《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 45


Wen Reian

2004 years after The Long Night


Reian stirred slowly, his mind only semi-aware of the fact that he didn't feel light on his face coming in through the windows. What caught his attention next was the overwhelming warmth, not just around his body but in his heart. Thinking back, he'd actually had the best night's sleep in a while, which surprised him because he couldn't remember how late he'd left Yi-jun's room last night...

Yi-jun's room... Xie Yi-jun!

Opening his eyes, Wen Reian barely managed to silence his gasp of surprise when he realised Yi-jun was still asleep. Right. Beside. Him. Heart lurching and mind blank, it was several moments of confusion before Reian understood the true scope of his ordeal.

Not only was he lying half-undressed in Xie Yi-jun's bed, but he was also tangled up inside the man's arms, pressed against him so hard that Reian's face turned bright red in an instant. The knowledge that Yi-jun was hugging him securely to his chest was awkward enough, but Reian nearly wanted to jump away in terror as he felt his body's immediate reaction upon waking this close to the King.

No! Not now! I'd rather wake up in my own bed and have Xie De tease me! Please, let this be a dream-

When Reian blinked again, his breath froze in his lungs when he saw the pair of dark eyes watching him with utmost interest. Xie Yi-jun seemed half-awake, but as he took in their position, his arms around Reian's shoulders, their chests pressed together and Yi-jun's leg between both of Reian's, the King's eyebrows rose.

"Hello there..." he blinked, voice deep. "I don't seem to recall how this... happened-"

Reian could hardly breathe so he just stayed silent. How was he supposed to pull away from the man when any movement was sure to alert him of Reian's... situation?!

It was Yi-jun who moved first, only pulling his arms away and letting Reian somewhat escape his hold. Not daring to go any further and still unsure what to say, the boy was more than grateful when Xie Yi-jun chuckled and muttered tiredly;

"Don't worry Reian. I didn't want to wake you, it's okay."

The boy swallowed...

Xie Yi-jun seemed to peer closer at him. Into his eyes-

"You don't have to look so nervous. I didn't do anything,"

Reian wanted to say, no of course not! I know you didn't do anything, you're not that kind of person!

But apparently the first words to leave his lips were the following;

"My clothes?"

Xie Yi-jun thought for a moment.

"Ah! Right, they're here, let me just-"

When he went to pull away, Reian inhaled sharply as Yi-jun's thigh rubbed against his groin. Jerking back as if he'd been hit, the boy realized in that moment that the King had felt it too and was looking at him in clear shock.


Mortified and unsure what to do, Wen Rei grabbed one of the pillows and buried his face in it, wishing he could wake up from this nightmare already. It was several minutes later, but when he finally couldn't breathe and had to lift his head, he saw that Xie Yi-jun had gone! He'd gotten dressed silently, and left!

The boy sat up quickly, gazing at the desk as his notes, seeing his clothes laid out neatly beside them. Before he could spend any time wondering where the King had gone, Reian was rushing to put his clothes back on, yanking on his boots and falling all over himself to collect his books before he practically ran out the door.

In the hallway he nearly collided with a very startled Jin Yu, who blinked as Reian scurried away from Xie Yi-jun's room in the early hours of the morning.

At least it's him... at least I didn't bump into Xie De!

The rumors about Reian being some sort of reincarnation of Jin Songcai had finally started to die down!

Carrying his belongings back to the dorm, Wen Rei breathed a sigh of relief as he collapsed onto his own bed. Biting his lip, he ended up staring off into space for a long time, not wanting to believe what had just happened.

I fell asleep. In Yi-jun's bed! He took my clothes off, and must have fallen asleep beside me! I woke up in his arms... in his arms and-

It was Reian's fault. He'd been careless. Let his guard down around the King too much.

Despite the guilt gnawing at him and the blush still staining his face, Wen Reian was also aware of the brand new sensation of opening his eyes to the King's sleeping face.

How right it had felt...

And of course Xie Yi-jun was more than a gentleman. Even a righteous man would have something to say about a stranger climbing into their bed! Yi-jun had even gone so far as to leave his own room, to give Reian privacy.

Uncomfortable with the whole thing, and yet not willing to say he regretted it entirely, Wen Reian spent an inordinate amount of time the rest of the day, smiling...

