《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 78


Wen Reian

2005 years after The Long Night


"Are you absolutely sure you don't want me there when you speak to them?"

Xie Yi-jun asked the same question he'd already asked twelve times since they'd begun their journey back to Reian's home. The boy just shook his head again and gave no answer.

The two of them currently sat in the large library, as close as possible, at one of the desks. The King's hand was securely fastened on Reian's shoulder, and he didn't even take it off when the doors opened and three men stepped inside...

Wen Reian stared at them, and besides the strange flicker of fear and sadness in his heart when he saw their gravely concerned expressions, the boy had no other sense of familiarity to the Masters, whom Yi-jun had said raised him from birth.

"Yi-jun," one of the old men sighed as they all stepped forward.

Reian remained seated, sensing from the other two Masters intense negative emotions directed at him that made him feel as if he had truly done something unforgivable...

"Master Hao, it is good to see you." Xie Yi-jun said genuinely, then the King tightened his hand on Reian's shoulder, making the boy look up.

Yi-jun's frown was apparent, as was the worry in his eyes. Reian gulped, unsure what to say, if anything...

"Wen Rei has asked that I step out for a moment while he discusses some things with you," Yi-jun said slowly. "However, I'd like for you to know that despite everything, he has succeeded in doing the impossible. My family and Kingdom will forever be in his debt, and the same goes to you all for sheltering me in a time of need. Thank you..."

Reian's heart ached a little watching the King leave, but he knew Yi-jun wouldn't go far.

It was the man called Master Hao who spoke first, as all three of the masters came to sit across from Reian, their faces grim-

"How do you feel?"

Reian swallowed and nodded, once more at a loss for words. How was he supposed to talk to these people when they were strangers to him?

"Um," the boy cleared his throat. "I'm... alright. It's just-"

The Master who had intense black eyes sat forward then, speaking in a low voice that startled Reian;

"You have lost memories."

He said it as such a statement of fact that Reian just sat in silence, unable to answer.

Master Hao sighed, "What do you recall about your life? Perhaps we can help fill in the details..."

The boy wasn't sure where to begin. From the three of them he could still tell that there was an unspoken failure on his part. They were clearly displeased with him. Perhaps they didn't like the fact that he'd apparently run away from home? Or the spell he'd cast to resurrect Xie Yi-jun and Hêi'àn City... that must be it.

Surely they... can't know about what happened in South Jiezhî?! I never told a soul-

"S-songcai tells me they could come back," Reian added quickly. "My memories."

The three Masters exchanged looks with each other, then Master Hao said;

"Is Jin Songcai aware of the spell you enacted?"

Reian blinked, "Yes... he said it almost killed me. But I don't remember casting it."

The man with black eyes narrowed them at Wen Reian.

"Do you remember where you got it from?"

The boy shook his head. "No, but it must have been from here because everything about this place is a blank."


There was an unsettling silence in the room for quite a long time, before Master Hao placed his hands together on the desk and began to speak to Reian, very calmly...

"Jingshén is a centuries old Cultivation Academy, home to orphans such as yourself. Abandoned children are sent here, or sometimes find their way to us, so that we can offer them a better life, one of service. I rescued you myself from The Spirit Orchard when you were an infant. You were raised alongside others like you. Alongside your brothers... You had just completed your schooling and were preparing to enter the world, when I asked you to accompany Xie Yi-jun to Wúmeng about a disturbance they were having. Well, I suppose you might remember this. After the young King was cursed, you didn't eat or sleep for several weeks, convinced you could heal him. You were found in the Master's Hidden Library one night, after having gone through our copies of forbidden texts. The spell you were looking for, I knew it well but didn't want you to risk casting it. You found it anyway; Soul Shatter. How could I stop you from going? Not even your brothers could stop you, Wen Rei... you went all the way to that desolate place by yourself, risking everything for a small chance. I wish I could have somehow helped you see that doing that wasn't the answer-"

Wen Reian squeaked out in a small voice;

"So I really forgot it all? My whole life?"

