《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 32


Xie Yi-jun

1303 years after The Long Night

Banks of Darkling Pond

Sighing in frustration, Xie Yi-jun was deep in the middle of going over this week's security and battle plan, a task he resented having to do at all, when the candles on the table flickered with a gust of wind...

So wrapped up in his work, it took the young King several moments before he recognized the familiar lightness in his heart, the one that meant his lover was near.

Not in the best mood, Yi-jun only managed a thin, tired smile for the man when he peeked inside the tent. The King had been the only one here for the last three days, and it looked like he'd need to spend at least one more...

Jin Songcai did what he usually did when greeting him after they'd been parted for a while. He quickly stepped closer to Yi-jun and spent several minutes surveying the minor scrapes and bruises he'd retained while on the training field.

Wordlessly, Songcai took both of Yi-jun's hands, felt his pulse, noticed the calluses on his fingers as well as the numerous ink stains from writing all night.

When at last blue eyes flickered up to his, Xie Yi-jun's heart warmed. He was in the presence of Jin Songcai again, and for him, each moment was like heaven on Earth.

"I told you not to overwork yourself, you're getting too thin and I'm worried about your heart..."

Xie Yi-jun rolled his eyes and took back one of his hands, simply so he could press his index finger to the young healer's lips.

"My heart only beats like this for you," Yi-jun cooed.

After a moment of staring into those gorgeous eyes, the King was startled when Songcai abruptly pursed his lips. Heat already rising on his face, he took a chance, sliding the pad of his finger across Songcai's peach-colored bottom lip.

His breath caught when his lover's most slowly opened, Jin-cai flickering his tongue out shyly and then biting the tip of Yi-jun's outstretched finger.


Songcai's eyes never left his, and Yi-jun became compelled to see what else his lover wanted to do. The King only had a few moments to wonder what it could be, before he was watching the man lean back upon the edge of the table, hands falling to the sash at his waist...

Entranced, Yi-jun was at a loss for words as Songcai slowly, achingly slowly, undid the white tie, pulling apart his outer robes and then beginning on the inner.

Having to swallow back the desire rising within him, Yi-jun realized he'd stepped forward, hands finding their way to Songcai's thighs and eagerly pulling his knees apart.

The healer adjusted by leaning back more on the war room table, legs spread, back arched, and the King was helpless to watch as his lover stared deep into his eyes, and then opened his shirt...

God, his skin is beautiful. Like blank parchment-

How come all I want to do is put bruises on him?!


The King realized his lover's hands were hovering above his chest now, asking for permission. Throat tight, he was unable to speak so he just nodded, watching the flicker of joy explode from within Songcai's azure eyes. Then nimble fingers were pulling at the ties on his collar, unbuttoning his coat first and then reaching for the sash. Yi-jun let Songcai undress him until all but his shoes and trousers were discarded on the floor.

Songcai gazed with utmost interest at the planes and angles of Yi-jun's body, pale hands running down his chest and arms until the King was shivering from the grace of his lover's touch.


He finally got enough of his voice back to mumble; "What are you up to?"

One look into Songcai's eyes and it was clear-

The man smiled, "No good."

Between that second and the next, Yi-jun's shoulders were being gripped roughly, Songcai pulling him close and wrapping his arms around the man's neck as they kissed.

Yi-jun held Songcai low back with one hand while his other snuck between their bodies of its own accord.

He tasted the sweetness of the tea Songcai had drunk earlier, as well as the bitter herbs the healer used as part of the medicine he prescribed. Such a taste did nothing short of excite the young King beyond reason...

"Hah! Ah-"

With his right hand gently squeezing a certain spot of his lover's anatomy, the King nipped at the man's lips, issuing more groans and sighs from him.

Pretty soon Jin Songcai was mumbling incoherently, yanking his robes off his arms and tossing them away carelessly.

He didn't stop there. The hand Yi-jun had upon him was suddenly guided to Songcai's belt. Hearing his lover's hasty breaths, Yi-jun wasted no time, yanking his pants down and off his legs, though Songcai really did most of the work-

Kicking off his shoes and then leaning back on the table with his hands, Jin Songcai tilted his head thoughtfully at Yi-jun...

"Kiss me," he hummed.

