《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 54


Xie Yi-jun

1290 years after The Long Night

Hêi'àn City

"Hahah! A'Jun stop running, you'll fall!"

Su Lan's voice echoed through the trees, but Yi-jun didn't care if he fell. He didn't care if he was caught trying to escape for the millionth time by the guards and reprimanded.

All day he'd endured the torturous displays of commoner and officials alike, wishing him well on his birthday as he sat, fidgety and bored beyond belief in the throne-room. Now, having left the palace and Hêi'àn City behind, sun setting in the distance, Yi-jun wanted to run until he hit the ocean's edge!

Feeling the wind whip by him, his clothes being snagged on branches, the young Prince let out a giddy laugh.

I hope my formal wear is ruined again... Pssht! It can be used as kitchen rags for all I care-


He could hear Su Lan racing behind him, clearly enjoying the freedom despite being older and more mature. Yi-jun didn't really know why he and Su Lan stuck together, it had just always been that way...

His senior by four years, sometimes Su Lan acted as a tutor, or an older brother. Other times, like now, he was Yi-jun's partner in crime.

A large branch hit the prince rather forcefully in the side then, and he laughed through the burning in his lungs, moving his feet faster. Knowing he was headed North, it was inevitable that they'd reach The Spirit Orchard eventually. Xie Yi-jun had promised Su Lan to turn back when they did, but now it felt like he'd never return.

From far behind him Yi-jun heard his name being called again, but then Su Lan's voice echoed off a nearby tree, bouncing around through the forest again and again until Yi-jun had to stop, whirling around to try and find the source of the haunting call...


His friend's voice rang louder and louder in his ears, but he was nowhere to be seen-

"A'Jun! Yi-jun!! Xie Yi-jun! Yi-jun!"

The Prince covered his ears as the rising tones began to make them ring. Searching the ever darkening woods for Su Lan, he had a sudden sinking feeling that perhaps he really had stumbled into The Orchard and gotten lost.

Moments later, the voices had died down. The young boy tried remembering where he'd come from, but in every direction it seemed he saw the same trees.


Yi-jun jumped in fear when he felt something grab his wrist, but when he looked back his entire body calmed, relief flooding him until he smiled. Su Lan's dark emerald eyes glared at him, through as always there was a hint of a smile on the boy's thin lips...

"There you are!"

Xie Yi-jun grinned, his eyes glowing green, though this kind of glow meant his fire was awakening. Su Lan knew what that color meant and he laughed, quickly dodging behind a tree before Yi-jun could strike him with a burning flame-

"Hey! You're just showing off now!"

Yi-jun knew it was true, but this color fire showed up so rarely, so he snuck over to the tree his friend hid behind, and shot a quick burst towards his rear end.


Jumping away, Su Lan turned to glare at the young Prince...

Xie Yi-jun hid his laugh in his sleeve and scurried away. He knew Su Lan would not be hurt by his fire, as he could control the temperature. It would just feel a little funny-

Green, he thought to himself as he danced around another tree and screamed when Su Lan snuck up behind him.

I'm happy!

"Where are you going?! A'Jun!" Su Lan laughed, "You're going to get me in trouble!"


The two of them had wrestled to the ground, hair coming undone and clothes covered in dirt and leaves...

The prince lay on his back and breathed loudly, staring up at the dark blue sky between the thick branches overhead. He knew that just beyond where they lay, spirits and monsters that could kill him or drive him mad at any time were all waiting. Yet beside his friend, he felt as if this one small corner of the world was safe.

I wish we could live here forever-


Yi-jun looked over at Su Lan in the darkness. His friend was looking at the sky too, arms propped behind his head.


"You know that no matter what happens, no matter what evil forest you stray into, I'll always be right behind you?"

Xie Yi-jun nodded. "And I'll always be there for you," the young Prince reached a hand out, green sparks flying from his fingertips-

"Promise." Su Lan smiled, taking Yi-jun's hand.

The two layed there under the blanket of trees and stars the whole night. Xie Yi-jun's heart warm and content, not knowing it would be the one promise that his friend would have to break.

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