《Yuuenchi no Koi》3. ~Lunch With a Strawberry Kiss~


~Lunch with a Strawberry Kiss~

When they arrived at the restaurant, the jostling crowds pressed them together as they had not been outside, "Wow, Is this place really that popular?" Kazunori marveled as he looked around from their place in line.

"Of course, it is, its so chic." Rumiko said happily "I've always wanted to eat here."

"Well, I'm glad we could come here. I think I learned something good about you, Rumi-chan."

"But not as much as I've learned about you, I think." Rumi said in a barely audible voice. Kazunori picked up only a few of the words, and made to ask her to repeat herself, when the line moved forward, and it was their turn at the counter.

"Irrasashimase! Welcome to Strawberry Kitchens! What will you have today, honored customers?" a pleasant attendant asked, hands poised on the cash register. He noted that Rumiko never hesitated, ordering a strawberry-almond and pomegranate salad. Kazunori raised his eyebrow.

"I've heard its a really good salad. Besides, it saves more room for desert," she said with a conspiratorial smile.

Kazunori looked at the choices. "Heh, banana flavored pasta with a fruit medley sauce. That sounds way too sweet for lunch. Don't they have other things here? Regular obentos would be fine."

"No, no, no Nori-kun, that's the wrong attitude to take here. You need to savor the flavors." "Rumiko said, admonishing his breach with her finger.

"Geh, you sound like a travel guide," he muttered.

"So ka?" she asked, turning to look at him. "But, you should really order, everybody's getting impatient, you know."

"Why don't you just order for me, then. I'm sure whatever you choose will be great." He said, and meant it. Rumiko looked pleased, and turned around to place her order. He reached for his wallet, and paid the bill automatically, before Rumiko could reach her purse.

"Dame, this is my treat, think of it as thanks for everything you've done for me today." He said, when Rumiko tried to give him half.

"Hai" she replied a little sheepishly. They carried their trays to a table and sat, Rumiko seeming to skip the whole way. Or maybe she was gliding on air. A waitress dressed in candy-stripes brought them water and noted their number.

"Wow, all those rides, and helping Nanako-chan sure made me hungry!" Rumiko said.

"And yet, all you ordered was a salad. With strawberries." Kazunori noted.

Rumiko shrugged. "Well, this is Strawberry Fields you know. You simply must eat strawberries at Strawberry Fields."

"Hai hai" Kazunori said, attempting to wave her off.

Rumiko giggled. "Plus, I have to watch my figure, you know."

Kazunori made as if to look her over. "Your figure?" he repeated with a tone indicating incredulous questioning.

Their food came, must faster than Kazunori would have thought possible, and gave Rumiko another chance to ribe him. "Besides, I knew how big, and pretty, the portion sizes were. Unlike you boys who always think with your stomachs, I ordered just enough to be happy." He noted, though, that she barely touched her salad. Instead, she watched him eat for a few minutes, then giggled again.


"What, is there something on my face?" he asked, reaching up to wipe his mouth.

"Uh ummm, I was just thinking, I've seen a side of you here that I rarely get to see at school."

"There's not really that much to see" he protested.

"You're wrong, today was a different Kazunori somehow." she insisted.

He shook his head again. "I'm no different now than at school." "

"No, really, you've shown a different side of yourself here at the park, which made me realize how much I don't know about you. I'm a little envious of your classmates who sit with you everyday, I think." She countered.

"What is there to learn about me?" he asked, wondering just what direction the conversation was headed. He needed to draw her out, not spend time talking about himself, even from her perspective, so why did he find himself responding to her?.

"You were wonderful out there today, really admirable. Its like you had more confidence than usual. I like that about you."

Kazunori paused, food halfway to his mouth. "Eh? Don't you have me confused with someone else?"

"No, actions speak so much louder than words ever could." She replied promptly. "The way you handled Nanako-chan proved that you're a good person, someone to be counted on. You're such a good friend. I'm glad it was you I ran into at the park entrance." she confided. "I would have felt out of sorts with Ana-chan and Misuru. And Yoshi-kun, well.. I don't think he's the kind to be one-on-one with people Even Yumi-chan agrees with me on that one, and they're going out."

Ah, so one mystery at least was solved. Ozawa-kun was just another friend to her. But 'good friend'? Wasn't that like saying 'only a friend', a way of deflecting any attempt of receiving kokuhaku from him?.

"Say, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Eh?" Coming out of the blue, the question startled Kazunori.

"Oh, sorry, a silly question I realize. of course if you had a girlfriend, you would have come with her instead of hanging with me. Gomen-nasai," she said, trying to cover her mistake.

Kazunori laughed. "Someone like me would never have a girlfriend." he said, almost bitterly. "I don't stand out much in class, I'm not active in any of the clubs at school. I tend to keep to myself a lot too There's nothing about me that would attract anyone's attention. I'm probably a bother to Yoshi and the others, I'm sure they only talk to me out of pity" he said, ticking off an imaginary list of reasons why he would no doubt remain single.

