《Threads》Thread Reader


Haile woke up early the next day to begin working, various travelers filtered through the bar, ordering drinks, asking for rooms, and getting drunk. Haile kept an eye out for Ludinus, but he never arrived.

Hudson started by paying a chime for both rooms before looking for a store. He asked around briefly before finding a store where he could purchase traveling goods. He bought various forms of goods, they would be fine for the trip, he’d gone on a few backpacking trips, he knew what they needed. The total came to 11 chimes, 3 behhlo. He spent the rest of the day looking around for anything else that could help.

Dante spent an hour asking people if they knew a Ludinus, but they all shook their heads at him. He happened by the town hall and decided to ask in there. He walked in the door, a large statue of a strong looking man stood fifteen feet tall with a desk in front of it. There were several doors on each side, and it appeared there were more behind the statue. Dante approached the front desk, where an older woman sat organizing files. He cleared his throat to get her attention.

She looked up quickly, “Oh! I’m sorry, is there something I can help you with?”

“Perhaps, I’m looking for a man by the name of Ludinus, do you know where he lives? Where he often spends his time? Anything?”

“If we are talking about the same Ludinus, he works here, would you like me to show you to his office?”

“That would be fantastic, thank you.”

The woman stood up and led Dante to a door on the right side of the building. She opened the door and he followed her down a set of spiral stairs. It got dark quickly, but an orange light came into view. They reached the bottom and they were greeted by a torch lit hallway. There were three doors on each side, and one more at the end of the hall. She walked forward and knocked on the second door on the left.

“Ludinus? You have a visitor.”

“Oh, yes, send him in.” came Ludinus’ voice from inside.

The woman opened the door and Dante stepped in. The room was cluttered, there were papers on the floor, various forms of storage left half open and full to the brim. In the midst of all of it, was a desk facing the door. Ludinus currently sat in it, but he was looking down at some papers. The door closed behind him as he began speaking, “Good morning, Ludinus.”

Ludinus looked up from the papers to address his guest, “Good mor-” he stopped for a moment, “Do I know you?”

“I believe you do, I asked about the gate yesterday at the bar.”

“YES! THAT WAS IT.” He sprang to his feet and shuffled around to greet Dante. “How can I help you? Are you wanting to know more?”

“I am actually, you mention-” Dante was cut off by Ludinus.

“FANTASTIC! I’ve told you of the giants, yes?”

“You’ve mentioned they exist, but Jole cut you off.”

“Ah, now I remember, the giants live a few days north, do you think you’re ready for them? I can help, I know the way.”

“I don’t think that will be necessary, just tell me how to get to them and I’ll be on my way.”

“Fine then, if you travel to the northern part of the city, there will be a singular road that leads out, follow it. After two to three days of travel you’ll reach a crossroads- there are a lot of merchants who set up there, try to avoid them, take the path on the left, it continues north. A few days after that, you’ll have reached a mountain range -there’s a nice camp there by the way, great food- anyway, there is a large cave visible from the path, it's really hard to miss, the giants live there.”


Dante focused, remembering the path, “Thank you for your time, take this as compensation.” Dante placed three chimes in Ludinus’ hand, and walked out the door. Dante thanked the lady at the front desk, and worked his way back to the bar.

Dante walked, looking around the area, maybe he’d find a nice gift for Haile, or something fun to do before they left. He saw a few jewelers, some book stores, a handful of blacksmiths, a cooper, a couple of potters, and half a dozen clothes stores. He had mostly given up on the idea of finding something when an old, scraggly voice called to him, “You, young man, have you any Threads you would like read? I’m the best reader in the town, and I may reveal something you never would have known.”

Dante approached the old woman, she hunched over to be a few feet shorter than him, she wore a black robe with silver lettering that Dante couldn’t read, and she had her silver hair put up into a tight bun. She stood at the door to a rugged looking building with windows that appeared to be covered from the inside, an eye shaped sign above her said ‘Read Threads.’ Dante looked at the woman, “What do you mean have my Threads read? Is it like palm reading, or tarot cards?”

