《Mark of a Witch (Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Fanfic)》Lessons Learned
September 3, 1695
Forest of Dean, 7:02 AM
Annabel awoke to the sound of light knocking upon the door. Emerald green eyes fluttered open in vague confusion to see the door begin to swing inwards, a tea cart preceding Sebastian's entry.
"Good morning my lady," he greeted demurely, allowing the door to shut behind him before he began to prepare her tea. Demon. Sebastian. Butler. Contract. The words flitted through her awakening mind as she gained her bearings. Sitting up slowly, Annabel took a moment to gain her bearings, hiding a yawn behind her palm as she rested her back against the headboard.
"Good morning Sebastian," she finally replied, glancing to the curtain covered window to see the morning light trying to break through. Turning back to the impeccably dressed butler, she watched as he elegantly poured tea into a cup and then held it out. He was dressed exactly the same as yesterday and she made no move as he held the proffered teacup with unnatural stillness, studying him with a calculating gaze. It should've been a sin to look so good. Maybe it was.
Finally she reached for the cup and saucer, placing it atop her lap. Lifting the china, she was pleasantly surprised by the taste awaiting her. Licorice and cinnamon greeted her in a spicy sweet mixture, warming her from the inside out. She hummed lightly in a tone of approval and Sebastian turned to stride to the far side of the room.
He opened the towering wardrobe, quickly pulling out a deep blue dress with thick skirts and then a shimmering laced bodice designed to go atop. Annabel's eyebrows raised as he brought the garments, as well as a shift, back to the foot of the bed, laying them out before her. He was being awful presumptuous. Her eyes widened when he also dared to lay out a set of undergarments, her cheeks reddening as he handled the fabric with exaggerated delicacy.
Taking another sip of the hot tea to bite back a scathing comment, Annabel tried to ignore the way he moved so gracefully and the commanding air he held. With graceful strides he moved to each window to fling open her curtains, the bright light making her swear colorfully as it pierced her eyelids. Turning back to face the wall and the cart, she was disappointed when she noticed that their were no pastries this morning.
As if reading her mind Sebastian spoke, "Breakfast shall be in the dining room. After which I shall introduce you to your new staff." Annabel nodded, fighting the urge to chew at her lip as he walked back to stand beside the cart. "Shall I assist you with your garments my lady?" he asked, his voice seeming genuine but his red eyes mischievous.
"Out Bastian," she replied flatly, taking another sip of the tea, refusing to meet his gaze but unable to miss the way his lips turned up from the corner of her eye. He inclined his head, pulling the tray out with him until the door closed with a subtle click. Annabel leaned back against the headboard, trying to savor the tea while it remained hot before letting out a sigh. Setting the cup and saucer on the nightstand, she threw back the covers and placed her bare feet on the chilled wood floor.
Ignoring the cold bite on the balls of her feet, she walked around the bed poster to eye the clothes he had laid out. Just like yesterday, they were so beautiful and fine that it made her hesitant to even touch them. Stripping herself down she pulled on the undergarments then the shift. They were soft against her skin and she couldn't help but wonder how much they had cost.
The deep blue dress was cumbersome and when she finally had it on, it felt as though it weighed her down. She neglected to don the petticoats that had been on the hangar with it and ran her fingers over the smooth satin fabric. The neckline seemed to swoop down and out, exposing her upper chest and shoulders. The arms came just past her elbows and the bit of laces in front were simple to tighten and tie, however it still hung loose.
Turning back to the stiff bodice, Annabel eyed it unsurely. The eyelets for the long laces were in the back and it looked like a rather intimidating article of clothing. There was no way she would be able to put it on alone. Damn it all. Heaving a loud sigh Annabel wondered if she would have to shout. "Bastian," she called out experimentally, her voice hardly above normal speaking tone and in moments her door opened.
"Yes, my lady?" he asked, his eyes sweeping over her before stepping over. "Do you require assistance?" Biting the inside of her cheek she nodded, pointing at the offending garment.
"Why can't I just wear the dress?" she began, her tone annoyed, "Is this necessary?" He picked up the bodice, smoothing out the laces and smiled innocently.
"It is the very latest fashion in the french court," he explained, wrapping it around her torso without further explanation. She could feel a whisper of nimble fingers against her back as he quickly laced up the entire bodice in moments. And then he gave a strong tug, forcing her to exhale and making her grip the bed poster in front of her, her fingers curling around the dark wood.
"Bloody hell Sebastian!" she gasped in partial shock and partial reprimand, very aware of his close proximity behind her bent over form.