He hummed songs to himself while working. He ignored the stares of people, and played games with the younger boys until they were all cackling with laughter and tears streamed from their eyes. Reian was experiencing sunshine from within. Everywhere he looked, he saw reasons to be happy. He forgot the embarrassment of the morning, and instead felt the joy of what he feared, and knew to be his first love...

Not knowing what to do, how to react, Reian decided he would stop feeling so guilty for his emotions from this day forth! He had no intention of telling any of this to Xie Yi-jun. He respected the King far too much for that. No, it was just Reian's internal struggle. The fear that because he was falling so deeply for Yi-jun, it somehow made him a terrible person.


How could I be terrible for feeling this way? This feeling is perhaps the greatest of my life, and I shouldn't regret a moment of it.

The stars in his eyes and the smile on his face faded in an instant however, when Wen Reian saw Yi-jun pacing near the wishing well that evening, looking dazed.

I should go talk to him, no... I have to.

Xie Yi-jun had respected him in a moment of weakness. It was something he must meet with equal respect, and gratitude.

Ignoring the feeling in his chest like he was stepping far too close to the edge of something dangerous, Reian went to the well. Yi-jun was so deep in thought however that he only noticed Reian when he was nearly there, the King blinking in shock when he saw him.

The boy lowered his eyes, immediate shyness taking hold of him and causing his face to burn even though he'd made up his mind not to regret anything anymore.

Perhaps I still regret waking up in Yi-jun's arms with my longing on clear display-

He tucked his hair behind his ear shyly, a move that had Yi-jun's eyes flickering to his hand and then all over his body. The way the King looked at him sent shivers all the way down Reian's spine. He was worried briefly that the man could sense his feelings, but then Yi-jun smiled...

"Reian, how was your day?"

Suddenly the anxiety of a moment ago was replaced by a sense of joy, and Reian grinned; "It was wonderful."

The King moved towards him. A miniscule movement, but Reian felt it all the same.

"Good, what did you do?" The King scanned him once more, "Did the children make you carry them through the garden again?"

Stifling a laugh with his hand, Wen Rei was so giddy in that moment that he felt like light itself. Opening his arms and giving Yi-jun a quick spin, the boy giggled;

"Why?! Did all the mud give it away?"

In a moment, Xie Yi-jun's hand was around his waist and Reian was being pulled towards him. It didn't frighten him for once. Perhaps just the light in Yi-jun's eyes, or the grin on his face that told Reian here, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Gazing up into dark eyes, the sunshine in Reian's soul reaching outward and pressing into Yi-jun's heart, the boy only smiled, because he knew the other felt it. Yi-jun shook his head, finding his words after several moments;

"Wen Reian... just look at you."

The phrase itself was spoken with such softness, such intent, Wen Rei wanted to pull Yi-jun closer. He refrained. Soft as well, was the King's smile. Combined with the fact that he was holding Reian around the waist and against his chest, it was extremely difficult for the boy not to imagine standing up on his toes and kissing him.

I won't, I will respect Yi-jun as he respected me. I'm happy and lucky to be with him. I am happy! Happier than I've ever been-

Knowing he needed to pull away, Reian closed his eyes for a moment. Basking in the light he could feel from Yi-jun's soul, the warmth from his body...

It would have to be enough-

Yi-jun took his hand away gently as Reian pulled back. They still wore smiles only meant for the other, but a sense of distance could be felt between them now that had little to do with their physical separation and everything to do with the invisible lines they'd both strung up.

Finding it somewhere within himself to talk to Yi-jun as if everything was alright, Reian and him began a conversation about Yi-jun's day of searching things up in the library.

Going to sit beside each other on the well, Reian wondered absentmindedly what became of the wish he'd made here weeks ago...

It was an accident made with hidden intentions. And coincidentally, something the boy thought of often. Xie Yi-jun's happiness, and his journey to heal. Though he couldn't be sure, Reian liked to think somewhat that he was helping Yi-jun. Besides the actual work he'd done on the man's wounded aura sometime ago, Reian hoped that his friendship could be an added comfort to the King.

If I can be a light in the darkness for him, I will truly have no regrets-

As he thought this, Yi-jun grinned again, reacting to something he'd said...

No regrets was an interesting phrase. To Reian it meant only that he'd brought something good into the King's life. In terms of his own happiness? He felt at the current moment, it was simply enough seeing Xie Yi-jun laugh and knowing that he'd caused it.

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