Master Hao grimaced and nodded. "Certain pieces. The spell is like that, it asks you to sacrifice a large portion of your soul. The very essence of who you are. So that would be, your memories and experiences with your family, in the place you feel the safest."

"But... why would I do that?"

The Master's voice remained even as he answered thinly; "You must have thought something else was worth it."

Xie Yi-jun. Jin Songcai, I thought they were worth it. I still do. Is that wrong of me?

All Reian knew was them. All he remembered loving was them, all he wanted was to be with them, wherever they were...

Maybe who I was then isn't so different to who I am now? I must have loved them before, too. I must have known they were worth it-

A thought occurred to Reian then, and he winced slightly as he realised it must be why the three Masters were upset with him.

"I really stole that spell? From you?!"

Master Hao lowered his eyes and Reian swallowed nervously.

"I am willing to overlook this, as you have no memory of it. However-"

"However," The Third Master finally spoke. He had red hair and hadn't seemed to move a muscle since he'd sat down...

"We will ask that you reflect on this, and what you've done by refraining from the use of all magics for the time being. Especially while your soul continues to mend. Perhaps your friend, Jin Songcai, might assist you."

Reian brightened considerably at the mention of the man, whom he was missing greatly. Songcai explained to him and Yi-jun that all those years he and Reian's souls had co-existed, had left their mark. It would take some adjusting, especially for Wen Rei, to being on his own...

My life is just snippets of feelings and a few names and places. It's hugely missing large stretches of time, but throughout it all, there was the sense I was never alone. Except... except when-

Reian didn't allow himself to think of that nightmare. He had no idea who the strange man haunting his dreams was, or what he had to do with anything.


And why are all my memories of him dripping with blood and hatred? Surely he isn't real-

After the Masters had gone on a bit to answer some of his questions; what he enjoyed doing and what he was studying, which was apparently playing with the children and botany... Wen Reian seemed to catch them off guard when he mentioned the trip he recalled to South Jiezhî.

Master Hao blinked, "You remember it?"

Reian swallowed, not daring to give too much away so he just nodded.

"The boys will be pleased to hear that."

Wen Reian glanced up, "Boys? You mean my... brothers?"

He'd heard Master Hao mention them, as well as Xie Yi-jun.

Reian just stared across the table at the three Masters and said very simply;

"What are they like?"

Master Hao and the others were very short with him about this, and Reian could tell that there was probably something about him and the two boys that he'd forgotten which was making them uncomfortable.

At last, Reian asked what he was most curious about, however, not wanting to seem rude, he tried his best to phrase it nicely...

"Am I, umm... I mean, would I be allowed to continue living here? In Jingshén, or-"

Master Hao breathed out then he seemed to smile.

"Wen Rei, you are an adult now, not a child. If you choose to remain with us, I will guarantee you a place caring for the children as soon as you feel up to it. But I will leave the decision up to you. It is your life."

Reian was over the moon. He was practically dancing on the inside as he realised he could now finally say yes to Yi-jun's offer of living in Hêi'àn City. With the people I love the most!

He thanked the Masters and was then told to wait outside, as classes would be finishing soon and the children would be thrilled to see him.

"You can probably find Xie De at The Wishing Well," Master Hao smiled, then when he realised Reian had no idea where that was, the man frowned and gave him directions.

Wen Reian was almost skipping as he ran out the doors, hurrying outside and scanning the field for the King. All he wanted to do was leap into Yi-jun's arms and never let go... yet, when his eyes fixed on the figure sitting in the shadows, perched on the edge of the stone well by the trees, Reian stopped dancing.

That must be Xie De, my older brother...

He looks so sad.

Before Reian could even think about what he might say to this stranger that already knew him, his feet were taking him there, maybe some muscle memory, as he found he kept to the worn path in the grass effortlessly as if he'd already walked it a thousand times.

About to shyly greet the boy, Reian suddenly halted when he heard him speak;

"Who the hell are you?"

Wen Reian blinked, swallowing as a strange prickle began at the back of his neck, hearing the boy's voice...

