《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 50


Xie Yi-jun

1304 years after The Long Night


With the moon overhead and the fires from Hêi'àn City in the distance, Xie Yi-jun was just barely able to see in front of him. Jin Songcai, standing waist-deep in the nearly bone-chilling water, was facing him wearing an expression of clear distress.

It wasn't enough now that they were both alive and together. For Yi-jun and for Songcai, in the darkness, in the night... their bodies and souls craved the physical proof that the other was going nowhere from now on.

They were holding each other close, having snuck in unseen by the other less-injured soldiers who had come to the lake to soak their wounds and clean the dirt of blood from their weary bodies.

Off a little ways, the King could hear a few voices talking. Some were arguing loudly, but no one strayed too close to the silent couple, hidden amongst the shadows.

Xie Yi-jun would have preferred to be alone with Songcai, but his first concern at the moment, was what to do about all his lover's bruises-

I don't like it when I'm not the one that caused them...

The marks dappled Songcai's chest, arms and stomach, like birthmarks faded into his skin. The man was far too fast to be caught with the tip of a blade, but he had fought in the battle from start to finish, and with that came inevitable injuries.

Compared to Yi-jun's broken bones, Jin Songcai was perfectly fine, however seeing the dark green and blue splotches, feeling his lover wince when he pressed at his skin a little too hard, Yi-jun felt he would do just about anything to be a healer like Songcai in that moment.

Rubbing gentle circles on Jin-cai's back, Yi-jun gazed into his eyes, slowly moving his fingers up and down the man's spine, knowing how he liked to be touched there.

Watching as Songcai's expression changed slowly, the King's heart raced. Songcai's worried frown and darkened eyes, replaced with a look that Yi-jun was very familiar with.

He wants to touch me too-

The King only smiled a little, holding Jincai tight and leaning close to whisper in his ear;

"Go ahead. I won't bite unless you ask me to-"

Songcai laughed but it was more of an exhausted sigh. When his hands began to slowly move across Yi-jun's back, then over his shoulders, the King no longer had it in him to make sly little comments, nor could he keep his eyes open.

Jin-cai raised handfuls of water up and poured them across Yi-jun's chest, washing away the remnants of the battle and turning the King into a purring mess. It was several minutes later that Yi-jun felt he could finally breathe again, his heart softening and yet racing as Songcai's touch eased all the tension in his soul...

At last, taking in his lover's beauty in the moonlight, the King raised his own hands and began doing the same. Every brush of his fingers upon Songcai's body was another reminder to Xie Yi-jun that the man was here, he was safe, and he was his.

Skin like porcelain, but nowhere near as fragile, every part of Jin-cai became a place where Yi-jun offered worship. Gazing over every inch of him twice, with gentle, venerative hands, the King held him as if each touch was a prayer itself. Thanking him for being alive, wishing beyond all else that he would never be harmed again. It was almost more than he could bear, imagining the world without his lover.

"Turn around..."

Gently, Yi-jun coaxed Songcai. As gently as possible, with as little water spilling on his face as he could manage, he carefully washed Jin-cai's hair free of blood, running the silvery strands through his fingers and pulling it away from the man's neck.


As soon as he did, Xie Yi-jun swallowed, unable to resist the urge to bend down and press his lips against the curve under Songcai's ear...

As he did so he heard his lover sigh, chin tilting to allow him more room.

Eyes closing in an instant as heat slid through his body, Xie Yi-jun pressed close against the man, sliding his arms around his waist and kissing the path from his jaw to his soft shoulder.


Desire and need already coursing thickly through his veins, Yi-jun took to "washing" Songcai's stomach with his hands, feeling under the water for where his hips carved that tempting V shape into his abdomen.

Songcai grabbed his arms suddenly, though he still leaned into Yi-jun's touch.

"Xie-jun..." the deep-ness and rawness of Songcai's voice was all he could hear, as his lover murmured; "I know what you want. I want it too, but we can't."

Drawing his nose up Songcai's neck, the King whispered-

"I thought I lost you today, Jincai."

I thought you died and I died too-

He felt his lover swallow.

Eager fingers slid further down, issuing the most heartfelt and strangled cries of pleasure as Songcai tried to be quiet. Xie Yi-jun's body was aching to be with him, to be inside him and have him inside. To be one with his soul again...

