《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 40


Xie Yi-jun

1303 years after The Long Night

Hêi'àn City

"I don't know about you all but I'm done for the night," Zhu Liuxuan slurred, shaking his head. Xie Yi-jun stifled a laugh as he watched the commander try to stand, stumble, and then salute him before he rather slowly shuffled out of the room.

It is getting late...

The King was still too awake to go to bed yet, adrenaline coursing though him at their victory that night. Beside him however, it was clear Jin Songcai was starting to fade. The young healer rested his head against Yi-jun's shoulder, eyes closed, pouting-

The rest of the table had either fallen asleep in their seats or gone to bed a long time ago. Now only Yi-jun, Songcai, and Zhao Xingyi were awake. Though, A'Xing was staring cross-eyed at his glass, probably wondering why tonight of all nights he was invited to join the seniors and take part in their rather ostentatious drinking habits.


The sigh came from Jin Songcai, who was pressing his face into Yi-jun's arm, his tousled hair and bright pink blush making the King smile fondly. Unable to help himself and seeing as no one was watching, Yi-jun took Songcai's face in his hands, bringing those hazy blue eyes up and watching Jin-cai stick his lips out even more.

He's making it difficult not to want to kiss him-

Just before he did so Songcai frowned, closing his eyes and pulling away, looking ever-so distraught. Yi-jun let him go curiously, the man then moving to lay down on the table-

"No, Jin-cai..." Yi-jun laughed softly, catching his head and trying to bring it back to his shoulder, which the young healer resisted.

"Xie Yi-jun stop it!" Songcai hissed, frowning.

Yi-jun let him go, amused, watching the man fumble around trying to roll up his sleeves for a few moments before finally leaning back in his chair and sighing loudly.

Jin Songcai was always so put together. Seeing him like this, Yi-jun could almost imagine what his lover must have looked like as a child, or petulant teenager.

Hmm... his Jin-cai surely never had a reckless youth like he had. He probably never even threw a fit-

The King couldn't contain his smile now, as Songcai crossed his arms indignantly and looked as far away from him as he could. It was too adorable...

Grinning, Yi-jun leaned in and whispered in his ear; "Shall I take you to bed?"

Songcai seemed to think about this deeply, then he lowered his lashes and smiled. A fraction of a second later, his expression switched back to brooding.

You'd think I told him he was in time-out!

Xie Yi-jun nuzzled his nose against Jin-cai's cheek, feeling the heat of his blush which only made his heart flutter more.

After all the pressure of the last few weeks, the physical and mental stress he'd been under, and the thrill and blessing of succeeding in their battle, the King wanted nothing more than to pull Jin Songcai up that spiral staircase and find himself once more inside his lover's heavenly body.


Jin-cai however, seemed less-enthusiastic...

"Angel," Yi-jun said. "What's wrong?"

Songcai fiddled with his thumbs nervously, an action that shocked Yi-jun. He'd never seen him do anything remotely like that. He must be really drunk-

"Xie Yi-jun is a King?"

Songcai's soft voice, along with his nonsense, struck him square in the heart. Yi-jun nodded;

"Yes... is there something you need from a King?"

When Songcai turned to look at him, Yi-jun almost swore he could see the buried desire lying just beneath the surface of Jin-cai's light blue eyes.

His lover frowned again, shaking his head and mumbling; "I don't think I should."

"Don't think you should, what?"

Songcai suddenly grabbed him by the collar, placing his lips by Yi-jun's ear and whispering-

"Don't tell him! Okay?! But... Xie Yi-jun needs to have babies-"


"-so I'm going to tell him he can't marry me, but don't tell him! I'll tell him..."

Songcai had fallen over again with his head on Yi-jun's shoulder, his eyes closing softly.

Xie Yi-jun just blinked a few times in astonishment. Whirling through his head was not only the surprise of a drunken Jin Songcai explaining the King's need for children, but even going so far as to deny a marriage proposal that hadn't even happened yet!

God's sake, it's been only a year since we met!

Yi-jun stared at the man...

It hadn't occurred to him somehow that he needed to think about things like lineage and children. He'd just assumed that no matter whom he fell in love with, they'd figure something out. Perhaps Yi-jun had also thought incorrectly that the person he would end up being with was someone who could have his kids.

All of that seemed so unimportant now, he almost wanted to laugh. Stopping him however, was the way Jin Songcai had whispered this secret so nervously, like the idea of having to tell Yi-jun about it was causing him grief.

"Ah... what am I going to do with you?"

The King softly touched his lover's cheek, smiling at the way the man had curled up upon his shoulder again, already drifting off.

Xie Yi-jun could hear his mother's voice in his head then. One of the last things she told him before she died...

"Xie-jun, no matter what anyone tells you! Those you love, and those who love you always come first. It doesn't matter where they're from, or who they are. What's important is what you feel! When you love like that, things become very, very clear-"

Yi-jun knew better than anyone his feelings for Songcai. If they ever did marry, it would be the best thing he ever did in his life. And if anyone told him he, or Jin Songcai were ill-suited for the throne due to lineages, well... Xie Yi-jun would just have to take a page out of his mother's book.

