《New To This》Chapter Five


I pulled on my jacket and headed down to the kitchen, as usual everyone was already there waiting on me, i forced a smile and sat down, grabbing up some pancakes.

"Morning Dustin, how are you this morning?" my mom said giving me her signature sunny smile.

"Morning mom, i'm good" i answered before putting a pancake in my mouth, my plate had twice the amount than everyone else and non of them seemed bothered by it.

"So hows it going with your football?" my dad said before checking his watch, which made everyone else dot the same.

"Fine, i got to go." i gulped down my orange juice before running out the door.


I parked my car and headed inside where once again like clockwork, everyone was waiting on me, i went into the cafeteria and saw Jax was already sitting at the table, i sat down next to him.

"So you're an early bird."

He looked up from his phone and smiled at me "something like that." he put something into his phone before putting it down "so i hear we got a game coming up."

"Yeah in two weeks we'll be going up against the black foxes Friday night." Seth said pulling Amy onto his lap "this place is getting crowded, anymore players and we're screwed."

Everyone laughed, my phone rang and i looked t the screen, it was Nash, i got up "i got to take this."

I left the cafeteria and went to the side of the school "hey, what's up?"

"Hey babe, come over to my place."

"I can't, i have school and then practice, won't be able to come till later."

"Skip classes and you'll be back in time for your practice." i heard the anger in his voice.


"Babe, i'm sorry but i can't, the big game is on Friday and i can't risk getting in trouble."

"If you don't come here, i'll come get you and i'll make sure to kiss you in front of the school so everyone can see.

I couldn't believe he was threatening me, but he never gave empty threats "okay i'll be there."


I knocked on his door and he opened before pulling me inside, i looked down and saw his bulge, it was three times it's normal size and at that point my face turned fifty shades of red.

"You called me over just to give you a blowjob."

"I tried jacking off but i'm not cumming, so help me out, i don't want to get blue balls."


Muhuhahahaha sorry to all but unless you follow me, you won't get to see or read what goes down here and i promise you, it's way more than just a blowjob, muhuhahahaha, come, my pretties ,come, no pun intended.

Okay so I realized how mean I was being by taking away your sexy pervert time, so I took it off of private so you can just go to chapter six, enjoy.


I rolled over and checked my phone, it was almost lunch, i had enough time to get ready and get back to school for the afternoon classes, i looked back on the bed and Nash wasn't there, where the hell was he? I went out the room and looked around for him, he was no where in the apartment, i turned to go in the kitchen but the door opened and he came in carrying brown paper bags.

"Look who's awake." he looked me up and down causing me to blush. "i wasn't sure what you would want, so i bought everything." he placed it on the table and came over to kiss me.


"I love the fact that you smell like me, but you should go take a shower." i nodded and went off to the bathroom.


I stuffed my sixth burrito into my mouth, god this was good, i needed to find out where he bought these from, i guzzled down some of my coke, god this was filling, i needed the energy after our little exercise and then i had practice this afternoon.

"I'm taking some of these." he simply smiled at me and nodded. "what?" i said with a full mouth, i wasn't sure if he understood me.

"I just find it fascinating how you could eat so much and not be fat or too big."

I swallowed my food "i play football and i never found it appealing to look like the incredible hulk, i mean i like the guy, but looking like him is another story." he chuckled.

"I'm happy you don't look like the incredible hulk other wise i wouldn't have been able to do this." he came a sat next to me pulling me onto his lap.

"Hey i'm eating." he collected my burrito and kissed me.

"You can eat me."

"But you don't taste like chicken." he threw his head back and started laughing.

"Come here smart ass." he pulled me into a hungry kiss.

"Hmm i'd love to stay and finish this, but i got to go." he nodded and i got up grabbing a bag filled with burrito's and two other cokes before running down to my car.


I put the burritos in my locker and headed into the cafeteria, all the guys were sitting there eating.

"Look who's back." Seth said with a mouth full of mac and cheese.

"Hey guys." i dropped down next to him.

"Where were you all morning?"

"Something came up, but i'm here now, where are the girls?"

"They said something about the mall before slipping out." Aiden said stuffing a pizza into his mouth "are you going to eat or just watch us?"

"I already ate."

"Anyways Houdini, you sticking around or are you going to leave again?"

"I'm all yours for the rest of the afternoon."

"Good cause the principle wants to see you."

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