《Spirituous, Earth before Condemnation (Volume 1 Complete)》Volume 1, Chapter 17


A few times Connor came, he spoke to her, but she could not speak to him. Amillia could not even think about what Connor had told her because those who were watching her would then know.

It was…Difficult…Especially when she felt immediately better and felt fuller when he was there.

Just him talking or thinking, even though she wasn’t trying to pay attention, seemed to help her. And that was a reason why it was so difficult, because she wanted to hear him, wanted to talk to him, to see him…

Getting back into the routine was harder than she thought, she told herself that it had not been long that she did all this stuff without any problems and that she was to do it again.

As her watcher went for a daily update on her progression, she just sat down and watched the pretty’s, that didn’t seem to be so pretty anymore.

Suddenly, her arm felt the touch of another, and she looked up to see Cameron, feeling a slight change in his aura…But it was vanishing…

She went to ask him how he had found her, but he silenced her and said, "I cannot stay here, I have to go back. She has been so worried about me and if it's my last trip, I no longer care, this is not how I want to spend my time."

Amillia nodded, she gripped his hand and she closed her eyes.

Her existence had changed…Her instincts had changed…

Now she knew of another path and seeing this one as being something that made her feel empty, she wanted to go with Cameron!

Actually, Amillia was smiling, feeling a nice feeling and one that made her feel lighter! She just couldn’t wait to experience more!

The brightness in her eyes were making things hard for her to see, she was even worried that Cameron had let her go and that she was trapped in some kind of white box.

"It will pass." She heard Cameron say, and it did.

Before, when she had brought Connor back from her world, it hadn’t been like this but…

Looking up at the sun, squinting to its brightness, Amillia could only think that it was because she had been inside a house and that it had been night-time then.

Amillia looked around, there was something that she noticed she had seen before that was near them. It was the see-through door and outside were those brown logs with the funny sprouting green stuff. Amillia realized this place was familiar…That the ‘pretty’s’…Was it that the ‘pretties were of someone’s memories?

Amillia then turned to look on the other side and found her sister cleaning in the corner…

With the sight of her sister, Amillia’s mind filled up with memories.

Having stopped them from coming previously, Amillia let it happen now, feeling overwhelmed.

The human Amillia, was not like the spirit Amillia.

She found that the person she used to be was a lot more…Different…

Laughing, smiling, cheekiness…She really was someone that tried to think the best of everything.


Actually, now that she remembered her memories, she still agreed with herself that her and Andrea were very different, even though they looked very similar.

Andrea was more of a negative, lonesome type person, whereas she had been the complete opposite.

Frowning to memories that felt real, yet unreal at the same time, Amillia put a hand to her aching head.

Cameron, who was watching her and remembering his own remembrance, smiled at her. He hadn’t lost his memories upon returning back to the spirit world, so he didn’t have to go through what Amillia was going through again.

He asked her if it had been worth leaving the spirit world behind, to which Amillia nodded.

…A second chance was better than not knowing, even if she still gets cancer. Being here, being someone that could question, that could act more…Herself, sounded better already.

Right, she was also the twin with more courage. Actually, now that she thought about it, she knew that she wouldn’t regret this decision, she just knew it!

Watching her sister work, Amillia stood there waiting, her sister was in her own little world, like always, and she looked as though she had circles under her eyes.

Amillia couldn't wait any longer though, so she walked up to her sister and put her hand down to her. Watching her look up, her face going from sad to shock, was giving Amillia happiness that she did not recall having while being a ‘spirit’. Already, she felt like this was a great decision!

Andrea had got up, had it known by Cameron that Amillia was really here again and gave her a hug, that reminded Amillia of strength, and she returned it.

Not only did she hear Andrea cry but herself also, and through the haze she heard Andrea say, "I can't believe you're here."

Amillia shook her head, saying, "I know, me either! Cameron just said he was leaving, probably never to return and I took his hand to come too!"

Andrea pulled back away from her and looked past her, "Cameron!"

As Andrea rushed into Cameron's arms, Amillia stood there and just listened. Cameron was saying that he loved her, not just out loud but in his head also. Andrea was just happy that he was there as Amillia could tell by the way she closed her eyes and leant towards him.

It seems that the she had gotten less sleep and Amillia was sure that Andrea felt better now…Although, shouldn’t she be getting more attention!?

After all, she had literally come back from the dead!

"Ah, excuse the interruption but can I just borrow this young lady please?" Someone said, taking Andrea's hand then and walking her away.

“Rude!” Amillia stated bluntly.