He wanted to tie them both together and remain that way for the rest of his life, whether that was two more days or a hundred years.

The sound of the water against their bodies grew louder as Yi-jun's hand grew bolder, and Songcai grit his teeth, slowly letting out a moan.

"Oh... Xie-jun! You will never lose me..." he panted. "You know where I am... always... Ah!"

The soft cry that came from his lips was because Yi-jun had drawn his tongue down the length of Songcai's neck. He tasted the water droplets and salt of the man's skin, everything making the King simply need him more.

I'm going to die if I don't make love to him, in one way or another-

"Hmm, over there." Yi-jun exhaled.

"There's a patch of grass beneath those trees. Just say the word, I'll make you mine."

Xie Yi-jun said this while taking Songcai's earlobe between his teeth-

His lover huffed, "I'm already yours. Okay, yes! Take me."

Joyfully going to pick him up, it was no trouble for the King to carry Songcai through the water. The sound of voices close by made him blush terribly, but when they got to the bank a little ways to the East, Jin-cai was already panting by the time Yi-jun laid him down upon the soft grass.

"Is it okay?" The King breathed, "Does it hurt your-"

Xie Yi-jun's concern was interrupted by Songcai suddenly yanking him down, all teeth, tongues... desperate need.

They kissed like that, hands roaming over each other for a while before Yi-jun, much to his dismay, began to feel the lingering effects of his injuries Songcai had healed, and his payment for using his body too soon.

Groaning and pulling away, he was a mess of conflicted emotions. He needed Songcai with an intensity that was verging on painful, but his chest was aching, the site of where he'd been stabbed throbbing too much for him to bear and feeling as if his skin might rip apart once more if he continued.

Songcai felt his pain almost as soon as he did, and as gently and quickly as possible the young healer flipped him over, managing to switch their positions in a flash.


The King blinked, as suddenly he was laying on his back, cool grass below him and stars above. As he gazed up, besides the sky was the galaxy in Jin Songcai's eyes...

His lover abruptly wrapped both hands around the King's member, Xie Yi-jun having to grit his teeth to keep from shouting something potentially very obscene.

Alas, he was only able to appreciate the warmth of the man's hands for a moment, before another sensation brutally smacked him in the head-


Biting back his loud cry, Yi-jun's eyes squeezed tight as he felt Songcai's exquisite body slowly take him deep inside. Chest heaving with every gasp, the King felt his fingers stretch out, gripping the ground and pulling up handfuls of grass and dirt.

And Songcai didn't stop moving until he was settled all the way inside, hands holding onto the King's shoulders and digging in as they both gasped and groaned in relief.

Deep! How is it... all of me-

"Don't move," Songcai whispered in his ear.

I very much doubt I'll be able to move or speak by the time you're done with me-

"Aghh! Hhtt-"

Yi-jun's heart pounded in his chest as Songcai began to rise up and sink down again, water and sweat pooling between their bodies, making it almost effortless. Momentarily losing all rational thought, the King's mouth went dry as he stared at where their bodies met, Yi-jun's quivering length repeatedly gliding into Songcai's warmth.

As he watched, Yi-jun felt himself growing even harder, noticing the way his lover moaned as his body was stretched open more, still taking it all the way and then tightening around him vigorously.

In heaven and hell at once, Xie Yi-jun huffed out a curse as he raised his hips, in love with the little shiver that worked its way through Songcai's body when he did. As his lover once again squeezed him tightly inside, the King managed only a strangled plea, heart nearly collapsing in on itself when Songcai laughed hoarsely...

"Jin-cai!" He begged, breathless.

"I don't want to cum just yet-"

The man just scoffed, chuckling as his eyebrows drew together.

When Songcai suddenly moved, placing his hands on Yi-jun's chest and then beginning to slowly arch his hips back and forth, Yi-jun knew he was a fool for asking. Biting down hard on his lip, the King watched in a lustful frenzy, Jin-cai riding him at his own pace with no sense of remorse or pause.

Desperately trying to hold back, not wanting it to be over so soon, he attempted to manage his breathing, yet all it took was one look at Songcai as the man carefully pulled his silver hair over one shoulder, Yi-jun's length still fully inside him, for the King to go entirely breathless.

"Mmmph! Ah-"

The rhythm was heart-fluttering, warming, spell-binding. And suddenly Xie Yi-jun was aching again for the feeling of Jin-cai's body beneath his, keeping him safe in his arms as they gasped and groaned in unison.

