《The Oldest Game Among the Stars - SSB fanwork》"Hybras, old Hybras"


Elinsys woke up, to the sound of Melora's voice wishing everyone a wonderful morning.

“We will be docking on Hybras today. I expect you all to be on your best behaviour. Hybras is a military base, so if someone tries to board the ship, please treat them as their rank requires. On a side note, happy birthday to Ave’in. Hope you have a wonderful day.”

Melora loved making announcements, sometimes for the smallest of things. She usually only blasted them in the halls when it wasn’t important.

But her terminal showed a new message, it was from Melora. When she needed to send something privately she used the terminal messaging.

Elinsys got up and opened the message.

“Major Elinsys, how are you? I am well.”

“I request your presence on the bridge today for the docking procedures. Also, please prepare an escort party of about four marines to go with you. Please select only the best and those who will behave.”

“Commodore Melora Vessina.”

Those who will behave, so Nilni was out and Gelln was a must. Maybe. It was a military base, she doubted anybody would try anything.

And the other three she would pick off this week's target practice scoreboard.


Elinsys walked onto the bridge wearing her combat armour, the light version at least. There was no need for the heavy armor. She doubted she would need it at all, but better safe than sorry.

The bridge was as busy as always, but now it was quiet. All were ready to receive the hail from the station and dock. Melora was sitting in her chair and looking over the tide of officers and pilots moving before her.

“Major Elinsys reporting for duty, ma’am.” Elinsys walked up to Melora.

“Major. Glad you arrived to see us dock. When I am finished here you and your team will escort me to the airlock and on the station. Where are they?”

“Down the hall towards the airlock. Told them to greet the station guards and let them know you are on your way.”

“And to stop any nosey officers from inspecting the ship without my permission? Happened once to me, a marine didn’t salute to the noble because she didn’t know they were onboard. The poor girl received an earful and the noble demanded punishment. I made her clean all of the armory’s floors.”

“The armory is smaller than most hallways.” Elinsys chuckled.

“Indeed it is, it took her five minutes. I gave the poor thing some free time after such hard work.” Melora tried to hold in a giggle.

“Salute a noble who was trespassing, what a stupid idea.” Fera said standing behind Elinsys. She was very quiet and had a bad habit of sneaking up on people.

“Anything I should know about the docking procedures?” Elinsys asked.

“They might make a video call or just a normal call. Either way, I expect complete silence and no faces to be made. Look professional.” Melora answered messing around with her console.

“They will not even see or hear me Commander, I will be like the night.” Fera said.

“Wonderful, they will most likely see me and anything behind me, so please move to the side a bit, Fera.”

By the time Elinsys looked at Fera she was already standing on her left side, now no longer behind her or Melora.

“Hail coming in from Hybras. Requests to talk to the vessel's captain.”

“Pass it to my terminal, thank you.” Melora fixed her sleeves a bit.


“I am Admiral Xera Urossia. I have been appointed to command this station by the Empress.” The screen showed an admiral by her insignia. Bit plump for a Shil’vati in the navy. She was sitting in a fancy chair.

“You must be Commodore Melora. You have arrived a bit earlier than expected, but we are ready to accept you on the station.” Her uniform was nicer than Melora’s and Elinsys’ combined.

“Yes, we have made good time. Our refueling stops were much shorter than expected.”

“Wonderful, please come to my office when you dock. And bring the other captains as well. I am looking forward to our meeting.”

The call ended and the ships were allowed to dock.

“Fera, please make sure we dock safely, Elinsys follow me.”


The airlock door opened to a small party of marines.

“Ship inspection, please provide us with your shipping manifest.” The officer requested.

Rixva was ready to greet them. And to make sure they didn’t touch anything they shouldn’t. “Here you go. Now your ID, please.”

“Excuse me?” The officer asked.

“In case you or one of your marines ruins something I will need someone to report. So your ID, please.”

The officer looked at her for a few seconds, then Melora and company entered the airlock.

“Hello Lieutenant, would you please show us to the admiral’s office?” Melora asked.

“Yes, Commodore. Right away, follow me ma’am.” The officer left leading Melora, Elinsys, and company along.

“So no inspection?” Rixva said under her breath.


The station was divided into many smaller parts. One of these was the civilian area where families of the crew lived. There was a trading area where stalls were set up and filled with trade goods. There were shops for everything from a humble butcher to high end luxury goods. It was a small city, and even had a small government office with a mail post.