"Nonsense. You're thoughtful, you're kind, you go out of your way to help others. Those are all good qualities, you know." She rebutted. "How could that possibly make you a bother to Yoshi-kun and the others?" '

They're good qualities to have if you want something done. "I feel the same way. I'm always wishing I could be more like you, outgoing and friendly." he admitted.


'Eh, me? I'm not really..." she averred.

"But I always see you laughing with your friends!" he protested.

"You sound as if you've always been watching, Nori-kun" Rumiko said.

He reached quickly for his drink. "But I have been" he said quietly. Inside he was fomenting. 'would she ask such a question, what could she mean by that? Don't get your hopes up, its impossible for her to say yes, Nori-kun. Look at how much fun she's having right now, because she's with a 'good friend', That's all that you are, a 'good friend' How can I ruin a new-found friendship by confessing with inappropriate words, and in such a crowded place? An open, busy restaurant was definitely not the place for kokuhaku. But, where is a good place then', his chiding inner voice cut in.

Just admit that you don't have the courage to confess and let it go. Ozawa will understand -Not! But then, why did you decide you had confess if you're just going to back-out just because you 'think' she won't say yes? Besides, wasn't she giving him an opening to do just that, confess? Why else would she combine questions about a girlfriend with statements about being watched over? And, just because she said 'good friend' doesn't mean she couldn't change her mind. And at least you are a 'good friend'. She hasn't said that about anyone else'. He took a deep breath, and opened his mouth to reply. "You know I..." Nori began.

Just then, the waitress brought over a really large, pink ice-cream confection. "Thank you for waiting. Here is your special desert"

"Did you order this?" "I didn't order this, did you?" They both blurted at the same time.

"Ano, sumimasen, but I think you have the wrong table. We didn't order this." Kazunori ventured.

The waitress frowned, consulted her ticket and then asked. "This is Table Seven, right?"

"Hai" Kazunori answered cautiously.

"Well, then, there's no problem. This is the correct table. Today is Girl's Day at the park, and this table was randomly chosen at this time to receive a complementary Strawberry Kiss. Well then, please enjoy with our compliments. Thank you for your patronage and come again soon!" She said bowing and retreating to the kitchen.

'I'm beginning to see a theme' Kazunori grumbled to himself in his internal voice, 'and it has "Ozawa" written all over it. Don't you think you're overdoing it just a bit?' he directed toward his absent friend.

They sat there and stared at the desert, in all its magnificent largess. Finally, Rumiko picked up her spoon. "Still, it seems a shame to let it go to waste. Itadakimasu!" She took a bite, and immediately placed her hand over one cheek, "Ohhh...its so good!"

Kazunori smiled to see his Rumiko enjoying herself so much. "I'm glad," he said simply,

"Aha. I knew you had arranged this" She pounced on the perceived admission. He tried to fend off her words, but then his eyes,followed by hers, was drawn to the card attached to the plate.

She opened it and read. "Oh wow! Nori-kun, listen to this: "Strawberry Kiss" was created by the famous "Chocolate Confessions" chocolate boutiques especially for "Strawberry Fields". There's even a legend attached: couples who eat it together will be followed by good fortune. Want a bite?" she said, waving the spoon in the air between them. He blushed in response. He leaned over the table to look Rumiko in the eyes. Was she serious? Yet at that moment all the words he wanted to say ran away like water from his mind, and he could only look at her blankly.

"Bleehhh! Just kidding!" she said, sticking her tongue out in the childish gesture copied from anime. Yet, for just a moment, there was something hiding behind her eyes that looked hauntingly familiar to him. "Gomen, Nori-kun, I just wanted to tease you a bit, you seemed so serious for a moment there."

He waved off her apology, even though secretly he had been hoping for a bite. "Well, what next? What other strawberry memory shall we make together?" Rumiko asked as they left the restaurant. Kazunori consulted his much worn map of the park.

"Hmmmm..Looking at the map, the only thing left is..."

" the Swan Boats!" they chorused in unison, causing heads to turn their direction:

"It just has to be boating, after all!" Rumiko continued happily. I just love the feel of the wind against your cheek when you're close to the water."

"Naturally, besides its the only thing we haven't done yet, apart from the Great Berry tour, and that takes almost 2 hours to complete. We'd miss the start of the fireworks if we tried. We'll have to do it next time. Besides, Nanako already gave us the guided tour earlier." Kazunori agreed.

"Oh, but will we have time to enjoy it, considering the time?" Rumiko asked.

"Of course we will, this is our dreamtime, after all." Kazunori replied. Rumiko smiled. He extended his hand. "Let's go," Rumiko grabbed his hand and laughed as they passed benches inhabited by couples and families.

"And here I thought you didn't like being mistaken for a couple on a date, Nori-kun."

"We don't want to be separated, after all. And I never said I hated the thought, only it seems like we're deceiving everybody."

"Nori-kun you're smart and all, but sometimes you think too much." Rumiko remarked.


"Um mmm, that's part of your charm. Anyway, let's have more fun!" They followed the signs that led to the docks and the boats, where the Fourth Strange Thing awaited him.

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