《Project Book》It’s me again Wing back from the Dead


mikoschele on 20/02/2022, 23:22


It’s me again Wing coming back from the Dead, It took me 9 Months.

But I’m proud to inform that the First Season of my writing contest/Event/Project can finally Start.

I’m currently going around different Communities and Publishers to Promote my Event.

Last Time we talked about promoting it and about a Relationship between the Project and RoyalRoad.

So, here I’m asking about further questions and insights on your thoughts about this.

I’m open to any suggestions and as I’m quite new to this and any guidance from your part is appreciated.

Admin Wing on 21/02/2022, 08:48


As far as I can tell you started and abandoned the project.

Assuming you are not promoting off-site. As mentioned in the last support ticket:

We allow reader interactive stories, and they are part of the official tags, so feel free to submit the story here. You can also ask other forum authors to join you in writing it.

As for a deeper relationship. While you can post the content on the site, we can discuss this again to see if we can have such a relation only if you managed to prove the concept and interest in it.

mikoschele on 22/02/2022, 19:36

So... I read through everything again or overflew it.

And I need to inform that It's not about an interactive Story anymore, but a legit contest or event in that sense (Project).

The Concept is around how Stories will interact with other stories and how now writers can create consequences trough their words in other Stories. With a Custom Universe in which all Project participant Stories will take part in. With an all-inclusive Lore which is adaptable to any Story and little Details and guides on how to Start. With an Official Discord Server and an application Process with Templates and more to get started. So yeah... A bit more than before. I also am right now creating a new Discord Server in which the one who got the writer role (successfully joined the Project) and can now join and interact over the Project concept of “the influence of stories in other Stories”.


That's why I reached out again, as the concept was there, but the creation of it was lacking, So I took some vigor and rewrote it all into a Giant Project. The collaboration on this Part is more on How I will draw some of your Authors over to the Project and will then let them publish the work with "Project Title" In the title to associate the written with the Project they are taking part in or something like that. But most can just post it wherever they want. Before doing that, I imagine plaining with you will make it easier, as to just you know go hams with it without informing you before.

That’s why the question:

if it’s okay to do that here or any rules are against that if we could coordinate it before it starts.

And lastly you told me that you will think about it when I show off if others are interested, so I'm gonna take it up in the Forum and I'm gonna self-Promote the Project.

You are already familiar with me as I have been on this Site for quite some time 2 Years man that felt longer. And thereby hope you not gonna take any drastic measure :3

Side Note: I'm also thinking about talking with other publishing websites about that thing, (Already talked with a Moderator of Webnovel) and just want to ask if it's okay if it is a more outside Event then an inside one.

(One Event spamming over different websites and Publishers or Authors.) (But that’s just Future thoughts. Hope It explained a bit more on what I'm gonna do right now.)

Admin Wing on 27/02/2022, 18:00

You can invite people to write a "universe" with you. But, please don't invite them to discord, or to links off site.

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