Melora and company took a shuttle to the centre of the station where the command centre was. It was a short ride, but looking out of the window at the stations revealed how big the station actually was. It was surprisingly big, but it would serve as the main hub before anybody explored the new sector.

The shuttle parked at the core of the station. An armed checkpoint guarded the entrance to the core section where the reactor and main command centre were.

After the proper security check, the heavy gates opened before them and allowed them to enter the elevator.

The elevator quickly made its way to the command centre.

Its doors opened to reveal a multilayered command centre. It had a circular floor plan with the elevator being in the centre of it. All the sides of the elevator were made out of glass, so that everybody could see who was coming up.

The admiral's office was enormous, ten times the size of Elinsys’ office at least. The desk was large, huge, she doubted it would fit in her room. It was a beautifully engraved wooden desk with purple and gold finish.

“Ah… there you are. Was starting to get worried the security was keeping you busy. Please sit down.” She gestured towards the guest chairs.

Melora sat down, with Elinsys remaining standing at her side, while the other four marines, including Gelln, were left standing outside of the room.

“Now, going into the new sector. That must feel exciting, if I was younger.” She looked at Melora wistfully, a grin painted on her face.

“Just a few things we need to clear up, standard procedure. Required supplies, planned next stop, rules of the station and so on.” She grabbed a paper and handed it to Melora.


Elinsys took a look over Melora’s shoulder, trying to hide her glancing at the paper. It was a long list of checks they would have to do.

“This is all well and proper. I will take care of it. Anything else Admiral?”

“What is your rescue plan?” She asked coldly and without pause.

“Rescue plan? Well I doubt...” Melora stammered

“What is it? Do you have one?” She asked, looking rather annoyed, angry even?

“We can board one of the three ships and leave, if one is heavily damaged. Even if two are damaged, we can transport the crew back on just one of them.”

“I am not asking how you plan to escape if one or two ships fail. How will you escape if every single ship is trapped or destroyed?”

“We will send the personnel carriers and fighters to get help, but if even one ship is damaged we will make our way back here.” Melora tried to calm down the Admiral.

“My friend used to do exploration for the Empress. All it takes is one catastrophic mistake. This is space.” The admiral almost slammed her fist against the table.

“All it takes is one break out of a virus on one ship, one engine failure while you are caught in an orbit, Goddess help you if a star catches you. Slowly burning alive in your own ship.” She shuddered, so did others in the room. The secretary turned down the temperature by a few degrees. Only a few. As if to remind people of how cold space is.

“Admiral, with all due respect, everything has been planned out and we have performed all security checks. We are well stocked and should be fine, only time something terrible could happen is if it is a random chance.”

The Admiral tried to budge in, but Melora continued.

“And the universe is random, but we have three ships. If something were to happen to one, one could return for help, while the other can stay and watch over the damaged one.”

The Admiral looked at Melora, straight in the eye. “If you say so. Do leave a trail of beacons behind you, so we can track you down. Just in case.”

“We will be leaving probes and small satellites all around the systems, I will make sure we drop our reports of how we are doing in there. And when we or another exploration comes back to see what data they gathered, they should still be there."

“Unless some pirates take them apart for salvage.”

Melora looked at the Admiral, then turned to Elinsys. “Do you think pirates will be a problem, Admiral?”

“Perhaps, I doubt they would try to attack you, but your satellites after you leave? Maybe if their hauls have been quite bad recently. And only near the explored space. I doubt they would go far into the unknown, unless… they have a station out there somewhere, but that is unlikely. Some poor merchant would have found it by now, and everyone is accounted for.” The Admiral signaled her secretary to go and get drinks.

“What will you two have?” The admiral asked while typing on her terminal.

“Something non-alcoholic, tea perhaps? Preferably fruit? What about you, Major?” Melora turned to Elinsys again.

“Tea sounds good, Commodore.” Elinsys watched as the secretary left the room. Now only they remained.

As soon as the door closed, the Admiral locked it from her terminal and turned towards Melora. “Listen, you are not the first and you will not be the last they will send there. Take this as a warning, I have been here for a few years now. And we get a lot of salvage, a bit too much.”

The Admiral put a map of the sector on the nearby screen.

“I suggest you avoid these areas, we had mining ships come back heavily damaged from there. We believe it is some kind of nebula or space storm. We lost a few ships, the crew did return, but with escape craft or on other ships that saved them.”

Melora was looking at the map more carefully, and small red crosses appeared where ships were lost.

