the dagger to his throat and kicked his opponent’s stomach, sending him spiraling onto his back.

Hudson kicked his opponent backwards, he stood up and rushed to the figure. Huson grabbed his wrist and threw him to the ground.

Haile stood up and punched the unexpecting figure on the side of the neck, a fatal blow back home, but different rules applied here. He fell forward onto the ground, dropping his dagger. Her blow did cause two threads to appear between the other two figures.

Dante quickly stood up, grabbing his kattana off the ground on the way. He kicked the figure on the side right below his ribs. The third Thread flew between the figures, Dante quickly sliced at it when he had the opportunity, cutting it clean in two.

Hudson grabbed the dagger from the hand of his assailant and cut his last remaining Thread.

Haile grabbed the dagger off the ground and cut the final Thread, they were done.

Hudson, Dante, and Haile waited for a moment for the figures to recover. After a moment, one of them stood and yelled to the other two, “Michael! Steeve! Let’s get out of here!” The other two stood and began running, and in a few seconds they disappeared into the dark forest.

Dante looked to Haile and Hudson, “Aren’t you supposed to lose memories from a cut Thread?”

Haile looked to Dante, “You do, why?”

“Wouldn’t that include names, he called out their names as they ran away.”

Haile and Hudson both took a moment to process what Dante said, Hudson broke the silence, “Well, it’s not our concern now, let’s get back to sleep.”

“Works for me.” Haile responded.

They all moved their bedrolls to be a little closer together, in case of another attack. After a moment sleep took them, but Dante couldn’t get the thought out of his head, how did they remember each other?

The next morning, they awoke and began traveling, the forest providing them some shade. The path continued through the forest, winding to and fro. As it drew close to noon, they began looking out for a cave entrance. They stopped often to examine potential entrances, but they found nothing.


As night began drawing near, Hudson looked to his right to see a large hole in the ground, he stopped walking, “Guys, I think I found it.”

Haile and Dante turned to look, and saw the large hole. They all approached to examine it. A fifteen foot wide cave lightly declined into the ground, it curved to the right, out of sight.

“This looks like the place.” Dante said.

“That it is, indeed.” A familiar voice from behind said. They turned around to see a figure standing in a green cloak, “You have done well thus far, but your greatest challenge still lies ahead. If you succeed, I shall send you to your next destination. Good luck, travelers!” A strong wind blew, and the boughs danced to let sunlight pour into the eyes of the three travelers. They put their hand up to block the light, and when they looked back, the Thread-Weaver was gone.

“Well then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Hudson turned and began walking into the cave.

Haile and Dante followed, the cave was filled with cool air. There were lit torches periodically placed along the walls, lighting their path. They walked for ten minutes before they came to an opening. Dante chuckled looking at the large room before him, it was round, about two hundred feet across. Two massive rocks sat most of the way across the room.

“What are you laughing at?” Haile asked.

“It looks like a boss room from a video game,” he responded.

Hudson walked in, with Dante on his left, and Haile on his right. They walked quarter way across the room, and stopped. The two rocks shook, they began rotating. The room was filled with the sound of stone grinding against stone, as the rocks had turned, they saw two massive figures sitting on the rocks like they were thrones.

“Have you come to challenge us?” They said in sync, their voices boomed like thunder.

“Not just to challenge, but to defeat.” Hudson responded, drawing his sword from his back.

“I like your confidence, child, your defeat will be greater than most.” said the one on the left, “I am Thormir, this is my brother, Lejohmir, when you return to civilization, tell those names to the masses, tell them who defeated you.”

“What’s the plan?” Dante asked, his sword still sheathed on his side.

“I’ll take Thormir, you take Lejomir. Haile, alternate shots or something, just make sure you hit when you can.”

“Sounds fun.” Haile added.

“I’ll race you, 5 chimes I land a significant hit before you do.” Dante whispered to Hudson.

“Deal!” Hudson said, before he took off towards the giants.

“What a moron.” Dante sighed, before following after him.

Thormir drew a twenty foot long sword and swung down at the approaching Hudson, he dodged to the right and ran up the giant’s leg. Hudson climbed onto his shoulder and began swinging at his neck. Every swing cut through the giant’s skin with ease, but no cut was deep enough to make an impact.


Lejomir picked up a club thick enough to crush a small building, he brought it crashing down, landing right in front of Dante. Dante jumped and landed on top of the club. Dante ran up the giant’s arm, once he reached the bicep he leaped to pass across the throat of the beast, he drew his sword and sliced at the massive neck before him. Black blood began to trickle from the cut.

