《New To This》Chapter Four


A week had past and there was no sight of the new kid, everyone came to the conclusion that he wasn't coming anymore, i scratched my head and looked down at my test paper, it was official, our teachers had it out for us, honestly what gibberish was this?

The quadratic equation x2 + mx + q = 0, where m and q are real numbers, has the complex root a + bi. Which of the following must be equal to m? A. 2a, B. -2a, C. 2b, D. -2. I stared down at the question before circling b, hopefully my luck was good today, i needed to pass this test.

I got up and went down to the teachers desk placing the paper on it, she looked up from her book and collected the paper, i stood there and waited for her to mark it, that's how it was around here, this fucking school was going to send me to the mad house and i'd willingly go. She finally finished and handed me the paper after taking note of my result, i looked at the paper and smiled, i got eighty five out of a hundred, not bad if you ask me, i went into the cafeteria and had to wait on the others.

Luckily the whole team had passed, i looked and saw Aisha coming in dragging her heels, she had a pout on her face and reluctantly showed me her paper, oh god i had to stop myself from laughing, this girl was the definition of stupid, thirty out of a hundred, honestly Crystal smoked her getting a full hundred, i wished for a moment that i was dating her, maybe it would be less repulsive.

"There going to give me another test, i have to get a fifty or i won't be able to go to cheer camp."


"I'll help you study, we can't go there without our captain, that would be seriously embarrassing." Crystal said from next to Max.


I slid across the ground over the mark, i was on a roll and i didn't want to stop, unfortunately our coach had a bad sense of timing.

"Okay boys take a break!" she shouted from behind the line.

I ran over grabbing up my water and towel from the water boy, i squeezed some into my mouth and dried my face, my heart was pumping and i was dying to get back out there, i needed to let out this energy, maybe Jack would do, i could give him a black eye, too bad for the helmet, but there was ways of doing it.

The coaches phone rang and we saw her answer before running inside, a few minutes later she came out back with some dude walking behind her, he was wearing a black high neck, long sleeved sports top. He came up to me and my brown eyes immediately caught his grey green ones before he squinted them.

"Okay boys, this is Jaxon Riverfield, or if you prefer Jax, we'll stop off doing plays and he'll show us what he's got." she turned to him "ready?" he simply nodded before i handed him the ball.

Max went out and held the ball, i watched as Jax ran in full speed and kicked the ball, it went straight through the goal that was all the way across the field, he was a fucking good placekicker, he walked over to me.

"What else can you do?" i asked him and he smirked.

"Everything." i smiled.

"The new guy has spunk, welcome to the team, I'm Dustin the QB and captain of the Blood fangs." he arched his brow and looked me up and down "what?"


"I certainly wasn't expecting that, but okay." he said smirking.

"What is that supposed to mean?" he shook his head and i had the sudden urge to punch his lights out.

Seth grabbed my hand "easy there tiger, save that energy for the field." i growled at him before pulling my hand away.

"You say you can do everything, prove it." i threw him a red vest, i was going to bust his pretty face up.

A few Minutes later i was positioned behind Seth, Jack tossed Jax the ball and he headed for the goal, me i smelled blood and went after him, within a second i had tackled him to the ground knocking the breath out of him.

"I can do everything." i said mimicking his voice "what a joke." he simply smiled at me.

We took back our position and this time i let Seth go after him, Seth dodged and jumped over some of the other guys before getting close to Jax, he moved to tackle him but couldn't, Jax got past the line.

"Oh you think you're going to get away with that, i'll kick some sense into that head of yours!"

Once again i was able to tackle him, so the next time he caught the ball, Ben caught it and ran for the goal only to have me knock him down.

"Okay boys, that's enough for today, you have school tomorrow and i don't want to get in trouble for keeping you here too late."

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