"Apologies young mistress," he began, amusement clear in his tone before giving a second squeezing tug on the strings before tying them off, "It is customary to wear them quite tight but we will leave it a bit loose for today." Loose?! It already felt overly restrictive, as if she couldn't pull in a full breath. Exhaling through her nose she straightened and turned, her skirts swishing with the movement as she went to look upon herself in the mirror.
Despite wanting to hate the bodice, even she had to admit that it looked rather fetching, drawing in the dress around her waist and detracting from the fact that it didn't actually fit her properly. Her hair was still held up in a braided crown and she watched as Sebastian stepped up behind her. "You are a vision my lady," he complimented, causing her to avert her gaze from his. She wasn't used to flattery.
His hands reached up towards her hair and Annabel stiffened as she watched him but she said nothing, allowing him to pull some of the pins free. Her hair tumbled down over her back and shoulders, however some of the red locks remained pinned up, keeping it from her eyes. Surprise widened her eyes as her normally messy mane lay beautifully against her pale skin, winding gently in soft curls to grace the neckline of her dress.
Sebastian arranged it perfectly, making sure to lay it over the tattoo on her neck and she shivered when one of his long fingers traced over the mark, her eyes snapping to his. The crimson depths gave away nothing and, as if pulling them from thin air, he was suddenly holding a pair of ivory slippers in one hand. Annabel turned as he knelt, her breath catching in her throat at the sight of him on his knees before her. She stepped lightly into each one without fuss, finding that they fit her perfectly. The slight heel added a bit of height and she took a few steps, pleasantly surprised at their comfort.
Sebastian led her to the dining room then, where she enjoyed a wonderfully sweet breakfast of pancakes and honey. By the time she had finished and wiped her mouth she was feeling quite ready to face the day.
Of course Sebastian appeared as if summoned the moment she set down her napkin and he escorted her through the kitchens, stepping out to the back courtyard where she had gazed upon the fish yesterday. Three men and a single woman stood side by side in front of the pool, lined up for her inspection. It irked her that they were arranged before her like livestock to judge but she didn't let it show.
"My lady, might I introduce you to the staff," Sebastian began, gesturing to the woman first, "This is Ana Bronte and she will be the new maid for your household." The woman in question was slim and tall, her dark hair and eyes hinting at a possible Romanian background. She seemed a bit nervous, wringing her hands in front of her and keeping her eyes downcast as she gave a fumbled curtsy but no words.
The man next to her was young, no more than 20, his eyes a shocking shade of blue and his hair a sun kissed blonde. He gave a cheeky smile as Sebastian introduced him as Jack Phillips, the new groundskeeper and stablehand. He gave a slight bow and said in a country accent, "Pleased to meet ya lady." She nodded in return and replied with a simple and what she hoped seemed demure, "Likewise."
The next man in line had a ruddy face and was rather portly with dull brown hair and eyes, spectacles sitting high on nose, making his eyes look comically large. "Malcolm Taylor will serve as the chef," Sebastian continued. The man hardly even seemed to recognize her presence, only giving the smallest of nods.
"Lastly we have Thomas Blake, who will serve as manager of staff and finances to ensure the household runs smoothly," Sebastian finished. This last man looked to be in his early forties, tall and strangely hardened by muscle for someone of his profession. The most notable feature was a silver scar that ran over a slightly crooked nose and down into the beard that covered his jaw. Despite these imperfections he was ruggedly attractive, the salt and pepper in his brown hair only adding to his allure.
Thomas gave a deep bow, much like Sebastian did and he spoke, "It is an honor to make your acquaintance my lady. I shall endeavor to serve your household to the best of my ability." His words were elegant and profound and Annabel was left momentarily at a loss for words as he straightened.
"Yes, well, I am sure you will do just that Mr. Blake," she finally responded. Sebastian nodded and they all walked away, leaving the two of them alone. She let out a heavy sigh once they were alone and rubbed at her eyes. "I have no idea what I'm doing Bastian," she informed him, feeling completely out of her depth in this new position.
"That is what I am here for," he responded with a smile that flashed teeth, "I would hate to be rendered unnecessary." He held out his arm and she eyed it skeptically before rolling her eyes and laying her arm on his trying to remain unaffected by his close presence.
He led her back inside, bringing her to the library she had been in the day before. Closing the door behind them, her eyes widened when she spotted the assortment of items he had brought into the spacious room. A small table had been brought in with a place setting as well as a myriad of herbs in jars. Leaning against the chaise were a variety of small weapons and she looked back to Sebastian with an arched brow. "Just what is this training to entail Sebastian?" she asked quietly, pausing beside the table.