Xie De was still gazing down into the well, though he seemed to know Reian was there.

"W-wen Reian," he answered hoarsely, his hands behind his back.

Finally, the boy turned to look at him. Reian felt as if Xie De was seeing him for the first time, and not the other way around. The stranger scoffed, sneering cruelly and then going back to looking at the well.

"Yeah right-"

Speechless, feeling more than a little uncomfortable, Wen Reian was saved when he heard his name being called by a familiar voice from behind. Grinning, he went to look but then he heard Xie De's laughter and Reian stopped.

The boy still wasn't looking up but he was clearly speaking to him when he said;

"Look, the one who knows you best is here..."

Reian didn't know why Xie De would say something so idd and so obvious, but he sensed that from his posture and expression it must be related to their past. Which was clearly... rocky.

Rean didn't respond, just walked away and was soon blushing as his hand was taken and kissed by the King, Xie Yi-jun's words coming out anxiously while Wen Rei smiled.

"Are you okay? Are you being punished?! Do the Masters know you don't remember any of-"

Yi-jun stopped because Reian was grinning.


Wen Reian was practically beaming...

"Yi-jun, I have to tell you something. It's good news,"

The King looked eager, beautiful brown eyes gazing down at Wen Reian with so much love and devotion, and then he nodded;

"Excellent, me too-"

Reian watched as Yi-jun's eyes were drawn over his shoulder to the forest, and at that exact moment the boy felt the familiar lightening of the world around him, which always meant Jin Songcai was near.

"He's here?!"

Xie Yi-jun seemed distracted, still smiling.

"Hmm? Oh, yes! Apparently he couldn't wait-"

They both turned, seeing Songcai making his way into the field, and then breaking out into a run when he noticed them both. Reian heard the man's joyful laugh as he was suddenly hugging Yi-jun and Reian in each arm, inquiring as to their health- of course...

It had only been a few days since they'd left Hêi'àn City, but Reian missed it already.

Then Reian stepped back as he watched Yi-jun and Songcai exchange a few words. Seeing them together was both a heartwarming and lonely reminder of something that Wen Reian knew for certain, and was sure he knew before the Soul Shatter Spell.

My love doesn't compare to theirs.

For some reason, as this understanding once again took hold of him, Reian recalled some sort of flicker of memory. Not of a person, place or thing, but a thought he'd had. A while ago, and several times since...

It was when I was wondering about how exactly to bring Xie Yi-jun back. I realised that even if it meant he would never know or love me, I would want Yi-jun to be able to have lived with and loved Jin Songcai. It was enough that he was happy. That they were together-

"Wen Rei?"

The King's sweet voice roused him from his daydreams, and Reian blinked.

"What was it you were going to say?"

Songcai's gaze was like a warming hug as the healer watched him, and that was when Reian realised what he had to tell them.

He smiled at the two men, tears springing to his eyes and stinging the back of his throat as he imagined the days and weeks spent without them that he was resigning himself to... but this was what I wanted, he thought. For Xie Yi-jun to have his happy ending, and to at least be in his life. Who would have known that we would be so lucky to have Songcai back for that? It's a miracle I can't waste-

"The Masters have asked me to stay, and care for the children. Perhaps it will help me regain more of my memory..."

Yi-jun's eyes grew wide, then he smiled.

"Do they think it's possible to remember it all?!"

He seemed so excited, Wen Reian ended up having to cross his fingers behind his back and bite the inside of his cheek as he lied;

"Mhmmh! I already remember quite a bit. Being here... helps-"

He was suddenly being suffocated by the King, strong arms squeezing him so tight Reian couldn't even wheeze out an awkward laugh as he watched Jin Songcai smile and cover a chuckle with his hand.

"That is good news, Reian!" Yi-jun exhaled in relief. "I'm so glad-"

Hearing his King's excitement, Reian hardly felt bad for lying. Even less so when Yi-jun released him and then grinned foolishly beside him at Songcai, who seemed to sense from Yi-jun that he had more to say to Reian in private.

The healer narrowed his eyes at the King, then shook his head...