“Now, this is information from back when the station was first launched. As you can see, a few ships go missing every few months.”

The map had small markers pop up slowly, but then a big pile of them appeared in one spot. Then a couple right on the top of the station.

Melora opened her mouth, but the Admiral was quicker. “Those two are from a skirmish with the Roaches many years back, first when they attacked an exploration fleet, and then when they attacked the station. I think we are still fixing some holes from that. Well, I say fixing, but one smaller section of this station is closed down. Has been since the attack.”

“When was the last time there was an attack, Admiral?”, Melora asked.

“Nothing in years, at least nothing that was reported. I was assigned here after the last one. Since then I have used up many favours in the Navy to send out patrols. Don’t worry about the Roaches, their space station was… taken care of. Don’t go there, the Arie star system is locked down and nobody is allowed near it.”

The secretary returned with the tea. She gave Melora, Elinsys and the Admiral tea, then went back to her chair and terminal.

“We grow it locally here, but sometimes the local bar gets their hands on the expensive drinks. Tell me, Commodore. When you have no use for credits, do you know what people trade?”

“I am guessing luxury goods?” Melora sipped her tea.

“Depends. Usually, yes, until they start to get desperate. Then they trade toothpaste. Do make sure to keep the morale and discipline high up. Don’t want the crew to take over and become pirates.”

“Has that happened?” Melora asked.

“Not here, but I have heard of it. Back when travelling was slower, I heard of many things which happen when the crew gets...hungry.”

Elinsys did know what happens when someone is hungry. She saw how supplies were stolen daily, how many beat each other up in the chaos just for a meal. She even heard the stories of… some who were stuck in the sewers and couldn’t get out. And how they… improvised their meals.

“This has been humbling, Admiral. Sadly, I feel I have to go. This list is rather long, and I would hate to keep you busy.”

The Admiral was sitting in her chair, hardly moving. Then she snapped back. “Hm? Yes, yes. You should go and prepare for your… expedition. Good luck, Commodore.” The Admiral stood up and shook Melora’s hand. She then escorted them out to the elevator and sent them on their way. Gelln and other marines were waiting by the elevator for them.


Quickly, they found themselves on the shuttle back towards their ship.

“Elinsys, do you think… do you think… how do you feel about this?” Melora asked, looking towards Elinsys for comfort.

“I think we are prepared for it. The crew is loyal and ready. And you are a fine leader. Maybe a bit too cheerful, but you have Henera and me to balance you out.” Elinsys responded, trying to help Melora, while also being truthful to her.

“Henera? I have never met a more cheerful person than her.” Melora smiled, just slightly.

“Ma’am, do not worry. I am sure Nilni will provide all the cheer if you ask her. Maybe a bit too much, if you ask me.” Gelln butted in. The other marines let out slight murmurs of agreement.

“Thank you Gelln. Do you think… we are ready?”

“Me, ma’am?” Gelln looked slightly confused, but quickly answered. “I think we will be just fine, if we are careful and take things slowly.”

Elinsys agreed with him, taking things slowly had gotten her out of many bad situations before.

“Like taming a Turox, slow and steady.” Melora looked more confident.

“Yes, ma’am… just like a Turox.” Gelln replied.

The shuttle reached their stop and they got off.

“Shall we look around a bit, Elinsys?” Melora asked. “Maybe even go shopping, Goddess above knows I could use a few new gym shirts.”

“We could, yes. I promised Nilni we would go shopping. Do you mind if we take her with us?”

“Not at all, the more the merrier, but first we should check on the Veneration. And I need to contact Henera.”

After, then. Let's head to the ship first."

When they reached the docking port, they passed by a small marine inspection group which was just leaving, a dozen at most.

“Hello, ma’am. All is well on the ship. Enjoy your stay.” The officer saluted and so did other marines.

“Thank you, Lieutenant.” Melora saluted back.

Rixva was standing at the ship entrance. “Commodore, I would like to file a complaint, they made a mess out of my storage.” She pulled out a tablet and looked at it. “They dug into all of the drawers and just moved everything around in them. Sometimes they took things out and didn’t put them back in.”

“I understand, we’ll ask the officer next time we dock to be more gentle.” Melora responded.

“You say that everytime, ma’am.” Rixva was annoyed.

“And I tell them everytime, they just don’t listen.” Melora answered. “Want to go shopping with us? They do have an electronics shop.”

“Yes, ma’am. Not sure if they have any good parts, but sure.”

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