“Yes, but palm reading and tarot cards are for fools, they have no bearing on what is real. Thread reading, on the other hand, shows where friends or lovers have been, and from there you can predict what is to come.”

“Interesting, what is your price?”

“Well that depends, if you can bring me a unique Thread, I will not charge you, but if you are unable to do so, I charge five behhlo a person.”

“I shall return later today then.”

“I shall see you then, child.” She walked into the building, and Dante continued back to the bar.

The evening went by, Haile continued working, while Hudson and Dante discussed plans for the next day. Once Haile finished, she sat down in a booth with the two of them, Hudson and Dante were sitting next to each other, so she sat across from them.

“So what’s the plan?” she said as she took her seat.

“We should leave early tomorrow, I think we have everything we need.” Hudson said, looking over the map he purchased, “The path Dante described should be rather simple, shouldn't take too long, look” Haile watched briefly as Hudson traced the path they would be taking.

“Very well, so what’s the plan for tonight?” Haile asked once he finished.

“There was a cool looking thing I found on my way back, it was called Thread reading.” Dante suggested.

“That does sound cool, what is it?” asked Hudson.

“Apparently, using a Thread, you can predict ‘what is to come.’” Dante looked at Haile, recognizing her hesitation, he added, “There’s no harm in trying.”

“Sure, let's go.” Hudson stepped out and waited for Dante.

Dante led them to the building where he met the Thread reader, once they got there they all entered to see the reader sitting on a pillow waiting for them. The room was dark, various candles sat around the room, providing some light.

“Come, sit down, let me read your Threads.” Once she noticed there were three she smiled, “Ah, there is great strength in three, perhaps you shall learn something new.”

They all sat down facing each other in a triangle, following her instruction.


“Now, in order to make your Threads appear, you must focus, focus on each other, on times you’ve spent together, places you’ve been.” She walked around them slowly, waiting for a Thread to appear.

A red line danced between Haile and Hudson like spider silk, before snapping as if it were being pulled from each side. The next flew between Hudson and Dante, its brilliant white color lit up the reader’s face. Finally an equally bright Thread came between Haile and Dante, as it snapped, a red Thread extended from Dante, reaching toward Haile, it curled around the Thread slowly, before tightening.

“Ah, an interesting dynamic, let us start here.” She walked between Hudson and Dante, and lightly ran her hands along the Thread. “You two, you’ve not known each other for long, but the bond you share is stronger than that of brothers. Division has come between you, I imagine it stems from the other two Threads I see. There shall be more division between you, it shall not rip you apart forever though.” she gazed toward Hudson, “This division may cause you to suffer, there are many possibilities, the order of events may cause this to be nearly painless for you.” To Dante she said, “From you the division shall stem, though you do not mean to put it into place, you will not be happy because of it, but happy in spite of it.”

She moved to place herself between Hudson and Haile, “This Thread, I’ve seen better color for red Threads. This color comes from people who have loved before, which takes away from the color. If you two wish to brighten this Thread, you must truly let go of those you have loved before, which shall not be easy for either of you.” She turned to Haile, “Your heart has been broken before, by just one, loving him caused you great strife. I see this Thread losing its red hue, and reverting to white once more” She turned to Hudson, “I believe the loss of this red Thread will be the division that I have already predicted, it will break your heart, but one will come who will help you heal, not from this group, but from another.” She placed her hands around the Thread and began to twist in opposite directions, the red became unraveled and a bright white Thread was seen beneath, “Ah, there is a good friendship between you two, when the red unrolls itself, the white shall be hurt, but when that heals you two will be great friends once more.”

