《New To This》Chapter one



I sauntered through the hallway with my hand around Aisha's waist, she smiled up at me and i decided to smile instead of cringe, honestly they were my only two options and in another time i would've gone for the lather. We went into the cafeteria and saw some kids sitting at our table, they must be new here cause everyone knows it was bad luck to sit in our seat especially if Seth, vice captain of the football team, was around. He quickly moved past us and went straight for the table jumping on it, they jumped and one even dropped there milk on himself.

"Can i please have your attention everyone!" he belted out and everyone turned to look at him " as you can see we seem to have a few new bloods here."

The kids made a move to get up but were blocked by other team mates, Seth pulled the one that spilled milk on himself up on the table "are you new?" he shook his head "then how long have you gone here?"

"A-a y-year." the kid stuttered out.

"So by now, i'd expect you to know the rule around here, when it comes to this particular sitting area." the kid nodded "care to tell me what it is."

"N-no one except th-the schools foot ball players a-and cheerleaders are allowed to sit here."

"Good, then what are you doing here?"

"There was no where else to sit."

"And what the fuck in gods name would make you think that that was a reason for you to sit here?!"


"It's not, i don't give a fuck if you had a broken leg and needed to sit down, find somewhere else to sit or better yet sit on the fucking ground!" and with that he pushed the kid off the table and onto the hard cafeteria floor.


The other team mates, held the other kids and threw them to the ground before making a path for me to pass, i walked along with Aisha, stepping over one of the groaning kids, same time his head turned and within a second he was swept off the ground and punched straight in the nose by Aiden, Aisha's twin brother.

"Watch where you're looking, you little perv!" he nodded before being dropped to the floor.

They all sat down after me, all having their girlfriends with them, each one of them had a certain slut vibe, except for Crystal, Max's girlfriend, she was the only angel among us and even to this day kept her virginity intact, despite dating Max for three years, she had beauty and brains so she could basically get away with it.

"So i heard there's a new guy coming today." Aiden said from across me.

"Oh really what's he like?" Marilyn asked despite having Jeb right next to her, she was blunt about it, loyal was not in her vocabulary and she was going to get what was coming to her, Jeb had a plan that would ruin her very existence, and i wasn't against it, not after all the times she had Jeb a total mess, i was glad he was finally getting back at her.

"I don't know and i wasn't talking to you Lyn so mind your own business." She looked up at Jeb but he just shrugged "anyways i hear coach said he's going to be trying out for the team, this should be interesting."

"He better be good, i don't want to waste my time on some wanna be football player." i said and they all looked at me " i'm not training anyone, I've got other shit to do."


"Neither am i, plus we got the big game coming up, he better be able to pull his own weight or he's out." Seth said from next to me.

"I'm really curious to know what he's like, hey maybe Sara know's." Sara was the class president in charge of everything and knew everything about everyone, also adding to that she was Crystals sister.

The cafeteria door opened and she came walking in with Tom and Betty at her heels, it was as if she read minds and came straight to us " good morning boys, crystal and" she stopped for a bit looking for something to call the other girls "...ladies, how can i help you?"

"How'd you know we needed to talk to you?" Max questioned her.

"A magician never reveals her secrets." she said winking at Crystal.

"Anyways, whats the new guy like?"

"Well to be honest i haven't the slightest idea, all i know is that his first name is Jax and he's transferring from BWS, he should be here in time for class."

With that the bell wrung and we all headed of to class.

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