《Dreamworld: The First Age》Chapter 2: Battle in the Jungle


As they descend through space, passing by planets, they close in on their destination. Chief flies in front of the group and shouts, “Okay! Once we get down there, John is going to place the beacon down! Once he does that we will begin to cleanse the planet! We all understand that!?” the group shouts, “Sir, yes sir!”

Upon entering the atmosphere, the sky became dark. They passed by the tree branches as they flew down. They all land on the ground, surrounded by tall trees and tall grass, without any light except their own.

Katie approaches John and pats his back. “Alright bud, go for it.”

John nods his head and places the beacon on the ground. “All right everyone. Get ready.”

Chief’s hands emit light. The light takes on the shape of a spear. An axe manifest on the spear turning it into a halberd. Katie conjures a gold and white sword and shield, Seleiana grips the scabbard on her waist and draws her silver sword. Leron draws two blades from his scabbards.

“I’m ready! ” Leron said with excitement.

Chief lowers his halberd gripping the shaft with his other hand. “Alright everyone, stay together. Do not get separated!”

The beacon slowly levitated emitting golden light. An angel suddenly appeared next to it. In only a moment hundreds started to appear around the beacon.

Seleiana widened her eyes and looks at Leron. “I didn’t think beacons were this effective!”

The angels spread their wings and flew through the forest.

“Let’s move out!”, Chief yelled out. Katie followed the crowd alongside Chief. Seleiana stayed by Katie’s side, while Leron and John followed from behind. Katie sees creatures in the distance of the jungle accompanied by a purple glow.

“There they are!” she yelled out to Chief while pointing.


“I see them Katie! Angels! Cleanse this land! Leave no survivors!”

She swooped down and drove her sword through the skull of one of the creatures. She felt something wrap around her right leg and crush it. With inhuman strength, she was pulled to the ground. Her face collided with the ground sending a sharp pain through her head.

Her vision blurred as she jerked herself up ignoring the pain. The creature that pulled her down was massive and charging in her direction. It wore the head of an octopus but had the body of a man. Its gray skin was swollen with muscle mass, and it had tentacles for arms. The creature quickly thrust its arm attempting to impale her, she jumped to the left and charged at it.

“I got your back!” she heard Chief call out. His halberd stabbed through the back of the creature’s head. It let out a gurgled laugh and quickly turned around, wrapping its tentacle around Chief’s waist. Katie leaps onto its back, and drives her sword through its skin, she slid down its back slicing the skin open. Chief’s hand glows as he places his hand on its tentacle, sending light inside it. It falls forward with black blood gushing out of its wounds.

Chief quickly flies over to Katie. “Are you alright?!”

“I’m fine,” She replies. “You?!”

“I’m alright!” Chief looks down at her leg. “Your leg!”

“It’s fine!” loud pops come out of her leg as it twitches and regenerates.

“Ascend now! We can’t stay on the ground!” Chief shouts.

As they both leap off the floor another loud pop can be heard sending a sharp pain through her leg. She ignores it and flies into the group of angels.

“Son of a bitch!" Chief yelled. "I told everyone to stay together! Where the hell is John and Leron!?”


Seleiana flies towards Katie. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. Just a bit of pain,” she replied.

John quickly approaches Chief, holding Leron over his shoulder. “He hit a damn tree while flying and knocked himself out!”

Katie flies towards Leron and slaps his helmet. He jolts up in a panic. “What happened?!”

“You hit a tree, dumbass!” Katie yelled.

“Oh… oops.” he flies off John’s shoulder and summons his blades.

Chief points at the angels fighting the creatures on the ground. “Come on! We have to them take these bastards out!”

Katie flies back down and stabs her sword through the skull of another monster, Seleiana thrust her sword through the back of its throat. Black blood gushes out of the wound coating Seleiana’s armor, and helmet.

“Ah, Shit! I can’t see!” she cried out.

Katie flies next to her and wipes the blood off of her helmet. “Careful Seleiana!”

Another creature runs past her, panicking. Leron is on its back, stabbing it repeatedly. John throws a chakram through its knees severing the legs.

Chief flies next to Katie and Seleiana. “We have good news! Dragons have answered the beacon’s call and are coming down to join the fight!”

“Dragons? Coming to help take care of fodder?!” Katie questioned.

“It’ll make things a lot quicker on our end!" Chief replied. "The last thing we want is an entity god showing up and ruining this assault!”

Suddenly appearing above their heads is the outline of twenty dragons. They engulf the ground in golden flame burning the creatures alive. “Retreat!” one of them cries out. They start to run from the battlefield, attempting to hide in the forest, but the dragons pursued them relentlessly.

Katie looks at Chief and widens her eyes with a smile “That was a sudden turn of events!”

Chief looked at her and nodded. “I told you it would make things a lot quicker.”

A dragon breaks off from the others and flies towards Katie and her group. His body changes into the shape of a human wearing red mail armor. “Greetings to all of you,” he said in a soft-spoken voice. “We will be taking over from here.”

“What? We only started this assault. I thought you were here to help us not tell us to go back home!” Chief complained.

Katie wraps her arm around Chief’s neck “Settle down Chief,” Katie remarked.

The dragon turns towards Katie and bows. “We wanted to make your job easier that’s all.”

Chief crosses his arms and grumbled. “Damn dragons always showing off.”

Katie lets out a small chuckle. Calm down old man before you bust a vein.

“Do not worry,” the dragon assured. “You will have more to do in time. You always do.”

Katie takes her arm off Chief’s neck. “Come on Chief, don’t look so distraught. It’s only one mission.”

“Fine, fine,” Chief turns to face the rest of his group. “The battle was short for us, but you all did good tonight. Take flight I’ll see you all back at home.”

He spreads his wings and leaps into the sky. Katie turns to the others and nods before leaping into space with the rest.

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