Amillia then looked around, seeing Cameron, who was obviously listening to Andrea's thoughts and Amillia heard his thoughts on what was going on. There were a few people around, some not even looking at them but just walking past, and then there were others just sitting there talking to someone or playing with their phones.


Hang on…Didn’t they just come out of nowhere? Where was all the yelling and screaming?

But it seemed that no one was giving them any attention and Amillia looked back to see where they had come from…It was sort of concealed but really, if one was close by they should have noticed two people suddenly appearing out of nowhere!

There was one person though, that caught her eye.

This unfamiliar person looked beyond interested in what was going on with them!

Perhaps…Did he see us?

Amillia turned from his gaze and tried to think of why he would be that way.

Looking back at the unfamiliar person, who was currently looking towards Andrea, she saw then that he wrote something down on a little notepad.

Amillia looked at Andrea, after she had returned from her ‘boss’, and she waited till her face turned to her and tried to get her attention. But, as much as she wanted to know more about her sister getting fired, it was probably a good idea to get Andrea to think of something else…

She got closer to Andrea, and asked, "Who is the man sitting opposite us with crossed legs and a notepad in his hands?"

Andrea slowly looked in that direction, and then looked at Amillia with raised eyebrows, "I know him. His name is Piet, I wonder why he's here…"

No more was said though, as her boss took her away, making Amillia frown.

"Andrea was fired, people were just making it too hard for her boss to keep her here, her boss had also told her that she had to spend a day or two in the mental ward."

When Cameron was telling her that, she understood why Andrea was being taken away by some staff, Amillia had nearly started yelling at them, she'd only just given her sister a hug and she was gone…Only to get fired!

So not cool! She thought, knowing now that Andrea was being admitted into the mental part of the hospital.

Andrea having acted the way she did was only normal!

She was talking to Cameron, hello! So what if he was like a ghost and no one else could see him, she was only telling the truth!

Cameron stopped her from chasing after Andrea and with that she turned to see this ‘Piet’ person looking at her.

Amillia felt like hitting something, she felt like hitting Piet, she had never met him, but he had a bad aura around him and for some reason she wanted him to be the target!

Cameron dragged her along outside and after a minute’s walk, he stopped.

Amillia looked up at him and saw that he wasn't himself, he was thinking that it had been the wrong time and that he's caused trouble.

Amillia had to say something and blurted out, "There was nothing you could have done Cameron, I think Piet made this happen."


Why would I just say that!?

‘I think’, no, I didn’t think at all!

Besides, Piet wasn’t even part of the reason why Cameron was thinking as he was!

Amillia was sure that Cameron was thinking that it was the time that he had left Andrea, after a short time together, of why it was the ‘wrong time’. Then, he was thinking he caused trouble for Andrea, as if he didn’t show up today, she might still have her job…What’s this got to do with Piet!?

Wanting to look at that ‘Piet’ again, Amillia felt like there was more to him and she just couldn’t figure out why she felt that way!

How did she feel like she knew him when she felt like she’d never seen him before?

But it was undeniable, she didn’t like him and that was that!

Cameron looked at her and she saw a picture of a man walking into a garden type area, not only did that place have memories but it was indeed the same man. "Yes, that's him."

Cameron's thoughts took another detour, he was thinking of Connor, which Andrea had quickly told him where he was before she was taken away.

"Ok, " She said, "Let’s go."

…But Amillia didn't move, she wasn't too sure on how to get there.

Cameron was watching her and laughed, he had memories longer then she had hers and went back into the hospital. He showed her his thoughts of some kind of box and then a vehicle, told her that he needed Andrea's keys and they were going to drive there.

Cameron hesitated when they were inside and Amillia could see that he wanted to see if Andrea was ok.

Amillia waited patiently for Cameron to accept that he will come back very soon anyway and followed him through some corridor. He was picturing a past event to remember where he had to go and she saw Andrea showing him the way, while doing so, she was telling him that she hadn't found any records of him while cleaning the hospital.

That’s right, they had three days together, or something like that.

Didn’t Andrea say three days? Oh, and didn’t they say that they had to see Connor’s family as well? Which obviously meant that Cameron had to act like Connor…

Amillia let out a small laugh, wishing to have seen it! She might not know these two twins very well, but it was obvious that they were as different to each other as she was with Andrea…

What else did they get up to in that three days?

Cameron kept walking and turned a corner to the employee’s lockers. He knew the combination, got her keys and started back again but stopping halfway through the corridor to some stairs, which lead to the car park. Through his mind, she saw her car and smiled, it was the same one that they went on all their trips together.

Ah, hello old friend!

…Once they were in the car, they were on their way, heading towards Connor.

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