《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 34


Xie Yi-jun

1304 years after The Long Night

Hêi'àn City

The King gasped, heart pounding as Songcai slammed him face first against the door, already finding Yi-jun's collar and yanking open his shirt.


Face and hands pressed to the wall, Xie Yi-jun couldn't move, only struggle pointlessly to turn around as Songcai tore his clothes off, first his sleeves, then Yi-jun shivered when he felt the man grasp the sash around his waist.

He could hear Jin Songcai breathing loudly in his ear, but even more than that, Yi-jun felt his lover's desperation in every move of his hands and press of his body.

Before he could say anything else, any apology or plea, Songcai was removing the rest of Yi-jun's clothes and then wandering fingers at last found what they were looking for.


The King's eyes closed, fingers curling into fists.

Songcai pressed brutal kisses across Yi-jun's bare shoulders and back, the entire time, his skilled hands drawing helpless moans from the suffering man's lips.

Songcai touched where he'd never touched before, not even a hint of shyness or remorse, and Yi-jun wanted to pull away somehow yet trapped between his lover's arms, one hand gripping his manhood and the other slowly easing back between his legs, the young King knew there was nothing he could do.

I've brought this upon myself... now all I can hope for is that Jin-cai is a gentle lover!

"Mhmmnn," Songcai's panting turned into appreciative sighs, as he stroked over and over again, easing two fingers inside at once and drawing stunned moans from Xie Yi-jun.

How can he do that?! Why doesn't it hurt? Why does it feel... like I was made for him-

Yi-jun was confused, as the idea of being suddenly overcome and entered was obviously embarrassing and very un-kingly. And yet, Songcai being the one to do such a thing to him was almost unbearably arousing.

"Jin Songcai," he whined, all sense of self-respect and responsibility going out the window as his fingernails tore at the wall.

"Mmn?" His lover breathed in his ear.

Yi-jun's whole body was aching, skin as hot as the fires that ran under the city, and yet he knew that they weren't even near finished.

"I... I get it," Yi-jun hissed as Songcai pulled out and then began dragging his hot fingers up and down Yi-jun's back.

Shivering and shaking, the King could barely remember what he was saying, words just tumbled out as his lover's rough touches sent him further away from the world that he knew.

"I won't say anything like that about you again!"

Not expecting him to answer, Xie Yi-jun was startled when Songcai suddenly grabbed him and spun him around. Then all the King saw were sky-blue eyes, sparkling with secrets he was scared to know and a confidence he both feared and admired.

Jin Songcai's cheeks were slightly pink, his lips wet, but Yi-jun couldn't stop staring at the man's neck. For some reason, watching Songcai swallow once, twice...

Yi-jun could feel how desperate Jin-cai was. Desire as well as Songcai's obvious frustration was a dangerous combination.

He just stood there, shaking and unable to breathe as he heard Songcai whisper-

"When I am finished with you, I very much doubt you'll be able to think or say anything at all."

Xie Yi-jun's life flashed before his eyes, and briefly he considered that maybe Songcai might graciously end his life tonight. Before he could dwell on such things, his lover was surprising him once again and reaching down for his own clothes.


The way Songcai took off his robes wasn't showy in any way, but as each garment fell to the floor, Yi-jun's mouth went dry at the snow-white skin and graceful lines of his partner's body...

Songcai looked ethereally beautiful no matter if he was covered in blood, pristine robes as white as ice, or completely bare like now. Yi-jun's normal desire and need to take hold of those strong shoulders or small hips and bring them together was nowhere to be found. As his body pulsed with energy, Xie Yi-jun was sure his eyes had already turned purple. He was past aroused at this point, just waiting in nervous anticipation for whatever Jin-cai was going to do next...

When his lover took him by the wrist and eased him gently down onto the bed, Yi-jun had a strange sense of déjà vu, except where normally he'd be the one climbing on top of Songcai, now it was the opposite.

The man above him was graceful and assured in everything he did, so it was no surprise that he didn't show a single sign of unease as he slid his hands across Yi-jun's chest and stomach, touching him as if reacquainting with his body. Yi-jun was silent, just watching the way Songcai's silvery hair spilled down over one of his smooth shoulders.

"Wrap your legs around me," the healer demanded, bending down until their lips were a breath apart.

Xie Yi-jun's heart was racing in fear, but more than that, he knew Songcai would never hurt him on purpose. So he did, reaching up and grabbing the man's arms as well.

He could feel Jin-cai's knee easing his legs apart even further, pressing the glistening tip against where Xie Yi-jun was already hot and aching. Then it was all he could do to try and control his expression-

Fuck me, am I even going to survive this?!

Staring into those crystal clear eyes as Songcai suddenly pushed inside, Xie Yi-jun bit down hard on his lower lip to keep from crying out.

As awkward as this is, I'm sure I deserve it... besides-


Everytime Jin-cai inched forward, Yi-jun felt the aches and pains of his body trying to accommodate. It was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before; the drag, and how burning hot his body was... truly too much. Tears pricked at Yi-jun's eyes, and finally several moments later it was clear that Songcai could go no further.

Xie Yi-jun was in too much pain to even bring Songcai's lips down to his own, so he whispered a half-broken please and closed his eyes again when his lover kissed him.

Shaking and moaning into Songcai's mouth, the young King tried uselessly to shift around on the bed, but moving only caused his body to suffer more so he stayed still.

One hand reaching up to tug desperately on Songcai's hair, Yi-jun slipped his tongue inside his lover's mouth, the warmth and familiar taste bringing a small comfort to him as the tears streamed from his eyes.

Then Songcai began to move...