Haile began shooting arrow after arrow at Thormir, but each one seemed to have no effect on the giant.

Hudson and Dante kept slicing and stabbing and dodging, but no progress was made, they fought for what felt like hours, yet their slices added up to nothing.

Dante jumped to dodge a swipe from Lejomir, while in the air, the giant swung again at him, Dante couldn’t dodge it. Dante was thrown backwards towards Thormir, landing on his arm. Lejomir pulled back for another blow, ready to pin Dante between his club and Thormir’s arm. Right as the hit was about to land, Dante dodged out of the way, clearing the way for Lejomir to land a blow on his brother.

Dante jumped up onto Thormir’s shoulder and whispered to Hudson, “If you don’t want to count that, I’m fine with that, but try and get them to hit each other, it’s our only chance at doing anything.”

“Now that is a plan!” Hudson jumped to the ground, and began running around Thormir, Thormir swung his sword across the ground hoping to catch Hudson. Right as the sword was about to catch up to him, Hudson jumped up and landed on Lejomir’s stomach. He pushed off and the swing cut Lejomir deeply in the stomach.

“Way to think this through, losers!” Haile called out, still having accomplished nothing.

Dante jumped to the ground, and stood right in front of Thormir, Lejomir’s club flew towards him, he waited for the perfect moment. Dante leaped into the air, hoping to get over the club, but he had mistimed, the club slammed against him, and then into Thormir’s leg.

Three Threads danced like spider silk, between the giants; between Dante and Haile; and between Dante and Hudson.

Dante jumped to cut the Thread between the giants, Thormir began swinging at the lengthening Thread between Dante and Hudson. Dante reached the Thread, and sliced up on it, dividing it in two. Dante began his descent back to the ground, they had won, they were one step closer to home. Before Dante hit the ground, his body filled with pain, he looked behind him at Hudson, his heart dropped, for he saw two parts of a once connected Thread. Dante fell the rest of the way to the ground, unable to move, he hit the ground and tumbled a few feet before coming to a stop.

Hudson looked around, between the two thrones, stood a key, hovering at eye level. He walked over to it, and wrapped his hands around it. In an instant, Haile, Dante, and Hudson were transported into the middle of an open field. The sun had completely set, above them was the brilliant expanse of space, not a cloud in sight.

Haile looked down, Dante lay before her, facedown on the ground, she knelt down, and rolled him onto his back, “You alright, Dante?”

Dante’s face was pale, he could barely move, “My Thread,” he managed, “It was cut. Everything hurts. I can’t move.” Hudson knelt down on the other side of Dante.

“How? How was it cut? Thormir’s sword was miles away from you.” Haile exaggerated.

“I don’t know, I wasn’t looking when it was cut.”

“Then do you remember who this is?” Haile asked, placing her hand on Hudson’s shoulder

Dante paused for a moment, “Yes, I don’t know how I remember you, Hudson, I’m kinda glad though.”

“I’m glad too, you’re going to be okay.” Hudson responded.

“I’m going to be honest with you, I don’t think I’m going to make it.”

Tears began forming in Haile’s eyes, she grabbed Dante’s hand, it was cold to the touch, but she held on. “NO! You can’t go, we still need to go home, you’ll come with us!”

“It’s okay Haile, when you get home, have a funeral for me, tell them I died to help send you home.” He turned his head to Hudson, “Hudson buddy, take care of her for me, promise me that.”

“I will, I’ll keep her safe as long as I live.”

Dante turned back to Haile, “Never stop being you, be the light to others that you were to me. Laugh often, smile always, that’s my only request for you.”

Haile held Dante’s hand tighter, “I’ll try.” Tears were streaming down her face.

“I have little strength left, but I think I have enough for this.” Dante reached his hand up and placed it on the back of Haile’s head, he pulled her in and sat up a little, in a moment that dragged on for eternity, Dante gingerly kissed Haile. Once they finally pulled apart, Dante smiled, looking into her eyes, he told her, “I love you, Haile.”

Haile tried to speak, but no words came out.

“It’s okay, we’ll be reunited soon enough.” Dante said, his hand falling to the ground.

The very world itself seemed to shake in anger. The trees attempted to unroot themselves in attempts to stop it, mountains ran to hide themselves away to mourn his loss. Every beast of the world let out a shriek, a howl, a groan, whatever they could muster, for Dante was dead.

Haile collapsed and placed her head on Dante’s shoulder, Hudson moved around and wrapped her in his arms, the entire world went quiet, the only sound heard for miles was Haile’s cries.

They had lost.

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