《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 46


Xie Yi-jun

1304 Years after The Long Night

Hêi'àn City

"Children, please! Need I remind you that this isn't camp, this is war? Now, who here can show me the difference between an Arching Dragon and a Moon Stance?!"

The King watched Jiang Guiying's words fall mostly on deaf ears, as the already worn and weary soldiers on the training field exchanged glances at one another.

Seeing their confused and nervous faces, Xie Yi-jun was once again struck by both a feeling of disappointment, and regret that he even needed these good men to memorize such movements for the purpose of killing their former neighbors, children, and friends.

The fact that Yi-jun was the one in charge of it all, be it their future deaths or the deaths of their enemies, was more than he could bear in a lot of moments. Now however, his unease seemed to be manifesting in a rapid loss of patience...

"Very well," the King glowered, uncrossing his arms. "Pay attention!"

Turning to face his former mentor, the man still very much in his prime and nearly Yi-jun's match when it came to footwork, the King was about to illustrate their point, when a familiar tension suddenly spread throughout his chest.

Warmth... the clouds parting-

Attention being caught by the murmur and rustle of the soldiers, Xie Yi-jun was stunned when he saw the figure dressed in all white, slowly making his way to the front of the crowd.

Jin Songcai was a regular on the training field, where injuries were as common as seeing a crow fly overhead. However, what was unusual in the extreme was the sword the man held at his hip. Yi-jun recognised it as Zhēnjiǔ Zhēn... Jin-cai's Acupuncture Needle.

His lover stared at him, seemingly unbothered by the looks he was receiving from everyone, the King included.

He told me he doesn't train with others. He said he never fights unless absolutely necessary, even refusing to fight me citing potential injuries!

Yi-jun knew he couldn't spend more time gawking over the man's appearance. As much as he wished he could run to Jin-cai, ask him why he was here all of a sudden, he couldn't interrupt their training for his own personal curiosity. The look in Songcai's eyes however as he stared, chin slightly up at Yi-jun, made the King feel fifteen again...

The excitement of suddenly having his lover nearby brightening his mood considerably, Xie Yi-jun felt energy coursing through his veins, all the way down his arm and into the hand that held Hong Zui.

I'm demonstrating, for the masses. Absolutely none of this in any way whatsoever will be showing off-

Jiang Guiying's eyes narrowed when Yi-jun turned to face him, the man noticing how the King rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet.

"Go easy on me lad," he grumbled.

Yi-jun only shrugged. "You know me-"

"Pssht! I've known you since you were crawling around in diapers, and you'll never cease to be the same thing!"

Yi-jun grinned, "A whiny brat?"

His old mentor laughed loudly, gaze sharpening and his stance changing infinitesimally, but the King noticed.

"An attention whore!"

Xie Yi-jun was laughing when the man advanced, executing a rather cutthroat sweeping maneuver, one that Yi-jun was ready for. The King, still smiling, didn't even move his sword for the first hit, bending back at a 45 degree angle and avoiding the blade entirely.

Jiang Guiying's second hit was directed at Yi-jun's left side but he quickly blocked it, pushing both of their swords so hard toward the ground, the tips of their weapons ended up cutting a few blades of grass.


Xie Yi-jun knew what the man would do next. This was a demonstration after all...

Taking several steps back from the King and spinning his sword around his hand a few times, a move that always fascinated Yi-jun as a child because of the whistling noise it made, Jiang Guiying signaled to him with a single look that he was ready.

Too wrapped up in the moment, Yi-jun didn't even realise that Jin Songcai was watching him from across the field with utmost fascination, a kind of interest that to the everyday man might even seem a tad salacious.

Xie Yi-jun's sword met Jiang Guiying's when the man tried to go for his feet-

Already prepared and anticipating his next attack, Yi-jun jumped high, sending his blade down while his mentor went to protect his head. This was a common move, what everyone who had even a touch of skill would inevitably do when they were confronted with an enemy trying to get their legs out from under them. Of course, you jump...

The problem then became, how are you going to protect your midsection which was now exposed. A swordsman with a quick enough hand could easily make you regret such a decision. Thus, was the Arching Dragon invented.

As Yi-jun fell he twisted, 180 degrees, making sure to curve his back enough-

In the same movement, his hands sent his sword over his head, both dodging his opponent's strike and blocking it.

Not only was this a difficult move to perform correctly, but it required you to have to face away from your enemy for a period of time, something most instructors would call insane. Xie Yi-jun liked that word... insanity is just creativity for brave people-

Having shown the soldiers, Yi-jun was now exchanging looks with Jiang Guiying, the older man smirking at him as if knowing exactly what the King was going to do.

Moving his eyes to the soldiers lined up before them, Yi-jun placed his sword on his shoulder, calling out in a rather teasing way-

"Now that you've seen it, who here wants to try?! Better yet, can anyone show us a Moon Stance, for comparison?"

