《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 31


Wen Reian

2004 years after The Long Night


Reian pulled. Nothing. He tried again and once more the rope didn't budge...

Hmm, the bucket must be stuck on something-

Peering down into the murky shadows of the well, he frowned, seeing the branch that had fallen in and was blocking it. As he leaned over the edge, both hands reaching out and his feet dangling off the ground, Reian fumbled in the darkness for a moment before realizing that the branch was much deeper than he thought. About to climb out, the boy's heart nearly exploded when he felt arms around his waist, yanking him back-


Shocked and disoriented, his eyes widened when he turned over his shoulder and saw Xie Yi-jun's terrified expression.

"Wen Reian, are you okay?!" The King grabbed him by the wrist and then seemed to scan his entire body.

Reian was still too shocked to reply, so he just pointed to the well and when Yi-jun looked inside and saw the problem he closed his eyes and put a hand to his forehead, sighing in relief.

"I thought you fell in!"

Yi-jun's frustrated tone made Wen Rei laugh, which received an irritated stare from the King as the boy quickly covered his mouth...

"I've been getting water from this well since I was five years old," Reian said as he went to sit on the edge.

He looked down at it, remembering all the times he'd pulled water from it in the early hours of the morning.

"I've never fallen in."

When Yi-jun remained, Reian eventually looked at him again. The King was staring absentmindedly at the little plaque Master Hao had made several years ago, after the boys had given the well its name.

"Does it really grant wishes?" Yi-jun said.

Reian smiled and nodded, "Yes. But not if you tell your wish to someone else. It only works if your wish is a secret."


Clearly Xie Yi-jun was interested, as he sat down on the edge on the other side from Reian.

After a moment he spoke, "How does it work?"

"Well, I'm afraid it won't be granting wishes or water while this branch is stuck-"

Yi-jun looked at it, and Reian went quiet as he watched the King's eyes glow green like emeralds. A strand of fire the same color flickered to life in front of him, unspooling down into the well like fishing line.

The boy stared, mesmerized as the strand tied itself around the branch. Within seconds, it was pulled completely free, the flame fading in a rush of sparks the moment Xie Yi-jun grabbed the branch.

"Your eyes-"

The King turned the branch over in his hand and then tossed it away.

"They turn the color of the fire..."


Reian remembered that when Yi-jun's fire was yellow he was anxious, and blue when he was sad. Reian had never seen green before-

The King shrugged nonchalantly, "Happy."

For some reason that information made Reian's heart surge with warmth. He nearly felt tears well up in his eyes. Perhaps it's only for a moment, but any happiness is better than nothing... it ended up being a good thing, healing him.

Smiling softly, the boy reached out his hand.


Xie Yi-jun glanced up, then slowly extended his hand. Reian showed him how to lean down over the side of the well and place his palm against the inside, where you could feel the coolness and the drops of water gathered on the stone. Like this, Wen Reian realised that his face was very close to Xie Yi-jun's...

Up close he could see all of his features; long dark eyelashes, high cheekbones, the indent under the man's chin-

Reian was once again in awe of the King's striking beauty. It was fascinating for him to remember that this was the same man he'd healed for hours only a few short nights ago. Reian had witnessed Yi-jun's highs and lows. Times he'd scared, excited, and frustrated him. And with all of these moments, moments that at times made him cry, Reian knew that in all his life he'd never met someone as strong and as brave as the King. He wished more than anything, that someday Xie Yi-jun would be able to find the peace he deserved after so many hardships.


I wish he could be happy all the time...

Realising after a moment that the wish he'd thought of might very well come true now, Wen Rei removed his hand from the well, seeing Yi-jun do the same. The two looked at each other suddenly, all suspicious smiles and narrowed eyes.

"What did you wish for?" Yi-jun said.

Reian shook his head, placing a finger to his lips as the King grinned.

Oh help-

I have got to find a way to undo the effects of Xie De's love potion, this is getting ridiculous...


The boy blinked. Xie Yi-jun was talking to him-

"Mm, yes?"

"I have to talk to you about something,"

"Should I be worried?"

The King just huffed out a shy laugh and shrugged.

"I don't know. It depends whether or not you want the extra work-"

Reian blinked, "Huh?"

He watched Xie Yi-jun bite his lip...

"I understand from Master Hao that you are almost finished with your studies. He's given me permission to teach you a few other things during your free time."

Reian's head spun and he had a hard time answering. The first thing he said was probably not the greatest response; "You're staying here?!"

Yi-jun clearly took it wrong and Reian watched the King's eyes dart away-

"No," Reian blinked. "No, I'm glad you are!"

He tried to figure out what he should say while Yi-jun's dark eyes watched him intently.

What can I do? Say no?! Because I've been daydreaming about you and your dead lover?! Not to mention the fact that I'm a liability since accidentally drinking that potion-

Reian dreaded to think...

What if I say something stupid?! What if he finds out what happened the night I healed him? What if he knows Jin Songcai's ghost has been visiting me every night-

Reian spoke before he knew what to say, "What sort of things would I learn?"

Yi-jun seemed nervous bringing it up. Seeing his gaze darting away and his shy smile, Reian felt his face flush hotly.

"Whatever you'd like-"

Oh, I know what I'd like!

Reian gasped out loud, slapping his hands over his mouth suddenly as if to keep his internal dialogue from escaping.

Xie Yi-jun was looking at him with well-intended concern...

"Are you okay? If you don't want to, I understand-"

Reian shook his head and slowly lowered his hands.

"I do, I'd like to learn anything you want to teach me,"

Internally kicking himself, the boy gradually realised that it was far too late for him not to make a fool of himself. He pressed his lips together tightly as his hands turned to fists in his lap. Thankfully, Xie Yi-jun didn't seem to notice anything wrong with him, instead smiling excitedly and nodding.

"Good! I bet I have a few tricks you haven't seen before."

"Yes I bet..."

Swallowing, Wen Rei tried to take a deep breath, unsure why he felt like he'd just agreed to something dangerous. Xie Yi-jun isn't dangerous, he reminded himself as he stared at the way the young King smiled at him sweetly.

Perhaps, but can I say the same about myself?

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