《Project Book》Project book Update



Welcome back to my Update to Arechnocadia and in general Project Book.

I recently picked up on the hints of Neytirix maybe not taking my Email seriously and that I should stop rushing things, when I still do not have a stable framework.

So, I did just that to build a stable Framework, I recently hired a Discord Bot Developer to help me finish my Lore Hub Server to host most of the Events of Project Book including many interesting features coming up very soon.

This Framework does not only reach the Discord Server, but also my website in which I added some YouTube guides to help others find and solve certain problems.

Plus, up there is a new YouTube Tutorial to Project Book or simply a Project Book guide to navigate my Discord Server and find out how to apply to the ginormous event.

From establishing that Project Book does not only feature written Books, but also any kind of Book.

Creating a difficult vacuum to fill, as to where and how Project Book will move into the Future, to find out how and when. I created a kind of Future Plan for Arechnocadia.

This includes not just polishing Arechnocadia, but also finishing some upcoming Projects I have set myself to do.

This includes the Lore Hub Server with its features and interesting stuff, but also the attempt of starting a Kickstarter to rly sell out the thought that I’m taking all of this seriously, I’m aware on how much attention such a thing can gather, so I’m preparing to do a bit more than just starting a Kickstarter.

From finishing every possible Part of Arechnocadia to a clean slate, to just establishing that this Project is not just created out of the crazy inspiration of my mind, but also interesting to people, which enables me to do the only logical thing.


Creating a community, so for everyone reading right now, just google “Arechnocadia” and join the ever-lasting Cult Event that is Arechnocadia, this not only include a major Talk with the genius Mikoschele, who knows a bunch of things, but only understands half of them, to a complete guide on how to accomplish your dreams in easy steps, if you of course shown your worth for the cause.

As let me tell you, I have seen some People out there asking me to make wishes come true, I’m no Fairy Godmother, who can just *puff* your Dream into reality, no no no.

I only do the Logical thing and that is to help people who already have done their Shit, not just thought about it.

Just like how I created the Arechnocadia Prototypes which Include, the:

Arechnocadia Discord Server Lore Hub Discord Server Arechnocadia History YouTube Channel Arechnocadia YouTube Channel Website

Not to forget all the things I did in the background or planned for the Future, which are all valid concepts just not able to be brought to the forefront, as they still need some development to become prototypes.

Now if you are asking where Project Book is in that List, yeah, my mistake it is included just you know, as a Part of Arechnocadia…. Bad representation = bad sportsmanship

Real affiliation to the Prototypes:

Community = Discord Server Project = Project Book Company = Demo on both Discord Servers (also including the new YouTube Channel) History = YouTube channel with (fuck me 31 Videos) Lore = Lore Hub Discord Server

Now there you go completely aware about Arechnocadia and all its prototypes.

I can Link them if you People want to, but that would ruin the surprise.

So, to celebrate I will shorten the upload rate of Project Book.

From 7 Chapters every week to 5 Chapters every Week.


As I’m not smart enough to think about the same thing over and over again and then kinda expecting or creating different results.

Most of my next Uploads will be About Project Book development and the latest Project from Project Book being the Neytirix Worldbuilding.

Both of them will be updated over here every Monday to Friday so look out for it.

Lastly to complain about anything, I could vent about Corona and how my brother got it recently or I just say dumb shit and expect comments somehow.

Yeah, let’s leave it with a comment of good luck or just simply visiting the Discord Server if you are interested in the Project, I’m no man, but over time my Life has kept me on the short end, as if I would die every minute from now.

Just dangling on the edge expecting something to happen only for nothing to happen, it has been difficult on my mental health and my physical health, I have been going strong, but therapy and a good workout routine is badly needed.

Sitting down and looking at my Project developing, but the work of it only increasing with no gain on the side is just depressing and rly exhausting.

Did hire a Bot Developer, who gave new Spirit to the Arechnocadia and Lore Hub itself, very promising, but yeah, I’m no gini to know where the Future might lead us me you and the weird guy stalking you from the door frame.

Good luck with that talk with you soon.

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