His warm hand pressed against the small of her back as he ushered her over to table before pulling the chair out for her to sit. "We shall begin training with proper etiquette and table manners," he answered, watching as her gaze lingered on the jarred herbs and then the weapons. "From there we will continue to the deadlier arts," he finished with a chilling smile.
Annabel sat then, content with his answer. Her attention came to the table in front of her, a myriad of plates and utensils in front of her. This was going to be terrible. For several hours Sebastian drilled her on which fork was used for what purpose and when she could start eating, or what to do with her napkin when she finished. When she made a mistake Sebastian was quick to correct her. He seemed to take pleasure in slapping the back of her hand or pointing out how uncultured and inept she was at the slightest slip in manners.
Her patience was wearing thin, each reprimand peeling back another layer of her resolve. It was when she reached for the wrong fork, yet again, that his actions finally led to her snapping. A sharp sting nearly numbed her already red hand and she stood up quickly, the chair toppling back in her anger and haste. Her skin was flushed and her breathing heavy as she narrowed her green eyes in his direction, frustration leaving her momentarily wordless. Clenching and unclenching her fists she finally spoke, "You're a right git, you foul smelling demon bastard." The words poured out and she watched his eyes widen nearly imperceptibly before a genuine smile spread his lips, exposing the tips of sharp canines as his eyes swirled a glowing crimson.
In the blink of an eye he was directly in front of her, having moved so fast she hadn't even seen a blur of movement. "Now that was rather unladylike, not to mention untrue my lady," he replied, his words coming out in a warm exhale across the top of her face as he towered above her. Fear made her pulse race instinctively and the nearness made her mouth water as the smell of him filled her nostrils. He was right, it had been untrue. The smell of him was the furthest thing from foul that she'd ever known and she could almost taste it on her tongue. It was the hot spice of cinnamon and the warmth of vanilla all wrapped in one like a comforting embrace. Or like standing in front of a roaring fire.
Without realizing it she had begun to lean into him, breathing in deep, her heart beating faster. It was only the weakness of her currently frail body that kept her from pressing against him as her knees suddenly buckled and there was a momentary darkness. What in the hell had just happened? Her eyes fluttered open as the room spun but strong arms kept her from finding the floor. The room tilted suddenly as she was scooped into his arms and her weak arms came up to press against his chest. "Put me down," she spoke, but the words sounded weak and insincere in her ears. His answering chuckle let her know that he thought the same but even so, she felt herself being gently laid down against the soft velvet of the red chaise.
"You made me faint," she accused, glaring into his amused beautiful face. Pursing her lips, she could feel her strength returning and moved to sit up, thankful when Sebastian finally stepped back allowing her to breathe easier.
Tapping his chin, the butler seemed to be assessing her before letting out a heavy sigh. "I had thought to start reconditioning you today with strength training. However, perhaps it should wait." The words and his assessment felt like an insult. As though he were calling her out, mocking her for her frailty. Her eyes flashed in indignation. Damn him... A bit too late for that maybe. Damn him harder.
"No, we shall begin the physical training today," she ordered, her voice hard. His answering smirk made her realize that he had goaded her purposefully, but it was too late to back down now. Besides she hated feeling so weak.
Hours later, sweat was pouring from every part of her body, leaving uncomfortable trickles to trace down her back and between her breasts. Annabel had changed into men's riding breeches and a linen shirt. Initially she had felt uncomfortable wearing such attire, the breeches form fitting and rather scandalous. However, as the pain of overworked muscled began to set in, she was only grateful that she wasn't haven't to combat thick skirts as well.
The so called exercises Sebastian had her doing had seemed like some slow, silly dance. He had called it Tai Chi, some sort of ancient Chinese martial art. Her initial impression had quickly changed as she attempted to flow through the positions he showed her. It had quickly become its own cruel torture after endless repetitions.
The demon stood in front of her, free from any sweat or strain, his movements fluid and graceful. Annabel on the other hand was doing a poor job of trying to imitate each motion as well as regulate her breathing. She wanted nothing more than to throw herself down and curse him soundly but she was too stubborn to give in.
When her limbs began to tremble in earnest with her effort Sebastian finally straightened and nodded his head. "That was a good beginning, my lady. We shall continue to do these everyday until you grow stronger. Then perhaps we can move on to the weapons." She had thought they would get to the weapons today but she was in no mood to press the issue. Just the thought of having to do this everyday made her knees weak all over again.