She stood up and walked between Haile and Dante, “This, I’ve seen this kind of thing many times, this white, you two are very similar in many ways, you smile and laugh in similar ways, you’ve seen the same golden fields, you’ve survived the same storms. It is uncommon to see this bright a white, it’s been a few months since the last one. Let me look at this red, it glows like an old love, but this is your first love, how strange. Legend is told of a Thread that glows like pure gold, there is a possibility that the legend will be confirmed if this Thread is given room to grow in the way it wishes to.” She closed her eyes and placed her hands on the Thread, “There shall be a great division that will come between you, as great as death, but in due time, it shall unite you further, perhaps there the Thread of gold shall reveal itself.” She looked closer at Haile’s half of the Thread, “There is no red here, the Thread of gold shall not reveal itself if there is not a love that binds you two.”

She stepped over the Thread and sat in the middle of all of them, “You all shall remain friends as long as the sun shines, perhaps longer. Your friendship has been put through the fire, and it survives yet. You shall all enter the fire again, your Threads will survive, and you shall all be inseparable. I see a potential fourth Thread joining you, it hangs like an apple from a tree. When the time comes, reach up, take it, and you shall never live a day alone again.”

They all sat silently for a moment, before Dante spoke, “Thank you, this was quite the experience. I’m ever more curious about the future.”

Hudson followed suit, “I’m a little hesitant to continue on, but thank you nonetheless.”

Haile sat in silence, she looked at Hudson, tears forming in her eyes, she darted her head to the woman, “Is this our fate, or just a prediction?”

“I say what the Threads tell me, if you are to try and resist their will, your pain shall be increased. I may have read them wrong, however, I am an imperfect vessel of the perfection that are the Threads. I never enjoy telling of the division and pain someone will go through, but the Threads see everything, and they know what is best for you.”

Haile looked back at Hudson, “I don’t want to lose you, I love you.” She ran forward and wrapped her arms around him.

Hudson held her tightly, “I love you too, Haile.”

“I never predicted losing each other, but your love shall turn to that of friends, rather than romantic.”

Dante stood and walked towards the two of them, “Hudson, I-”

Hudson interrupted him, “Don’t worry about it, like she said: we’ll still be friends; if you two end up together, then I’ll be happy for you. Whatever is ahead for us, I’m fine with, as long as I still have you two.”

Haile pulled back, tears were streaming down her face, she turned to Dante and gave him a hug as well, her head only came to Dante’s chest. Dante gently placed his hands on her back. Hudson and Dante looked at each other, trying to mentally prepare for the journey ahead.

“You know,” Hudson said after a moment of thinking, “I bought blankets so we could huddle up for warmth, I think I should get things so we can have some space.”

Dante smiled a bit, “Yeah, probably a good idea.” He pulled back from Haile and looked into her eyes, “You alright buddy?”

She wiped a tear from her eye before nodding slightly, she sat down next to Hudson and leaned her head on his shoulder. Hudson placed his arm around her, while Dante sat in front of them, where they stayed thinking for a moment.

Hudson looked up to catch Dante’s gaze, “You seem to be dealing with this rather well.” There were tears forming in his eyes too.

“Of course he is, he’s getting all he wants.” Haile interjected, almost sarcastically, still staring at the ground.

“All I want? Did you not hear her? Something as great as death will divide us, WHAT COULD BE AS GREAT AS DEATH?!” Tears began to form in his eyes too, “I’m sorry for yelling. It’s going to suck for all of us when we get there, but at the end of the day, yes, I come out on top. But I’m not the only one, you get to come out on top with me. Hudson, you come out on top with me. We will succeed together. This fourth Thread will probably also join us on top.”

Hudson stood up and helped Haile to her feet as well, Dante followed suit. “We should leave now, I want to be home.”

“I’m with you there.” Haile and Dante both added.

They all walked to the store, to pick up individual bed rolls, before heading to the north of the city. They started along the road as the sun began setting. They traveled for a few hours in silence before setting up a fire and getting to sleep.

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