《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 71


Wen Reian

2005 years after The Long Night


It was far past midnight, far past the time for Reian to be in bed, or crouched over his desk by candlelight in search of answers, but he was neither. What it was also far past time for, was an actual plan, and this was what he had come here to find.

All thoughts of honor, honesty, and respect had long since left his mind. In fact, as Wen Reian snuck inside the one place in Jingshén he was not allowed to be, his heart was whispering only to him that this was what he must do!

That goddamn spell, I can't find it anywhere in the regular library, and most of the information there is about it is missing or redacted-

With his quietest toes, the boy had carefully gone about examining text after text in The Master's Private collection, certain it had to be here. He figured; where else would you keep a spell such as this once, if not the secret books?!

After looking everywhere, or so he thought, Wen Rei ended up stumbling upon it by accident. When he went to tug on the spine of a well-worn, hefty book, a box opened up on the shelf nearby, papers and all manner of things peaking out as if they'd been placed there for exactly this moment.

Just have to find it, then I'll leave... got to get Yi-jun back, got to save Songcai-

It was as he was already stuffing everything back inside the secret compartment that he heard the squeaking of the floorboards from behind him. Wen Reian turned on heels, expecting one or two of the Masters. That was only partly true...

He hadn't planned on telling them like this. Actually, Wen Reian wasn't really planning on his family finding out at all. As Master Hao carefully took the book still in his hands, Reian felt his throat tighten at being caught in such an act.


"Wen Reian," the man frowned, staring at the book.

Xie De and Jin Yu were also there, also looking, clearly trying to make sense of it. Why he was here, what he was doing sneaking behind their backs?

It was Xie De who understood first, what was in the book and what his plan was, the realization dawning on him suddenly as his dark eyes grew wide.

"Wen Rei!" He cried, stepping forward and grabbing the boy's shoulders.

Reian couldn't look up at his face as his friend said;

"This is not the answer! I know you miss him, but this isn't worth risking your life over!"

Wen Reian felt his whole body stiffen as he heard those words, pain and anger and helplessness rising up within him, as he'd just spent the last five weeks trying every other option, feeling his soul dying every day he spent without Xie Yi-jun. Only to be left with the glaringly obvious fact; I cannot live without him-

Feeling all his suppressed emotions surfacing at once, Reian didn't even hesitate, pushing Xie De away as hard as he could...

"Maybe it is! How would you know?! Maybe he is what I want to risk my life for... you can't stop me!"

"Reian," Master Hao said firmly, all three of the boys instinctively turning to look.

Their Master was shaking his head, a deep grimace upon his normally gentle face. He didn't look up as he said;

"I told you I would do everything in my power to find a way to bring the young King back. There was no need to go to lengths such as these. I'm disappointed that you seem to trust me so little..."

Exasperated, feeling as if it was useless to try and make any of them see his perspective, Reian quickly gathered all of his belongings, muttering under his breath-


"It's not about trust, Master. And these are precisely the lengths I have to go to in order to bring him home as fast as possible,"

As Reian tried to head towards the door, Xie De blocked him, holding up his hands.

Etched immovably upon the boy's face was the kind of rage that Reian only saw once every blue moon. Xie De was truly furious with him...

"Stop," the older boy begged. "You can't be serious, Reian. You're really going to throw away your whole life over some stranger you barely even know?!"

Desperate to be released from this room, from the three accusing faces of his oldest family and dearest friends, Reian glared at Xie De harshly.

In a moment of pure frustration, he bit out-

"Xie Yi-jun knows me better than you!"

Xie De's entire expression, down to his posture, changed in a split-second. Gone was all his anger, replaced only by a stunned hurt that made Reian's words taste terribly bitter in his mouth...

I don't mean that, I mean-

Reian thought that Xie De was going to just let him go then, as he seemed too shocked to move. But when Reian stepped past him on his way out the door, avoiding Jin Yu and Master Hao's gazes, Xie De suddenly grabbed Wen Rei's arm, whispering carefully so only he might hear;

"I truly hope you don't regret this... choosing love over family."

Reian wanted to scream; I'm not choosing one over another! I would make this decision for any one of you! Any day!!

But he didn't feel as if his words would come out right.

Having already copied down the pages he needed out of the Master's books, Reian yanked his arm away from Xie De, having to forcibly choke back his tears when Jin Yu seemed to step towards him.

And Wen Reian left.

I am not choosing Xie Yi-jun over my family! I am not! Am I..?

Reian had reasoned that he would be more than willing to sacrifice his life for any of his family members. Yi-jun just so happened to be turned to stone before anyone else-

Granted, Reian already regretted lying, stealing... fighting with his family for the sake of this plan.

In a perfect world, I could do this and they wouldn't miss me or worry-

Humph! In a perfect world, none of this would be happening at all!

Reian had to try. For Yi-jun, for the love they shared... for himself.

If I live without trying, I will die with regrets! Because, if I had lived without loving, I wouldn't have lived at all.

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