Thanking every God he could ever remember hearing of, Yi-jun bent and took the young healer in his arms, placing kisses first to his soft lips and then lower onto his neck. When Songcai asked for this, it meant he wanted Yi-jun to kiss him... everywhere.

Perhaps the King's favorite pastime, he quickly got to work. Hungry and impatient to say the least, he bit and sucked his way down the length of Songcai's chest, not sparing each pale pink bud-


Songcai's broken cry only made Yi-jun more desperate to reach his true destination...

Wishing to spend plenty of time on Songcai's stomach, those small hips and the soft curve of his ribs, the King felt guilty rushing, but patience was not one of his strong suits. Especially when he was seconds away from tasting Songcai again in such a way.

The thought crossed his mind only as he was kneeling down that they weren't inside his private tent, nor Songcai's. Any officer of high enough ranking was allowed inside the war room. Yi-jun imagined one of the commanders stumbling in with a dazed look on their face, gawking when they saw their King kneeling, worshipping Jin Songcai of all people with his mouth.

There are worse things to be known for...

The next five or six minutes were a blur; hands fisted in Yi-jun's hair, ankles locked around his neck, and a burning ache in his groin that was only marginally satiated when his lover came-

After Yi-jun had collected himself and steadied his breathing enough to stand, he saw with a smug smile the state Songcai was in. Collapsed, hands splayed out in all directions as he tried to grip the edge of the table, a few maps and notes that Yi-jun had been looking at were now creased beneath the man's torso. Songcai had even managed to spill the pot of ink he'd sat there, black liquid streaked across his forearms and no doubt his back too.

The sight of the rosy blush upon much of Songcai's upper body made Yi-jun chuckle as he licked hips lips. The sound of his laughter roused Songcai from the depths of his pleasure induced coma, and then pale blue eyes flickered up to Yi-jun. Songcai realized moments later with a silent gasp that the King had taken off his clothes too...


The man on the table, hands beside his head like he was giving up, frowned, eyebrows moving together.

"I'm curious about something,"

Xie Yi-jun stifled another laugh by biting his lip. It was very like Jin Songcai to want to theorize, or discuss an important matter in the middle of indecent acts... Yi-jun found it more than amusing.

Songcai continued as if what he said was a statement of unequivocal fact;

"Since you enjoy biting and being rough, why don't you do so?"

Yi-jun was momentarily convinced his heart had stopped.

What is he saying? Does he mean he wants that?! Or is he frightened-

Yi-jun must have looked nervous, because Songcai quickly sat up. Yi-jun caught sight of ink splattering the floor while the man wrapped his arms around his neck. Stroking his hair lightly, his lover continued;

"I'm only asking because I want what's best for you. I want you to be happy,"

Yi-jun swallowed, finally meeting the man's eyes.

"You would really want me to do something like that to you?"

Jin Songcai grinned and it was so brilliant, Yi-jun almost whimpered.

It's true I love biting him. But I'm so careful to never push too hard, I don't want to hurt him... how could I ever hurt Jin-cai? How dare I even gaze at him let alone think these shameful things-

Songcai was still stroking his hair...

"It's okay, love."

The King's heart ached at the tone of his lover's voice.

He replied carefully; "You mean, you won't mind? I... don't want to-"

Songcai's smile sent shivers racing through his body. Yi-jun knew to be wary of that smile-

"What, be rough?" His lover nodded, "You can."

After a moment Songcai laughed softly. "I'm not so fragile, Xie-jun."

Songcai's words had already had an effect on him. The King swallowed;

"If you're sure," his voice was deeper. "I have an idea..."

Songcai just stared adoringly at him, while Xie Yi-jun's heart raced as he imagined what he was going to do.

Easing Songcai off the table, he quickly reached for the ribbon that held the man's hair in place. As he pulled, Songcai's snowy locks flowed gracefully down, framing his face as he stared up at the King.

"Trust me?" Yi-jun said.

Songcai nodded, "With everything I am."

The King took a deep breath, then turned Songcai around. He placed his hands on the man's bare shoulders, then slid inch by inch down his arms until he at last reached Songcai's wrists. Songcai seemed to know what he wanted, and Yi-jun was elated but surprised when the man moved his hands together behind his back, turning over his shoulder to whisper;

"Like that?"

