《Tales of an uncommon mind》Chapter 1: Begginning of the end // part 1


Katsuo slowly open his eyes. He tried to look around but can't see anything, it's too dark. He tries to move just to realise he is tied to a chair.

"What happend !? Where am i !?" - Katsuo asks himself. He has some blurry memories, that start to take form.

He remembers everything and feels huge pain in his abdomen. He doesn't feel blood but he start to scream.

"Help! Help! Somebody please help me!"

The door starts to open slowly, and a dark figure of a girl appears in front of the door.

Light comes from the other side, making katsuo's eyes hurt and him to start looking the other way.

"Shut up. Why are you so noisy ?" - Miyako asks calmly.

"Please, don't kill me. I swear i won't tell anybody about this." - Katsuo starts to cry.

"Just wait a little while i think what i am going to do with you. For now, just wait until food gets ready."

She closes the door.

"What am i going to do ? How can i get out of here ?" - Katsuo thinks to himself.

"Im gonna offer her money!" - He feels hope with this plan. He could pay her some money.

After a moment he realizes he barely has money for himself. He doesn't has enough money to pay for his survival.

Miyako opens the door, and turn on the light. Katsuo can see the room now. The walls are totally covered by glued newspaper. The floor has a furry carpet.

Katsuo realises he is wearing a different shirt.

She is holding a plate of food.

"I am going to put this plate on your lap, untie one of your hands and give you a fork. If you try anything funny, i'll kill you" - Miyako says with a serious face and lifeless eyes.


Katsuo is crying in fear for his life.

She unties katsuo's left hand ans gives him the fork. She goes to the door and waits there.

Katsuo start to shake. He can't eat, his hand is shaking too much. Miyako seems to be getting impatient with him. She takes the fork out of his hand, get some food on the shaking plate and says with a serious face, "open your mouth, or will stab you with this fork."

Even though Katsuo is crying, he opens his mouth. Miyako gives him food, and he just throws up at her hand and the floor.

"S-s-sorry! P-p-p-please forgive me! I'll clean it up!"

She looks to him with anger and despise.

"You are such a deplorable creature. You're only worth of pity."

Katsuo cries in silence while Miyako just go away with the food.

"You idiot! How could you do it! I am going to be killed by her now!" - he thinks to himself.

He can hear the sound of the dish beeing washed from outside of the door.

After some hours of silence, he tries to sleep without results. His fear of beeing killed while sleeping keeps him awake.

He starts to feel like he is deteriorating. His stomach is empty and started to hurt, his abdomen appears to be in a bad situation, the smell of vomit in the room just worsens his nausea. He is dying on the inside.


The door opens and Miyako gets inside with a plate of food.

"Are you hungry ? If you don't want it, i will give to some street dog."

He just looks at her with sadness in his eyes.

She takes the fork and gives him food in his mouth. He doesn't feel any taste in the food, but he barely has any strenght left in him.


He just swallows the food in silence while Miyako asks, "so, do you like it ?"

Katsuo looks at him and just mumbles a "yes".

"Great! It means i'm getting better!" - she says without any animosity in her voice.

She feeds him the rest of the food in complete silence.

After some time, Katsuo just passout from exhaustion.


He start to wake up again, with the sound of the door opening.

"Looks like this isn't a dream after all..." - he says softly

Miyako enters with a chair, turns on the light, sits on front of him and with lifeless eyes says "Do you want to live ? I have a proposal to you."

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