"You're up to something, both of you. I'm concerned-"

While Yi-jun laughed, Jin Songcai suddenly surprised Reian by stepping forward to give him a soft kiss on the cheek, of course, causing the boy to startle and stammer as the warmth sank into his skin-

"A-ah-I um..."

Songcai's gentle eyes silenced him, the meaning in them clear; as far as I am concerned, your soul and mine are the same.

Reian felt it too, and even as Songcai whispered to them that he would give them a moment alone, Reian felt the healer's love and adoration still flowing through his body, gently touching his heart.

As Songcai headed off, likely to investigate the rest of the grounds, Yi-jun seemed fascinated by the look on Reian's face as the boy stared after Songcai.

"What?" The King smiled. "What is it?"

Wen Rei blinked; "I just, for some reason assumed all the stories about him were exaggerated. He really is... like that?"

Yi-jun's joy was visible as he laughed. "Yes, he is indeed like that."

Then the King took Reian's hand and his expression softened to something that left a knot in the boy's throat.

"My news is far less thrilling and perhaps a little redundant,"

Then he glanced up into Reian's eyes and it was already clear to the boy what he was going to say, even before he caught sight of the ring box in the man's pocket...

"Congratulations," Reian nodded.

Yi-jun seemed more than a little nervous telling him, even going so far as to glance over his shoulder to be sure Songcai wasn't nearby-

"It's still a secret," the King blushed. "I haven't told anyone but you. I just... felt you should know, Wen Rei. I..." the King held out his other hand and Reian took it gently.

"I don't want anything to change between us, no matter what the future holds."

Reian wanted that too, but he also knew that despite what they might want, things had already changed. He was not the same person he was before. He didn't even know anymore if who he was now, would be someone Yi-jun or Songcai could love.

What he did know was that Xie Yi-jun was the happiest Reian had ever seen. The man's soul was unbroken, as resilient as ever, and had grown even more glorious since Songcai returned. Wen Reian almost wanted to cry from how beautiful it was; to know someone so thoroughly, to have seen them at their weakest and their strongest and to be by their side as they weathered every storm.

Xie Yi-jun will forever be my first love, that won't change...

"You must come back to Hêi'àn City in a few weeks for the announcement," Yi-jun added, letting out a nervous laugh. "I don't know if I could make it through without you."

Then the King paused. His warm dark eyes fell to Reian's and between them there was no shortage of questions and answers and hidden things, all of which inevitably came back to; "You'll be happy, right?"

Reian smiled as Yi-jun asked the same question he'd been longing to ask in return.

The boy just nodded, because how could he be un-happy knowing that Yi-jun was out there with the love of his life?

And it's not like I'll never see him again, this is just better. So I don't end up getting in the way... this is how I can love them both.

Reian replied with all he could say, which was a sweet and simple; "I will be."

Before Songcai and Yi-jun left that night, the King anxiously gave Wen Reian the other thing he'd been hiding in his pocket.

When the boy saw the pendant he nearly cried. Thankfully he held it in, even as Yi-jun was brushing his hair away from his neck and clasping the delicate chain together.

The gold charm on it was as small as a coin, upon it had been stamped the image of a feather, along with a little crimson ruby, like a punctuation mark.

"It's... our birthstone." Yi-jun said shyly. "And a little piece of the freedom you've given me. Wen Rei, I love you."

At that moment, hearing those words for the first time, Reian didn't bother feeling guilty or hesitating as he stood up on his toes to kiss the King, his tears falling one by one like shooting stars with wishes attached. Songcai stood beside Yi-jun, and between them all existed a mutual trust and understanding. One that Wen Rei hoped would last, even if they were physically separated for the time being.

He parted from the two of them at last, clutching the pendant in his hand as gently as he could, waving goodbye as the King and his lover disappeared through the trees...

Now to turn away, back to the life of someone I can no longer be-

Reian wondered as he stood there watching the sun set between the trees, listening to the sound of his own heartbeat as it followed Yi-jun and Songcai home, if this was truly the end at all.

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