Any pain a distant memory, the King finally breathed out the words-

"Turn around,"

A mirror of his earlier request, Songcai's eyes darkened with unchecked desire as he listened to Yi-jun and immediately understood. He saw that his lover was about to protest, saying he shouldn't be moving or something along those lines.

The King only groaned in frustration, hissing;

"Just do it, I'm starving..."

When Songcai still didn't move fast enough for his liking, Yi-jun eventually ended up grabbing the man, silencing his sudden cries as the King pulled out, by pushing Songcai onto his hands and knees as he whispered-

"I know you get loud when I do this, but try not to wake up the neighbors, love..."


Jin-cai's gasp was cut short by a deep moan, his lover suddenly crying out as Yi-jun bent his head all the way to the swollen, quivering hole at the top of his thighs. Just his breath upon Songcai's skin had the man shaking, but Yi-jun had plenty more left to do.

"Xie Yi-jun!"

His lover gasped, voice rising in surprise as the King slowly slid his tongue around the rim, circling it several times before slipping in just the tip. Songcai's arms and legs were quaking, his head hung low as he tried his best to be silent. In a moment of pure desire and abandon, Xie Yi-jun reached between his lover's legs and carefully gripped him, sliding his eager tongue further inside Jin-cai's warm body.

"Ah! Xie- ah!"

Songcai seemed to push back on him, trying desperately to bring him further inside.

Greedy, his face as hot as the sun, Yi-jun flexed his tongue, pulling it out and sliding it back as he listened to Songcai's loud cries.

Saliva mixed with sweat, heat pooled low in his stomach as the King worshipped the already stretched hole. It was mouthwateringly hot, just listening to Jin-cai's whining and feeling his body begging to be filled. Xie Yi-jun was dizzy with it-

Growing unaware of anything now besides his own desire, he hurried up, apparently feasting so well that before even a minute was up, Songcai's member still inside his firm grasp was already leaking...

Dragging his teeth roughly upon his lover's skin, Xie Yi-jun's heart pounded as he bit just above the man's smooth thigh. After hearing his sharp inhale, Yi-jun was nearly about to burst, falling all over himself to push Songcai onto his back and press his cock where his mouth just was.

Groaning as he slipped in with hardly any pressure, Xie Yi-jun's fingers found their way to Songcai's waist, holding him in place as he settled. His lover raised his legs, hooking his knees over Yi-jun's shoulders and whimpering as the King slid in. Like this it was deeper, Jin-cai's body gripping at him over and over again, pushing them both to the limit...

The King could hardly contain the overwhelmed sob that escaped his throat then, the blessing of once again being with his soulmate. It was more than he'd ever dreamed possible. More than he ever hoped for.

Gently rocking forward a few times, he heard his lover hiss out a gasp when Yi-jun's member brushed against the inner wall, causing Songcai to raise his hips suddenly, demanding more.

"Mmhnn," Yi-jun grit his teeth.

Jin-cai's parted lips and lust-soaked eyes were all he could see. The man's gaze flickering over every inch of Yi-jun's face as the King slowly eased out, and then slammed in hard. It was a few fast strokes like this before they both were nearly there.

Bodies exhausted and yet swirling with energy, they moved together in unison, Xie Yi-jun feeling every little pulse of Songcai's climax as it gradually built.

Realising he was also starting to spill, the King doubled his efforts, thrusting in such a way that Songcai ended up with his whole body arched into a beautiful curve, neck bent back as he cried out in silence, fingernails digging into Yi-jun's arms as he tried to hold onto anything at all.

Admiring the way his lover's body moved and bent and ached for him, Xie Yi-jun's head spun as he continued to hear Songcai's helpless, throaty moans. At last, with both of them so close, his lover managed to mumble something half-coherent as Yi-jun continued to move inside.

"Xie! Ah, c-come inside just a little bit at first... a-and grab my h-hair-"

Yi-jun nearly came apart simply from those words, the way they were hushed and whispered as if Jin-cai was hesitant to say them out loud.

Swallowing, he forced himself to hold back and not just ravage the man. Instead Yi-jun drew back far enough that Jin-cai groaned softly, urging him inside again with frantic little arches of his hips, however Yi-jun held him still, carefully reaching up and twining Songcai's still damp hair around his hand, tugging as he moved in only an inch or two.