Yi-jun tied his wrists together in silence, simply because he didn't know what to say.

Coming true before his eyes, was every filthy dream he'd ever had. The thought that Songcai was willing to do such things with him, for him, was beyond incredible.

He made sure the knots were tight but not painful, then took hold of Songcai's waist with one hand, his shoulder with another. The man noticed how Yi-jun was easing his legs apart again, and without guidance Songcai leaned down, upper half bent over the table. Yi-jun nearly combusted at the sight of it; his lover's pale, perfect skin, the curve of his backside and just how beautifully his spine arched.

Gods save me for what I am about to do-

"Ah! Xie-jun!!!"

Songcai cried out, as the King had already sucked two fingers into his mouth and then pressed them rather roughly into his body. He was sliding in well, watching his lover squirm on the table, the muscles in his arms and back flexing as he tried to adjust. Songcai's hips pushed back on Yi-jun's hand, the healer even going so far as to tug uselessly at the ribbon tying his wrists, moaning loudly.

Feels good... don't want to let him come again, just prepare-

As he went to push a third finger inside, Jin-cai tensed, still wriggling around and seeming as if he was trying to rub Yi-jun's fingers against a certain spot...

"Hold still," the King bit out.

Songcai huffed; "But-"

"Quiet. Or do you want my fingers back in your mouth instead?"

He felt the shiver through Songcai's body, then his lover stilled, still panting as the King easily slid the third inside.

Songcai moaned something incoherent that if Yi-jun didn't know the man he would've said was a curse-

I've never heard Jin-cai curse. Maybe tonight's the night...

Feeling after a few more minutes that he wouldn't hurt him now, Yi-jun moved one of his hands from Songcai's waist to his own cock, spitting on his hand and listening as his lover whined.

He hates when I do that-

Yi-jun grinned, his satisfied smirk fading away in an instant when he got his hand on himself. As he lined up, the King held his breath, sending out a quick prayer for his sanity. Thank heaven for bringing me Jin Songcai... and thank Jin-cai for putting me through hell-

When he pushed inside, Songcai pushed back, taking Yi-jun fully in seconds and causing the King to gasp out loud. Steadying himself by taking hold of his lover's waist, he held him tight even as Songcai moaned and tried to move.

"Not yet," he warned him. "Just feel it-"

Easing slowly out, Yi-jun's heart thundered in his chest as he watched where their bodies connected. Songcai's delicate pale skin was pink and flushed, the muscles of his ass tightening hard around the King's cock as Jin-cai's hands strained against the ribbon binding him.

Yi-jun moved one hand to Songcai's shoulder and went in again, this time slowly, taking his time to feel every inch of his lover's body. The ripple of the man's spine when he shivered was a thing of beauty to Yi-jun, who was quickly spiraling out of control.

Picking up pace, he bit the inside of his cheek to offset the pleasure coursing through his veins. He didn't want to come now either, as he still had a lot left he wanted to do...

Beneath him, Songcai whined, stifling a loud cry on every thrust. Yi-jun watched his lover's face, as Jin-cai had turned his head, and even his beautiful profile and closed eyes was more than the King could bare.

Moving faster, the sound of their love-making filled the tent and he was sure it was audible outside as well...

"Mm-more-" Songcai hissed between gasps.

As he spoke, Yi-jun grit his teeth and went harder as passion flooded him. Positive he was hurting Songcai he was about to ease up, but then he felt his lover's body tighten around him, pulling him closer and not letting go.

A deep groan spilled from his throat, and Yi-jun realized with a shiver that Songcai was reacting to the brush of Yi-jun's member against the tender spot deep inside. Yi-jun knew that if he hit that a few more times, Songcai would be done for.

But he wasn't ready just yet...

Sliding out suddenly, he listened to his lover's deep moan and then Yi-jun was grabbing Songcai's arms and yanking him up. Pressing their bodies together, the King placed his hands over his lover's bare chest and his lips beside his ear.

In his arms, Songcai was shaking, breath coming in ragged pants. After pressing kisses to the man's ear and then his neck, Yi-jun swallowed as he finally bit down lightly just above Songcai's pale shoulder...