As silence echoed out through the crowd, one man stepped forward, his brilliant diamond-like eyes sparkling and causing Yi-jun to smile in spite of himself. Songcai walked towards him, not how an over-confident man would walk, but one who knew exactly where his skills were ranked against his opponents.

When Songcai was only a few feet away, he bowed gracefully to the King, saying with his eyes lowered; "May I have the honor?"

Xie Yi-jun swallowed, getting far too excited about finally sparring with Jin-cai. Not only had he fantasized about this, he'd spent several afternoons spying on the young healer, growing dizzy and feverish at the lines and muscles of his body while he practiced in the summer heat...

Yi-jun nodded as Songcai raised his head, the edges of those fine lips smiling only slightly as he gazed at the King.

"The honor is mine," Yi-jun replied in all honesty.

When Songcai suddenly informed him that he would attempt both maneuvers, one after another, Yi-jun knew the man well enough at this point to believe him. He'd never witnessed a moment when Songcai overestimated his abilities, so why would this be any different?

Yi-jun was confident too. He had time on his side. Years and years of training that was only excusable because of his title. For anyone else that amount of practicing would have been nothing short of overcompensating.

Now, facing his lover on the battlefield, swords in hand, the King knew only two things at that moment...


We are either evenly matched, or one of us is slightly better than the other. Either way, I am going to thoroughly enjoy this-

This time fighting as the offensive, Yi-jun moved first.

His hit to Songcai's right was blocked by the sheath of a sword, as the man hadn't even bothered to draw his weapon yet. The healer's sly smile had vanished, replaced with what could almost be considered an expression of challenge.

Yi-jun saw this look sometimes, when the King was being particularly stubborn, not following the healer's directions or choosing to forgo treatment due to time constraints.

Now, meeting eyes with Jin-cai as their blades clashed, Xie Yi-jun's competitive nature kicked in immediately...

He swung to Songcai's left, the strike blocked again by the man's rather subdued movements. His feet however were matching Yi-jun with every step, the both of them circling each other as if waiting for someone to really move first. To the King's surprise, it was Songcai who did so-


Stumbling back, his feet nearly tripped as he barely managed to block his lover's sword, Songcai drawing it between one breath and swinging it the next.

He's fast, faster than me... I'm going to have to get dirty-

Xie Yi-jun adjusted his grip, seeing the spark in Jin-cai's eyes that matched his own. The King knocked the man's sword out of the way, side-stepping him and then turning quickly to block his next hit. Like that, they ended up grabbing the hilt of the other's weapon, coming close enough to see the details of each other's face.

Yi-jun couldn't keep from glancing down at Songcai's lips, the healer breathing faster as the King whispered; "Don't hold back-"

Songcai's eyes seemed to narrow, "Never."

Continuing their dance of a moment ago, Xie Yi-jun was preparing to give Jin-cai the perfect set-up for the maneuvers, when he was suddenly surprised by the man advancing almost as if he was the attacker and not the other way around.

He did say he wouldn't hold back-

Yi-jun grit his teeth, forced to evade the man's sword rather than confront it, and Songcai was not only fast, he was strong...

Every time their blades collided, Yi-jun could feel the strength in Jin-cai's arms and hands. It was definitely enough to get the King's heart beating faster!

Analyzing Songcai's footwork for a while as he dodged and narrowly avoided strike after strike, Xie Yi-jun was about to huff out a stray comment on his lover's perfect posture, when Songcai sent his sword left, only two inches from Yi-jun's throat.

The King was unable to block, and upon realizing Songcai was about to swing right, he understood perhaps that when the man had said he would illustrate both maneuvers, he meant he would indeed put Yi-jun in the perfect situation to use them.

His mind works in strange ways... I love him for it-

I'd love him more if he doesn't kill me.

Yi-jun jumped, spinning in midair, sending his sword over his head as his spine arched. His and Songcai's weapons clashed, the loudness ringing in his ears even more than the thump of his own heart.


Yi-jun realised if he landed now, Songcai would have an opening to stab him in the back. And you know, I'd really hate that-

Deciding in a split-second what he was going to do, the King tucked his knees instead of falling, pulling in his arms as well and gaining enough inertia to launch himself over Songcai and land fairly stable behind him.

And thus the Moon Stance is proven. Take notes.

Unbeknownst to him however, Jin Songcai had already turned...

Suddenly they were face to face. Far too close to use their weapons unless someone took the initiative and stepped back. Yi-jun was, for lack of a better term, wading deeply into Songcai's eyes now, his thoughts slowing to a halt as he gazed at them.

How he's panting softly, glowing. It's like a chain reaction in my body-

His lover seemed to know this, using every tool of his to gain an advantage. And Yi-jun let him have it, feeling only slightly panicked when Songcai abruptly dropped his weapon. Grabbing the King by his shoulders, Songcai pushed so hard they both fell to the ground!