It started as a little shift, Xie Yi-jun wasn't even sure if he was feeling it correctly, but then the movement grew bigger, more intense. Pretty soon he was gasping, chest rising and falling rapidly as Songcai pulled out and went back in. The aching fullness was almost too much for him to bear, but Jin-cai's gentle kisses eased a lot of the pain...


Did I hurt him this much the first time we did this? Yi-jun hoped not.

He remembered the palm shaped bruises and bite marks he'd left on Songcai after their first time. I suppose this is what I deserve-

The healer's movements were like water. Back and forth, in and out. Every inward stroke causing Xie Yi-jun to whimper and rake his nails down his lover's back in agony.

They kissed until the King's lips were numb, until he had no idea anymore where or who he was. And Songcai just kept going, moving over and inside him as if nothing in the world could get them close enough.

Entire body pulled tight to the point of breaking, Yi-jun's head fell back as he tensed around Songcai, but then the man pulled out, leaving Yi-jun gasping.

Blinking teary eyes, the young King didn't have words left but if he had it probably would have been something along the lines of; why didn't you finish me?! I can't breathe, just do it already... fuck!

Jin Songcai seemed to watch him now with knowing eyes, but when Yi-jun glanced down at his lover's erection, he realized that he hadn't come either.

Frowning in confusion, Xie Yi-jun only had a few moments of peace before Songcai sighed and then stretched his whole body across him, placing his hands upon Yi-jun's shoulders and his lips on his chest.

A brand new pleasure shot through the King as Songcai bit and sucked roughly at the little dark pink bud, drawing it between his teeth and lips, coaxing loud groans from his lover.

Xie Yi-jun had only just started adjusting to that sensation, when another suddenly took hold of him. Songcai's hand around his arousal was almost painful now, as Yi-jun had been on the verge of coming...

His body practically arched off the bed when Jin Songcai gripped it, and then a loud cry issued from Yi-jun's throat when his lover suddenly bent to kiss him there.


Yi-jun realized through his dizziness that he was holding Songcai's hair, pulling him closer when he began to move away.

I can't worry right now if I'm being selfish, it's too late-

Pushed over the edge my the demands of his body, the young King arched his hips and moaned, fucking roughly into his lover's mouth, not even bothering to be quiet. Jin-cai made love to him as if he was the one being selfish instead, and with every slide of his lips around Yi-jun's aching shaft, the King only felt himself growing harder...

Gasping and groaning, his breath ragged, Yi-jun's eyes squeezed shut, unable to hold back from shouting as he came.

"Jin-cai! Ah-"

Releasing strongly into Songcai's mouth, he heard through the ringing in his ears that the man was swallowing...

With his last bit of energy, Yi-jun pulled away, rolling and then collapsing onto his stomach in a last-ditch effort to get away.

Half-asleep, his body sore and hot, the King groaned when Songcai stretched out across him once more, grabbing the back of his knee and parting his legs.

Xie Yi-jun felt the pressure again in his ass, and despite feeling that he was clearly done for the night, in pain and overstimulated, Songcai dove inside again.

With his lover's lips beside his ear, softly breathing, his smooth body atop him and member inside him, Xie Yi-jun was unable to move, completely pinned beneath Jin Songcai as his heavy cock worked in and out...

Gritting his teeth and tightening his fists against the mounting pleasure, Yi-jun raised his hips. As the angle changed he winced again, being penetrated further. Having already come, he was surprised when he grew hard once more, and yet sealed between Songcai's body and the bed there was nothing he could do.

Jin-cai's every move was slow, deliberate, even the hand around Yi-jun's knee keeping his legs apart, gripped and kneaded roughly, claiming ownership of the King's body and everything inside.

Yi-jun felt Songcai's other hand reach up and grip his hair, pulling just like he had. Songcai used his body until Yi-jun felt more worn out than after a battle. With his muscles so tight, hovering in that sweet spot between pain and pleasure, the King was sure Songcai would never let him rest...

It was several minutes later, with a sharp thrust, Jin Songcai exhaled into his ear;


The young King couldn't breathe let alone speak, so when he tried to answer it came out a desperate cry-

Songcai pulled Yi-jun's earlobe between his teeth and bit, hips still working...

"Now you know what happens when you say such things,"

The healer's voice was far too soft and lovely for the things he was currently doing, and Yi-jun's heart ached at hearing his name being spoken with such reverence.

Songcai continued; "Mention our love-making and I will never let you inside again-"

His lover's voice buried deep within him, until Xie Yi-jun felt like he was bursting at the seams... with a heated sigh, Songcai moved his lips to Yi-jun's flushed neck.

The King's eyes flew open in surprise when he felt the man bite down. That sensation, coupled with the fact that Songcai's painfully long cock was still forcing its way deep inside his body, cum and blood staining the bed beneath them, the sound of their bodies joining, filling the air, Xie Yi-jun had no choice.

Biting down on his fist as he came, the King trembled. Songcai watched him and Yi-jun went completely numb as his lover thrust inside once more and did the same...

Aching soreness where his body had just been filled caught his attention and as Songcai rolled gently onto his back on the other side, Yi-jun hid his face in the mattress, feeling his muscles tighten around empty space as if wishing Songcai was still inside.

Humiliating! If I had any energy left I would absolutely ruin him now...

But Yi-jun was spent. Wrecked, and exhausted. Doubtful that he could even so much as move and turn over, he tried to speak instead-

No sound came out... dammit he really did fuck me silent. I will never hear the end of this.

Minutes later, the King finally managed a soft whimper and in return Songcai said; "Sleep Xie-jun... unless you want another round?"

Yi-jun's heart raced and he swallowed, quickly sealing his lips and shutting his eyes. As he drifted off, he reviewed what they had done tonight with a sense of secret pride.

Songcai is much more than even I give him credit for... no wonder I love him so much.

The King fell asleep smiling.

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