Songcai exhaled, and Yi-jun's eyes just about rolled back in his head when he felt the man's tied hands reach out and touched him, somehow squeezing and stroking at the same time.

His teeth bit harder, spurred on by his lover's bold caresses, and when Yi-jun moved his fingers to the hardened buds on Jin-cai's chest, the man practically melted in his arms.

Yi-jun bit and licked and sucked, placing bruises and bite-marks all down Jincai's neck and shoulder, not bothering to be tidy or gentle. He bit hard, fucking hard, he licked away his own teethmarks and then made even more-

Fingers squeezing, probably a little too hard at his chest, Songcai moaned...

Every time Jin-cai touched him, Yi-jun bit down a little more. Watching his lover's skin turn white and then bright red made his whole body ache and his mouth water. He painted Jin-cai with purple and red marks until his lips were numb and all he could smell and taste was the man's skin.

Is it bad that I still feel like I could never get enough?

In his arms, Songcai was quivering, knees trembling, and Yi-jun knew his arms and wrists must hurt from being tied for so long. He knew he had to hurry up, but he just couldn't pull away...

Drawing Songcai's earlobe between his lips, the King sighed, nuzzling his lover's cheek with his nose and closing his eyes. He wanted to live in this moment forever. Always be touching this man, always be inside him and have him inside as well.

Mumbling, half-crazed, Yi-jun squeezed Songcai tightly against him and choked out;

"I want you inside me until the day I die-"

He probably meant it more in terms of Jin-cai's soul, his taste and presence, but when Songcai's breath caught, Yi-jun realized how it had sounded...

Not trusting himself to explain, he just kissed his lover's soft ear again and told him it was time. Songcai leaned over again without another word, and when Yi-jun slid inside once more, he realized what he'd said was probably true in more ways than one...

Songcai jerked suddenly as Yi-jun untied his wrists.

"Grab the table," he swallowed, holding onto his lover's waist.

Songcai did so, pushing back in such a way that before long Yi-jun had no trouble moving in and out.

"Xie-jun! Ah-"

Songcai's cry was cut short by the King pulling his hips back roughly, slamming deep inside and causing all the air to leave both of their lungs. Yi-jun held on tight and did so again, positive what he was hitting because of Jin-cai's mournful cries.

"Ah! Agh!!"

Their rhythm hastened so much that it seemed Songcai was weeping now. Feeling his lover's body holding him so perfectly, so hot and so deep, Yi-jun knew that they were both getting close. What finally did it for him was looking at the marks he'd made on Songcai's shoulder and neck; the red bruises already turning purple.

That coupled with the fact that Songcai was now shouting his name, pushing back on him and gripping the table with white-knuckles. Well, Yi-jun was almost sure he couldn't have imagined something sweeter...

"Xie-jun! Yi-jun!! For the love of god-"

The King held his breath, thrusting once, twice and then again-

Songcai's aura exploded as his body did, all colors and lights, touching Yi-jun everywhere inside and out. That sensation, of Songcai being everywhere; in his very bones, drawing his pleasure out longer and longer, like a needle being threaded.

Leaving fingernail marks on Songcai's hips, Xie Yi-jun's body tightened to the point of pain, and then released it all between this heartbeat and the next.

I don't think I'll ever be prepared for that-

Through the ringing in his ears, he heard Jin-cai yelling;

"Fuck! Ahh..."

Grinning and dizzy, feeling the soreness and then gradual ease of his muscles, Yi-jun pulled out, sliding his hands up and down Songcai's sweat-slicked back lazily, all the way to his shoulders.

When the man tried to stand he stumbled, so Yi-jun caught him. practically holding him up, keeping him close against his own very much over-heated body, Yi-jun sighed when Songcai turned to glance at him out of the corner of his eye, wearing a dazed and clearly satisfied expression.

"Language..." Yi-jun teased, arching his brows.

Jin Songcai ignored him, wrapping his hands around Yi-jun's arms that were holding him with a deep sigh. Yi-jun stared at the bruises on the man's shoulder before closing his eyes and inhaling his hair deeply.

"I didn't hurt you..." Yi-jun thought for a moment, "Too bad, right?"

His Jin-cai just laughed softly in his ear-

"Whatever the opposite of hurt is. You did that to me. Now for all that is holy, please take me to bed, Xie-jun."

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