Xie Yi-jun blinked. Upon realising his sword had fallen out of his hand and that Songcai was pinning him down by his wrists, he felt both desire and inspiration strike him at once.

Only able to move his legs from how Jin-cai was sitting on him, Yi-jun grinned up at his lover with brazen self-righteousness.

"If you wanted to be on top, all you had to do was ask-"

As he said this, Yi-jun bent his knee, rubbing his thigh between Songcai's legs...

Songcai's grip on him faltered slightly, the King then using all of his combined strength to pull both of his knees up to the man's chest and practically throw him over his head, making sure he landed on his back.

Unfortunately Jin-cai also anticipated this move, so before Yi-jun could even catch a breath or congratulate himself on his daring escape and foolproof plan, the tip of a sword was being brandished only inches from his mouth. The wielder of said sword was staring down at him, the sun's rays making it appear as if his entire outline shone...

Yi-jun gazed at the angelic sight from where he lay on his back, Jin-cai even more beautiful due to the ferocious and tell-tale gleam in the man's eyes.

Songcai spoke slowly, as if he were giving a great speech-

"Such ugly words, from such pretty lips... doesn't my King know?"

He lifted his blade enough to indicate Yi-jun should stand. When Yi-jun did, he nearly went breathless.

Songcai abruptly grabbed him around the waist, a move that would place him behind the King, as the edge of his sword rested like a kiss against the stunned man's throat.

Jin-cai whispered softly in his ear as Yi-jun shivered, not daring to move...

"I am always on top."

Blood pulsing in his veins, heart racing, the King couldn't even swallow back his desire as he realised that any movement might push Jin-cai's blade just a bit too close for comfort.

Oh, but he's right-

Yi-jun admitted to himself with a sigh...

Whether it's the battlefield or the bedroom, I have nothing to say when it comes to he who owns me. Nothing.

The King stared now at the soldiers across the field, watching them whisper with wide-eyes at their leader who'd been subdued. Then Songcai leaned in, whispering;

"Pretend to hit me."

The King's eyes widened, "What?!"

He felt his lover sigh.

"Do it, now. Escape!"


He felt Songcai's grip around his waist ease, the man slowly moving the blade away from his skin.

"Because," he murmured. "I don't want you to lose face."

Xie Yi-jun could only smile, finally understanding Jin-cai's intention.

He came out here today to spar with me, but also to show my followers that even the powerful, legendary and elusive Healer Jin Songcai, was no match for the King of Hêi'àn City.

Yi-jun chuckled. "You're sweet, but that's really not-"

With a frustrated huff, Songcai pushed him away, dropping his sword and falling to his knees as he clutched his stomach, acting as if Yi-jun had hit him...

Doesn't he know no one will believe it?

Xie Yi-jun still appreciated his aim. It was very like Songcai to want to help him in such a way, at risk of his own reputation.

Picking up his sword with a soft shake of his head, Yi-jun placed it on the ground and leaned on it. There, his lover still breathed as if he'd been struck, causing the King to grin widely.

"If you only knew what I'm thinking right now," he chuckled, knowing full-well Songcai did.

The images in Yi-jun's mind were all hot, sweaty depictions of what he longed to do with the man, preferably as soon as possible. Staring down at him now, on his knees, Jin-cai's clothes disheveled and stained with grass, cheeks pink and eyes gleaming... it was all too much for Yi-jun.

The King shook his head, "You know I detest shows of power. Especially someone letting me win-"

Without looking up at him, Songcai smirked.

"Who let you win? Clearly I'm no match for you, you've overpowered me-"


Yi-jun's tone was deadly, his amused and slightly frustrated smile telling his lover not to test him. Of course Songcai persisted, standing up and making a show of wincing and limping around.

The King wasn't sure whether his racing heart meant he wanted to continue sparring with the man, or just screw him senseless. Either way, when Songcai placed his hand right above Yi-jun's thumping heart and grinned, more than aware of the King's desires, Xie Yi-jun could only frown. He had hours more training to complete, which he now had to endure with all his want for his lover sealed tight within his body.

Yi-jun breathed in deeply, Songcai's scent of mixed herbs and medicine, as well as dirt and grass from being overpowered...

Choosing the right thing to say to Songcai now felt like a no-win scenario, as the King felt as if all his words were tied together. Instead, Yi-jun purposefully pressed himself against the man as he gazed at him longingly.

Jin-cai's eyes narrowed and Yi-jun watched his lips part in a silent gasp, the healer's aura heightening around both of them until Yi-jun had to physically restrain himself from grabbing him by gritting his teeth and clenching his fists.

Pulling his hand away from the King, Songcai's gaze fluttered away, a charming blush settling upon his neck and collarbones that only worsened Xie Yi-jun's dilemma.

Just wait until I've got you where I want you, Jin Songcai... then we'll see who really comes out on top!

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