Annabel pushed back strands of hair that clung to her cheeks as she walked to the chaise and took a seat. Sebastian was there in an instant the the cart which held a much needed glass of water and some snacks. Partaking in both eagerly, she was relieved when he didn't force her to eat in a ladylike manner, ignoring the slight downturn of his lips when she pressed an entire finger sandwich between her lips.
Swallowing hard around the large bite, she chased it with the rest of the water, then leaned back with a sigh. Glancing to the window she could see that the sun had moved from its highest position indicating that it was early afternoon. She was exhausted but seeing the flutter if leaves and the promising sunshine made her wish to go outside.
"That will be all for today Bastian," she spoke, not turning to look at him, hearing the clink of china and glassware as he gathered things up. There was a sharp protest from her tired muscles when she stood and she let out a low groan.
"Of course young mistress. I shall see to it that your dinner is being prepared. Would you like me to draw you a bath?" he asked, never swaying from his role. It was becoming rather tiresome. Already she disliked the formality that came with posing as a noble. She longed for the simplicity of friendly conversation.
Moving to the tray before he could exit she replied, "No, I will wait until after dinner. For now I'm going to walk outside." She scooped up a couple of the finger sandwiches and moved for the door, purposefully avoiding looking in his direction.
"My lady, I must advise a change of clothes at the very least. The servants will think this outfit unseemly," Sebastian spoke plainly and she paused, her cheeks reddening. Indeed it was unseemly as he put it but it was a far cry more comfortable than those bulky dresses and tight corsets.
Something in her hardened. What did she care what the servants thought? She had already sold her soul to a demon, surely she was allowed to enjoy a little extra freedom in her life. "Let them think what they will Bastian, it's not my concern," she replied finally, before walking out the door.
If she had bothered to turn back she would've seen the glowing flame in his eyes and the hungry gaze her words brought forth. Because at that moment, her soul flared deliciously brighter.
Annabel grabbed a cloak from a hook at the door, casting a quick glance over her shoulder to ensure Sebastian hadn't followed her. He was nowhere in sight. She exited quickly, pulling the cloak tight around her shoulders in the brisk air before walking around back to the small pond of fish.
Sitting on the pond's edge, she nibbled on the small sandwiches she had brought out, sharing bits with the beautiful fish before her. Footsteps approached and she turned her emerald gaze from the water to see one of the servants approaching. The stablehand. What was his name? James? No, Jack.
The blond haired man approached almost cautiously, an easy smile on his face. "Hello again Miss," he greeted, his mannerisms and words hesitant. He clearly eyed the breeches she wore but wisely he said nothing.
"Hello," she replied, tossing the last of the bread she held into the water. He was near her age and yet despite his broad shoulders and handsome face she felt no attraction or pull. Were such things beyond her now? "You are the stablehand, correct?" she questioned, merely for conversation.
He nodded brightly, coming up to the water's edge to look down at the fish that were now back to swimming around lazily. "That I am Miss. Although there ain't no horses just yet. Not til the next week." She nodded as if she knew the information already before brushing away crumbs from her lap. The more time she spent with them the harder it would to keep up this supposed nobility act.
"I must make quite the sight," she spoke, gesturing to her clothing. His cheeks reddened, spreading all the way up to his ears.
"I would never presume to- I mean you would look beautiful in anything," his words stuttered out before he clamped his lips firmly shut. Annabel couldn't hide the slight muffled laugh or the amusement that danced in her green eyes.
Waving her hand to dismiss his nervousness she stood and turned to the house. Someone had obviously cleaned up the ragged hedges that surrounded but it would still need alot of work. She wanted to ask if he enjoyed the work. Maybe if he needed a hand. But there was a facade to maintain. "Keep up the good work Jack," she tossed over her shoulder, walking back to the front courtyard and front steps.
A single grey tom cat sat on the top step, licking his front paws and methodically grooming himself. "Hello there big guy," she crooned, approaching slowly. He eyed her warily, rising to move before she could get within reach. While he wasn't terrified he definitely wanted to keep a bit of distance. Shame. Annabel adored cats. Deciding to leave him be, she walked back inside, looking forward to dinner, bath and bed.
The following fortnight passed by rather quickly and she maintained the same routine. Each morning she groaned with tired muscles but her ribs weren't as noticeable and color began to return to her skin. And each day Sebastian left her feeling tired, sore, and more than just a little frustrated. It was as if he enjoyed tormenting her mind, body and soul. Which considering he was a demon, made perfect sense.
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