《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 41


Wen Reian

2004 years after The Long Night


After bringing water back to fill the pots, Reian got to work helping the others clean the kitchen. It was his turn this week, and even if it wasn't, he needed something to help take his mind off of a few things. Well, a thing. A person-

"Wen Reian!"

Hardly startled, the boy turned to see Cheng Mu grinning at him from the doorway, holding a satchel of apples. From where they were scrubbing the floor, the younger boys; Tian Ju and Cai Le-Ling glanced up and blinked confused, round eyes...

"Mu Mu?!" A'Ju cried. "Those are for the celebration, not to eat!"

The older boy, about sixteen, laughed loudly as he teased the two children by waving the bag just out of reach.

When Reian went to reach for it Cheng Mu pulled away, his usual brand of mischief and trouble-making gleaming bright in his eyes.

Reian sighed. "A'Cheng, please give them back."

The boy just stuck his chin out and frowned.

"If you're so powerful now, Wen Reian, you can come get them yourself!"

Reian heard A'Ju and A'Ling complain loudly, their tiny voices beginning to argue.

"That's not fair!"

"Mu Mu, don't be mean!"

Reian wasn't bothered by the boy's teasing. It took a lot of patience to live in such a place as this and if he grew frustrated by every little prank and rumor, he'd drive himself mad. So turning over his shoulder, Wen Reian smiled and in a calm voice said to the two boys...

"It's alright, don't worry."

A'Ju stared up at him. "Rei Rei, are you really powerful now? Xie Xie said so-"

Xie Xie also thinks sleeping two hours a night is healthy...

Before Wen Rei could decide how to reply, a deep voice echoed from the doorway.

"What's going on here?"

As his heart began beating wildly, Reian already knew who it was before he even turned around.

Yi-jun stood behind Cheng Mu, staring right at Reian. It was the first time they had seen each other in several days, since what had happened in the green house, and despite having plenty of time to figure out what to say, Wen Reian was still quite nervous to be face to face with the King again...

A'Ju wasted no time-

"Mister King Sir, Mu Mu has taken all the apples for the celebration!"

Reian was about to tell Yi-jun to just go wait outside for a few moments, but then the King crossed his arms-

"I see... well, that doesn't seem fair."

Reian noticed that Cheng Mu had started looking nervous, his eyes shifting back and forth. When Yi-jun placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, he jumped...


Wen Rei heard what the King whispered then;

"Wen Reian might be too kind to stop you, but I've dealt with a lot of apple thieves in my day... Off you go now-"

Eyes wide and nervous, Cheng Mu suddenly handed the bag to Reian and hurriedly dashed off. As he did, Tian Ju and Cai Le-Ling seemed to watch in astonishment.

A'Ju gasped; "Woooooow..."

As Reian sat the bag down, he felt Xie Yi-jun lean closer suddenly.

"Can I speak with you?"

Reian swallowed, feeling the King's unique and overwhelming presence one again, his nearness, and his aura already affecting him beyond what he could handle.

"Yes. Wait by the wishing well, I'll be out in a few moments."

Xie Yi-jun nodded and left without another word. As Reian tried to resume their chores, it was clear that the little ones had no shortage of questions about the young King...

"Do his eyes really change color?!"

"Does he remember what being a statue feels like?"

"How did you wake him up, Rei Rei?!"

"Xie Xie says you aren't Jin Songcai, but I think you could be..."

"Yeah! Me too, 'cuz Yu Yu said you healed his leg-"

Finishing his chores in record time, Reian smiled and patted the heads of the two boys, answering each question with a soft and simple; I don't know. Because the honest truth was, he didn't.

Trying his best to maintain an even pace outside, Reian didn't even see Xie Yi-jun around the corner until the man was grabbing him around the waist, catching him as he went by and lifting him up into his arms.

Stifling his surprised cry, Wen Rei felt his face turn scarlet and his heart skip a beat as he hissed-

"Xie-jun, let me down! People will see..."

He was released immediately then as he turned to face the King, Reian saw the same confused expression on his face as he had that day in the green house.


Yi-jun stared at him, a mix of shock and caring in his eyes...

"You... called me Xie-jun again."

Fighting the blush rising on his face, Reian did the only thing he could in that moment as he began to hear the sound of others rushing down the stairs. Taking Yi-jun's hand and leading him outside quickly, they were halfway to the wishing well by the time the man finally broke free of his grasp and spoke.