Jin Songcai, clearly regretting his request, was currently groaning and gasping for Yi-jun to;

"Forget it! Fuck, just go in!"

The King somehow found the strength to give Jin-cai exactly what he asked for. Moving in and out rapidly, but only so far as his tongue had been able to go. After several moments of this, both of them were craving that fullness again. It wasn't until Yi-jun tugged so hard on Songcai's hair the man moaned, that the King finally put them out of their misery.


Jin-cai inhaled sharply, Yi-jun pushing all the way inside at once and hitting him in just the right way. The King felt the pulses of his body growing even more frantic...

"Oh, that was a good one." Songcai sighed.

Desperate to come, desperate to feel Songcai come, Yi-jun repeated the motion, feeling his blood thicken in anticipation. He tugged again harder on Songcai's hair, not wanting to hurt him but entranced by the way his neck and back were arched in such a beautiful way, his eyes squeezed shut as he gasped for air...

The King spent a while thrusting inside his lover's body just the littlest amount, over and over until they had both gone quite mad, Songcai's legs quivering on his shoulders as Yi-jun held him down.

As the tension slowly grew, Yi-jun's eyes shut tightly, his breath catching in his throat at the soul-wrenching moans from his lover's parted lips, definitely loud enough to be heard by those still in the lake, though he couldn't worry about that now.

"Xie! Xie-"

Almost there!

Songcai's muscles were squeezing him so tightly, Yi-jun hardly believed he'd be able to move. If I go in too deep now would it hurt him?!

Unable to hold onto rational thought, swayed only by the demands of his body and Jin-cai beneath him, both of them gasping, the King grit his teeth and moved-

Feeling he'd be unable to reach their climaxes with just one thrust, as tight as his lover was, Yi-jun held firmly onto Songcai's hips, ears ringing with the man's loud cries as he pushed inside deeply several times, in quick succession...

Gritting his teeth, Xie Yi-jun watched that familiar expression cross Songcai's gorgeous face. The man's lips parting, his eyes closing softly and the little wrinkles on his forehead appearing. Fuck-

Choking through a gasp, heart pounding, Yi-jun had no hope of holding back once he felt Songcai's body contracting around him, between them, the man's hardness exploding violently, strings of white liquid coating the King's chest.

Feeling and seeing how Songcai's aura physically brightened after he'd come was perhaps the most glorious thing the King had ever witnessed. It was as if the man's soul was expanding past his body, his emotions and pleasure too strong to be contained inside him anymore...

As Songcai panted, moaning loudly, Xie Yi-jun came as well, fingernails digging hard into his lover's hips as he felt himself release everything deep inside. Shaking from the effort not to collapse, the King's head hung low as he felt the incredible sensation of his body, as well as Songcai's pulsing slowly.

Cherishing every single contraction, every ache, every rise and fall of Jin-cai's sweat-slicken chest, Xie Yi-jun slowly came back to the world, the ringing in his ears fading to a quiet hum that was replaced in an instant by Songcai's whispered words as his legs fell from Yi-jun's shoulders...

"Stay inside me, Xie-jun. Stay here for a while,"

The King felt all his energy leave him. Falling over onto Jin-cai's chest, he tucked his head into the curve of the man's neck and slowly exhaled all his worry, doubts, and fears, Songcai collecting each one and soothing them with every soft stroke of his fingers down Yi-jun's back.

They laid like that, the King within his lover, for hours until the sun began to rise.

At last, Yi-jun woke from a lucid dream and blinked his eyes over at Songcai. Blue diamonds sparkling in the dawn softened every remaining fortress in his heart, until the young King was defenseless and proud to be so...

Jin-cai exhaled his name soundlessly, before Yi-jun wrapped him in his arms again, the damp grass below them feeling like the softest bed. Songcai's hair tickled his cheek as Yi-jun hugged him, feeling the way their auras were sticking together like glue, inseparable and as in love as the men themselves.

Soulmate... my other me-

With a gentle sigh, Yi-jun carefully caressed Songcai's entire body, lingering in places that made the man gasp.

They made love like that, carelessly, as if the world around them had ceased to exist. As if to Yi-jun, Songcai was his planet, his purpose, his air-

And until the stars returned, he would breathe all of him in.

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