《The Interim》Thursday April 9, 2020


This week has been neither great nor terrible.

Still playing around with my work-from-home setup. I’m hoping things improve once I refinish my desk and get it moved in here because the kitchen counter is an awkward height and I’ve begun to attribute work stress with my bed since I’m frequently laying across it when I’m stuck in meetings that definitely could have been emails.

I’ve gone to my parents’ house a couple of times this week to sand all the furniture down. I’m thinking I’ll just paint everything a low-gloss black to make it all match since the varying wood tones are not my vibe. I generally like the cozy, ‘traditional’ aesthetic, but I don’t want my apartment to look like a 70-year-old woman and her five cats live here, you know?

Just me, a 30-year-old woman, and my three cats.

Mom was able to find someone to fix the typewriter so she took it over to them on Tuesday. I want to have my desk finished and ready to go for when I get it back - the guy said that fixing all of the mechanisms and restoring the paint and things might take a week so I take it as generally good news.

Less-good news - I ran into Asshole a day or two ago. I was at the store buying groceries for the week and found him side-eyeing me in produce. It took basically all of my willpower not to throw a papaya at his head.

This man actually had the audacity to come over to me and say hello - but not before awkwardly lurking near the tomatoes trying to determine if the gremlin in the Nicolas Cage face mask was actually his ex-girlfriend (I made it out of an old t-shirt, sue me).

To be honest, my heart was pounding the whole time and my first instinct was to run and hide in the pasta aisle - both to get away from him and to try to find a box of bowties because I knew I’d need large quantities of carbs to wash away the overwhelming sense of failure that had come over me. Again.


I didn’t see Kristen with him. She was in the pharmacy buying more condoms, presumably.

Note to self: stop wearing pajamas to Publix.

To help recover from the whole debacle, I snuggled up with Beans and watched Cinderella on my laptop. The one with Lily James specifically (i.e. the only one worth watching).

On the one hand the happy ending helped me fall asleep, but on the other it made me dream that Russ was a prince and I was the lowly commoner girl he fell madly in love with. Cruel and unusual punishment.

I’ll watch Kill Bill or something next time.

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