"Wen Rei..."

Reian froze. He's calling me that as if we're very close... does that mean he doesn't mind me calling him Xie-jun?

Turning to face the King, Reian nervously swallowed again. They stood between Jingshén and the edge of the trees, caught in the middle the same way Reian felt torn by the decision he'd made.


He knew that he had to follow his heart, and that meant taking Jin Songcai's advice, and following the ghostly-man's lead. What it also meant, was that as much as Reian wished and longed for Yi-jun to be his, he loved and understood the man and his pain too much to believe it to be possible.

"I've wanted to talk to you since then," Yi-jun said softly.

He still looked confused...

Reian just nodded. "Me too. I have something to say,"

"... you do?"


Reian felt the subtle ebb and shift of Yi-jun's aura, as if his spirit was bracing for impact. He didn't know what the King feared, but if he could help him in any way, he would try.

Reaching his hand out, Wen Rei slowly placed it over the King's heart. Where they touched, light seemed to be drawing them closer, until Reian felt their auras were brushing against each other, sharing energy and power...

Yi-jun felt it too, as his hands came up to hold Reian's shoulders gently. Xie Yi-jun relaxed after a while, and a sense of ease and rightness settled in Reian's heart, until he wanted to close his eyes and sigh.

"You're learning fast," the King exhaled.

Reian glanced up into dark brown eyes, smiling softly at the warmth he saw in them...

He knew enough not to tell Yi-jun who his teacher had been-

"Don't say anything," he whispered. "Just listen..."

When Yi-jun paused, then nodded, Reian took a deep breath and began.

"I only know a little bit of what you're going through, I don't know the full extent of your pain. However, it is my intention to ease what I can, so I want you to know I have no expectations. If you decide you want, or need to forget what happened, just say so. I don't want you to force yourself to heal too fast, because I know your deeper wounds need time. All I ask is that during this time, you remember I have your best interests at heart. I am your... friend. You can define what that means, and as long as you want me around, I'll be there. I want to... be there... for you."

Halfway through, it had become difficult for Reian to continue looking in the King's eyes.

He was staring at the grass now, subconsciously noticing Yi-jun's old boots and wondering about what A'Ju had said. If he really did recall what it felt like to be a statue for so many years...

He wasn't sure what he felt for this man. He knew however, that what he'd said was true. In the deepest part of his heart, Reian longed for Xie Yi-jun to be at peace. For his soul to be content and happy, unburdened by the past. Reian knew that while Yi-jun sorted through the past, he needed a friend more than a lover. He has a lover, and he's still grieving him.

This decision felt like the best choice. His only choice. Weighing on Reian's heart however, was the secret he knew would hurt the King the most. That Jin Songcai, or a part of him, was alive somehow and visiting Reian in his dreams. Guiding him...

As Reian thought about the possible outcomes of disclosing this information to Xie Yi-jun, he shuddered to think how he might react.

Suddenly, the King's hands on his shoulders squeezed.

Reian glanced up. At each corner of Xie Yi-jun's eyes, small tears were forming. But from the man's soul, all Reian felt was gratitude and relief.

"Can I... I want to... can I hug you?"

Wen Reian smiled, though his heart ached at hearing the hesitance in Yi-jun's voice.

He nodded, and then the King was pulling him close, wrapping his arms around Reian's back as if they'd reunited after a long time. Closing his eyes, Reian hugged Yi-jun as well. He could feel their energies still combining, swirling together as if playing with one another, as familiar as family.

Well, suffice it to say our souls are compatible...

"Thank you, Wen Reian." Yi-jun said softly.

When they finally pulled away, the King laughed shyly, bringing his hand up to wipe away his tears and somehow still looking beautiful while he did it.

"I only have one condition,"

Reian blinked, "What's that?"

The King grinned suddenly; "Please don't tell anyone-"

Magically pulling an apple from his sleeve, Yi-jun brought it to his lips and took a bite, his eyes twinkling at Reian who gawked.


Shrugging, the man winked, Reian nearly gasping aloud...

"Me, what? I'm a King and I've stolen plenty of apples in my day. Here,"

Reian caught it in mid-air as Yi-jun turned and wandered off.

The boy couldn't help but smile. "Thief..."

I think the day Xie Yi-jun does something expected will be the day the world ends.

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