"Don't worry Angel," he patted Jin-cai's head. "If all else fails, we will just adopt A'Xing!"

The boy seemed to hear his name, and Yi-jun watched with a smile as his amber eyes uncrossed, only for him to then stare at the King like he was crazy.


Unsure if Songcai had heard him, Xie Yi-jun was startled when he felt his lover grab his hand, lacing their fingers together neatly...

Only partially awake, Jin-cai still seemed to think he was someone other than Xie Yi-jun, so he sighed, whispering; "Where is my King?"

Yi-jun was having far too much fun to stop now-

"Why? Shall I deliver him a message?"

Jin-cai just nodded slowly, as if moving too fast hurt his head...

"Please tell him I'm very tired, and I want to go to bed-"

While smiling widely, Yi-jun stood, taking Songcai carefully in his arms and scooping him up. Having had a lot to drink, the King was definitely tipsy, but years of practice had given him tolerance for nights like these. He only swayed a little bit as he carried the half-asleep healer up the stairs. When they were finally in his room, his lover stirred, apparently recognising where they were.

"Yie Xi-jun... I'm drunk-"

Songcai had rested his head against Yi-jun's chest, while his hands had folded limply around the King's neck. Yi-jun chuckled softly and went to tuck him in. When he tried to pull away however, Songcai's arms held tight, not letting him go.

Staring down into iridescent eyes, Xie Yi-jun marveled at every single detail of Jin Songcai's beauty. There was something almost unreal about it, the way you could tell with a single glance, the man's loveliness didn't end with just his appearance. Jin-cai's soul was just as sweet, just as delicate and honest and pure...

There was no doubt in Yi-jun's mind or heart, that Songcai was the stuff of legends. Being able to be alive at the same time as him was a miracle. Loving him, and being loved by him was a gift he would never believe he deserved. The idea that his Jin-cai would be so anxious about such a tiny thing as Yi-jun's future children, was both a testament to his heart, and a worry that the King wanted him to forget all-together.

All I know is that I love you. I love you, and it is all I'll ever need.

When Songcai's arms at last loosened from around his neck, sleep finally claiming him, Yi-jun sighed and collapsed beside the man, hugging him close. The sound of Jin-cai's even breathing was his lullaby and soon the King drifted off, dreams of his lover playing in a forest as a child flickering soundlessly through his mind...

He imagined meeting Jin Songcai when they were young, splashing together in a river and then chasing little animals through the brush. It was a pleasant dream, and Yi-jun was disappointed to be woken from it. That disappointment faded however, when he realised Songcai was awake inside his arms, clearly sober and embarrassed from what he could tell...

The King blinked a few times, sighing deeply and going to pull his lover close. Jin-cai was stiff as a board as he huffed in Yi-jun's ear; "Xie Yi-jun! This is not funny, we really need to discuss it."

Yi-jun realised he was laughing, still partially asleep as Songcai glared at him, blush still heavily apparent on his cheeks...

"I'm not laughing at you," he bit his lip. "I find your concern charming. Also unnecessary-"

Before Songcai could reply, Yi-jun had pulled the man tight against him, tangling their limbs together and resting his chin on his lover's shoulder.

"You're worried folks will be angry if I don't have an heir?" He sighed.

After a moment he felt Songcai nod. As per usual, playfulness with his lover struck the King before he could think of something serious to say-

"What if I told you I already have one?"

When Songcai's reaction was only to murmur after a moment; "That's okay then..."

Yi-jun couldn't help but laugh. Leaning away to look at Jin-cai's clearly upset face, the King wanted to kiss him until he couldn't breathe!

"You'd really be alright with that?! Very well, Zhao Xingyi can be my heir!"

Songcai, realizing with a frustrated pout that he'd been kidding, responded quite patiently to Yi-jun's silliness with;

"I wasn't aware you had an affair at five years old, how very confusing it must have been for A'Xing to grow up with a father so young..."

Xie Yi-jun grinned, pleased that Songcai could say things able to leave even him speechless!

"This is why I love you," the King shook his head in astonishment.

"Because I'm very open-minded?"

"Yes. But also because of how much you care for me, for my Kingdom. Hêi'àn City is like my child. If someday you were to rule it with me, I'd be quite content in knowing that you love it just as I do."

Songcai raised a hand up to Yi-jun's face, carefully pushing his hair back while looking into his eyes.

"I love it because it is where you are from. It made you who you are... but, if I am to be with you, I'm afraid there is only so much I can do."

Yi-jun pursed his lips, thinking...

"Can you sit through boring meetings?"

Songcai seemed to hesitate, then he nodded.

Yi-jun continued with a soft smile; "Can you be kind, honest, and brave? Ruthless if you have to be?"

Songcai shrugged, "I suppose, but Xie-jun-"

"Most importantly!" The King said, slowly easing his body down atop Songcai, stopping only when their lips were an inch apart.

"Can you love me unconditionally? Be I a King or a soldier? A farmer or a tradesman? Can you love me no matter what? And know in your heart, that while I am alive there is nothing I won't do for you?"

After several seconds of staring at him, Jin Songcai finally said with a nod, his hands coming up to hold the King's shoulders;

"I can love you..."

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