《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 61


Xie Yi-jun

1302 years after The Long Night


Jin Songcai still hadn't given Yi-jun an answer, for whether or not he would be accompanying the King back to Hêi'àn City tomorrow instead of staying a week longer in Wúmeng. In an effort to expedite his decision making process, whatever it may be, Xie Yi-jun had managed to begin some negotiations with the man...

"Ah! Yi-jun!"

Accidentally biting Songcai's lip, the King only smiled, flickering his tongue out to taste the drop of crimson blood and watching in fascination as Songcai's eyes darkened to a deep royal blue.

The two were sitting on the bed together, Xie Yi-jun's fingers around the back of Songcai's neck, threading through his silken hair.

The King pouted, whining softly; "You really won't go with me? Not even if I say please-"

Leaning in again and catching the little hitch of Songcai's breath, the King stifled a grin and placed his lips near the healer's ear...

"Jin Songcai, don't you want to hear me beg?"

What he heard then was Songcai drawing in a deep, shaky breath, then before he knew it Yi-jun was being kissed again.

Mmmn, so delicate. Like kissing a flower covered in dewdrops...

Eyes flickering closed, he enjoyed the gentle pace the man had set, tilting his head, gripping the back of Songcai's neck and marveling at the delicious warmth and taste of his mouth.

Gods above, I've been longing to kiss him since I first saw him. How can this be real and not a dream?!

But it was real. What was also very real were Songcai's hands as they made their way up Yi-jun's chest. The King sighed at the sensation of warmth through his clothes, but then the healer startled him by grabbing the tie to Xie Yi-jun's shirt and unfastening it carefully...

He didn't mean to part from him but he was suddenly staring into Songcai's eyes again, and perhaps knowing that this was what he wanted, that they were both mutually attracted to each other and desired each other, these facts made Yi-jun brave enough to do what he did next.

Easing his hands away from the man's silver hair, the King held his breath as he reached down to untie the sash around Songcai's waist.


They were both absolutely silent save their rapid, nervous breaths, as the King slid the sash away and then very slowly opened his robes...

Xie Yi-jun swallowed. Beneath, Songcai wore only a thin white shirt, tied on one side and wrapped in such a way that Yi-jun could not only see the man's chest and collarbones, but the shape and elegant curves of his body as well.

Mouth going dry, it was several moments before the King could even breathe let alone move, but when he finally could, he didn't hesitate in bringing shaking fingers up to unknot the final tie, at last being able to take in another blessed portion of Songcai's physical beauty.

He was unreal. Gorgeous... perfect-

The King wasn't even aware he was already mapping out the man's body with his hands until he felt Songcai inhale sharply. Gaze flickering up, Yi-jun realised with a slight shiver that Songcai had closed his eyes, crimson-red lips parted.

He is more beautiful than any woman, any man. Anybody, ever...

Xie Yi-jun wanted to weep suddenly, because it felt as if Songcai was some sort of angelic deity, and the King might even be dirtying him with his hands-

But look! Xie Yi-jun's heart pounded in his chest as he found that the healer's waist was so small, he could nearly wrap both his hands all the way around it.

... and these lines his hips draw, how can something so normal be so captivating?! How can I look away?


Snapped out of his worship by Jin Songcai calling his name, the King realised as a blush rose to his face that Songcai was in the middle of trying to pull the King's clothes off too!

Unaware until now that he had been busy this whole time, untying Yi-jun's robes, the King blinked in surprise and then finally understood that he was being asked to lower his hands so that the man could push off Yi-jun's sleeves.

Why do I fear I will burst into flames if I part with him for even a second?

No longer thinking about any sort of tactics or negotiations, Xie Yi-jun huffed softly and in one move, yanked his upper clothes off as well as Songcai's, and then had already pushed the rather stunned healer back onto the bed by the time Songcai could stammer weakly;


"Xie! Ah... Xie Yi-jun!"

Yi-jun had landed on top of him, and like that their bare chests pressed together in such a way that the King could feel Songcai's heart racing faster and faster as they continued to stare at each other...

Yi-jun was starstruck at how much emotion could be held within Songcai's eyes. Not only did he see the man's desire, shock and fear, he also saw deeper feelings like relief... laughter! Gratitude-

Then Songcai's hands were coming up to his face. Yi-jun didn't even have a chance to think about the fact that a certain part of his anatomy was rubbing very dangerously against the healer's thigh, before Songcai was pulling him down to his lips once more.

Wow, how is he doing that?

Yi-jun almost couldn't believe it. Songcai was a lot, but there was no way he was a mind reader... was he?!

The way he's touching me, biting my lips! Everything is exactly what I like. Is this possible?

Xie Yi-jun pondered this as another ribbon of desire sliced through his body, and he began to worry about how he'd be able to hide his arousal later if he ever managed to sit up-


The strange noise came from Yi-jun's throat suddenly as Jin Songcai tugged on his hair and at the same time, nibbled viciously on his lower lip.

It felt too good. Yi-jun was sure he was shaking. At last, worried he was verging on insanity, the King broke from Songcai's mouth with a gasp as he cried;

"How are you doing that?! Be honest... you're not human-"

Of course Jin Songcai, even as deep in lust as he was, couldn't keep from laughing at Xie Yi-jun's silly words. But the King had meant it!

"You!" He was still gasping, "You're doing everything I want, everything I like! It's impossible..."

Songcai smiled, taking a second to remove a stray eyelash from Yi-jun's cheek. The King's heart soared as he watched the man take it on his thumb and then softly blow it away.

"Nothing is impossible," Songcai said.

The King felt the words sink deep into his bones-

"You must be somehow using your abilities," Yi-jun nodded, eyes wide. "To feel my emotions."

Songcai chuckled, wrapping his arms around Yi-jun's neck...

"Well, it's true that I can feel your emotions to a degree but I am not healing you. You are not my patient at this moment, and that is not how I know what you desire."

Intrigued beyond what he could stand, apparently Yi-jun's pleading gaze got the better of Songcai and the man grinned, closing his eyes with a relaxed sigh.

"As a lover, one only has to listen and look. Somethings are easy to see, some things you must search for... for example-"

Songcai leaned closer and gently bit down on Yi-jun's bottom lip, making all the breath leave the King's lungs at once. He felt Songcai chuckle softly; "You told me exactly what you like right away," the man smiled.

Xie Yi-jun was enjoying everything too much to even remember what he'd come here to do, but then he heard Songcai sigh and nod.

"Very well. It would be a horribly boring week without you anyway, I will go along."

Yi-jun blinked. Some part of him, a part that was still childish and loved teasing others, grinned shyly and said-

"Were you always going to say that? Or did I convince you today, even a little bit?"

Songcai's warm laugh was apparently the only answer Yi-jun was going to get, as pretty soon the two of them were locked tightly together once more, lips and tongues intertwining, questing fingers exploring.

After a long, long time, Xie Yi-jun was confident enough to lean in and whisper in the man's blushing ear;

"Wanna tell me what you like? Since not all of us are mind readers..."

Jin Songcai chuckled again, hands roaming over Yi-jun's back and pulling him close.

"My King," Songcai shook his head, his tone playful and more arousing to Yi-jun even than the fingers inching under the waistband of his trousers-

With a kiss upon his cheek that was the obvious equivalent of so many lovely promises, Songcai exhaled; "There is always time to learn."

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